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Found 2,865 results

  1. Little Kansas Kitty

    June 2018 losers bench

    You're doing awesome! I just returned to work too. Lots of left side pain and I hit the 3 week stall. So glad I knew about it so I can make it through this week and hopefully begin losing again.
  2. Little Kansas Kitty

    June RNY buddies?

    For sure take those softeners!! It won't do you any favors to be constipated. I had a little set back over the weekend with a stomach bug or something. I had to get some IV fluids to catch up, but otherwise all is well. I agree on the stool softeners! I've been taking them daily and have had 3 BM's in 2.5 weeks. Awesome job on the weight loss @New challenge! @Hal711 - I'm so sorry about your stomach bug. Glad you were able to get fluids and seem to be back at it again. 3 WEEK STALL - who has experienced it? I've been sitting at the same weight for 4 days. Daily weigher still. I'm sure that will change over time.
  3. Three weeks post op, I went on my first business trip. It was a big wine and dine event, and then I stayed the weekend over, laid by the pool. I drank each day, beer, wine and/or Mai Tais. But I logged everything, and averaged over those 7 days, 700 calories a day. I came back and in the week since I had last weighed myself I gained more than 2 lbs. Now, it could have been the 3 week stall, it could have just been restaurant food vs. the very basic food I was eating at home. It could have been the transition to "real" food. It could have been 700 calories vs, 400 calories I was consuming prior. But it could also have been the alcohol (and mixers). Those were purely unnecessary calories I was consuming. Honestly, I was pissed at myself. After that point I have had the very occasional glass of wine, but I am determines that I will not be consuming liquid calories going forward. I want this weight loss too badly to sabotage it. This has been an awkward and challenging decision. I do a lot of entertaining in my job. My industry and my company have a big drinking culture. I also miss a nice glass of wine with a good meal. But if I'm willing to undergo surgery to remove most of my stomach, I'm willing to make other sacrifices to get this weight off.
  4. I am 19 days post op. I started the puréed phase this week. I had lost 31 lbs prior to starting this phase. I’m following my guidelines to the letter but have not lost an ounce since. Maybe this is the dreaded 3 week stall I have read so much about. It’s very frustrating! I probably should just put the scale away. Any suggestions or advice?
  5. magpie26

    one week post op weight stall

    Like the others said, don't worry, your body is like WTH?! It takes some people longer to lose, or there can be a "dreaded 3 week stall" it happened to me at like 2.5 weeks, I've had 2 stalls in my 10 weeks out. I put my scale away and weigh myself once a week, if I have self control. I gained 10 pounds when I came back from the hospital. I'm now 10 weeks out and 49 pounds down (my clinic counts the 2 weeks of your pre-op diet, so technically 12 weeks) All of you new post op and soon to be post op will be fine. If you search here you will see people concerned about this probably once or twice a week. I know I did.
  6. I feel your pain on trying to find something that checks all the boxes: -Low Fat -Low Carb -Low/no added sugar -Low Calorie -High Protein -Low Sodium I use the Gardein meatless options for my staple freezer food. I always keep something in the freezer as my "go-to" meal. It's hard to always shop fresh and eat fresh all the time. I'm usually pretty good, but everyone needs something that is handy and doesn't expire in a blink of an eye. As far as your weight loss is concerned, you are probably at the infamous 3 week stall. I would consider increasing your calories here soon, you say 450 (without protein shakes), but how much with the shakes? At 4 weeks I was eating close to 800-900, and at 6 weeks closer to 1000-1200 probably. For me, I didn't break my stall until I increased my calories. Also, you are exercising, which would be another reason I'd increase my calories. I always suggest to folks on a stall, to make sure they are logging all food consumed.
  7. Buonnatale

    I feel so down

    I lost nothing for a week post op. As a matter of fact, Im pretty sure I gained a lb. i went to my one week appt and cried my eyes out when they weighed me. The doctor explained that it will come off... the following week I was down 10 lbs and have lost 25 lbs post op so far...now Im at the dreaded 3 weeks stall... Believe me, I know its hard. I told my husband that I wish I could fast forward to a year from now lol.
  8. I am coming up on completing 3 weeks post op. I have lost 14 pounds since surgery. My biggest drop was week one and it has slowed to a stop this week. I have not increased my calories. I really don't want to be that 1 pound a week person when I was hoping for 3-4.
  9. TakingABreak


