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Found 17,501 results

  1. i had my plastics done just shy of 14 mnths post op. i would have done it earlier (at 7 mnths post op when i reached goal) but my surgeon of choice was booked up. i had tummy tuck, arm lift and boob lift in one shot. second best decision ever (after wls, ha). if its worth anything, i understand that further weight LOSS affects the results more than further weight GAIN. but i mean, if you have the means and inclination, you can always have revision plastics if need be.
  2. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Must we wait the entire year for plastics?

    It depends on the surgeon. I am in the midst of consultations with surgeons for tummy tuck and breast lift. Today one told me they wanted me within 10 pounds of goal weight, stable at that weight for three months. Two others are fine doing the surgery now, given that I do not intend on losing 20 or more pounds (goal is under 10 lbs).
  3. Hellojaqs

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi. I am using the Baritastic app which seems to set realistic goals for me to meet and they seem to be like 10-20 pound increments. I have spent the better part of 20 years above 280 pounds. My heighest weight was 412 in January of 2017. I was able to lose 100 pounds on my own over a 2 year span but I would yo-yo that 100 pounds for the past 5ish years. So my recent high weight was 393 in august of 2023, and first surgeon visit was 373, november 28th, and my surgery date of may 9th I was 334. So I do see the light but I think you are right on setting realistic goals. I think I need to make me a reward system for sticking to the plan, new clothes, new hair, new tattoo, etc. As I progress further on this journey.
  4. Hellojaqs

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    How is everyone doing? I had my first follow up with my Dr yesterday since my surgery on May 9th. I started talking numbers with him finally and it seems insane but he said by the first year I should lose about 100 pounds, well he said within six months to a year. That would put me at my lowest weight in at least I dunno 25 years. I finally got around to taking some measurements and pictues although I had already lost 63 pounds but at least I will have something to look back on.
  5. I got my plastic surgery 15 months post VSG. I know docs want you to wait one year after you make it to goal weight, mine did not have that requirement.
  6. ms.sss

    Is this true?

    i should also disclose that i am a grazer by necessity (and habit). its the only way i can get the amount of calories i need to maintain COMFORTABLY. i read alot on here that this way of eating is not recommended (heck even my NUT said i should be having set meals and snacks) and that its a slippery slope and is a sure path to weight regain, but its been working for ME for over 5 years, so yeah...its just what i do.
  7. i know its already been said to death, but ill say it again: the number on the scale is just a number, and the same number looks totally different on you at different times of your life. 127 lbs at 46 yrs old looked absolutely skeletal on me vs 105 lbs when i was 16. then, 115 lbs at 50 yrs old looks soooo much fitter and healthier on me at 52 vs either of the weights above. changes in nutrition and exercise and sleep and stress levels and hydration may not reflect on the scale as much as calorie intake does, but they are all HUGE factors in appearance and overall well being. in short: try not to be a scale slave, lol full disclosure: i weigh my self everyday, though its more a data gathering exercise, and definitely not a source of angst for me. so long as i still fit in my clothes and feel awesome, im good.
  8. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  9. Had gastric bypass surgery in 2012. I kept everything thing off until 5 years ago. Now, I'm steadily regaining all of my weight back. I stopped following the "rules". I want to get myself back on track again.
  10. Both Ozempic and weight loss surgery have their merits, and the right choice depends on individual circumstances, including how much weight you aim to lose. Ozempic typically leads to 10-15% total body weight loss, while weight loss surgery can result in losing up to 70% of excess weight. While some individuals on GLP-1 agonists may experience weight loss greater than 15%, this is not the standard expectation for these treatments.
  11. I had set my final health goal to achieve a normal BMI. While I’m a bit skeptical about the BMI as the ‘end-all-be-all’ of health indicators, it sure is an effective way to keep my doctors from turning every appointment into a weight-loss seminar lol. But in all seriousness, it’s not just about the numbers on a scale or a chart. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin and not having your health sidelined by weight-related comorbidities. That’s the real victory for me. No more worrying about the extra risks that come with excess weight.
  12. I agree with @swimbikerun. Don't go off of us exceptions. It's actually not common to lose a lot with a revision. Go into it expecting about 50% less weight loss than what you had with your initial surgery. Then if you lose more, it's a pleasant surprise. But if you don't, you're already prepared for that.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    off track

    This is something that never stops. You have to watch what you eat, how much you eat, how often you eat. You have to move your body more. Prioritize protein first, then veggies, then carbs, then healthy fats. Fluid intake never stops. You have to get 64oz at least. Avoid the slider foods, avoid grazing. Cut the salt. And switch to sugar free and no sugar added sweets if you really can't stay away from them (I have never been a big sweets person. I'm not even a huge fan of chocolate). This is something I would thing your surgeon and nutritionist would have gone over with you before you had the surgery. This isn't a magic cure all. It's a tool to use to get your weight and health where it needs to be.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to bypass question

    As you know, I had the sleeve to bypass revision. They do make your pouch a little smaller, but it will stretch out a little as time goes on. I noticed I have more of a hard stop with the bypass versus the sleeve, and I definitely have to make sure I chew thoroughly and eat slowly way more with the bypass. You can lose weight with a revision, but not nearly as much and not nearly as fast as with the original surgery. You also have to take accountability for what you eat and how much. If you're eating slider foods and stuff not compliant with your diet, if you're grazing all through the day, if you're not watching your salt, sugar, protein, carb, and fluid intake.....no surgery is going to fix the problem.
  15. CarolineLittle

