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Found 1,239 results

  1. The dreaded three week stall! Oy!!! I was sleeved on March 18th, 2013. My pre surgery weight was 230 and surgery day it was 218 and my current weight as of this morning was 194....I had hit my 3 week stall right on schedule but thankfully it lasted only 9 days!!! I am grateful for every single experience that I have had.....even the stall...I am happy to say that I have once again picked up on the weight loss and I only look at the scale 2x a week....!!!
  2. I am between 600 to 800 calories. I was thinking this was too low! Haha I was sleeved 4/23 and have lost 38lbs. I was thinking I was a slow looser. I went through a three week stall.
  3. That it "won't work" I have learned a lot of self control but I still see dumping as motivation to make better choices. I'm worried they will cut my stomach too big and I'll still be able to eat a lot. I've heard people saying that they felt like "they never even had wls". I just don't want to be one of those people. I want to be successful. Oh and stalling. I know I shouldn't be scared of the three week stall because I know it will come but I still worry about it.
  4. Creekimp13

    Not loosing weight and feeling helpless

    Talk to your nutritionist or bariatric team. They can help you sort out a good menu and give you some advice for getting things moving again. The three week stall is so legendary and typical, it has several threads here if you search. Hang in there and try to be patient. You're not alone and it will be ok.
  5. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  6. catwoman7


    it's the three-week stall - right on time! stick to your plan, stay off the scale, and it'll break. Does every time...
  7. catwoman7

    I need a little advice

    I swear surgeons need to tell their patients about "the three week stall". Probably 99% of us experience this. It's not always the third week, sometimes it's the second - or fourth - or fifth - but suffice it to say, pretty much EVERYBODY has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Just follow your surgeon's food plan and your weight loss WILL start up again. This stall usually lasts 1-2 weeks - although I've heard of it lasting 3.5 weeks in a few people. Just so you can see how ridiculously common this is, I did a search on this site for you. 17,500+ posts on the three week stall: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  8. Sherry73

    Valentine's Challenge

    Since this will be my first challenge I am not sure what to set a goal weight at. I lost over 30 lbs the first three weeks and then went into a three week stall. In the last two weeks since I have started losing again I have lost 13 lbs. Anyone have any idea of what kind of goal I should set? Very excited to do the challenge.
  9. Coachdk

    Valentine's Challenge

    CW 240.0....dreaded three week stall (but in my fourth week)
  10. I had 5 cc as well...my first fill they put .2 cc....so now I have 5.2 cc. It helped me not hit the three week stall...thats for sure.
  11. Latrell

    6 weeks post Sleeve surgery

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  12. Relax girlfriend! I was sleeved two days before you and starting weight quite a bit more (247) and right in line with your loss. I think we are doing great! Just let the sleeve do the work, stick to the plan and it will keep coming off. I have had some stall time too, 5 days at one weight, lost a pound and on two days at the next weight... If I was weighing every two weeks I'm sure I would never notice I was in a stall ... I have been measuring now and then too, and have continued to lose inches... have you done this? I have decided to celebrate the three week stall! It just shows we are on the same path as all these nice folks that are losing a bunch of weight with the sleeve. PS my starting weight was two days before surgery, when I started a liquid diet for two days, so really I probably lost about the same as you...
  13. Jb1176

    Stall nine weeks out

    Update. Finally last week I lost 4.5 lbs after being in a stall for three weeks. I didn't change my eating routine or my exercise routine and if anything cut back my walking by half. My lesson learned is to be patient, keep to the program, and just wait out the stall. This was my second stall but it lasted much longer than the typical three week stall I experienced.
  14. Look for posts about the three week stall. Happens to most of us somewhere between 2-5 weeks out. Give it a month or so and see what happens!
  15. Frustr8


    A quicky Poem from me, the Bariatric Poetess Laureate; The Three Week Stall --- Ooh I hate it All --- Please may my weight soon decrease!--- Until then, I will find and comprehend No Peace! The inches are leaving---- I want to keep believing--' The sizes are smaller too--' But Please. Mr. Stall, I do hope you are through!
  16. robinher1