    I third Creek and Matt's advice, increase your calories! You are already working out, which means you are burning on top of eating so little. I had the 3 week stall as well, and I didn't start losing again until I increased my calorie intake. When I started working out, I was taking in approx. 800-900 calories per day, and burning approx. 500. Now, I burn 600-700 per day and eat upwards of 1200 cal per day. I also have PCOS, but haven't had any problems with slow loss. I eat carbs as well. Obviously follow your program, but PCOS is not an automatic "death sentence" for losing.
  10. magpie26

    Longest stall ever

    Don't worry, you'll come out of it. I stalled at the dreaded 3 week stall, then again a few weeks ago for probably at least a week, got back on the scale this past Monday (last Monday) and I have lost 5 in a week. I was so frustrated i couldn't stand it! Everyone here says you go down, then can stall then even go up then start losing again. And you're better than me because i am NOT exercising nearly at all. I've lost 45 since 4/2 10 pre-op the rest post op after 4/17. Transitioning to solids sometimes stalls you too, more waste- more poop, lol! I had to do a stool softener when I started solids.
  11. Meggs11

    Week 2 no weight loss?!

    I am in this same boat now. I lost 10lbs the first week, gained 2lbs back, and have been stalled for the last 6 days. How long did it take before the weight loss started again for you guys? I am hoping that this is just the famous 3 week stall early!
  12. Meggs11

    I feel so down

    Trust me, I am very happy with 8lbs in the first week. But I have been stalled since from day 7 post op to now. I haven't read of people stalling so soon. But I am tellling myself that I am am just getting the infamous 3 week stall 2 weeks early so I won't have to go through it then. Fingers crossed! lol
  13. That 3 week stall is real! I just started losing again yesterday and not a darn thing has changed. I will tell you this, even though I was not losing pounds, I was losing something. This last week I have dropped half a size everywhere (so I’m not stuck between sizes) while the scale was bopping up an down. I’m a daily weigher but I rely more on tracking to keep me honest. Intellectually, I know the scale is not always an accurate reflection of what’s really happening to my body. 🙂
  14. I was sleeved early, 2nd May. I didn't panic when I stalled as I had already seen so many posts by new sleevers being reassured that the 3 week stall (and many others) were normal and that they'll end when they end, I didn't need to do anything different to "fix" them, I just needed to wait it out and stick to my plan. I stalled at 104kg for almost a week from 2.5 to 3.5 weeks post op, and stalled a little last week (am now 6 weeks post op) when I had my period, which I also pretty much expected. As long as I know I'm doing the right thing and following my plan, I know the overall trend will be continued weight loss. I figure the less I can concern myself about stalls, the less power they have to derail or frustrate me.
  15. moondoggie1983

    May 2018 losers bench

    Hi again guys! I’m able to get down some soft foods. Not meat sits well other than slow cooked shredded chicken. I’m sticking to veggies for now. And cheese and yogurt. That’s been all good! Because of my complications, I lost a little over 30 lbs between May 10 and a week ago. Now I’m stalled. Ah the good old 3 week stall! But I’m not freaking out since i lost so much initially from basically starving. As long as I stopped being stalled in the next 2 weeks, I’m ok with it. I’ve dropped from a morbidly obese BMI to obese BMI. Who would have thought I’d be so happy to just be obese 😂 I’m going to do the measuring tonight because all my clothes are falling off. I hope everyone is doing great!
  16. magpie26

    Stall a complete week and this week

    I'm 6+ weeks out. I'm dealing with bad nausea for 2 weeks now. So I've stalled for about 6 days and I'm total lost maybe 3 in ² weeks. I also had the dreaded 3 week stall for about 5-6 days. I'm annoyed because its cutting into my "honeymoon" period! But right now i! I'm having a hard time eating or drinking. But I've lost 39 pounds from my last post op visit until now (8 weeks)
  17. Taoz