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT Female, 50, 5 feet 0 inches 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 6.4 kilos or 14 pounds 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 148.6 kilos or 327 pounds 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 137.6 kilos or 302 pounds 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 127.8 kilograms or 281 pounds 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 117 kilograms or 257.4 pounds 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery 105.7 kilograms or 232.5 pounds
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Belly fat problems after surgery

    Have you checked to see if you have any uterine fibroids? I'm asking because I ended up having an abdominal total hysterectomy because I had 3 extremely large ones and they couldn't do anything laparoscopically. My stomach was the size of someone who was 5 1/2 months pregnant. We never noticed it when I was over 400 pounds because EVERYTHING was fat on me. But once I lost a ton of weight, I finally agreed to a pap and they found the enlarged uterus. 1 ultrasound and abdominal ct later, and it was confirmed. I had the hysterectomy and my stomach is a lot flatter. Looks like it's supposed to.
  17. Yeah, my "optimal healthy weight" is between 145 - 155. Absolutely not. No way. I weighed that back in high school and people thought I had an eating disorder. I looked sickly. I liked how I looked when I weighed 165. But I'm older now and I've had kids. I'm not trying to look like I did in high school. So I'm thinking 190 may be the final, optimal weight for me, as well.
  18. I have my goal set at 190 lbs. but it maybe lower than that in the end. I'm going off from how I looked in high school at that weight. I had much more muscle back then, before I started gaining a lot of weight. I googled my weight for my height and frame, the average is 152-156 lbs. I don't think I could look healthy at that weight. Once I hit 190 I'll see how I feel before I set a hard line for a goal weight. Right now I'm at 236 lbs. and feel good. Another 40 lbs. may be my number. I'll keep posted when I get there.
  19. HI, I would like to update my 1 yr weight to 144.9. Thank you!!!
  20. It will probably drop and get you well under soon!! I'm with you where that 200 mark is concerned. Years ago, I got to 202 and was so excited to get under 200 but never did, and it started to creep back up. As usual, I gained it all back plus more and reached my highest ever weight. I was at the point where I was afraid to diet cuz I always gained it all back and more. That is what made me decide to do the surgery. We can do it!!!!! Good luck with the doc appts!
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this true?

    I had a sleeve and then a year later had to have a revision to bypass due to a LOT of complications. But I had the sleeve for 13 months before I had the revision, so here's what I can tell you. No matter what surgery you have, eventually your stomach will stretch out to a certain point. Will it go back to the size it was pre-surgery? No. But it will become a little bigger than when you first have the surgery. For example: pre-surgery, I would 6 scrambled eggs w/ cheese, 2 sausage patties, 6-8 pieces of bacon, and 2 pieces of buttered toast for breakfast. After surgery, I could eat 1-2 tablespoons of scrambled eggs. Now, I have a 2 egg omelet w/ cheese. I'm 2 years out from my initial surgery and 11 months out from my revision. For dinner, I would have an appetizer, a 12oz steak, loaded mashed potatoes (w/ butter, cheese, bacon, and sour cream), some kind of veggie, a dessert (pie or cake, depending on what was there). Right after surgery, I would have 1-2 tablespoons of hummus and avocado spread. Now I have 3oz of steak and 1/4 cup of cauliflower mash and 1/2 cup of veggies. If I want dessert, it's something with little to no sugar, or at the very least, no added sugar. So while your stomach WILL stretch a little bit (completely normal) it will not go back to its original size. Having said that, if you eat slider foods and a lot of crap, you won't see the results you're wanting. Just eating smaller portions and not making any dietary changes won't get you there. The surgery is a tool and needs to be used as such. Also, make sure you move your body. I was your size, so I know it's hard. Walking, water exercises, chair exercises, walking with ankle weights....all things that can be done at your size while you're losing. Once I lost the first 100 pounds, I was able to REALLY go ham in the gym lol I've lost 190 pounds from my initial surgery date. But I've lost 223 pounds from my highest weight (421). It hasn't been easy, but it's been absolutely worth it.
  22. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Since I lost so much weight from last July until now. The old feelings when I was a teenager and constantly wanting to be on the move have came around again. Great beach pictures. Also, it's great you had the courage to walk down the cliff. That looked a little sketchy. Looked well worth it. If only my legs looked as good. Being a month from 50 years old, my legs are beat up. Although, a lot smaller than they used to be. Once I have my knee replacement and get the recovery process over with, I can post some sweet pics of my legs haha. Looks like you are doing great, keep up the good work.
  23. SaraKayaComsin

    Is this true?

    I had the sleeve almost 10 years ago, and yes, it does get bigger. However, I still can’t eat near what I used to eat in a sitting. For example, I can eat 3 pieces of pizza now. I used to be able to 5-7. It happened over time, though. I second those who recommend therapy. I am about to have revision to RNY, and I have been in therapy for several months to help me be successful this time around. In my case, because I didn’t truly deal with the reasons I eat, I regained almost of the weight. Best wishes to you!!
  24. For me, I initially set my goal weight to 200 because it had been so many years since I was even close to that weight, so I thought it would be good. As I got closer to it, I moved the goal weight to 195. Now that I'm just about there, I'm thinking about moving it one more time to 190. I feel like that's attainable for me, I look healthy and a lot thinner but still have my curves, and it allows me to have a little bit of regain room and still stay under 200. Everyone has their own reasons that make sense to them why they choose the goal weight they choose. And it's not set in stone. It can always be changed. So think about what you're wanting. A certain size clothing, a certain weight, a certain goal...then try to see what initial weight you need to be to get there. And then adjust accordingly.
  25. ripburn

    Best exercises to do for weight loss

    Cycling is a great way to lose weight, and it is a low impact, adaptable exercise. You can burn about 400-750 calories an hour riding a bike.

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