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Found 1,238 results

  1. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  2. Not loving the three week stall..., but I'm okay. Met with my dietician this week and she suggested that I put the scale away till Monday, then weigh once weekly. I can probably make it to Monday, but I don't know about the once a week. Maybe I can compromise w twice weekly? IDK.... I return to work next week and am waiting until then to try on my work clothes. Hoping I'll "feel" my weight loss. I figured feeling it will be better than just a number. Although I admit I do love seeing the numbers when it's descending!!!
  3. Hop_Scotch

    So little weight loss

    I looked back at some of your posts, I see your weight was 238lb, not sure if pre op diet or surgery day weight, but either way it is a fairly lowish weight (like mine was) and to expect you to lose 20lb in the first two weeks is very unreasonable znc moreso if you did a two week pre op diet where you would have already lost a lot of bloat and water weight. 16lb in the first two weeks was excellent, well done. There will be stalls along the way, and at four weeks post op you may well be experiencing the infamous three week stall. Not everyone experiences it but it can occur anywhere from two to six weeks post op, and can last a few weeks for some people, for others its may be a week or so.
  4. Netherfield

    Am I the only one?

    Hi. I'm new to this site, but almost 9 months out from surgery. If I could give any advice, as corny as this sounds, it would be to actually enjoy the journey. I am now 95 lbs down, about 15-18 lbs more to go to goal. I have journaled for years, and as of late it has been all about my weight loss and as I reread my entries, I realized I'd get so frustrated at every slight stall. I freaked out when I hit the three week stall, until my surgeon told me it's so predictable and usual -- that my body was trying to compensate for the all water loss. Of course I got over that stall, just as he said I would and continued to lose weight. Flash forward to when I was at the hump of getting out of the "obesity" category to just the "overweight" category. Of course getting that ONE extra pound off was during a slight stall. There I went journaling again, wondering if I'd ever get to that point, getting so frustrated. Yep, I got out of the obesity category. I met with a friend who had the gastric bypass a few years ago and she said, "I abolutely loved the time when I was losing weight," and I realized I was missing the big picture. I hadn't thought about this being a special time for me. I started to write more about the positives...such as I fit into a 2x now (and then a 1x now, XL now, Large now!)...I now have a lap (I love a lap!)...this is what I've noticed this week. This is what I noticed about how strangers treat me. So this is how it feels to shop for normal clothes! When did I actually starting liking exercise? It's such a remarkable journey that changes our body itself, but also our attitude, our image, how we perceive ourselves, how others perceive us and treat us, etc. etc. The weight loss actually happens quite fast....when else could I lose 95 lbs in 9 months? So, enjoy the journey folks!
  5. vikingbeast


    This sounds like the infamous "three week stall"—there are thousands and thousands and thousands of posts here about it. Just stay the course and the weight loss will resume!
  6. Me! The "three week stall". My scale didn't move for 7 days! Extremely frustrating. My doctor said its normal! He every cleared me to go to the gym at my 1 month appointment. Follow my journey at jenvsg.blogspot.com Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Joann454


    I'm sorry you're discouraged. It's SO COMMON tho. Honestly. I had the famous three week stall. Make sure you're drinking all your water and let your body heal. This first month is about healing. It WILL come off. Are you tracking your protein and water ?
  8. yep - it's the infamous three-week stall that almost everyone goes through! It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and it'll break. Always does...
  9. Don't worry! I stalled in week 3 .. It's the dreaded three week stall.. Everyone goes through it.. Consider it a right of passage.. And week 5 I gained 2 lbs! It's just your internal thermostat regulator adjusting your body is freaking out! Now, with that being said.. I freaked out too.. Just try and relax.. Do what your supposed to do and it will come off!! I'm 5 months out and including pre-op I'm down 72 lbs.. You'll get there!! . Also, look up the Instagram community for support too.. I use it and I love it Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. catwoman7

    No weightloss 1 month PO

    yep - it's the infamous three week stall! This question comes up almost every day. If you're interested in reading more about it, here are the 17,501 posts on it (and nope - I'm not kidding...): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  11. Julie’sRoses

    3 week post op weight gain

    I’m in the three week stall. 3 days now. The worst part is that I stalled at 201 so I haven’t gotten to the 1s yet : -(
  12. Whoa! Way too early to give up. Almost everyone has a stall right around the time you are talking about. If you google it, there are dozens of references. "Three week stall." Also poster Butterthebean has an article in his signature on this very subject. As far as giving up, have you ever lost 17 pounds in a week or so? Keep doing what you are doing and DON'T GIVE UP.
  13. catwoman7


    it's the three-week stall - right on time! stick to your plan, stay off the scale, and it'll break. Does every time...
  14. Latrell

