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Found 15,822 results

  1. sillykitty

    Food Before and After Photos

    Hi! 😀 Long time no see everyone! I don't post much, but I had to chime in and agree with this. I'm up 20 lbs from my lowest weight. At first I was scared. I mean, we've all lost weight, just to gain it all back again, right? But then, as @ms.sss said, I realized that I'm in control of this. I could IF, count my calories, and drop weight, it was totally within my power. Then I had a second realization. Not all weight gain is bad! I objectively look better at the top of a healthy BMI, at the bottom of an overweight BMI. My face looks my youthful. My arms and inner thighs lost most of their crepey-ness. My breast are bigger. I have thicker thighs and hips, and a juicier butt. Long story short, I'm glad I didn't panic at my weight gain. I loved seeing that low 120's number on the scale. But I'm glad I got over that, because it's more important what I see in the mirror.
  2. Ladies, you probably already know this, but i’ll say it anyway for the benefit of anyone else reading this: being afraid does nothing for you, especially for something you have some sort of control over. You are prime examples of weight loss success and YOU did this yourselves. As we all know, weight doesn’t come back on by itself. Its the result of lifestyle choices given your current situation. Yeah, it may be a little more difficult to maintain a certain weight and require more effort than previously expensed as time goes on, but you already know how to do it (and are doing it presently). Don’t be afraid of doing what you’ve already been doing! ❤️ P.S. further, you may find that any further weight gained or lost is just fine with you and not worth the effort to change. P.P.S. Or you may just stay they same with no changes at all! Bottom line…being scared is a waste of time and energy that could be better utilized for funner stuff lol. But yeah, i know, easier said.
  3. GradyCat

    COMPLETELY fallen off the wagon :(

    Been there, done that. YES you can reset your pouch by going back to basics in terms of food portions, tracking, protein, water, and exercise. YES it can be done. I just lost 25 pounds since October after gaining weight during COVID. Don't be like me, though, because I skipped an appt with my surgeon and nutritionist because I was embarrassed about the weight gain and didn't want them to see me. I should have gone anyway. That's what they're there for, to help and guide us. So please go to your upcoming appt and just accept any advice they give.
  4. Sleeve_Me_Alone

    Easy go easy come.

    First of all, I'm so sorry for the difficult situation. It is a truly heartbreaking road to walk, and our hearts are with you. Second, @catwoman7 is spot on here. Its VERY unlikely to be 2 pounds of true weight gain. So give yourself lots of grace to navigate this season, and turn your attention back to your weight when your mental energy allows.
  5. These posts are from 11 years ago! We have access to do much more information now. Ask your surgeon about weight loss outcomes when taking medications that are known to cause weight gain. Also ask the prescribing physician if there are alternatives that you could switch to. And you could always start a thread asking other members to share their experiences with WLS while on meds that cause weight gain. Good Luck ❤️
  6. Here Goes; I have been in denial & coming back home to this forum has made me "see" that I have a lot of work to do & accountability. In the Spring of 2020 during the height of COVID my neighbors dog ran out on me and as I stumbled while trying to get away from the dog I fell, hit the concrete, & couldn't move. I had broken a bone in my back. I cried at every day for at least 2 weeks due to the pain. I was immobilized and the work I did outside of my home that had me active, lifting heavy items, & always moving I could no longer due. Here 1 1/2 years later I continue to have back issues. If I walk too long, lift too much or sit too long I am in pain. Although I can't consume a lot of food at one time, I know I am getting calories in with the wrong things. After surgery I was no longer able to drink straight water, it would make me nauseated and it would come back up so I know I am not getting enough fluids in. I am vitamin deficient (lab results) and I have put too much of my time into helping family & friends that honestly, I forgot about me. I was at 163lbs now I am at 190. I was 33lbs from goal now I am at 60lbs from goal. I know to some it may not seem like a lot but most of us know losing 5lbs takes a lot of effort! Bariatric Pal Forums: Coming back home & reading posts after being away so long has made me look at myself in the mirror & remember what I did in the first place that made my weight loss successful. SO HERE I GO: recommitting to myself; committing to the 30/15 rule (wait to eat 15 mins after drinking and wait to drink 30 mins after eating), COUNTING my calories & making sure I get in my grams of protein (which Unjury is a great brand), finding health zero cal/sugar enhancers to get my water in daily; & getting back to strength training that would not put a strain on my back. I don't know about you guys but COVID time gave me an excuse to cancel my Planet Fitness membership 😕 Am I going to do what they call a "pouch reset"? Nawhhhh...I'm doing a recommitment to self reset. I know what to do & I have all the tools (food scale, portion control serving utensils etc.) I am raising the bar once again for my life. Thank you Fitness Pal Family for always being here and giving all of us prodigal children a home to come back to. eating reset back to basics.doc
  7. GradyCat