    Three week stall
  17. I'm glad to see this post. I'm in the middle of my three week stall myself. I lost 40 pounds the first two weeks post-op then it's stayed there for the past few days.
  18. I had the three week stall as well, it lasted for about a month for me. I would take a look at maybe upping your protein intake if you can. I had the same issue on getting protein in when I was first sleeved. My doctor said not to worry about it it would come in time, he said to concentrate on my water intake. I would also look at how much sodium you are taking in, because a lot of sodium makes you retain water and most soups are generally high in sodium. I would look at using my fitness pal to log your food most every kind of food is in the database and it will keep track of how much protein, carbs and sodium you are taking in and you configure it to keep track of other things as well. I would not look at the scale every day, because it can drive you crazy. Hang in there the weigh will come off.
  19. incontrol(almost)

    Freaking Frustrated

    i am almost six months out from my surgery date. i never weigh myself at home. i only weigh in at my monthly doctor appointments. i would be so stressed otherwise. i may be experiencing a three week stall right now but i do not know it.
  20. ellemarie

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    At week three I had a three week stall. Then last week (week 12) I started another stall so far nothing is dropping. . My daughter and I did basically the same she is in the same stall as I am, her first one lasted 2 1/2 weeks and this one started a few days before mine. We both gained two lbs, we don' t like it but know it is temporary.
  21. catwoman7

    23 Days After Sleeve

    I was going to say the same thing - it sounds like the infamous "three week stall" (most of us have our first major stall within the first month or so after surgery - it's usually the third week (hence the name), but not always. Sometimes it's the second or fourth week (and occasionally even a little later). The best thing to do is make sure you're following your plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. Stalls usually last 1-3 weeks, although occasionally they'll last a little longer. But it WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. as far as exercising, you might want to check with your clinic for their recommendations. I was allowed to walk (and ENCOURAGED to walk) right away. I was cleared to do most other exercise ( other than weights) at about a month out. I was able to do weights at eight weeks out, I think.
  22. liannatx

    Two week stall?

    A stall is super common a few weeks after surgery. It is so common that it is referred to as the "Three Week Stall" , your stall just hit a little early. It can be frustrating, but if you keep getting in your Protein and fluids the loss will resume!
  23. Kasparkles

    I regret this surgery

    I was sleeved on 8/3. I've hit the three week stall and definitely understand your general frustrations. Yesterday I had anxiety attack out of nowhere. Couldn't breathe, felt like crying. My patience is very thin. The heat is seriously effecting me, and I'm totally weak. Even taking my vitamins and hitting protein. I want to get back to exercising but I know I don't have the stamina for much right now . I'm sure it will get better, but wanted to share so you don't feel alone. I guess this hormone thing is for real. Hang in there.
  24. 4ALongerLife

    Stopped Lossing Lbs

    Do what your dr. says and it WILL come off. There is a common "three week" stall that is so true. You will have many more stalls. Do not live by the scale. Weigh once a week, two times if you are ocd about it. Try to limit that (I'm preaching to myself ok?). But do what you are told - watch protein, get your water in, exercise whenever you dr. gives you the green light (I think not yet for you, but IDK 100% to be honest). It'll happen. Watch!
  25. Mickie0130

    3 weeks out and weight gain

    Could definitely have hit the three week stall. But I'm curious how much protein are you eating a day? Should be between 60-90 grams. Your fluid intake isn't bad. My nut said you have to work up to the 64 ounces a day and she was right. Also how many calories are you eating a day? Do you journal? I HIGHLY recommend it! I do soooo much better hitting my goals when I journal. I suggest you stay away from the scale for two weeks, concentrate on getting your protein and fluids in and see how you do. I stalled at three weeks for two weeks and then i started dropping weight off rapidly. Best of luck to you! [emoji4]

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