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  1. Products that are sugar free using many forms of artificial sweeteners and also products using natural no calorie sweeteners such as stevia should be fine and should not cause dumping syndrome. I am 3 years post-op RNY gastric bypass surgery. I strictly avoid processed sugars. I have a sweet tooth and that is one of the major causes that contributed to my weight gain over my lifetime. I limit myself to artificial sweeteners (such as Splenda and sugar alcohols), to natural low calorie sweeteners (such as Stevia) and to the natural sugars found in fruits and milk. I had diabetes. That went into remission when I left the hospital two days after surgery and I have not taken any diabetic medicine ever since and my blood sugar levels are good. I test my blood sugar levels periodically. I read the labels of all food that I consume. I look at the grams of sugar per serving. If it is above 5 grams, I look at the ingredients. The ingredients are listed in order by highest percentage, and if the first 5 ingredients contain processed sugar (in any of its many forms), then I avoid this food, like a plague. The sugars I avoid are sucrose (table sugar), fructose (honey), dextrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), cane juice, evaporated cane juice, agave, molasses, corn sweeteners, brown sugar, barley malt, beet sugar, and pure maple sugar.
  2. Surgery is one week away, thank goodness, and hurricane Matthew is approaching on FL coast's. Not having to evacuate, but usually, drink during these type of events. No alcohol this time. Staying on track. Ready to get this done and move on. Did not have to worry about getting perishables because have Protein shakes for pre-op. Btw, does anybody else suffer with gi problems from the unjury shakes? I have never been lactose intolerant before, but do not really drink milk either before. Anyway thanks for letting me vent. Hoping me to get some rest before the storm lands. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. iloveorganicmilk1

    BMI of 21 getting gastric sleeve... thoughts?

    You know that I could very much easily lie about everything you just asked me about. Right? Cuz answering those questions doesn’t prove anything really. But if I told you the truth, I got my lap band surgery in March 2015 in South Korea. Korea has different cultural views regarding weight so I was accepted as a lap band patient. I was in Korea because I was taking a semester off from college because my eating disorder was really causing me a lot of stress. I started out as 139. Believe it or not there are many patients much lighter than me who have gotten the bad. My surgeon takes extra care in making sure lighter patients lose weight extra slowly to not cause any harm to our health. I lost steadily at a rate of two pounds a month until I got to my lowest of 108 pounds. I came back to the states to finish my last semester of school. Because I don’t have a doctor in the states where I can get a fill, I got a slightly tighter fill than I would have gotten normally because I probably wasn’t gunna get another fill until next summer. Everything was smooth sailing after my surgery. Quality of life improved IMMENSELY. I was soooo happy with life, just feeling normal and in control of my life again. However, during labor day weekend I was in Michigan back home ( my school is in Chicago) and I was out having adrink with my friends. Some of my previous meal was still in my pouch so the alcohol that I drank wouldn’t go through. I started to salivate, get red in the face, tear up etc. so I had to go throw up. When I threw up, for the first time ever, I felt an extremely sharp pain in my stomach and I started to get rolling waves of intense pain all through that night. Now listen, I was back home just with my dad ( cuz my mom and brother were still in korea) and my dad DOES NOT know that I have gotten the lap band ( he would think that I am CRAZY). So I didn’t’ tell anyone and thought that the pain would subside the next day. I had to drive back to Chicago the next day for school. As I was driving back, the sharp pain intensified to a point where it was excruciating for me. I didn’t know what to do. I was 2 hours away from Chicago so I called a bariatric surgeon in Chicago (from google) and told him my situation. He told me to drive to the west suburban hospital near Chicago. So I drove two long hours where I was finally able to get my band completely drained. I still had pain so I had to spend the night at the hospital. The total of the bill that night was roughly 13000 dollars. The reason why I’m saying this is because I then realized that maintaining my band in the states was gunna be extremely difficult. What am I gunna do if this happened again? Get another 13000 dollar bill?!?? And fills in America are SOOO expensive. In korea a lap band fill is about 30 dollars with a free upper GI with every adjustment. You know that x ray thing where you drink barium and costs a fortune in America? Well that comes complimentary with your fill in korea. Because I travel back and forth from the states and korea at months and years at a time, I realized that the lap band will be not effective for me. And mostly I was scared that the pain would return from the band if I got it filled. Out of fear and desperation that my life would return to that out of control, binge-eating state, I have thought about getting the vsg. I talked with my surgeon back in Korea and surprisingly found out that a very small number of low bmi patients have gotten the vsg out of their own personal reasons as well. My surgeon explained to me that although we are very rare cases, that vsg has been successful and have also improved the quality of life for those who have gotten it. Anyways. I’m flying off to korea during thanksgiving break to have my band removed. After coming back to finish my finals for school, I’ll be flying off again in December and getting my sleeve on the 26th. The reason I posted this post was to hear some thoughts that experienced sleevers had because you can never do enough research about such an important decision like this one. The reason why I chose not to reveal the name of my surgeon is because I was afraid that ya’ll would look him up on google and write him terrible reviews and send him hate letters, because he REALLY doesn’t deserve that. He has been so compassionate and understanding about my situation that he realllyy doesn’t deserve any of the negativity. He is board certified. In fact he is considered one of the top bariatric surgeons in Korea, even a professor in the field of bariatrics at a prestigious university in South Korea. He is like a celebrity surgeon, appearing on TV often and such (I’m not saying that just because a doctor comes on tv they are good docters… all im trying to say that he is not in the least sketchy at all lol) NOW as you wanted to know the pricing of everything. I paid $8500 for my lap band I’ll be paying $4000 for the removal of the band and $8500 for the sleeve. Everything was self pay. Anyways that’s everything, bare and naked. You can take it or leave. I’m not here to prove anything. I just didn’t want ppl who honestly gave me frank and good advice thinking that I was some liar writing this post of my own entertainment. Anyways thanks for reading
  4. sgc


