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Found 17,501 results

  1. MsTipps

    Nicotine test

    Not wanting to be a Debbie downer BUT...... I think you need to be stopped for 4-6 weeks as a minimum before surgery due to all the nasty complications like increased chance of infection, poor wound healing and higher chance of respiratory infections alongside the pressures of anaesthesia. As for your question, different surgeons test at different intervsls by different ways including urine, blood or breath. Be aware that smoking cessation products containing nicotine will give a positive result. Cold turkey is by far the best way to stop but I've heard vaping nicotine free can help in the early days. Good luck xxx
  2. I also asked my doctor about this because straws are the only way I feel like I can get enough fluids. The doctor said they advise against both straws and carbonation because it can cause excess gas, which causes pain. They also said that they urge people not to drink carbonated beverages for the first few weeks for healing purposes and after this because it eliminates the sugary sodas that many people like to drink. I had my 2 week post-op appointment last Tuesday and my surgeon said that if straws don't bother me, then I was free to use them. He also said it was fine to have carbonated beverages again, but I haven't had any yet- so not sure if that would cause gas or not. My surgeon is kind of jerk as a person (his bedside manner leaves something to be desired) but he currently has a perfect record- no leaks, no complications, and he's completed a few hundred surgeries. I wouldn't mind if he was a nicer guy, but he's an excellent surgeon so despite the fact that he treats me like I'm stupid, I do trust his medical advice.
  3. Terry Poperszky

    Why Are You Banded???

    The band was my option of last resort, I WW, exercise and phentermine were no longer keeping the weight at bay. I was back up to 299, and I had sworn to myself I would never see my weight start with a "3" again. Why the band? I have a real bias against re-routing my plumbing. The complication rate was one tenth of the more drastic surgeries. And the most important part, I was chasing something that had happened to me when I first started taking phentermine. One meal, I pushed away a half eaten plate of food, because I simply wasn't hungry any more, the first time in my life that had ever happened. So far Mistress Band has been more than I could have dreamt, I am 4 weeks out and I may never need a fill, based on how I feel about food right now. I know that may change, but I want to go out on the front step of my house and scream at the top of my lungs "I AM NOT HUNGRY!" This is what I have been searching for all my life in my relationship to food. Based on what I have read I truly don't think that the Dr.s understand the mechanism, but I don't care. It works for me.
  4. Does anyone have experience buying medical tourism insurance that covers not only complications while abroad but also complications that arise upon return? The only insurance company I'm aware of that offers it is Four Corners, and it's their International Travel Medical Insurance plan. You can renew it for up to 3 years post-op. It's pricey, between $500-$700 depending on how long you want coverage for (45 days to one year). Anyway, I'm just trying to determine whether my regular insurance company will cover issues like strictures or late occurring staple leaks or if It will become a bankrupting medical issue and thus should buy the insurance.
  5. New to the vertical sleeve! My original plan was to go lap band but after having my consultation with the surgeon yesterday he recommended me to go with the sleeve due to complications. I'm really excited to get the ball rolling. I'm making my appt today to see the psych and the dietician any positive insights would be greatly appreciated!
  6. NMJG


    Actually, I think if you are having doubts you should postpone your surgery. It's like getting married. If you have doubts, don't do it. And with a sleeve, there is no divorce. That said, I'm reasonably satisfied at 7 weeks and glad I did it, although I am having some complications. The sleeve is a great tool, but it is not for everyone. Good luck.
  7. cheeze82

    2 days

    I hope it goes well I'm really hoping they let you know everything before you leave! I'm worried too! I want to know everything so it do it perfectly so there is no complications after
  8. Bobby46

    Anxiety is setting in!

    Hello. Anxiety is normal. If its unbearable, talk to your primary doctor. Mine gave me Lexapro and it helped amazingly! I am 3 weeks post op now. I just want to tell you that if you trust your decision, trust your doctor, and are confident in the hospital you chose, then you can relax. They are professionals and have performed hundreds, if not thousands, of these surgeries, no doubt. I can also tell you that your experience is going to be uniquely yours. ( Read that last sentence again.....) Please, please, please do not read these threads about complications and assume that you are going to go thru the same issues. I can tell you that odds are in your favor. Complications are a very, very, very, low percentage. Keep in mind that people are reaching out for answers sometimes and those types of worries can dominate a lot of these threads. Look for positive threads...read some of the post op threads. The energy you are using on all this worry and anxiety is not necessary. Have faith, trust, believe and you will be just fine.
  9. silvers320