    6 weeks post Sleeve surgery

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  15. Relax girlfriend! I was sleeved two days before you and starting weight quite a bit more (247) and right in line with your loss. I think we are doing great! Just let the sleeve do the work, stick to the plan and it will keep coming off. I have had some stall time too, 5 days at one weight, lost a pound and on two days at the next weight... If I was weighing every two weeks I'm sure I would never notice I was in a stall ... I have been measuring now and then too, and have continued to lose inches... have you done this? I have decided to celebrate the three week stall! It just shows we are on the same path as all these nice folks that are losing a bunch of weight with the sleeve. PS my starting weight was two days before surgery, when I started a liquid diet for two days, so really I probably lost about the same as you...
  16. VSGAnn2014

    How can I be a failure already?

    Oh, good grief. Google "three week stall." This happens to everyone somewhere around 2-4 weeks. Everyone! EVERYONE! Surely no one promised you you'd lose at a regular clip or that your scales would behave like a car's gasoline gauge. Because you won't and it won't. Your body is a lot more complicated than that. You're doing fine except for going all drama llama.
  17. jessicar13

    May sleevers results so far!

    I've been on a three week stall. It's weird because it started right when I started seriously working out and not just walking. I am going to track my food this week and keep working out. I am sure it will eventually break.
  18. it's the infamous three-week stall - it just came early for you. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Almost everyone goes through that early stall. Just stick to your program and it'll eventually break. It always does!
  19. Hello everyone . I am going through the three week stall and it is the puts. My surgery was on June 11th this year and so far I've lost 20 lbs so far. Now I'm non my fourth week and I hope it gets better. I'm still taking my vitamins and calcium . I'm also in taking my protein shakes, at least 40-50 grams. Since I've been back to work, it's really hard to find a eating balance schedule, but I do the best I can. I need to know is will the stalling pass soon? Please help!!!
  20. I am beginning the fourth week of my three week stall. I am six weeks post op, and while I know the stall will eventually break, it is really discouraging while it's going on. It's helpful to read about other people's experiences, and to know I'm not doing anything wrong - it's my body fighting back....I mean, adjusting. 🙂
  21. If you will look under my name, you will find a post that says, "three week stall ugh"! I am at four months post op & have lost 69lbs! I have had two stalls. Just keep doing what your Dr told you!
  22. NovaLuna

    Stopped Losing Weight

    Considering your surgery date I'm guessing you're likely in the three week stall. It's VERY common! Also, during stalls weight can go up a bit by a pound or three and bounce back and forth before your weight loss kicks back in. Just my own experiance anyway... my longest stall was 27 days. I also had one that lasted 23 days. Your body sometimes takes a while to get used to the changes and will stall you on occasion. I've had so many stalls I lost count... but, I've still lost 106 pounds in the 9 months since my surgery so you do get past it. Just continue eating like you're supposed to and try not to stress yourself out about it (almost impossible, I know)
  23. catwoman7

    5 weeks post op

    the two week thing is the infamous "three week stall". Almost everyone experiences it. Here are the 17,501 posts on it on this site (and no, I am NOT kidding): https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall weird color poop isn't uncommon the first month or two after surgery. I think paleness usually indicates fat malabsorption, which isn't a huge surprise. I think mine was normal colored after about the first month. as for the pain thing, I'd run that by your clinic. I'm not sure what that is- could be a lot of things, I think. They might want to do a scope or something to see what's going on.
  24. the infamous three-week stall (doesn't always happen the third week, but sometime during the first month, almost all of us experience our first major stall). Here are past posts on it that I just did a search for: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall 17,501 posts!
  25. Four years out. Keep trying different protein shakes until you find what works for you, because you will! I had to try like 15-20 varieties. Powders, pre mix, waters, etc. Nashua Nutrition online sells a sucker serve sample of anything they carry for $2. You trusted your surgical team to cut you open, trust their nutrition plan! It may be totally different than anyone else's but it's YOUR plan! Follow it for at least the first year, make the most of that window, then you can experiment after you've changed your whole relationship with food and broken all the habits. Know that early put acid can mimic hunger pangs. If you feel a gnawing sensation in your stomach that feels like hunger, try a proton pump inhibitor or another acid reducer. The three week stall is real. And it ends.

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