    I've regained the weight I lost

    No, not at all. People think their stomach stretches, but it's not that easy for your pouch to stretch out according to my surgeon. I asked her after my 30 lb weight gain and had an endoscopy and she said my pouch was still good to go!
  8. GradyCat

    I've regained the weight I lost

    Don't be ashamed. We're human. And that's what we're here for to listen and support and encourage each other. I did the exact same thing. I gained 30 lbs during COVID. Just got them off over the last 3 months. It IS possible to still lose after WLS and after a weight-gain. The tool still works, you just have to use it. Go back to the basics of tracking every single thing you eat and drink. Get your 60g protein, 64 oz water daily. It'll come back off. It won't be fast, but it'll be reliable. You can do it!
  9. I have bipolar disorder. When I was diagnosed at 14 I was started on a lot of medications that all cause weight gain. I gained 100 lbs in 2 years. I lost 50 lbs prior to surgery and have lost 45 since (I had surgery 4 months ago). It's possible to lose weight on psych meds. I found for me they caused cravings for carbohydrates and I find that if I don't eat sugar, I crave it less. Maybe that would help you?
  10. I started on Depo and Prozac in Dec. 2017. At the time, I had lost 40lbs from my highest weight. Within a year, I had gained it all back. Its hard to say how much was from each, as they are both well known for weight gain. That being said, I had VSG in Sept. 2021, so nearing 4 months post-op and I've lost about 65lbs. About 20 of that was pre-op, 45 post-op. I figure that's pretty average, given my starting BMI, age, etc. I'm now 10lbs lower than I was before I started the meds, and at my lowest ever adult weight and the loss seems to be holding pretty steady week over week.
  11. I'm on an SSRI that causes weight gain too and it works for me after trying many different antidepressants, so I have to stick with it. They say it only adds about 10 pounds in general. So yeah, losing weight is harder when you're fighting against weight-positive meds, but it's definitely do-able.
  12. Hi! I have tried switching but it did’nt work out for me. But indeed, . Paxil is the worst when it comes to weight gain, and the hardest to taper off. but I hope someone has an answer to my intitial question
  13. just wanted to say that a lot of SSRI's are known for that - and I think Paxil is one of the worst. It's too bad your doctor won't switch to you another SSRI - some aren't as notorious for weight gain as others.
  14. Hi all! I’m from the Netherlands and I can’t seem to find any answers to my questions , so Hopefully I can find some answers here 🙂 hope so! I’m looking for women who have gained weight DUE to Paxil, like me. I went from 70 kg to 96 kg on these meds (for ocd) and tried to switch, without succes. I have to take Paxil the rest of my life. (I also tried to get off them very very slowly but it seems impossible. Tried everything, visited everyone, work out with a person trainer for two years now, eat healthy etc. Can’t get the weight off!! and I’m even gaining more. I don’t have excessive cravings and I always used to have a healthy weight. I wonder if any WLS will help me, as it seems to be more a metabolism problem than an eating problem? Anyone here who had WLS because they gained due to taking an SSRI ((Prozac, Effexor, lexapro etc) ? And not (only) because of eating too much but maybe also because your metabolism seems to have slowed down? and…did it work for you? thanks so much in advance ladies!
  15. pintsizedmallrat


    I've lost 75 pounds in a little under 4 months--I have some minor excess skin on my neck and under my arms so far. I had a LOT of excess weight around my chin, neck, and shoulders (I feel like I have a neck for the first time in years!). It's already starting to tighten up as my initial dramatic weight loss has started to slow and my skin can catch up. I want to lose 40 more so it'll be interesting to see what happens over the next year or so. I'm 39 and my weight gain was very gradual over a period of about 20 years, so I hadn't been at my "high weight" for very long, maybe 3-5 years, for background.
  16. lizonaplane


