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  1. So I am around 6 weeks post surgery I think! Seems like it has been so much longer! I have found that my restriction recently has been annoyingly high. I just have 0 interest in eating, and when I do take a bite it takes a while for me to get into it - I feel full quickly, which was something I wasn't struggling with a couple of weeks ago! I have started going back to the gym as of last week, and I am nervous but excited. Quickly realised my body is a lot weaker than it used to be 😅 I did 3 x 10 sets of squats and was walking like a cowboy for 4 days 🤣 I want to try swimming but I am nervous about wearing a swimming costume if I am honest, even though I can tell my clothes are bigger on me! Which is another thing...stuff just isn't fitting right! I was excited for this part, but I didn't think it would be annoying 😂 I can't wait to buy new stuff! Thanks for reading my useless waffle ❤️
  2. larmenta

    Bigger stomach?

    I had surgery on 4/8/24. I had a bypass. I am able to drink fluids with no restrictions. I'm on the puree stage. At 2 weeks out I have only lost 16 pounds. The last 3 days the scale actually went up 2 lb. I'm not going to lie. This is an uncomfortable feeling. Specially because I'm sticking with Drs orders. I do notice that even though I eat 3 ounces of food and try to keep up with my fluid intake I don't get a "full" feeling. It does not take me a long time to eat. So I'm not sure how to feel about that.
  3. AmberFL

    Weight loss SLOWING way down!

    One of the hardest things that I am trying to teach myself that is is not a diet! this is a lifestyle. In life we eat right 90%-95% of the time and work out 3-4x a week, and the whole purpose of this was for me to be healthy. It is scary to think of being 297lbs again because of how unhealthy and how much pain I was in. I have to reflect on my "Why". Thank you as always for your words of wisdom! ❤️
  4. Hi there! I didn't see the doc on Monday because my knee felt slightly better. However, it's not good now, so my husband is taking the day off to help me around the house and take me to the doctor! Thank you for asking!! We have a bunch of animals, and trying to care for them on my own is pretty impossible right now. It's crazy how different our sizing is! I wish we had a universal system for weights and measures. Maybe someday, but I'm too old to convert at this point. Lol. I hope you broke your stall!!!
  5. summerseeker

    Is this a stall ?

    I am shocked that she said go back to liquids, that seems like really bad advice. You would be hungrier than ever as they just go straight through the pouch. I once had a stall of over 2 months, it was so tough but then I dropped 5lbs over night. I was only on roughly 800 cals a day then. Stall are the pits I have 5 small meals a day. It works for me. Just find what works for you.
  6. MLC3409

    December Surgery Buddies!

    So far it has been ok I guess. The surgery was “text book” according to the Dr. I had no pain after and I started back to the gym for treadmill and low weight machines on week 3. I followed the plan. The last two weeks since I started soft foods has been hard. I’m 5 weeks out today. I am down 28 pounds since surgery. HW - 412 SW - 362 CW - 334 I have hit a stall. No loss in a week. I have had a couple of “slips” but nothing I can’t come back from. I unfortunately am not as restricted as I thought I would be. I was able to eat a whole filet of fish sandwich with no problem. Why I ate it is because I am still an emotional eater unfortunately. The good thing is I could only eat the one and now the huge chunk of food I use to. hopefully as the weather gets better I can be out more but I need to work on my “out of the house” food plans. I got my little cooler I just have to work on the best stuff to put in it. I can’t wait to go back to fishing !! here is my picture about one year a part. A total of 75 pounds difference
  7. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine. My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.
  8. ccast49

    weight stall

    Thanks guys my stall is actually has moved a bit iam now down to 194 but I think its due to the fact that everything has been making me nauseous lately. I know i have not been meeting any of my protein goals and my vitamin intake has sucked. That being said I am not doing so well energy wise but I am trying to switch up my meals to try and get more protein in other ways.
  9. ChunkCat