    It's ok to enjoy a slice of pizza. I don't completely deny myself having food I like. Many people eat pizza and don't become obese just like many people drink alcohol and don't become alcoholics. I usually reserve Saturdays for when I eat something totally off the diet. One week it may be McDonalds Breakfast burrito, or a slice of pizza, or some nachos from Taco Bell. I used to eat four breakfast burritos and an order of hashbrowns. Now I eat one burrito. One burrito has 300 calories and 12 grams of Protein so I'm not exactly ruining everything. If you have two slices of pizza a week you'll be fine. My past weight lose experiences always failed when I would deny myself the food I really liked and then would finally breakdown and just start consuming it everyday. I at least know now I can treat myself once a week and when I do, I can't eat as much of it as I used to.
  5. 2twinkle

    Its an ulcer!

    Just got back from Mayo last night. I've been having what I thought was gastric reflex, which started at about 6 months post op. So I did antacids, prilosec, ranitidine, and baking soda. I am really not doing anything that could cause it, no alcohol or drugs, no caffine, no eating before bed (well OK, very little), no smoking, no chocolate. At my year visit, the nut wanted to either put me back on prilosec for a month, or scope me. I said "Scope me." They did and found a slight narrowing at the base of my pouch. Then they did a contrast upper GI which was fine. Then they did a contrast lower GI which was fine. Then they decided to stretch my "narrowing" and go further down the GI with scopes. Turns out I have an enormous ulcer just below my pouch. The swelling around it was causing the narrowing they had noted. I saw the scope video yesterday and it was scary. But, they assure me, fixable. My symptoms? burping, and gas, burning sensation, Low meat tolerance, Waking in the middle of the night with intestinal discomfort. So now let's get me healed.
  6. I don't quite understand though... if the sleeve does not stretch much (or so i have heard) how will I be able to binge? it just doesn't seem physically possible Slider foods can be eaten in large quantities, such as ice-cream, chocolate, cakes, biscuits, chips etc. Also,even though the sleeve does not stretch, after it is completely healed (6 months) the hunger and capacity to eat more returns. If this is not controlled through strict portion sizes, like 1/2 to 1 cup max at a meal, the weight will come back on. Put "Weight gain" or "Regain" in the Search button, and you will read stories of people who gained or even regained weight. Another slider food/drink is Alcohol, full of sugar and calories. I can't give you scientific explanation why people can eat more after the sleeve, but it does happen if they stray from the diet guidelines. As someone mentioned earlier, yes you can eat around the sleeve. I can have a big bowl of ice-cream now, being 7 months post op. I can certainly eat more now. Some foods I had issues with early post op, I am fine now. I choose to eat healthy, because I want to reach my goal, and maintain it. Show me a person who binges on Protein ..... As far as I know, the binge foods are sugary, fatty, sweet and salty carb processed foods. Easy to binge on after sleeve as well.
  7. My surgeon says no beer ever again because of the foam. A lady in my support group tried a beer several months after surgery and regretted it, very painful. But many people here seem to be fine with it. I can't imagine drinking a beer or wine or any alcohol slowly. Yuck. You gotta need a buzz bad to enjoy warm booze. Gross. Sent from my Nexus 6P using the BariatricPal App