    I agree with the above advice. Also, consider that you might be grieving for the loss of food as a comfort mechanism. Can you make an appointment with the bariatric therapist who approved your surgery? They can help untangle this. And if you do decide to take an antidepressant (which is probably a good idea), make sure you talk to your doctor about taking one that's not likely to cause weight gain. There are a lot that can cause weight gain in some people, but there are many that do not. Keep us posted!
  17. lizonaplane

    Weight gain

    If you have a sweet tooth and that is what is causing the overeating and possibly the weight gain, consider stopping all sugar. For many people, if they do not eat it, they do not crave it. Some people find they need to give up fruit and artificial sweeteners too, but I didn't find that personally. Keep the sweets OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! If someone else in your house NEEDS sweets, have them eat them somewhere not around you and ask them to put them in a certain cupboard that you don't go into, or keep them in their car or something. Probably you have not stretched your stomach. You don't need to "shrink" your stomach (and really, there is no way to do that). You need to find a way to avoid the foods that cause you to overeat. Can you distract yourself when you have a craving? Talk a walk, watch a YouTube exercise video, take a hot shower/bath, read a book, color, etc? For many people, once they wait an hour by distracting themselves, they usually can make it without eating. You may also consider meeting with a therapist who specializes in eating disorder, or call your original surgery center for help. I have noticed that not everyone has these options, but you do have the option to avoid sweets (I have a sweet tooth too, so I understand!) Good luck!
  18. I got the sleeve in October 2017. I was down 135lbs and it felt great. Last April I started to gain a little back. I wasn’t surprised since I wasn’t being as strict as I had been. Unfortunately, it has snowballed and I have gained 35lbs back. I feel like I never had the surgery and my sweet tooth is out of control. Could I have stretched my stomach out back to the size it was? How can I shrink it? Help! Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  19. I got the sleeve in October 2017. I was down 135 lbs and it felt great. Last April started to gain some back. I wasn’t surprised since I wasn’t being as strict as I had been. Unfortunately, it has snowballed and I have gained back 35lbs. I feel like I have totally stretched my stomach out. I need more food to feel satisfied and my sweet tooth is out of control. Is it possible I stretched my stomach so much that I feel like I didn’t even have the surgery? How can I shrink it? Can I? Help! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Coexister

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I am post op bypass 13 months ( surgery was 10/07/2020) ) and am I now drinking alcohol every night . I have gained back a few pounds Like 8 and am scared to death. I feel like I am heading back toward terrible habits and need to regain back control now. I am working with a Psychologist that's not very good for PTSD issues and major depressive disorder. I have got control of that but I have now a new problem= alcohol! A year ago, I would never think of drinking on a week night or much at all but now it's become my new addiction and it leads to me over eating and then the dreaded weight gain. I have now drank every night for the past two months and I can't seem too let it go. This had never been me before as my family is filled with alcoholics and I could never understand it and now I do? It kills pain and drowns out so much. It definitely affects me differently after surgery and takes very little to have any affect at all. I am drunk or affected at sip 3. It is such a great escapism and good lord with Covid and the way of the world all I want to do is escape in a legal way and alcohol is legal. I am on disability and have a lot of pain issues and the doctors and psych's try to say its a lot mental / PTSD/ Stress related but they haven't lived in my body. I have had over 15 surgeries and have had many scars and all kinds of mesh - They don't live this body and don't feel my pain. They tell me I need to learn to live with it. Well hell , I am doing the best I can and alcohol does a great job of dimming that. But I know I need to find a better answer and am looking to my community as I know I can't be alone in my pain or journey. My New Year's resolution is to get back to that person that doesn't drink in response to pain. That learns to deal with it. That get's her weight under control in the meantime. Sending out an SOS to my community and asking for good advice or just shared empathy to know I am not the only one and that we do not travel on this journey alone.
  21. I am post op bypass 13 months ( surgery was 10/07/2020) ) and am I now drinking alcohol every night . I have gained back a few pounds Like 8 and am scared to death. I feel like I am heading back toward terrible habits and need to regain back control now. I am working with a Psychologist that's not very good for PTSD issues and major depressive disorder. I have got control of that but I have now a new problem= alcohol! A year ago, I would never think of drinking on a week night or much at all but now it's become my new addiction and it leads to me over eating and then the dreaded weight gain. I have now drank every night for the past two months and I can't seem too let it go. This had never been me before as my family is filled with alcoholics and I could never understand it and now I do? It kills pain and drowns out so much. It definitely affects me differently after surgery and takes very little to have any affect at all. I am drunk or affected at sip 3. It is such a great escapism and good lord with Covid and the way of the world all I want to do is escape in a legal way and alcohol is legal. I am on disability and have a lot of pain issues and the doctors and psych's try to say its a lot mental / PTSD/ Stress related but they haven't lived in my body. I have had over 15 surgeries and have had many scars and all kinds of mesh - They don't live this body and don't feel my pain. They tell me I need to learn to live with it. Well hell , I am doing the best I can and alcohol does a great job of dimming that. But I know I need to find a better answer and am looking to my community as I know I can't be alone in my pain or journey. My New Year's resolution is to get back to that person that doesn't drink in response to pain. That learns to deal with it. That get's her weight under control in the meantime. Sending out an SOS to my community and asking for good advice or just shared empathy to know I am not the only one and that we do not travel on this journey alone.
  22. dwilbanks

