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Found 2,865 results

  1. Kindle

    I'm driving myself crazy

    Yes, you're weighing every day. Stop doing that. Seriously. You won't have any stalls if you don't get on the scale. I stepped on the scale about 6 times in the first 3 months, so I never had a 3 week stall. The scale didn't help me lose 100 pounds. I did that by eating healthy, drinking water, taking my vitamins and being active. That's ALL you have to do.
  2. Ended at 210.8. Met goal early, then stayed there (in the midst of the dreaded 3 week stall). Still happy with progress! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. fromsleevedtome

    June 2015 sleevers

    I was sleeved 6/20 and I am down a total of 31 pounds. I have been in a stall for the past 2 weeks. I knew the 3 week stall was coming, although I had hoped it wouldn't last this long. Hopefully I'll be able to kick it soon.
  4. I am getting extremely frustrated. Please let me know if this experience is unique to me. I am 2 weeks post op, and I have not lost any weight in the second week. I know there is a 3 week stall is it possible to have a stall in the second week. I am not getting consistent information from the surgeon about my nutritional requirements and I am concerned because I am not feeling restricted on liquids and maybe I am over doing it. I was not having regrets, but I am starting to now. Also, I am able to start purees tomorrow and not sure what I can and cant have. I have another weird situation. My primary care doctor is the director of a nutritional and weight loss program. I got cleared for surgery by his nutritionist, however she does not specialize in bariatrics. Now I need a nutritionist that does specialize in bariatrics, and the one recommended by the surgeons office says she cant treat me because I did not do the initial evaluation with her. I am at a loss because I don't know what I should and should not be doing. My surgery was uncomplicated, however getting information I need to be a success has been very complicated. My doctor's office has given me contradicting information both pre and post op, and I am beyond frustrated and in tears. I want to be a success but all I see is failure in my future. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. MacMadame

    My Scale Won't Move, Help!

    Two weeks is about right for the 3 week stall. I actually know people whose entire weight loss went in two week chunks. They'd lose for two weeks, then stall for two week and repeat. That would have driven me crazy! Whenever mine slowed down, I would look at my logs and there would always be something in there I could improve... drink more Water, consume more Protein, exercise more ... so I'd do that and it would pick back up again.
  6. This is the one I was thinking of (especially for the "3 week stall"), but I'm sure there are others. I know Alex wrote one, too and I think it's in the Magazine section. http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.U7I2Stq9KSN
  7. I am on a 3 week stall right now and am trying to stay positive. This last weekend while working out, my work out pants fell down...my husband thought it was funny. After a bit I had to smile too.
  8. I was eating about 600 calories per day 6 weeks out. You're doing fine as long as you are getting in your protein/fluid requirements AND making sure your daily carbs are LESS than your protein intake. For example if I made it to 75g protein I could indulge in about 40g carbs. It worked great for me and my NUT was the one who said to just make sure your protein is higher than your carbs. Everyone is different so please speak with your NUT to make sure you are okay. Also another good thing to keep in mind is that if you're working out every day calories shouldn't be a major concern. For example I would eat 600 calories and burn 400 at the gym (BAD Idea!! I put my body into starvation mode and had a 3 week stall until I eased up on the workouts). Sorry this is so long lol. Hope this helps! HW: 299lbs SW: 268 CW: 220 Surgery date: 12/14/16 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Arabesque

    Blah...my first stall...

    We call it the 3 week stall but it can occur earlier or later. Think of it as your body needing to take a breath. It’s been going through a lot. It’s like your body shutting the door & pulling the covers over its head just like you might like to do when stressed or anxious. And yes, just stick to your plan, let your body do what it needs to do & you’ll start to lose again. Just remember it may take 1-3 weeks.
  10. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    12 Days Post Op

    Yep - me with my bypass. Almost 20lbs down in first 9-10 days, then nothing. Nearly a week - it just started moving again. Lots Of posts here on the 3 week stall. Seems like Our is a little under 2 weeks. Have faith - it will come right if you are following the plan!
  11. DrmBig4Evr

    Scale and Motivation Stuck!