    New Guy 55-80 overweight

    You have to understand that this isnt a one shot surgery and I am "fixed" kind of thing. There are revisions, complications, appointments to adjust restriction.... point being its a lot of time, money and effort. A doctor is going to tell you that should plan on 50% of your excess weight loss with the band - so for you what is that like 35lbs? I am not sure its worth it for you. That said, and end to the yo-yo dieting might be. You also have to ask why your fat... Do you have portion control issues (I did) or do you eat all day long (I didn't). From what I have seen on here the band seems to work better for folks with portion issues. Also what do you eat? The band isn't going to help you make the right food choice - you will still have to do that on your own. I had never been the thin guy - but I am now thanks in part to my band. 296 with a bmi of 42 to 165 in a little over a year, but not without two additional surgeries. But still the best decision I ever made. Good luck
  10. Elisabethsew

    Pre Op Diet Cheat

    I'd be a bit concerned that you cheated on a pre-op diet that was only required 3-5 days pre-op. That's a very short period of time and I wonder if you'll be able to adhere to the post-op diet or give into cheating. The pre-op diet serves to limit carbs for the purpose of shrinking your liver. This makes doing the surgical procedure easier for the surgeon and the recovery easier for you. If you're going to have the sleeve, the post-op diet MUST be adhered to or you risk causing a leak to the suture line. This can be a serious complication. Depending on your current weight and fat distribution, you might want to contact the coordinator and let her know what you ate. You should also discuss any concerns you might have about sticking to a pre-op diet.
  11. hi, i definitely recommend going to Mexicali, with Dr. Aceves. He and his staff are very reliable and professional. The service at the hospital is great. I haven't had any complications and my trip to Mexico was all well worth. If you need more information, please feel free to contact Nina, she's the patient coordinator and she'll answer all your possible questions. Goodluck and if you need any more help please feel free to ask as well. :thumbup:
  12. Hi all I had a lap band on 12/10/2011 the surgery went well but then on 31/10/2011 and with no warning I had sever pains in the left side of my abdoment so I went to hospital and had x rays and discovered that the tube that attaches to the port had come off hence the pains so next day I went back into theater to have it fixed. All went well again then on Monday (24/11/2011) the same thing happened. This time not sure wot to do. Should I give it another go or should I just have it taken out?? Also has this hapened to anyone else???
  13. Anthony

    Curious about the RVG

    I believe the reason that they push it is because they believe (as do I), that it has fewer complications (both long term and short term) than RnY. There are always LONG term risks with foreign bodies being implanted in somebody, I mean LOOOONG term...20 years or more. Obviously, the band can be removed if you happen to develop problems. I'm not positive if the VG will provide less long term risk than the band, but I believe that it will definitely provide less long term complications than the RnY. Also, from what I've heard, the VG does cut hunger quite severely... Something that my band has never done. I guess I'll find out in the next few months (I'm having a VG on 3-1-06). The evidence does seem to suggest that there is greater long term weight loss with the VG versus the band, but it will take long term research to bare this out.
  14. Alexandra

    Curious about the RVG

    Is this the same thing as the Vertical Banded Gastrectomy? If so, I've heard that procedure is less popular due to ineffectiveness over time and potential complications. But I've never heard of the one you cite.
  15. kutia

    Surgery Scheduled, but...

    I'm trying to make sure I have enough of the clear & full liquids to last me for awhile. I don't want to have to worry about going to the grocery store. My dad's going to come home for the weekend to drive me to the surgery center and back again. I'm hoping I'll be one of the lucky ones with no complications and very little pain. Once my dad goes back to work on Sunday I'll be all by my lonesome for about a week. Well, except for the dogs & cats. Which is actually a good thing. There won't be anyone to tease me with real food. :hungry: edit: Well, my aunt is coming in too. I'm going to have all the help I can handle.
  16. nfl1

    Why a sleep study

    I don't know all the details, but Many obese have sleep-apnea and don't even know it. It can affect the safety of surgery (or post-op), and my surgeon wanted to be aware of all possible complications. My father has sleep apnea, and I was diagnosed the month before surgery, and have been using a CPap machine this past year. It's made a big difference in the fatigue factor - I have energy (even before surgery). Good luck, Nancy
  17. karanicole

    Scared of surgery

    Anyone have any advice? I'm afraid I won't go through with it bc of how scared I am of surgery! What if I die during surgery, what if there are complications, etc. I'm so scared but at the same time I want this so bad! Any advice?
  18. slbedgood

    Is The Band Meant To Stay In Forever?