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hello WSLers Long time listener, first time caller. I was sleeved on 11/22/21. I had lost over 40lbs since my surgery, but now seem to be gaining a pound a day the last few days. My diet has remained the same, 1-2 Premiere Protein shakes, 5 oz of non/low fat yogurt, and 4 bites of misc protein from dinner. Getting 64 oz or more of water has been brutal. Any ideas on the weight gain? It's really screwing with my head. Walking (exercise) has been limited, since I am currently experiencing my fourth gout attack since my surgery. I've been taking 600mg Allopurinol daily and 0.6mg of Colchicine during flare ups. It's been brutal. I have not had an attack in a while. Regards Dan
  23. Okay, I can totally hear you on this. Same thing here. I'm 3 years post-op. COVID and life wreaked havoc in my life, lost my 16 year old fur baby . . . 2020 and 2021 SUCKED! But I finally saw a sign that said, "Remember why you started this." and it hit me - - - I had to get my health back. I was embarrassed by my weight gain because after WLS and reading some of the forum posts where people gained weight back, I thought "Oh! I'll never be one of THOSE people!" HA! I am! But I finally found light at the end of the tunnel on November 22nd. Something finally just clicked in my head. I started going to the gym and I've been 35 out of the last 40 days. I joined Weight Watchers two weeks ago and as of this morning I've lost 3 pounds. I have depression, which it sounds like you probably have after all that you've been through, and I see a counselor every 3 weeks. We do online video conferences. It's very helpful to talk about my stressors and fears. You are NOT a failure! Forgive yourself, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and join me on a journey to refocus on our weight in 2022.
  24. So this past year has been HELL for me. Not only am I now almost done with a divorce from my middle school sweetheart xs 3 kids, because he was cheating with the 17 year old babysitter. Yep walked in and caught them in our bed. He said he loved me still not in love with me I wasn't young and pretty anymore. I also lost 2 of my beloved pups. Had to start travel nursing to make ends meet, leaving my youngest daughter with him mostly. Being a nurse during this time is trying enough. Then got caught up in the middle of a shoot out at a gas station. All this stress and I started eating bad again. Gained 40 lbs of the 110lbs lost. I absolutely hate me now. I don't even know where to start to get back on track. How do you eat right living out of a hotel room. How do I handle all these sweet cravings I have from the stress. Please help me with any advice. I have been so depressed that I thought of ending it at times. Feeling like a failure. Ps. I start counseling soon.
  25. Arabesque


    Just a little vent about clothing sizes. Spotted a pair of slouchy drop crotch pants on sale online. What size will I need I wondered? Got out out my handy dandy dress maker’s tape measure & checked the size guide. OMG it said I was a MED/large or a size 14 (US 10/12). WTF!?! 😱 Is this the children’s size guide I thought but even if it was I’m only a size 10/12 in children’s wear. Nope, definitely adult sizing. It’s an Aust company I’ve bought from before (XXS fitted knit dress & XS sweaters) just not pants. All my pants are Aust size 4 or 6. How could I be a size 14 in their eyes? I know I had some dessert at Christmas but not enough to cause a weight gain of 4 clothing sizes. 😉 GRRRR!

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