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Found 17,501 results

  1. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    No, but I did cut back on the amount of seeds (too much fat) and put drained and rinsed white beans this morning. It's definitely a work in progress to figure out what to eat. The bean taste was subtle so I think I will get used to it, and I may add some ginger to cover it. Frustrated to be on day 6 of a stall. My doctor told me I needed to increase my activity level, so I've been going on an hourlong walk and hitting 10k steps or more every day for the past...yep, precisely 6 days. Wondering if there's a correlation, like the extra activity made my body temporarily panic. I'm just trying to ignore it and carry on. The good news is I've had a lot fewer issues with stomach sensitivity this week, so I'm feeling brave enough to try some new recipes and incorporate more veggies.
  2. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The stalls aren't fun. But I've been reassured by the baritastic dietician and doctor that it is part of the process. It's just a tough thing to swallow when the number don't move. Sounds like you need a little rest from traveling. But, I understand work. The past month my sleeping habits have gone sideways. I'm constantly waking up at night. I wear a bipap for sleep apnea. Also have a smart watch that help tracks sleep. My REM sleep has been less than 45 mins a night.
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  4. I was never given any specific goals to meet at any stage. At 3 weeks after my sleeve I was probably eating 3 tiny 2oz pureed things per day. If I was hungry I had a teaspoon or two of nut butter before bed, or if it was earlier in the day a few spoons of Greek yoghurt.
  5. Spinoza

    running or walking?

    I walk a lot and run a little. When I was younger and fitter I was a long distance runner. I now dally with 2-3 mile runs once or twice a week just to prove that I still can. Walking is the workhorse of my exercise regime though. Less chance of injury and totally sustainable for at least the next few years (I hope).
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis The eclipse was so incredible. I went with a friend and my two teen daughters. We were all impressed beyond belief by the totality. But it was a very rural area and the small roads couldn't handle the traffic leaving the area all at once so it took 7 hours to drive home instead of 3.5. I counted myself lucky to get chicken nuggets. Stopping for a real meal (the original plan) was out of the question with the crowds. @Noelle74 The stalls are frustrating for sure. I know I could stop weighing myself daily, but at this point I am enjoying having a record since I do it in a smart scale app. I think it'll be worth it being able to look back later and remind myself of how it went. But I'm at 7 weeks post-op today and would love to see the scale shift a bit before the 8 week mark. I'm only down 17lbs since surgery. I've also had some incidents of throwing up. It seems to be when I eat too fast or don't chew enough.
  7. Bypass2Freedom


    Heya! My surgery is next week, but my birthday is about 3 and a bit weeks after that, so I have been asking myself the same question! My plan is to make everything as non-centered around food as possible. I am hoping to go to an animal experience so I can pet some capybaras, and then just see my family and watch some movies or something! Don't get me wrong, it feels weird that this will be the first birthday in like 28 years where I haven't had cake, but at least I should be feeling happier for the first time in many years! Where I have lost something, I will also gain! Happy belated birthday ❤️
  8. Arabesque


    It’s how we measure total cholesterol & is measured in millimoles per litre. Healthy is considered 3.9 - 5.5. 5.5 - 6.5 is considered borderline. So I’m in the lower end of the borderline range now @GreenTealael. When it first went back to 5 I thought the same thing @catwoman7, my body just settling back into its norm. But now… Thinking it maybe the dairy I eat now which is way more than I had before surgery (before 3 or 4 serves a week now 2 or 3 a day a day). Meat is a little less. Butter is less. Cook more in air fryer or bake in the oven. May be I’m missing something, Or it could be the creons I take to aid my absorption of protein. They maybe changing my fat absorption??? Or it could be not having a gall bladder??? I seem to have more questions now.
  9. @NickelChip Sorry to hear you're being sick and are back to liquids ... that must be hard. But I'm sure that even if you struggle, you've got this . @LisaCaryl I hope you get help with dehydration and that the nausea passes soon. I hope you have someone with you who is taking care of you. Holding you both in my thoughts. @Rae70 Be kind to yourself and your sleeve, take it slow as @NickelChip and @Noelle74 say your sleeve probably needs some time to recover. @Noelle74 The three week stall is the absolute pits, it does end up by passing though. I'm also finding the waiting to drink a total bore and have started setting a timer on my phone for 30 minutes once I've finished eating.
  10. SomeBigGuy

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Don't worry, it will resume. It's your body panicking because of such a drastic change in a short amount of time. The week 3 stall can last for 3 weeks itself, or sometimes more. During that time, your body can still be burning fat, but its retaining fluid to keep around because it thinks you're in a starvation situation and wants to preserve space to replenish the fat cells. It won't let go of that excess fluid and old cells until it knows you're safe, which it eventually will, and it will establish a new baseline weight as long as you stick to it. You got this!
  11. ChunkCat