    The lap band is supposed to stay in for life, unless you have a complication that requires its removal. The generally accepted thoughts on it is that if you remove it in the future even after losing lots of weight, you will gain it back, even if it is slowly since you would be able to go back to eating the volume of food you did prior to getting the band. Hope this helps, Stacey
  19. horsegirl315

    Tomorrow Is The First Consultation

    I was terrified of going under anesthesia. Terrified!!! But let me tell you, they set me up in my bed with my iv and I got to watch tv while I waited for the surgeon. While I waited, I was given warm blankets, and then met the anesthesiaologist. They gave me something in my iv and I felt like I drank a bottle of wine. They wheeled me in to the OR, and I got myself on the operating table, all while feeling quite calm. They told me they would take good care of me, and thats all I remember. Then I woke up, in recovery, and it was the most comfortable I have ever been!!! I went in and out of sleep, and was even able to get up and go to the bathroom after a few hrs of being in recovery, with some help from the nurses, who were wonderful. I had heard a few people here say, you just have to give yourself to the nurses the day of surgery, and dont stress just relax. I never thought I could do it, and i was a mess the day before thinking I was going to die from some horrible complications...but the day of surgery, a calm came over me and I felt so ready. I did like everyone said and just let the nurses care for me...it was actually enjoyable!
  20. I know exactly how you feel, I am on day 2 of my diet and I have cheated both days with Lean Cuisine meals for dinner. I started my 2 week (yes 14 day) pre surgery liquid diet on Monday January 3rd and my surgery date in January 17. My diet is 3-4 protein shakes a day, plain eggs, low fat cheese and sugarfree liquids only. I would be super happy to have your pre-surgery diet for the next 14 days. I am going to try my best each day to stick to the diet guideline. I am going to hope and pray that my surgeon will be happy with my liver when he opens me up and be complication free once he is done with the procedure. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as we both try to make it through this difficult time. Jen
  21. So, I was banded 6 days ago. I have lost 10lbs up until yesterday, but thanks to my monthly visitor, I now have gained a pound...a pound. All this work, and I gain a pound. Jeez. There goes the next few days. Anyways, I thought I would share some of my tips. They may not work for you, but they did for me. And if you have some, please do share. I am always lookinf for info. So let me start with medicines. I was told to take a multi Vitamin, acid reducer, and Calcium. Went to Walmart, got store brand Equate Acid Reducer ($5 cheaper than Pepcid, $10 for large bottle - may change to ); Viactiv calcium chews with vitamind D ($10); Active Kids Complete with Iron multi Vitamins ($6 for 120 tablets, with one daily tablet needed only, that is three months. Kids only need half, so one will do for you). Now, my doctor said ok to Kellogs shakes, and there is 10oz in a bottle, so I get 5 servings each. I found this baby formula container, which is perfect size to measure my 2 ounzes. I bought the multipack, so I saved $2 bucks on the shakes ($10 for 8). For my diet I am using Maggies and Campbells Soups, Water, sometimes 1/4 cup of apple juice and the 6oz of shakes. I do get hungry sometimes, but I have learned to extend my eatings until a little past my hunger. And I take the pills like food. So instead of taking them with the shake or Soup, I take them, and wait a while to take either of those. It is like a mini snack. I am not doing enough with the water, but I cant drink a lot, just sip and sometimes I forget. So far it was working, until the monthly came to visit. I think 10lbs in 5 days was pretty decent. I am also walking, very slow, half hour. Do not overdo it the first days. I did on my third day, and was told to take it easy by the doctor. Last thing, applications. I use four. This application for inspiration and questions. MyFitnessPal, which logs your water, food, medicine (the viactic has 20 calories so you better count it and your vitamins will show in application totals, telling you you have taken 100% of needed supplements). The app is not used to people eating so little calories, so ignore the daily message of completion telling you that you have not eaten enough. I also use runtastic, a pedometer that syncs with myfitnesspal, and something that has the word ticker in it. It creates that little ruler you see in message boards showing your weight loss journey. Go online and find more info on message boards, forums and youtube. You will also find ideas for foods to eat. I will post some later on in this thread and a couple of youtube videos. And remember, no solids during this phase. liquids only. Your stomach is healing and a scar is forming around your band, which will help keep in place. Do not put yourself up for future complications, by eating solids now. It is not worth it, even if you feel fine afterwards. You made your stomach work. That is it for now. Just remember, it maybe painful, and hard at first, but you will fet the hanf of it soon. And the results, the energy, getting rid of medical problems and why not, the clothes, are a great reward. Good luck and God bless your journey.
  22. Hmmm difficult decision indeed, but I would get Insurance to cover it if possible. Not just due to the money, but the post op care you could get Insurance to cover if the unforeseen happened and you had any problems or complications. Of course, waiting does suck. And are you sure that your insurance will cover the actual Sleeve? Some people go through the 6 month wait and supervised physician diet, only to find out they only have the option of getting the RNY or Band, cause they don't cover the Sleeve. Then there's all the many other hoops to jump through such as Psych evaluation, sleep study, nutritionist, Stress test, not all Dr's have you do all tests, but most do some or all. So you may not get your surgery at the end of the 6 month wait if you also then have to schedule a bunch of different other appts. There's a lot to consider, I know I didn't help you much here, lol. Good luck on your decision!
  23. IndioGirl55

    Would you have one again??!!

