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Found 2,865 results

  1. Yep, I do believe that I'm officially in the dreaded 3 WEEK STALL!!! I've been the same weight since Friday. Thank God for this wonderful site, because if I didn't know about the 3 week stall, I would be totally freaking out. I'm cool, it's all part of the process...but. .. WHEN IS IT GOING TO END?????? :-D
  2. Name............Start.............Current...............Goal... ...........To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............233.....................220 ..........13 Osangriared.....252...............252.....................232 ..........20 Skinny_Jill.......180...............180.....................168............12 Sades.............197...............197.....................185............12 kandiceb..........187...............187.....................175...........12 shortgal............183..............181....................175............6 TxArcher..........328..............328......................308...........20 Peaches11........217..............217.....................199..........18 Momto1plus1.....223..............220.6...............210.............10.4 zippykat...........173..............173.....................160..........13 Trixie...............219.5...........217.....................199..........18 Shalee04..........196..............196.....................185..........11 wnt2lose..........219..............219.....................209.........10 plump_princess....215.............213.....................199........14 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239........11 Foofy..............239.5............237.5...................230........7.5 Shalee04..........196..............195......................185........10 The 3-week stall is OVER!
  3. Mulepick

    May sleevers

    Sleeved May 28. 337 start, 328 at operation, 295 now. Total lost 42# including a 3 week stall.
  4. IfICanDream

    5 month stall

    Hang in there! I am 5 months post op, and just got through a 3 week stall. I Cut my calories back to 750, made sure I'm getting the right amount of everything, and avoiding all bad carbs. I'm managed to lose 12 pounds in the last two weeks! Just mix it up, and hang in there!
  5. i keep hearing about the 3 week stall. i am at 3 weeks now and i noticed that the weight isnt coming off. so i guess my question is how long does this first stall normally last?
  6. @@#BirdDog My plan allows for mashed potatoes too. I wouldn't have them too often - but the amount we eat shouldn't impact weight loss (from my perspective anyway). What you made sounds really good! You're right in time for the 3 week stall - so put the scale away and stick with your plan. Congrats on your success so far - 44 lbs is a great loss!
  7. Lila21

    Beginning week 3

    Right there with you on the 3 week stall... we just need to ride it out
  8. great advice... i am 3.weeks out - weighed at my one week appt and that is it. I agree on the fad diets - I did it so much I had to have gallbladder surgery. I am worried about the 3 week stall. i havent exercised much - i have a broke foot. Darn it!
  9. I was 209 the day of surgery, Oct 15th. I am 189 today. I hit a 3 week stall at week 3, and stayed at 193, but just started to move again....finally
  10. I would be willing to bet that a good amount of the 20lbs you lost pre-op was Water weight. Most obese people (myself included) lose big the first week or two. Give your body a break. It just went through major surgery. It's still in shock. Search for the 3 weeks stall. Do yourself a favor and stay off the scale. I did so I didn't drive myself crazy. The only time I got on the scale the first 2 months was at post-op appointments. Trust in yourself and the weight will come off. It's not magic you know. You don't miraculously wake up 2 weeks after surgery and lose 100lbs. You said you are hungry - are you taking an acid reducer? Sometimes the stomach acid mimics hunger. It could also be "head hunger" so watch out for that. I wish you luck. Keep doing what your doing and I"m sure you will do well. I was never one of those sleevers who was "full on 2 oz" of food. I can usually eat up to 6 oz with no problems. If it's a really dense Protein then I am satisfied with less. I have to remind myself to EAT SLOWER, it really does make a difference.
  11. Cher... We are the same My surgery was on Nov 12th... and I'm down 20 as well!!! I am feeling good... still tired and weak... as for Protein I am using the costco shakes too... I also found a great product called "Protein Blitz" it's like a Gatorade... each 20 oz bottle serves 30 grams of protein. You can find it at "The Vitamin Shoppe" or other places like GNC. This week I have stalled :-\ - Don't know if its the "3 week stall" everyone talks about or cuz I started my cycle... (TMI) Double-whammmie Lol o_O Oh well... 20 pounds is a Great start... keep me posted... Good Luck!!!!
  12. Answer: It depends. (anyone who tells you otherwise is lying) It all depends on your level of activity, total caloric intake, Protein intake, hydration level, individual metabolism, and frankly, a whole lot of "I'm your body and I'll lose more when I damn well please." Don't get discouraged. The 3 week stall is a rite of passage. You're one of us now.
  13. Surgery was 11/25/16. Lost 53 lbs before and after combined. I had a 3 week stall and seem to be in another one now.
  14. yes i think youre right. i actually did this with my 3 week stall a few months ago. i think thats a good idea. i will check on monday again. thanks for reminding me!!!
  15. Kindle