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Your surgeon is a bit off in his ratios. Weight loss rate is different for each surgery and for each person. I think the 3 month mark for most surgeries is closer to 30% though, not 50%. I've never heard that for 3 months, only for 6 months. Have you run your stats through this calculator? https://www.facs.org/quality-programs/accreditation-and-verification/metabolic-and-bariatric-surgery-accreditation-and-quality-improvement-program/riskbenefit-calculator/ That is the calculator many bariatric surgeons use to calculate their patient's trajectories. I feel like I'm behind because at about 3 months out I'm only down 40 lbs or so since surgery, but 53 lbs since my highest weight. So I used that calculator, starting with my highest weight, since that is what the surgeon would have used. Turns out I am right on the mark, as their PA told me a few weeks ago! Everyone around me is losing faster, but that doesn't matter. For my body and my health conditions I am apparently right on track. I found that really reassuring. Keep in mind that site only tells you what it expects you to lose in the first year. I thought malabsorbative surgeries like the DS or Bypass can keep losing up until the 18 month mark, though it is much slower loss at that point? I know DS patients can even lose up to the 2 year mark, though again, it is much slower. You usually lose the last 20%-25% much slower because the body is closer to its set point. I had a 6 week stall that started when I added solid food in. I kept gaining and losing the same few lbs. But someone told me to check my measurements, since usually when the scale stalls, our measurements go down. Sure enough, I was losing inches!! So I REALLY advocate people measure once a month and record it, the Baritastic app can even track it for you. It is really reassuring to see those inches lost when the scale has been acting like a d**k for weeks. LOL How are you doing now??
  10. SomeBigGuy

    November 2023 buddies

    Congrats! Sounds like you are making some good progress if you've gone through that many clothes! I can relate to both of you. I feel like I haven't made the progress I should be, but Long Covid has hurt my exercise efforts and constant brain fog is frustrating. I also hit a 6 week long stall that really brought me down. Thankfully that finally broke the last two weeks for me, but I still dont' have my strength back. A 2 mile walk pretty much drains me still, even though I was doing 4-5 miles at a time 4 weeks post-op before Covid. EDIT: Based on continuing conversation in this thread, I just wanted to say I realize I have made good progress, but was trying to emphasize that I still have a mental block that, for some reason, prevents me from appreciating it. I've lost more weight than I was ever able to on my own, but at the same time feel physically weaker than any other point in my life despite trying to exercise. Also my start weight of 352 was from my highest ever weight in 2021, and not my pre-op diet weight of 321. Not trying to be dishonest, just trying to remind myself how bad off I was 2-3 years ago.
  11. NickelChip

    Another observation on feeling full

    I recall feeling similarly at 4 weeks. Some of that was due to the nerves being cut and dulled from surgery, I think, because I feel it more now. Also, I assume you are probably still on the softer proteins. I find I don't have the full feeling as quickly with things like yogurt or cottage cheese, or even a flaky white fish, the way I do with chicken or beef. I can eat a serving of yogurt and still have room for fruit, but if I eat 3 oz of chicken or beef, that's all I'm having!
  12. ms.sss