    Completely normal, search 3 week stall, you may not technically be 3 weeks, maybe a little more, but still applies. Stick with it! Also, check your inches!
  12. The infamous 3 weeks stall! I think most of us over here had it. I'm glad yours broke so quick. My advice to you it to try not to stress so much about stalls and focus on following your program. Good luck
  13. Wow...I can't believe my 3 week stall right now!!! I lost the majority of my 16lbs down in the first 2 weeks. Of which I lost like 11lbs in the first week (including pre-op diet loss), then I stalled again, starved myself (even more) to lose about 5 more and it took forever to come off. Then stalled again for the next 2 weeks, and now I've GAINED 3 lbs throwing me back at a loss of 13 lbs......what the hell!!! My calories are consistently 500-590, with 50-70g Protein, and always well under 50g carbs (average of 13-18g, not once above 25g). My fat is also very super clean saturated, and less than it needs to be...but I'm still stuck. And even gained 3 lbs. I mean, I'm 1 month out....what the hell is going on!!! I've half a mind to talk to my doctor directly about this! I am taking prilosec every single day at the recommended dose, and also take liquid antacids before each meal despite the fact that I don't have heartburn, just so that I can shut out all the comments about the whole...oh you're not hungry, its just heartburn thing! lol. I'm still hungry, and the way I can tell is that I get dizzy and lightheaded within 5-8 minutes of the hunger feeling. Yes, I'm eating a lot less often now, and much less food too (I mean flippin' 500-590 cals!!) Today, I'm doing something different and hoping it'll break this gaining/stall cycle...I'm just having Protein shakes (30g) when I get hungry and drinking more than my full 2 litres to see where that takes me. Only 1 solid meal all day, and even that is 77 calories at 11g protein, 2 carbs and 2g sat fat. And if I see anything change (going down that is) on the scale tomorrow morning (even a half decimal point lol) I'm going nuts and knocking out even that 1 solid meal and replacing it with more Water and a protein shake! If this doesn't work, I'm calling my lawyer!
  14. photogirl70

    Weight loss HALT

    Ah yes, the dreaded 3 week stall. It's very common and very discouraging. Stick with the program and you will get over this hump.
  15. mommyradd

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    Hey Guys: I'm 5'1. My first pre-op weight was 205. The next month, my Nutritionist told me to add "healthy carbs and startches" to my diet, and at my next pre-op appt. I weighed 213! I had to work the next 4 months just to lose the 8 lbs. I gained. I struggled. Finally, at my last pre-op, I had gone back down to 203, and my weight at surgery check-in was 199.5! I am 8 weeks out, and I weigh 178 right now. I had a 3 week stall. I up'd my protein to 70-80 grams of protein, and just started exercising last week. My stall broke, and I lost 3 pounds! Slowly but surely, and I have gone from a size 22 to an 18, sometimes a snug 16. LOL For the record, I haven't had any sweets, or breads of any kind. I thought following my meal plan strictly would promote faster weight loss. I am still sticking to the plan, despite not having the fastest results. I think the lack of exercise, slowed down my loss...Good luck everyone! We didn't put our bodies through this to fail:)
  16. bobbyswife

    1 week post op!

    @@Fancynancy37@cox.net 3 week stall. Search for it on this forum and take a deep breath.
  17. hrhlaurie

    Labor day Challenge

    I was on vacation so missed a week but on Labor Day I weighed 208, which is 11 pounds over goal. I didn't anticipate my 3 week stall but have started losing again and losing inches so looking forward to the next challenge!
  18. In the search box, if you type in "3 week stall" you will see it is normal for sleevers. hope this helps. (It's a lot of reading that will pop up!!)
  19. Falecha

    Feb 23 Sleevers!