    I'm driving myself crazy

    Yes, you're weighing every day. Stop doing that. Seriously. You won't have any stalls if you don't get on the scale. I stepped on the scale about 6 times in the first 3 months, so I never had a 3 week stall. The scale didn't help me lose 100 pounds. I did that by eating healthy, drinking water, taking my vitamins and being active. That's ALL you have to do.
  16. Ended at 210.8. Met goal early, then stayed there (in the midst of the dreaded 3 week stall). Still happy with progress! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. fromsleevedtome

    June 2015 sleevers

    I was sleeved 6/20 and I am down a total of 31 pounds. I have been in a stall for the past 2 weeks. I knew the 3 week stall was coming, although I had hoped it wouldn't last this long. Hopefully I'll be able to kick it soon.
  18. I am getting extremely frustrated. Please let me know if this experience is unique to me. I am 2 weeks post op, and I have not lost any weight in the second week. I know there is a 3 week stall is it possible to have a stall in the second week. I am not getting consistent information from the surgeon about my nutritional requirements and I am concerned because I am not feeling restricted on liquids and maybe I am over doing it. I was not having regrets, but I am starting to now. Also, I am able to start purees tomorrow and not sure what I can and cant have. I have another weird situation. My primary care doctor is the director of a nutritional and weight loss program. I got cleared for surgery by his nutritionist, however she does not specialize in bariatrics. Now I need a nutritionist that does specialize in bariatrics, and the one recommended by the surgeons office says she cant treat me because I did not do the initial evaluation with her. I am at a loss because I don't know what I should and should not be doing. My surgery was uncomplicated, however getting information I need to be a success has been very complicated. My doctor's office has given me contradicting information both pre and post op, and I am beyond frustrated and in tears. I want to be a success but all I see is failure in my future. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  19. MacMadame

    My Scale Won't Move, Help!

    Two weeks is about right for the 3 week stall. I actually know people whose entire weight loss went in two week chunks. They'd lose for two weeks, then stall for two week and repeat. That would have driven me crazy! Whenever mine slowed down, I would look at my logs and there would always be something in there I could improve... drink more Water, consume more Protein, exercise more ... so I'd do that and it would pick back up again.
  20. This is the one I was thinking of (especially for the "3 week stall"), but I'm sure there are others. I know Alex wrote one, too and I think it's in the Magazine section. http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.U7I2Stq9KSN
  21. I am on a 3 week stall right now and am trying to stay positive. This last weekend while working out, my work out pants fell down...my husband thought it was funny. After a bit I had to smile too.
  22. I was eating about 600 calories per day 6 weeks out. You're doing fine as long as you are getting in your protein/fluid requirements AND making sure your daily carbs are LESS than your protein intake. For example if I made it to 75g protein I could indulge in about 40g carbs. It worked great for me and my NUT was the one who said to just make sure your protein is higher than your carbs. Everyone is different so please speak with your NUT to make sure you are okay. Also another good thing to keep in mind is that if you're working out every day calories shouldn't be a major concern. For example I would eat 600 calories and burn 400 at the gym (BAD Idea!! I put my body into starvation mode and had a 3 week stall until I eased up on the workouts). Sorry this is so long lol. Hope this helps! HW: 299lbs SW: 268 CW: 220 Surgery date: 12/14/16 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Arabesque

    Blah...my first stall...

    We call it the 3 week stall but it can occur earlier or later. Think of it as your body needing to take a breath. It’s been going through a lot. It’s like your body shutting the door & pulling the covers over its head just like you might like to do when stressed or anxious. And yes, just stick to your plan, let your body do what it needs to do & you’ll start to lose again. Just remember it may take 1-3 weeks.
  24. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    12 Days Post Op

    Yep - me with my bypass. Almost 20lbs down in first 9-10 days, then nothing. Nearly a week - it just started moving again. Lots Of posts here on the 3 week stall. Seems like Our is a little under 2 weeks. Have faith - it will come right if you are following the plan!
  25. DrmBig4Evr

    Scale and Motivation Stuck!

    Completely normal, search 3 week stall, you may not technically be 3 weeks, maybe a little more, but still applies. Stick with it! Also, check your inches!

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