    May 2018 losers bench

    Hi All. I had my gastric sleeve back on the 2nd May, so I'm just over 4 weeks post op. I had a pretty good recovery post op. I was so sleepy from the medications I pretty much slept the rest of the operation day. I got sick of being woken constantly overnight be either buzzers from other rooms or staff coming in to check my vitals or give me medications. I was roaming the halls a lot from day 2 to help shift remaining gas, and made a few friends around the ward in my travels, including a lovely lady who had been sleeved 18 months prior and was recovering from her tummy tuck. I had the unpleasant experience of vomiting up my endone tablets twice in the second day, until I realised it was because of all the gas bubbles coming up when I went from laying down in bed for a while to sitting up and immediately taking the endone tablets (being a controlled substance the staff have to watch you swallow them). Once I had that figured out I made the staff come back 10 minutes later after I'd been up for a while any time they wanted me to swallow something when I was laying down. By the second day I was able to drink about 400ml total. By day 3 it was close to a litre over the day (including a fair bit of diluted protein water) and by the 4th day I was getting close to a 1.5L (57oz). I couldn't have any optifast that the hospital supplies (intolerant to aspartame and MSG/hidden MSG) and though I mixed up a bit of my aspartame-free formulite shake I found I couldn't stand it. I made the mistake of eating some of the soups they sent me on the third day, and was hit with a nasty MSG headache-bordering-on-migraine from the next morning. I was also in a lot of pain on day 3 because my IV slipped out of my vein overnight and pumped a tonne of fluid into my arm, making it very swollen and painful for the rest of the day. Because I'd vomited on day 2 my surgeon wanted me to stay in 5 days/4 nights, but by day 4 with the MSG headache I just wanted to be home where I could sleep without constant buzzers and eat/drink my REAL soups made with REAL gelatinous home chicken stock which wouldn't give me headaches. After initially asking staff mid-morning to request permission from my surgeon to release me that afternoon, I then elected to self-discharge "against surgeons advice" at 4pm when my husband was able to collect me. Best decision ever (sometimes you just have to rebel!) I've been doing really well at home until the past few days. I was getting at least 60g protein within a few days, had full liquids for the first 2 weeks post op, then both purees and soft solids in weeks 3-4. I am now onto the period of "integrating regular foods" however I've been feeling really nauseous the past few days (despite not changing anything I'm eating yet) so only made it to about 500 calories yesterday, slept really bad overnight waking with a crappy headache today, and then slept much of today while the kids were in school. It's now 5pm and I've only had 150 calories and 500ml (16oz) liquids. I've skipped my multivitamins yesterday and today to avoid worsening the nausea but will try hard to at least get some protein water and other fluids in this evening. The nausea could even be a lead up to my next impending "period from hell". I've been taking my reflux PPI medication from day dot so I don't think it's a reflux issue. I might even be dealing with fallout from post-nasal drip having only just gotten over a particularly bad cold my husband brought home and gave to the kids and I. Fingers crossed that I sleep well tonight (will be taking an over-the-counter sleep aid) and tomorrow I get back to my regular cruisy post-op experience. I was 121kg (about 265lb) when I decided in February to pursue the sleeve operation, 111kg on day of surgery after 3 weeks of pre-op VLCD and currently at 102.3kg after spending my 3 week stall at 104kg.
  18. BINABINA25

    Spiraling out of control!! Help!!!

    Believe me...YOU ARE NOT ALONE....I'm 4 months out also and lately I've been eating stuff I knooow I shouldn't be eating I was at a 3 week stall now all of a sudden I've lost 6 pounds outta no where...I'm learning eat what I want but just in small portions and KEEP under my calories and exercise when possible. Alot of it is head hunger and bad habits out of routine...but no worries you're loosing great 70 pounds is amazing...I'm only at 58 pounds and I'm happy with that. Stay encouraged the eating binge is a phase I think we all hit so again don't deprive yourself eat just a tad bit of your cravings and keep pushing.
  19. BINABINA25

    Stall a complete week and this week

    Truthfully you're doing great..that's a lot of weight you've lost within 2 months. Stalls are normal, after the stall breaks itself normally you will have dropped 5 pounds out of no where...it happened to me recently...I'm 4 months out, had 3 week stall then all of a sudden I lost like 6 pounds. So dont get discouraged the weight will continue to drop. Look how far you've come and the huge amount of inches you've lost...rejoice in the non scale victories as advised
  20. Taoz

