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Found 17,501 results

  1. I’ll be 2 years out post VSG in January… lowest weight was 122 back in February… now I am 135 and I have an 18 month/2 year check up tomorrow!!! I am freaking out! I’ve been working out and trying to gain muscle but this weight gain has me stressed, overwhelmed, depressed, you name it uhhhh. Anyone else in the same situation want to talk and help each other out?
  2. I have a call with the Bariatric Dietician on Tuesday to discuss my continued weight loss. My primary care doctor is concerned that I continue to loose weight (8 pounds in 5 weeks) this far out from surgery. I've lost 60 pounds since RNY last year and 97 pounds since my pre-op weight pre-sleeve. The dietician thinks I'm in calorie deficit because I'm very active - I walk 5 miles 4-5 days/week and do Zumba 3 days/week. But I refuse to give up my healthy exercise habits! At 64, I never expected to look athletic and have muscle definition vs. sagging skin. (I still have sagging skin, but the muscle has really helped minimize the flabbiness!) My husband and children are concerned - "Are you sure you don't have cancer?" "You need to gain some weight, you look too skinny" "Are you sure you are ok?"...… If it was just petty people commenting vs. my family, I'd blow it off. I keep assuring them that I'm the healthiest I've been since my 20's. I'm hoping that talking to the dietician will give me the tools I need to level out the weight loss without giving up my healthy lifestyle. I guess I'm just looking to see if there are others in this forum that have experienced the same thing. I refuse to call it a problem, I'd rather call it a challenge.
  3. My surgery date is November 12 and i just went to my Pre- Ansesthesia Testing yesterday. I notice when i got weighed that i gained 5 pounds, my surgeon told me that she doesn't want me to gain anymore weight, now I'm stressed out I've been working out and cutting back calories as i was told to do. but instead of loosing I've gained, I don't know if me being on my period for the past month has anything to do with the weight gain either. I just hope this wont postponed my surgery I've worked so hard these past few weeks
  4. My highest EVER weight at 387 pounds, I got my wedding photos back and was horrified at how big I was. I didn't feel this big! I didn't think I looked this big! It still took me another 8 years to get serious about my weight.
  5. I had sleeve surgery on the 15th of October and I been on a liquid diet for 2 weeks I see my surgeon to see how my healing process is going and what stage he moves me to Sent from my moto e using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. What do you consider starting weight? Weight at start of Liquid Diet (or any other pre-op diet)? Weight at day of surgery? Weight before you started losing weight? In my case, I reached my high weight (... panicked ) ,and started dieting.. lost 35 lbs.. then while still on my diet, decided to get the surgery. Started liquid diet a week ago, and have lost 12 lbs since then.. Not sure what you all use as your starting weight. Thanks!
  7. Hello all, I was sleeved on Wednesday and I've heard that most people end up gaining weight during their hospital stay due to the extra IV fluids and swelling from the procedure. If this happened to you, how long did you feel it took before that extra weight had dropped and weighing yourself was useful? From a physical appearance standpoint, how long do you think you looked or felt swollen after? Thanks for your help! Trying to not psych myself out by weighing too early.
  8. So, I am just over 9 months post-op. I hit my official goal in August but my personal, unofficial goal was 135 which I hit last week. However, I think I can still go lower - yes, I am wearing size 6 pants and jeans and small tops but I especially have weight around my belly. I can see it shrinking from the edges but I still have another at least 5 lbs I could lose I think. Plus, I have a TON of loose skin. I’m already starting to save for plastics but that’s not the point. In the past week I have had 3 people all tell me to stop losing weight (this was unsolicited, BTW) and that I don’t want to get too thin. Now, I respond that I am working with a doctor and nutritionist and I am still in the normal BMI range (I know, it’s a horrible measure but it’s one that people are at least familiar with) and that I could reasonably lose more and still maintain a healthy BMI. I am really trying to work on building muscle/toning as I have been since the end of March when I was fully vaccinated. I am really frustrated because I can’t imagine the audacity of people (and one of these folks is a dear mentor that I look up to) to tell me this. I know part of this is that I am so frustrated when I see other folks pictures pre-plastic surgery that were sort of similar stats and they look so much better than I do now, and I try not to let that cloud my judgment, but I am curious how others have dealt with people telling you that you are getting too small? Attaching pics to prove that I still can and should lose more in my stomach area (although what’s above my belly button is just extra skin I think that will require surgery).
  9. I was wondering my almost 5 months post op and my weight loss has slowed down to almost 20 or less pounds a month is this normal ? And anyone got any good work out idea todo at home
  10. Hi Everyone, I had RNY surgery on Oct, 13th, 2020, so I am just over the 12 month post op mark. I notice my weight loss has slowed down a lot, and around the 8-9 month post op mark, I have stalled and I am not loosing any weight. I know this is normal but still worried that my body has reached it's set point. If anyone here has experienced this, let me know. I seem to have gained a pound each month and my weight is back up to the weight it was when I was at 9 months post op. I have lost 100lbs since surgery, but still have around 60 lbs. to go to reach my goal weight. Should I be worried? ( I will be speaking to my Bariatric clinic soon for my 1 year appointment so I will be talking to them about this) All advice and opinions welcomed. Thanks 😀
  11. I am 4.5 weeks post-op VSG. Recovery is going well and I'm progressing through my plan's stages with minimal difficulty. I'm now in "full" soft foods and getting a little more variety. Prior to today, I have been using small containers to portion out my food, eyeballing it based on the size of the container (e.g. a 4oz container, roughly 3/4 full gets logged as 3oz, and so on). I've been averaging about 3oz per meal comfortably, sometimes a bite more, sometimes a bite less. Given that my diet is a little more varied and I'm really focusing on getting as much protein from "real" foods as possible, I decided to start weighing my portions to be more accurate. For lunch today, I weighed out 2.5oz of finely shredded rotisserie chicken and 30g of Alouette soft cheese. It *appeared* to be far more food than what I've been able to eat and I was a little shocked - lo and behold I have probably 1/4 of it left that I will not eat. I would have thought by weight the portion would have been LESS?! Doing some research, opinions on measuring by volume vs. weight are pretty varied, and my own program does not dictate one as better/more accurate than the other, just that we should measure & track. As a long time MFP user and lifelong dieter, weighing food is not new to me, and I certainly don't mind doing it. But I'm just so confused by the perceived disparity of a 2.5oz by weight portion vs. a 3oz by volume portion! TL;DR: I don't know how to portion food. HAAAALP. Do you weigh or measure? In your experience which is more accurate? Which is more helpful in portion control/tracking?
  12. kelleybelly