    Welcome Falecha! Glad you posted. You are actually doing quite well (weight wise). Many of us have lost less than that since surgery. I'm only 22 lbs down (but, I'm trying not to complain...because I never lost 22 lbs in a month in the past). Hopefully your Drs. appointment will put your mind at ease. I always write my questions down, so I don't get nervous ad forget....just a suggestion. I think we have to just keep trying to get Protein and Water goals in, and it will come off. At least, that seems to be the norm. Also, as they said on the other thread...the 3 weeks stall is VERY common. So, we shouldn't worry. Thanks for ur advice I appreciate it maybe I'm reading too much into it r maybe I want the weight to just drop off but it doesn't work that way. I'll let everyone know how my doctors appointment went tomorrow. Believe me...I know the feeling! I too want the weight to be gone faster. I think it's pretty normal....especially when you've been through so much (surgery, and all that comes with it). But, priase God it's coming off at all! Before surgery my weight was just climbing up and up...for the umpteenth time. Keep us posted on the Doc apt. Tomorrow. Night Sent from my LG-H811 using the BariatricPal App Dr. Simpson said I was doing great!! And I go back May 25 the for my 3 month follow up and he said I need to add more protein to my diet. Falecha
  20. I will be 3 weeks post-op on Wednesday. My scale hasn't budged in a week and a half. In the first week and a half after surgery I lost 13lbs. I have heard of the 3 week stall but this was only after a week and a half. I am following everything I need to. I meet my protein requirements most days, get all my reccomended vitamins, plenty of water, and I'm walking every day. Has this happened to anyone else. I'm feeling very down and wondering if this is going to work for me.
  21. On the board we see 3 week stalls break ON THEIR OWN all the time. It's when things are staying the same (scale and tape measure) for over a month that I start getting concerned. My personal preference is to call it a stall if it lasts for a month or less and breaks on its own.. more than a month, and it usually needs intervention.. that's a plateau. Keep in mind, if someone only eats 400 calories a day, long term, it's anorexia, and they WILL lose weight. Doesn't mean it is a good idea, but it means that there is no true end to weight loss. (Think of concentration camp victims). The "end" that we talk about is when the new set point is reached and the caloric intake/expenditure aligns. We can control intake, but the body has lots of tricks up its sleeve to modify expenditure. That's why calories in doesn't always seem to equal calories out.
  22. Shanny

    100+ Pound Club

    When I went to my doctor the first time, inquiring about surgery, I was 247 pounds. By the time I had surgery I was 228. Now, 3 weeks after surgery I'm 202 pounds. One of the reasons that I joined this forum and not the support groups at my doctor's office is because the people said to me that I didn't need to have surgery, I didn't have that much weight to lose. Just because I didn't have over 200 pounds to lose didn't mean that I didn't feel like my weight was out of control. I felt as ashamed and like I was spiraling just like everyone else. I'm so glad I found this forum. Everyone is so supportive. Right now, I'm at my 3 week stall, and not getting enough calories. I'm not going to let that get me down. I'm going to figure this thing out. I have a life time of making this tool work for me and I'm going to take it one day at a time, one pound at a time.
  23. I was sleeved January 27th 2021 starting weight was 215 day of surgery went down to 200 first 3 weeks after surgery, but I have since lost weight very slowly I was in the 3 week stall for about 3 weeks at 199 and today 2 months post op I am at 191 and I know it is still going down just really slowly about 1 pound every week or two and I am not sure if this is normal I just feel like it's so slowww!! anyone else in January? how is it going or has anyone experienced really slow weight loss?
  24. Preacher's Wife

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    My Surgery may 14th starting weight 272. I had a 3 week stall but I weighed today and 23 down. So hopefully I've broke my stall.
  25. I've heard of the 3 week stall. But I stopped losing weight at 1 week. I lost 10lb during my 1 week pre op diet and 10 lb the week after my surgery. My surgery was 11/30. I haven't lost anything since 12/7. I use a Bariatric app to track all my food/water/vitamins. My calories have gone up over the past 2 weeks (as expected) from around 300 to 600 and my carbs are higher than I would like (around 35 avg), but I'm finding soft foods are limited. I am not meeting my water goals of 64 oz. I'm getting about 30 oz. If I do too much moving around, my incision sites get really sore so I have not started walking but I do a lot house work and go into my office a couple days a week (not just a couch potatoe, like week 1). Anyone else experience this? Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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