    Weight gain

    Yeah, very common... I gained like 4 lbs. I was so offended. LOL Then I proceeded to gain and lose the same 2-4 lbs for 6 bloody weeks!! I've just now started to lose a little again. *sighs* Weight loss is not linear and fluid changes and stalls can really play with your mind. Put away the scale for a bit!!
  12. Short update: I had my gastric sleeve procedure done in November 2019. I lost around 85 lbs and then stalled eventually regaining around 50 lbs back and a horrible case of GERD. I had never had symptoms of GERD before my surgery and about 3 months later, I had to begin taking omeprezole daily to deal with it. If I forget a dose I can tell by the afternoon. During the first year post surgery, I lost my husband (not unexpectedly but it DID happen 10 days post-op for me), moved across country from Florida to New Mexico, bought a new house and started a new job. My daughter is 1 year post-op and lost approx. 150 ibs on the DS. l just started the process to obtain a revisional surgery. Will be discussing the benefits of either the DS or ByPass. I had the upper GI completed which showed a small hiatal hernia with evidence of GERD. It also showed mild cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Any suggestions regarding which of the 2 procedures would help with the GERD and to help lose the 130 lbs. that I still need to drop to get to my goal weight?
  13. Arabesque

    Eating too much I feel like

    Everyone loses at their own rate. There are many factors that can influence your rate of loss (constipation, diarrhoea, fluid retention, your body’s reaction to the surgery, starting weight, medications, etc.). Though it can be difficult, try not to compare yourself with others. It will only lead to frustration & feeling you’re failing. You’re not failing. You’ve lost 4lbs in 11 days - yay! Remember too that many nerves were cut during your surgery so messages about feeling full or eaten enough either aren’t getting through or the messages are distorted. It takes around 8 weeks to be fully healed & when your messages start to come back they may be different to what you remember. It’s why it’s important to stick to the portion recommendations you were advised & to eat slowly (takes a good 20+ minutes for a full message to get through when you’re healed). Portion sizes do differ but 4-6oz at 11days seems a lot. My plan was 1/4 - 1/3 cup of food from purée slowly increasing to a cup at 6 months & 3 meals a day. Fluids were just sip, sip, sip, regardless of what I was drinking. So it took me a couple of hours to drink a shake or a cup of soup too. But that was my plan & plans differ. Check your plan for portions & also the foods you are allowed at each stage. I could have cottage cheese at weeks 3 & 4 purées & chili at the soft food stage at weeks 5 & 6. Congrats on your surgery.
  14. I was cleared for everything except weights at four weeks out. I was cleared for weights at eight weeks out. So you're fine as far as timing goes. your weight loss likely stopped for one or both of these reasons: 1) you're in a stall. If so, make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale for a while. You're going to lose weight if you're in a calorie deficit, so as long as you're compliant, the stall WILL break and you'll be on your way again. 2). you're building muscle. Muscle is much denser and heavier than fat. When you gain muscle, your weight can stay the same (or even increase), while at the same time, your body looks leaner. I wouldn't stop with the Body Pump classes, though. Your weight will eventually start heading down again if you stick to your eating plan.
  15. I’ve had a few issues with vomiting when I eat solids. Usually it’s because I made a mistake and swallowed before I chewed or I took too big of a bite. If I concentrate and take it slow I do pretty good. After I vomit though I find I have to do liquids again for a couple meals because I’ve aggravated everything so. If I try solids again soon after I was sick then I’m just sick again. I feel like this will work itself out as I adjust to slowing down and and chewing each small bite 20-25x. A work in progress for sure! I’m definitely getting better at not drinking for 30 min to an hour after eating. I made the mistake of trying to take a drink when I have that stuck feeling and everytime it ends badly. My next post-op appt isn’t until April 11th. I hit the three week stall last week and have only lost a pound all week. I’m hoping before my appt I get past it and start losing again.
  16. I attended a concert last week that was basically standing room only. In the past, I would have been DYING standing for 4 hours, but now apparently I can do it! My feet were a little grumpy with me, and I was a little sore the next day (over 40 here, lol!) but this is leaps and bounds better than it was in the past. Looking forward to seeing how I handle a 3-day music festival coming up this summer!
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

    I don't know why, but something told me to check my weight today. I had no intention of doing it for another week, but because I take Linzess for IBS-C and it pulls water from the body to help with pooing, I thought maybe I was shedding the water weight a little faster. Not only that, but I wanted to see if I lost the 3 pounds from the surgery I had, so I checked this morning. Omg almost there!!! 5 more pounds until I hit my official goal weight!!!! 😁
  18. ms.sss


    i didn't reach my water goals until about 3 weeks post op. protein goals i did not reach until sometime after 3 months..and even after that i reached protein goals maybe 80% of the time i did get headaches weeks during the low water weeks but i slept alot. water def helps with headaches...if it's particularly bad, i've read some folks on here go to doc to administer fluids. i also had a bout of orthostatic hypotension before AND after meeting my water goals (dizzy/fainty from getting up or moving too fast due to low blood pressure)...my doc told me to yep, drink more water, increase my salt intake and exercise, among other things. you are right to speak to your doc, they will advise u properly. good luck! ❤️
  19. ChunkCat

    How Can I tell I’m Hungry?