    I haven't been on here for a few years. Where do I post my weight for today? Plus will it be added to my ticker. Thanks Sent from my SM-A515U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. From the album: ♥️


    © Mine

  14. As of this morning's weigh-in, I am officially halfway through my weight loss journey—started at 392, wanted to lose 152 lbs., have now lost 76 lbs. Here's hoping the second half is as smooth as the first half! Thank you all for your guidance and support. I couldn't be doing this without you.
  15. I am in the process of getting cleared for sleeve surgery. Do you think my surgeon will give me a date if I am Only 3 pounds from the weight he wanted me to weigh?
  16. Until late tomorrow night (Oct. 18, 2021), there is an Amazon ebook available for a free download at https://www.amazon.com/Weight-Loss-Surgery-After-Age/dp/B09HVGPKLR/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=weight+loss+after+age+50&qid=1634234149&sr=8-3 It is called Weight Loss Surgery After Age 50: The Geriatric Bariatric Life by Rita Laws, Ph.D. It discusses most bariatric procedures but mostly gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and stomach banding.
  17. Hey! For those of you who are or were avid chefs/home cooks how did weight loss surgery change that for you? How did it change exploring new recipes? Grocery lists? Not being able to make or eat certain things? I'm also quite scared of this. I love cooking, cook all my meals, am working on a cookbook, make food for people all the time. I've lost 25 lbs and just got approved for surgery. Having trouble understanding how my relationship with my love of cooking is going to change over time. I know I won't be able to cook and eat much the first year, what about after that? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Any od 63 years old  or older having weight loss surgery or have had weight loss surgery.