  8. I run a drug and alcohol facility. You are at risk for developing a compulsion to use since you are trying to manage a compulsion to eat. I see this all the time. You are at risk. If it's not a priblem.. it should be easy to walk away from it. Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  9. I am in the pre-op stage of this journey. I held out on anything surgical for years, saying I would save it as a "last resort." I guess my last resort has come. I think my years of yoyo dieting along with the "on-again-off-again" exercise routine has brought me to this point. I keep telling myself, "I'm a lifetime Weight Watchers member - I SHOULD be able to do this without resorting to WLS." But that "SHOULD" doesn't seem to happen anymore. I was in my 20s when I lost weight with Weight Watcher and in a very different situation. Now I am 50, I'm a ten-year recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I quit all forms of nicotine seven years ago. I am an emotional eater at the very least, even a food addict, so WLS is the next step of my recovery. I am nervous about this step. I know that WLS is a tool to fix my hunger, but it won't fix what's between the ears. While I am a fan of 12-step recovery, I am not a fan of food-related 12-step recovery (I've tried them.) I am planning to work with a therapist, as I know I need cognitive behavioral therapy when it comes to food. I'll also be seeking some bariatric-related support groups like this as well as face-to-face if they are available in my area. Sometimes I find myself thinking - why haven't I been able to do this without surgery - I am permanently altering my body which seems so severe - what if I get this surgery and nothing changes - what about the gas and the pain and the diarrhea and the hair loss that I've read so much about here - what if surgery causes irreversible damage - Will I be able to consume all of the Water and Protein needed - Will this be sustainable for a lifetime - Will I be able to extend my life and my QUALITY of life - Will I be able to lose the 100+ pounds I want to lose - How much damage have I done to myself already, will it be reversible - How much sagging skin should I expect But while I worry about all of those things, I remind myself of all of my WHYS - I want to feel better and be more active - I want to avoid type II diabetes and stop taking Metformin (I already have high-normal blood sugar) - I want to lower my cholesterol and stop taking Lipitor - I want to lower my blood pressure and stop taking lisinopril - I want to be active with my son (he's 14, rail-thin, and super active) - I want to live a long time for my son - I want to be more active with my partner (she is also in recovery, overweight, and she and I will have WLS together) - I want to reduce the pain in my joints from carrying this heavy body around every day - I want to go to baseball games and concerts and broadway shows and fit comfortably in the seats - I want to be able to tie my shoes effortlessly again - I want to be able to reach fully around my body to scratch my back or clean my back - I have hampered that ability with my size - I want to fit on the rides at the fair or at six flags again - I want to zip line and horseback ride with my family on vacations - I want to get back on a jet ski and not have to fear whether or not I can get back on it if I fall off - I want to fit in normal-size chairs and booths again - I want to climb a flight of steps without getting winded or causing agony in my joints - I want a "pep in my step" again - everything feels so cumbersome right now - I want to fit in a coach class airplane seat again without overflowing into other passengers seats - I want to fly without the need for a seatbelt extender Most of all, I don't want to die to young like my mom did. I lost her four weeks ago--heart disease ultimately took her but there was so much more that led to her death. This loss has been devastating and it think it's my tipping-point. Mom was only 76 and she's gone way too soon. My sister and I said for years now that she might not live to see 80. But it was still a blow to us. Mom lived an unhealthy lifestyle for decades and developed weight-related diseases and impediments. I think she set the example for me of what NOT to become. However, I am on her path right now. I live a sedentary life, I eat too much of the wrong things and too much food in general. Fortunately, I quit smoking years before Mom did. But it's not enough. I MUST change or I fear I will suffer her fate. So that brings me to the present. I'm nervous, I'm excited, and I'm ready for a lifetime change.
  10. catwoman7

    Breath Mints ?