    One of the biggest adjustments I had to make post op was to eat because I needed to, not because I was hungry. I actually never lost my hunger post op, but in those first few weeks when all you can consume is liquid, it is a struggle to get everything in. As soon as I moved to purees I started eating something every 3 hours when I was awake. Everyone's interval is different. Some can do just 3 times a day, but for me if I got over the 3 hour mark I'd start to get shaky and irritable and completely crash, it was clear I needed food, even if food was just a shake or a protein yogurt. I'm 6 months post op now and this has eased and I can go a little longer, so I follow my hunger cues more now and mostly eat at normal mealtimes with snacks if I'm up late or up early. But in the early months I just couldn't do that.
  20. Marcia91

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I will be 3 weeks this Thursday, it gets better once you get into soft foods. Take it one day at a time, you will reach the point of yummy food again.
  21. I have a total of 4 weeks preop diet. The first 3 weeks, daily, I could have 2 protein shakes, 2 low cal, low fat, low carb snacks, 3 oz of lean protein, and one cup of non starchy vegetables. Also at least 64 oz water. I lost 22 lbs. this last week I can have 5 protein shakes and at least 64 oz water. I’m on day two of that and I have been very weak, shaky, and sometimes nauseous today. Hoping for a better day tomorrow!
  22. This is absolutely normal. Almost everyone experiences stalls multiple times. So many factors contribute. Keep to your programme and you will hopefully be back on track really soon!
  23. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am also 2 weeks but gast bypass. I tolerate almost a cup 2-3x a day. But when i try adding in something new (i pureed som ground beef added to my cottage cheese) overnight i get an awful pit in my stomach and toss and turn all night. Then i have a few morning BMs and feel better. So the following day i do cottage cheese shakes pudding and i seem to do ok. Down 20lbs since surgery but have not lost any weight in 3 days.
  24. NickelChip

    What's to slow?? Is this to slow?

    Yeah, I wondered because my dietician gave me this same goal at my 4 week post-op appointment. She recommended 80g protein and that for now, protein should be about 40% of my calories, which means a goal of 800 calories per day. But she definitely said the goal would be shifting over time. I have an appointment with her next Wednesday and I'm curious what she'll say about my targets now that I'll be almost at the 3-month mark. For what it's worth, I've only lost 22lbs since surgery, so mine has been really slow going. If I hear anything interesting from my dietician next week, I'll let you know.
  25. NickelChip

    Monday Check-In

    Happy Monday! I'm approaching my 4-month post-op mark at the end of this week and happy to say the long stall I had in month 3 is behind me and I'm back to losing at a good clip. I had been worried that it would be a permanent slow-down, but it wasn't. This morning, I hit 60lbs lost since my highest weight, which was almost exactly a year ago when I went back to my weight management team after a long absence and seriously discussed entering the surgical program. I'm going through a patch right now where food is just not at all appealing. Maybe it's the start of the hot summer weather, or just the fact that cooking and eating such small quantities is tedious. I don't know. But nothing sounds appealing and I get a few bites into a meal and really don't care if I finish eating it or not. No real hunger, and the head hunger from the beginning has quieted down, too. At least hydration is going well. I ordered a swimsuit online for an upcoming trip to the waterpark with my kids and tried it on yesterday, size 16 US. It fit! It even looks reasonably good! I'm finally down to a weight I legitimately haven't seen in half a lifetime, and I can finally see the difference more. In the early days, I think I still had a memory of being the weight I was before, like I never fully recognized getting bigger, so losing that weight was just bringing me in line with what I believed I had looked like all along, if that makes sense. But now, at 15 pounds less than the very lowest I had ever managed to get with nutrition and exercise alone, I find myself surprised to realize my silhouette has changed and that I'm looking smaller, or that I can easily sit in a seat at a theater or a booth at a restaurant. 6 more pounds and I will be "overweight" instead of "obese" for the first time in about 25 years! The big challenge coming up is family vacation. We're doing water parks and amusement parks, and the food choices are sure to be dismal. I have no desire to eat the junk food, so my bigger concern is really that I won't get in enough healthy foods over the week. Especially fruits and veg. It's so hard to get healthy food when you travel, and I still get enough issues with my stomach that I've bought some discreet vomit bags to keep with me in case something doesn't agree with my tummy on the road.

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