    I was quite set on doing it until I read of all the complications everyone has had!! DARLING NOT EVERYONE HAS COMPLICATIONS - I HAVEN'T HAD A ONE (THANK GOD) IT IS VERY INDIVIDUAL - YOU AND I CAN BUY THE SAME CAR - YOURS IS A LEMON MINE IS GREAT - STUFF HAPPENDS YOU CAN WALK OUT YOUR FRONT DOOR AND GET HIT BY A TRUCK TOO.. I wondered if you could help me answer a few questions about Lap Banding to help me make up my mind? 1) Would you do it again if you could reverse time? YES IN A HEART BEAT 2) Does everyone have such bad pain after the op? NO IT'S THE INDIVIDUAL - I HAVE READ THAT SOME HAVE GONE BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY - I WAS BACK AT WORK ON DAY 6 (DESK) 3) How long would I need to take off work after the op? THAT'S UP TO YOU - YOUR AGE TYPE OF WORK YOU DO - I TOOK OFF 4 DAY I'M 52 i HAD SURGERY ON A TUES AND WAS BACK TO WORK ON MONDAY 4) Does everyone have problems with bad breath, dry wretching, nausea, vomitting, leaking ports etc? NOPE NOT EVERYONE HAS THESE PROBLEMS - I HAVE PB BUT THAT'S MY FAULT FOR EATING TOO FAST OR NOT CHEWING meat REAL WELL. 5) Why would you have an 'emergency unfill'? CUZ YOU ARE TOO TIGHT IT CAN TAKE UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR A FILL TO TRUELY SET IT'S SELF 6) Has anyone had one in Belgium or Prague I DON'T KNOW - WE HAVE A GIRL FROM IRELAND IN MY GROUP 7) Can anyone recommend a good surgeon / clinic in the UK? THERE IS A UK THREAD I SUGGUES YOU LOOK THERE 8) Does it really help much more than trying to restrict portions yourself? IMHO IT IS BOTH 75% OF THE WORK IS UP TO YOU BY MAKING HEALTHY food CHOICES AND ADDING EXERCISE IN YOUR LIFE AND 25% IS THE BAND THAT CONTROLS YOUR PORTION SIZE - THIS IS NOT THE MAGIC CURE TO YOUR FOOD ISSUES... THE BAND DOES REQUIRE WORK ON YOUR PART GOOD LUCK..
  24. Well I passed my Psych evaluation yesterday. I also started the three month diet and exercise program. So Now I wait for three months and then I am scheduled for surgery. I called my friend who had the bypass in late December hoping she would be a good support source and she was totally negative. She has had complications but should be accountable for some of them. First i think she rushed into surgery and decided to have the procedure that she could loose the most weight on. Second, I dont think she told the truth about her medical history as she has had several surgeries from previous accidents and has needed and steroroids. That is why she was big to begin with and she slound not have has the bypass with that history. So now she had the bypass, and then got her gall bladder out and they just told her she needs to have her pouch made larger. She called me begging me to leave my nutrition appoinment and not to get this done saying I dont need it. That her hair is falling out in handfuls and she is so weak all the time and regrets her choice. I was so mad! I feel like if she would drink the water, eat the right foods, exercise, and take her suppliments she would feel differently. She has lost almost 100 pounds and isnt complaining about that! I dont care if she cant eat chipoltle anymore..we shouldnt eat that anyway. I am not doing this to be skinny! Is is not an easy out for me!This is for my lasting health! My dad died at 50 years old. i do not want the same fat and thats my motivation for this. i also hold myself accountable for my failures as well as my successes and I feel like those who don't should not be on here or in the community dissing people who are considering WLS. I care about my friend but she is not helping herself by eating the same crap foods and not drinking water. I advised her she needs to get her vitamins in some how and she just said they are gross and she refused to take them. So i feel like its your choice just like this is mine, just dont discourage me because you arent taking advantage of this...SHHHHHEWW!! That is off my chest now!
  25. SleeveDreamer

    Long Term Unknown Results

    You need to take care of yourself now and try to prevent any greater obesity and complications such as heart issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. You are only 20 years old and weigh 255. If you don't make this decison now, you may not be around in 20 years. 85% of our stomach is cutoff when ou get sleeved. It's not like the lap band or some type of surgery where something is placed inside you. You need to get healthy now. You will feel so much better and healthier now, and not worry about 20 years out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