    I used Biotene a lot after surgery, too. I'm not sure about breath mints right away - but check with your surgeon's office - they may be fine. I use them now (several months out), but the sugar free kind. The sugar alcohols in sugar free products bother some people's digestive systems, though (not mine - but a lot of people), so start slow just in case (like - one tiny mint...)
  11. blizair09

    I want to get drunk.

    That is a tough situation. I have loved bar hopping and going out since I turned 21 in college. (I'm 40 now.) Alcohol and food have been the centerpiece of my social life for almost 20 years. I started my six-month pre-op diet March 21. Three times over the next month we had company come to or through New Orleans and visited us and each required "going out" in one way or the other. By the third one (mid-April), I was trying to save the calories for the boozing so that I would still come out to about 1500 calories (my daily goal at the time). Not only did I get sloppy really quick because I had nothing in me, but the hangover was beyond hellacious and I had no way to combat it (no carb heavy foods, no grease, no hair-of-the-dog -- no nothing). So, I made the decision to cut alcohol out on that horrible April morning, and I am here almost six months later and still haven't had any. And I lost 100 pounds pre-op. Am I going to give it up forever? No. I hope to be able to integrate the occasional drink back into my life around mid-December. But during this time, I have tweaked my social life where alcohol is not at the center of it all. We've been out dozens of times to concerts, shows, bars, Bourbon Street (unfortunately), you name it. I've enjoyed the people and the company and haven't let my temporary-alcohol-free-status keep me from having a good time. You are an adult and can do what you please. This is only my experience. I HAD to let it go to move me toward my goals. But for an ex-man child, fraternity guy who lives in New Orleans' French Quarter, if I can do it, anyone can.
  12. *susan*

    Alcohol after WLS

    Wow, this is a tough one for me to respond to, but, I am going to be honest. It can be a very slippery slope. As many have already said, I too became a total lightweight after surgery. But, my real problem came in that I began substituting alcohol, White Russians, to be exact, as my choice of "comfort" instead of food. Unfortunately, that led to some major weight gain for me, nearly 40 pounds,which I am now working very hard to take back off. At six years out, it doesn't come off as easily as it did in the beginning. I am lucky now to lose a pound a week, which is quite frustrating. Now, I am drinking mostly Water 24/7. I will have an occasional drink, but for me, I have learned it is just not worth it.
  13. AnA92212

    Alcohol after WLS

    They tell us not to drink for several reasons. One is because alcohol contains calories and we shouldn't drink our calories. Two, we are lightweights. Three, most of us were overeaters. If you haven't found a way to deal with why you ate your feelings then you are trading one addiction for another. I am almost 18 months out and still no alcohol. Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  14. I have been plateaued right around low to mid 150s for months. I have been letting bad things creep into my diet. A couple bites of potatoes, mac & cheese, some alcohol, a little rice, hit the vending machine at work for a candy bar and what was once only occasionally is a bit more constant. I haven't really gained but I have not been losing. I have not yet hit goal and I am 20 months out from surgery. My surgeon's goal for me was 130 pounds. I can do this. So Sunday morning I was at 157.6. (I had female surgery on Friday so I spiked a bit due to the IV and sodium chloride they loaded me with). I had been hanging more like 153-156. I went back to a couple of protein shakes a day and protein/veggies for dinner. I had 1 egg + spinach & tomatoes for breakfast and a cheese stick on the way home from work. I am now down to 152.6. My mom is coming to PA from AZ Oct 14th so I figure I will be strict until then. I can eat a little more like a normal person while she is here. Normal meaning real food instead of protein shakes but I will still avoid the simple carbs like bread, rice, pasta, potatoes. I want to be below 150 when she gets here. I want to be at 130 to ring in the new year. Once Mom leaves I will start going back to the gym. I have a bunch of saved up personal trainer sessions. Maybe I will use 1 a week for a month or so to keep me on the straight and narrow. I ride my horse about 4 times a week so get some exercise. Yes, riding is exercise. Last month I took him on a 15 mile trail ride. We trotted for probably 13 miles of that and it took just about 2 hrs and 50 minutes. I ride English so posted for the majority of that. For those of you that don't ride posting is standing then sitting every other stride of the horse. So think 2 + hours of squats. Then we did 9 miles the next day. Yes, baby those quads were on fire come Monday. However, I do need to get some weight training and some aerobics back in. I work full time and have an hour commute each way. Finding time to exercise can be tough. Now that the weather is cooler I am going to try to walk at lunch. I don't see why I can't lose 22.6 pounds in 3 months. That is only 7.5 pounds a month. I am 5'3" so 130 is really the high end of "goal". I need to touch base with my NUT too. I know my surgeon set my protein at 62 grams. I need to figure out if that is still a good number or would going higher help me lose a little better.
  15. VSG1965

    Bowel incontinence.