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    yep, i sorta became an exercise fiend at around 3 months. i tried my hand at many things to see what i liked...i ended up sticking with yoga, zumba, dance class and running. i also did some strength training, but only the bare minimum cuz i hate it lol. i'm 5+ years out now and while i don't run 5K every day like i used to (AND go to 4-5 classes a week), i still run 1-2 times a week, go to pilates 2-3 times a week, and i have a weekly tap class. low calorie intake. hands down.
  13. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    No, but I did cut back on the amount of seeds (too much fat) and put drained and rinsed white beans this morning. It's definitely a work in progress to figure out what to eat. The bean taste was subtle so I think I will get used to it, and I may add some ginger to cover it. Frustrated to be on day 6 of a stall. My doctor told me I needed to increase my activity level, so I've been going on an hourlong walk and hitting 10k steps or more every day for the past...yep, precisely 6 days. Wondering if there's a correlation, like the extra activity made my body temporarily panic. I'm just trying to ignore it and carry on. The good news is I've had a lot fewer issues with stomach sensitivity this week, so I'm feeling brave enough to try some new recipes and incorporate more veggies.
  14. Ahhh @NickelChip Sorry to hear you are still stalled! This too will pass. I hope your blood tests show good results. And I also have resistance bands collecting dust so let me know how you get along with them! Thanks @Noelle74 you are so right, the weight dosent just drop off. And you're right, progress not perfection is the way to go. Would you consider adding a ticker to your profile? It's a really easy way for me to understand how people are getting along! I walked part of the way of Saint James last summer through the northern route (camino del norte) with my parnter and a group of friends and although I tried to keep a smile on my face it was truly three miserable weeks for me, I was in pain, sweating, out of breath and honetsly wanted to cry each time I saw another hill... but last weekend although it wasn't as steep I walked 26km all on my own and had a lovely day! So yes, progress!!
  15. Molly7

    Miralax Mistake

    I certainly feel for you, just 3 days was all I could stand. That was last week and my back still hasn't recovered from hours on the toilet and cleaning up messes. Immodium helped me also.
  16. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  17. ms.sss


    ugh. the constipation blues. i didn't poop for 13 DAYS after surgery. omg. i developed an M.O. to battle constipation over the next several weeks: 1) every day, i would add 2 tsp Benefibre to my morning protein shakes. 2) if i didn't poop after 2-3 days, i would take a Miralax 3) if I didn't poop 2 days after that, i would take Milk of Magnesia. 4) if i didn't poop 2 days after that i would insert a glycerin suppository. 5) if i did'nt poop 6 hours after that, i would insert another one. LUCKILY, i didn't need to figure out what to do if the second suppository didn't work. omg. i did this for about a year. after a year i got more "regular" and didn't even need the daily Benefibre anymore. And when I say "regular" i mean i poop maybe every 2-3 days. which is a huge departure to pre-op when i used to poop MULTIPLE times in a single day (sorry TMI). i think so long you aren't super uncomfortable, you are good. but if you are starting to feel pain and/or discomfort, then you probably need to come up with a plan to combat it, whatever M.O. it may be.
  18. SomeBigGuy

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Don't worry, it will resume. It's your body panicking because of such a drastic change in a short amount of time. The week 3 stall can last for 3 weeks itself, or sometimes more. During that time, your body can still be burning fat, but its retaining fluid to keep around because it thinks you're in a starvation situation and wants to preserve space to replenish the fat cells. It won't let go of that excess fluid and old cells until it knows you're safe, which it eventually will, and it will establish a new baseline weight as long as you stick to it. You got this!
  19. Spinoza