    Am I eating too much?

    are you also getting in your bariatric multivitamins and 64oz (2L) + water/fluids? As others have said, it might be that the processed protein foods/supplements you are having are a little high in processed carbs and not giving you the kind of satiety (and nutrition) that you'd get from things like gelatin rich soups, soft-cooked meats and eggs, or fibre-rich steamed vegetables and porridge (rolled oats cooked soft in water)? I'm adding a 14.5g collagen hydrolysate protein supplement to my morning coffee with a cup of 1% milk, and having half a protein water during the afternoon for another 18g protein, with the remainder of my nutrition coming from my breakfast (2/3 of a serving of porridge), and steamed veggies and soft chicken/fish for most of the rest of my solid foods, and home-made blended vegetable soups as part of my liquids. I"ll sometimes include half or a whole quest protein bar if I'm going to be caught out/away from home for a few hours when I need to eat. Or, you might just be someone who loses slower. Everyones genetics, dieting history, metabolism and hormones are different. If you are doing more exercise you may be building more muscle while losing fat, or holding more water temporarily. I've been progressively losing size since I started my 3 week pre-op VLCD, and am currently 3.5 weeks post op (just finished the common "3 week stall" where I stayed around 104kg for about a week before the scales started moving again the other day). Keep talking with your nutrition team about what you are eating, and how you are feeling, and they should be able to provide you the most practical and suitable advice.
  21. I am one month and one week post op from a vsg. The scale hasn't gone down in a week. In fact, its gone UP by 2 lbs!! I dont know what to do. My calories stay between 4 and 6 hundred, I get my water and protein probably 95% of the time. I've started walking. Any suggestions?? I know people talk about the 3 week stall....but this is very discouraging! Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Taoz

    Week 3 Standstill

    the 3 week stall is really common, often hitting at the point you move up to purees or soft solids (I'm in it myself, have been at 104kg for almost a week now) and it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong. You're body is likely still shrinking and re-adjusting to the massive change from the surgery, and still working to heal your stomach. I still weight myself every morning but when I see the same number I just say to myself "nope still in this stall, will check again tomorrow" and move on with my day. If you are following your plan your weight loss will resume as soon as your body is ready for it. If you have a search here you'll find SOOooo many people post about stalls hitting, many at the three week mark, worrying that their surgery is failing (or that they are doing something wrong). Chin up and keep kicking those old junk-food cravings to the curb. It's a life-time mental fight against old habits and old food-comforts but it is WELL WORTH FIGHTING FOR YOUR HEALTH. You can do this! *hugz*
  23. Thank you so much. I'm in the healthcare field and this was the first explanation I found that really seems to match what I'm actually feeling. My surgeon does seem to know about the 3 week stall and she is very sweet but she is still relatively new to the field (though a lot of her colleagues seem to really like her and I love her too) so maybe as far as her patients go, most don't have issues until the 3rd week? I've been exploring the forums and online too and I have started to see a few 2 week stallers tho definitely more 3+ wks but the science does make me feel better so all I can do is keep pushing forward. Thank you!
  24. Sleeves on Jan 3rd Starting weight 257 Current weight 197 Goal weight 165-175 I just came out of a 3 week stall and lost 5lbs this week. I’m still having some trouble with spasms and take meds before I eat. My vomiting after meals has finally gotten better. I’m lifting weights and trying to remember that my weight loss will be much slower now that I’m building back muscle. But being in a size 10/12 pants again is making me really happy. I’m 5’8 and was most happiest with my weight when I was 165, but now that I’m 40 years old, I think 175 would be a great goal also. My doctor thinks I should have a goal weight of 150. If it happens it happens.
  25. You're doing just fine. Some people don't feel "true" restriction until they start solid foods. Liquids and mushies can slide right through the sleeve. Wait until you eat your first egg or meat. You'll feel it. The stall is utterly and completely normal and happens to 98% of us 2-6 weeks post op. It actually has a name...."The Dreaded 3 Week Stall". It mostly happens around week 3. Try not to stress and concentrate on protein and fluids. Stay off the scale for a month. You'll be pleasantly surprised when you get back on.

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