  16. Ragdollorchid

    I want to get drunk.

    This is my opinion as it applies to me...during the weeks prior to surgery giving up alcohol, carbonated drinks and caffeine were really more about the mindset that I was reinforcing rather than if I could get away with drinking them. I've spent many years seeing if I could get away eating and drinking certain things. And guess what? I had 85% of my stomach removed last week because I can't. I believe very strongly that this difficult decision requires full commitment. Again, based on my experience. ☀️ Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. OKCPirate

    Can we please talk about Starvation Mode for a minute?

    Possibly another way of stating this is quality and quantity matters in everything...religion, relationships, alcohol, food and exercise. To everything there is a point of balance. I can't get around the fact that even low calorie fruit slows down my weight loss, but moderate quantities of vegies don't. White, processed carbs seems to have a negative effect, yet more dense whole grains doesn't. Could be an old Celtic gene anomaly, but it seems to be true in my case. Different hormones count just as much as calories, and you are free to ignore this, but also don't blame the hormones if you have figured out a way to ingest 3000 calories a day as you sit on the couch all day while blaming the gain on your genes and glands. Most of what I have heard in this post is spectacular common sense draped in solid logic with some good science behind the positions. That is my position and I shall not waiver.
  18. AvaFern

    I want to get drunk.

    I want to get drunk too. Sadly my clients frown on me working while drunk, so not happening tonight. Your surgery is on the 17th, so you have 14 days between now and surgery. Go get drunk. Your liver in 2 weeks is not going to be remotely impacted in a way that is relevant to your surgery based on having a few drinks now. I'm not suggesting you get blitzed level drunk, but even if you did, in two weeks it really won't matter. I didn't even have a liquid diet or any restrictions until 1 week before surgery, so two-weeks out, yes, medically you can get drunk and it's not going to matter as it relates to your sleeve. Past that though, while having a few drinks once a week is not an alcoholic, it also isn't a plan that is going to get you to your weight loss goals. I like being drunk and yet I do it maybe 1-2 times a year, partly because I don't like feeling crappy and I don't have time for a hangover and partly because I like being thin and boozing makes me fat. You can have a regular drinking habit, or you can have skinny jeans...if you aren't willing to try to have fun without drinking now, do you think that you will be willing to do that in the future when immediately after surgery it very much matters as it relates to your medical health, and later down the road, it is a major indicator for your potential for success with the surgery, weight loss, and weight maintenance? So yes, you CAN get drunk, but whether you SHOULD or not, is entirely up to you and how you think you will handle this same issue in a month or two.
  19. Mimi52

    I want to get drunk.

    I agree I wouldn't do it. I gave up drinking any alcohol about a month before surgery. My Dr suggested it. Need to shrink liver as much as you can, alcohol will not help. Think about why you are having surgery! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  20. KristenLe

    I want to get drunk.

    It's a terrible idea. The purpose of your liquid diet is to shrink your liver. It's not wise to drink alcohol during this time. It could trigger hunger and cravings too.
  21. Alright so my surgery date is the 17th. I started my high Protein low carb diet today. I have 14 days until surgery. My first (probably of many) dilemma has surfaced: I want to get drunk. I'm not an alcoholic or anything...i drink once a week at most. But tomorrow I have a concert and I wanted to drink with my friends before hand. Not a lot and nothing crazy. Just a few drinks before going in. Idk if this is a completely terrible idea or if having a few drinks can slide. I need guidance. Help. Advice. Wisdom. Please somebody guide me. Thank you all in advanced Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Christinamo7

    Bowel incontinence.

    it can also be if you have issues with certain sugar alcohols, so I would read the labels of what you are consuming to see if that could be a possible issue. I know how rough it is since I was on Metformin before surgery and had constant diarrhea. mostly have to manage to not be constipated now.
  23. awilson12614

    OCTOBER GBs where are you?!?!