    1. Ladidi


      I’m 67 and will be 68 when I have my surgery at the beginning of next year.

    2. Maylin


      I’m 67 and had surgery in September.

    3. pk88


      I'm 63 and had my surgery in May 2021. I've lost 80lbs. since and down 4 clothes sizes. I feel 10 years younger! Seriously, the only thing I regret is not doing it 10 years ago. Yes, it is a learning curve and yes there are hurdles along the path, but if you stick to the plan and celebrate every step along the way, they are surmountable.

  19. Hi Peeps, I had my Gastric bypass (RnY) on Aug 17. My stats are as follows. SW: 302 lbs Height: 169 cm. CW: 246 lbs. Total lost: 56 lbs Exercise: Walking 10km daily However, I'm feeling I'm not losing fast enough, my dietitian thinks I should be losing about 4 lbs a week. I'm worried that I'm going to ruin this. Any tips on how to lose faster. Would really appreciate the help. Thank you.
  20. I’m soo distraught, I’m 9 days post op..just began purred good stage… since then I have been gaining weight. My stats are as follows highest 240… final weight before surgery was 210, during the clear liquid and full liquid stage I lost 7lbs… and was at 203. Since I started the puréed stage about 2 days ago… now I’m weighing 208….I’m following the diet…and only consuming about 400-450 calories a day with my 64oz of liquids a day. Has this happened to anybody!…. I’m freaking out.
  21. I’m 5 weeks post op and I’m losing weight at a fairly good clip. Question: when the doctor says you should expect to lose 75% of the total amount you need to lose (or whatever the percentage is) from the surgery, should you expect that to happen continuously? Or will should I expect to hit a plateau before the 75%? Does that make any sense?
  22. Leslie F

    Tracking weight loss

    Morning Sleepy Sunday! Is there an app that yall like best to track weight loss and BMI (Android?) Sent from my SM-G977U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. I’m just under 5 weeks post op, and feeling very defeated. I’m just now starting to go into solid foods, soft solid foods though, and I have days where I can’t stomach much at all, but my weight loss is very slow. In total, including the pre-op diet I’ve lost 48lbs which is great, but around 27lb was from the pre-op diet. I read somewhere online that the average per week lost after gastric bypass was between 5-15lbs, and I’m definitely not getting anywhere near that, but then 15lb a week does sound crazy to me. It’s disheartening that I lost so much before surgery, but since surgery I feel like it’s been much slower, even though I can’t be getting any more than 800kcals a day, most days much less. Has anybody else experienced slow weight loss this early? Did it speed up? Was there anything you found helped?
  24. Dtrain84

    I've gained weight...

    ...muscle weight that is. I'm in the gym 6 days a week. I decided to bulk up because wasn't happy with being slim and slender. I went from 175 to 205 and haven't went up in clothing size. This is the same shirt in both pictures. I love filling out my shirts now..lol.
  25. I am 19 months post op from DS surgery. I’m SO happy with my weight loss. I’ve been fluctuating between 140-144 for a while now (months) this week out of the blue with no change in my diet (which could definitely be better) or exercise (which is always good) I’m up to 145 146 148. Should I be worried this is a wall I’m hitting? Wil I be 175 by the end of the year? Not that I’m emotionally scared from my pre surgey life or anything ha! Or is this just normal and keep on truckin’ and expect to be back in the 140-144 zone in a week or so. Argh so nerve wracking!

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