    How my body tells me I am full

    Yes that's common. Many of us won't get a full feeling for many weeks after surgery because nerve endings get cut and take a while to grow back. We need to stick to the stages and volumes of our programme until we do get those signals back. From about 3 months post op I got a runny nose and/or sneezed when I ate too much. Had this no later than today when I was eating a lovely lunch and decided I needed just another few forkfuls...
  20. So... It's seems my stall has finally "cracked" - I wouldn't go as far as broken, but cracked... and I'm happy with that. This morning I weighed in at 69.1kg which is 152.3lbs ( 10st12) and puts my BMI just below 25 ( 24.8!! woopeee). I've just voted because it's the EU elections here and am about to pack before I leave home for work for a week. I'm going to Budapest and really don't like the food there so I'll see how I get on. I'm really hoping to see a number starting with 68 when I get home even if I loose just 300g (10oz) this week I'll be happy with that! @Noelle74 I hope you have some better days comming and manage to eat without being miserable! @RonHall908 I have this fear too... Well done on all the activity! How do you find the time. I struggle to get my 10k steps some days with work and even though I've been for a few 5k runs I don't know how I'd find time to work out! @gracesmommy2 I might try those recipies! Thank you @NickelChip I see we share the same live-in housekeeper dream! I don't even have children and am often overwhelmed by my own mess and laundry especially when I do fast turn arounds for trips! I'd also like someone who could remind me to go to bed at the appropriate time, make me coffee in the morning ( to be honest my partner does this if he's around but we don't live together full time as we both want to keep our Paris appartments!), I'd like someone to say "Hey blue, lets go for a walk before bed, just 30 minutes" or "Hey blue, what about getting up 30 minutes earlier and walking to work?" or "Hey Blue, let me sort that ironing for you, why don't you use the time to do some yoga?" @LisaCaryl How are things going for you, how are you dealing with the stall ? @Briss72 How are you feeling? How's your leg? Have you found a dance routine you like ? If not I got myself a dress and don't feel massive in it even though I still don't like my tummy I thought my legs ( massive heels helping) looked pretty ok!
  21. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    That's a great view. I walk one to two miles every other day. Part of the reason for the gastric bypass is I have a torn meniscus ligament in my knee. It's going to require a full knee replacement. The surgeon won't consider doing the surgery until I'm at 40 BMI. That's the reason why I can only do 1 to 2 miles, anymore than that is just unbearably painful. Tha days I don't walk, I get on the rowing machine I have at home. I try to exercise at least 6 days a week. It's not high intensity or anything as of yet. Great to see your stall has passed. My weight loss is very slow. But, it is moving.
  22. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    April has been the month of stalls for me. I was stuck at 210.6 for 4 days, dropped to 208.8, and then stayed there for 4 days. Finally inched down to 208.4 yesterday and 208.0 today. Only losing 3 pounds in 10 days when I had been on track to lose closer to 5 is frustrating to say the least! The closer I get to being below 200, the more the universe wants to mess with me, apparently. But on an unrelated note, I drove to see the total eclipse in Vermont on Monday and it was amazing! Thank goodness for stopping to get some Vermont cheddar on the drive because healthy food options were scarce. I actually ended up eating McDonald's chicken nuggets for lunch. I managed to eat two of them, and they were okay, but I have no idea how I used to eat a box of 10 plus fries. Next time I venture out, I'm going to need to pack food for myself.
  23. I was cleared for everything except weights at four weeks out. I was cleared for weights at eight weeks out. So you're fine as far as timing goes. your weight loss likely stopped for one or both of these reasons: 1) you're in a stall. If so, make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale for a while. You're going to lose weight if you're in a calorie deficit, so as long as you're compliant, the stall WILL break and you'll be on your way again. 2). you're building muscle. Muscle is much denser and heavier than fat. When you gain muscle, your weight can stay the same (or even increase), while at the same time, your body looks leaner. I wouldn't stop with the Body Pump classes, though. Your weight will eventually start heading down again if you stick to your eating plan.
  24. Short update: I had my gastric sleeve procedure done in November 2019. I lost around 85 lbs and then stalled eventually regaining around 50 lbs back and a horrible case of GERD. I had never had symptoms of GERD before my surgery and about 3 months later, I had to begin taking omeprezole daily to deal with it. If I forget a dose I can tell by the afternoon. During the first year post surgery, I lost my husband (not unexpectedly but it DID happen 10 days post-op for me), moved across country from Florida to New Mexico, bought a new house and started a new job. My daughter is 1 year post-op and lost approx. 150 ibs on the DS. l just started the process to obtain a revisional surgery. Will be discussing the benefits of either the DS or ByPass. I had the upper GI completed which showed a small hiatal hernia with evidence of GERD. It also showed mild cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Any suggestions regarding which of the 2 procedures would help with the GERD and to help lose the 130 lbs. that I still need to drop to get to my goal weight?
  25. I was never given any specific goals to meet at any stage. At 3 weeks after my sleeve I was probably eating 3 tiny 2oz pureed things per day. If I was hungry I had a teaspoon or two of nut butter before bed, or if it was earlier in the day a few spoons of Greek yoghurt.

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