    Mine is on Wednesday as well! Can't believe it! I just made over 100 Jello shots(minus the alcohol ) for post op weeks. Feels like college all over again. So excited yet so nervous. Good luck to you! Sent from my SM-G900P using the BariatricPal App
  24. I have not taken the time to share my story, as a matter of fact I have still not changed my Facebook pictures, or the ones of me at work. food. I believe I had an actual addiction to food, the same as an addict, I didn't see it as an issue... But now I realize that I had a problem. I eat to live now, instead of living to eat. The surgery helped by taking away the cravings, but I worry that if I reintroduce things like breads, fried foods, and other crap, I will develop the addiction again, just as if an alcoholic was to just have " 1 drink". It is a disease, with horrible side effects including low self confidence, depression, and humiliation. I have made it my mission to find healthy foods, and replace all of my old favs, with healthy... And what I call, feel good foods. An FG food is one that I can eat comfortably, and they just basically feel good. for me, my list of items that I probably have a little of everyday would include... Chobani Flips. (190-210 cal, 12 gram protein)... These are my go to, if I haven't eaten in a while and am hungry, I can put this down a bit faster, and the size is pretty perfect for a meal. Love them all! Pickles- (0-5 cals) I love the spicy pickles, but I can eat them all. Pickles have become a regular snack in my life. Spears, slices, whatever, they all rock! Soup, soup, and more soup!!! My souls have been a huge part of my success. I make a huge crock of soup and it lasts me weeks. You can freeze some, but always have some in the fridge ready to microwave. I make a few varieties, but the basis is always the same. chicken broth base, cut with Water. Chicken or Cod fish, yep... I said fish! My family hates the smell of my "fish soup" but I loved it! However if you are not a big fish can just go with chicken. Vegetables- carrots, onions, mushrooms, kale, spinach, and even Brussels sprouts... Whatever you like and then I would spice it up with Cayenne and red pepper flakes, I even used Sriracha at times. This soup has been a staple for me since the 3rd month post, and I still make a lot here and there now. It was just great for me to grab a coffee cup, fill it, microwave it, and enjoy it. I pushed myself to walk, and then I started "1 TED" lol. That means 1 thing every day. If it was parking in the back of the parking lot when at a store, or walking down the street and back when going to pick up the mail, I would just push to do 1 thing, which then would keep except use in the front of my mind. Get an Apple Watch or Fitbit, make goals and hit them! What I learned is that we are capable of so much! When you are used to walking around with an additional 100 plus, your body has been working out for a long time. Now when the weight is gone, you still have that strong frame. Put it to work! I made some new friends that are athletic, I try and play Pickleball ( the game kicks ass, combo of tennis, volleyball, & ping pong) instead of cardio... I want to transition to a healthy lifestyle, not a 30 minute gym session that I won't be looking forward to. Think of your weight loss as a super power, but only if you stick to the guidelines. This works for me, and I believe it to be a super power... Let me explain. Since the weight loss, the world has been easier for me. I can go to an amusement park and get on the rides. I can fly on a plane and not need an extension. I can walk into a crowded bar and not start sweating my ass off! I can buy clothes at a normal store, and with actual brand names on them. I can tie my damn shoes, and without holding my breathe! I can sit in any chair, and not just the ones without sides... I can even sit in the plastic ones. Woman treat me so differently! I am no longer just the funny guy... Even though I haven't changed! Life has just become much easier, much better, and much healthier, and I never want to go back, so I will continue to treat it as an addiction and will not look to be able to re introduce "everything" back into my eating habits, but instead I will work to find better foods. The nice thing about eating less, is that you can afford to buy smaller portions allowing for better quality foods. Take advantage of that! I always have almonds in the house, and I love veggie chips, especially the jalepeno, but now I grab a handful and walk away... If I want another handful, I will go get it at 30 cals, per handful, but I am going to force myself to get up and walk to the kitchen to get a handful I feel so lucky to have had this surgery, and if I can help you in anyway let me know! I hope you have found this helpful, I know that writing it has helped me... So thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. I am taking my partner on a tour of southeast Asia as a graduation present for 3.5 weeks in December-January (which will be about 3 months post-op for me). I am planning on taking Protein power and a shaker to use as needed, but I am hopeful I'll be transitioned back to regular food (low carb/high protein) at that point. This is also the first time I'll probably have any sort of alcohol, but we'll just have to see how that goes when the time comes...

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