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Found 2,865 results

  1. Had surgery 8.16 and now going into week 3 I’ve hit a stall, lost 18 lbs and haven’t lost anything! Does anyone know how long it will last , or what to do to get rid of the stall?!
  2. FluffyChix

    I guess I’m regretting a little...

    Ugh. While I do sympathize and validate the feelings expressed here, someone has just GOT to talk about the elephant in the living room with the pink tutu on! Reality check here guys...your brains are totes SCREWED up! I don't know what does it. Maybe it's all the fault of My 600lb Life? Dunno... But OP you've lost 14lbs in ONE WEEK (by your words Aug 21 thru Aug 28--that's 7 days if math serves me). Let me repeat that and shout it out for you: YOU'VE LOST 14 LBS IN ONE FREAKIN' WEEK! Instead of being busted and down, you should want to turn cartwheels. That's amazing! Congrats! Turn that frown upside down and get ready for the very common "3 week stall" that happens somewhere between weeks 2 and 4. You will likely average anywhere from 2-4lbs/week. This is not magic surgery. And WL will never be linear. It's the best thing that's ever happened to most of us. (And for the record? I've NEVER lost 14lbs in one week. EVS.) . I honestly want to ask if you're pullin' our chain? Cuz let's do some more basic math: August 21 - Sept. 4 = 13days. In 13 days you've lost 20lbs. That is WELL over 1lb per day. LOL. That's phenomenal and you can't possibly hope to keep that up. It won't happen. Please read above at the 3week stall phenomenon. You ladies, need to reality check your brains and reframe how you look at this surgical intervention. This is usually about slow steady progress--not huge losses overnight. But some DO experience those dramatic losses. Hell. You are both experiencing it right now. Dig in. Sit back. Do the work and enjoy the ride. Cuz the weight loss WILL happen unless you screw the pooch. And nobody wants to screw the pooch. Congrats to you both. I'd trade places with either of you in a heart beat.
  3. Totally can relate! When I first stalled, I told myself, “The three week stall is totally normal and happens to nearly everyone!” Then a week passed and I repeated the above to myself... then week two passed, and I started researching, but not finding definitive answers, how long the three week stall typically lasts. Then week three passed and I started to get really frustrated and debated calling my surgeons office. The truth is there is no set time for how long the 3 weeks stall will last. Some it only lasts a week for... others stalled for a month... but it does break eventually. Just remember that there is likely no possible way you could be consuming enough calories to be gaining weight or not losing at this point... so whatever is causing it is not your fault.
  4. Why don't more people get the MGB? I had mine on April 27th and it has gone so smoothly that I often forget I have it. My friend has a different surgeon and he is resistant saying that there are more complications and risk of reflux. However, they are bypassing the stomach so there can't be gastric reflux and there is a technique or stitch that they can do to prevent or minimize the risk of bile reflux. It seems with only 1 connection that the risks are smaller. Why do so many surgeons not offer this. I absolutely love mine! My recovery has been great and so far I've lost over 60 pounds and that includes a 3 week stall. I absolutely feel restriction which is great and what I want. I do feel hungry and sometimes starving but I can eat a snack like a boiled egg and then I'm satisfied and full for hours. I don't dump and have no heartburn or reflux. I know my surgeon did the stitch to prevent bile reflux and so far it works. It seems that I can eat anything but just in smaller portion sizes. I only count fluid and protein. I stopped counting calories because it is a real effort to exceed 1000 at this point. Maybe because my favorite things are tri-tip steak and salad or scallops and veggies. When we eat out, I've learned to order al a carte or just bring home the leftovers for another meal or two. Most important is that I don't dump. That really terrified me. I can eat sweets but I've found that I have no interest in them anymore. One bite is all I need and I'm done. I had a small piece of cake at my niece's wedding and I didn't get sick but I didn't want more either. It was nice for a celebration. Is my experience unique? I still have 50 lbs to lose and at some point I know it will slow and be more difficult but isn't it that way with all WLS methods? Why aren't there more MGB patients?
  5. I was sleeved on 7/31 and whew, it's been a journey! I'm happy with my weight loss progress and that 3 week stall can be discouraging for sure! I was so happy to see the scale move again. LOL I had developed a slight infection at my big incision and took a round of antibiotics and went on a trip for 10 days. I had to do my 2 week post op nutritional counseling via video conference while I was on my trip and I didn't get to see my surgeon until I got back. By that time, my incision had closed completely but was getting bigger and at first I thought it was a crazy fast keloid (I'm prone to those) but then I realized it was fluid. When I went in to see my surgeon, she cut into the site and showed me how to pack it with gauze. She gave me another round of antibiotic too. I go back to see her in 2 weeks. In the meantime, she cleared me to start some light cardio. Today was my first day to work up a little bit of a sweat, and I mean little because I stopped after 10 minutes. I'm starting with Leslie Sansone and I hope to do 20 minutes tomorrow. I've been eating around 600 calories +/-100 per day and trying hard to get 64 oz of water. I think I'll get it today and today will be the first day that I've taken all my vitamins and calcium. I'm getting the hang of this new life!
  6. IveGotThePower

    Paranoid as hell!

    I can attest to the stall. There is a thing called the 3 week stall. But it is different for everyone. I would not have believed this if it had not happened to me. I went 21/22 days eating about 600 - 800 calories a day and did not loose one single pound. Not one. So, don't worry too much about the speed that you loose. We are all different and as long as you are following the rules. It will happen.
  7. Yep - I had the dreaded 3 week stall. Stayed on plan and it worked itself out. That’s seems to be a pattern, I stall, stay in plan and evaluate am I really on plan and continue on / tweak as needed. Still in a stall/slight gain but was starting to see movement but now between the weather impacting my main exercise of walking (stupid unhealthy smoke from NW fires) and now an emergency gallbladder removal surgery it may last a little longer. You’ve got this!!!
  8. Matt Z

    What am i doing wrong

    Search for 3 week stall. It's beyond common. Nothing you are doing as far as I can see from your post is wrong. Just keep making sure you hit your protein goals and work to get to 128oz of water if possible. And stop stressing about the weight right now, work on healing and getting your diet worked out, the rest will happen. As far as bruising, That's a side effect of the blood thinners, and should your team *should* have told you that was going to happen. Our lead nurse joked about it, saying that everyone would have pretty bellies with all the blacks, blues, purples, yellows and greens.
  9. gr8ful1

    July Gastric Bypass?

    Good to hear! Mine was on the 25th and I'm doing great, too. It looks like I hit the infamous "3 week stall" about 4 days ago, but I'm sticking to my plan and hoping to see a big weight loss one day soon.
  10. MissLindseyR

    Mashed potatoes

    Mine was mashed potatoes as well, but by week three, it caught up to me and caused me to have a 3 week stall from week 3 to week 6. Per my surgeon's office, my body held on to those potatoes like I was in a third world country. Once you can add more foods, definitely wean off of them. I will be two months out on Sept 2nd, my go toos are tuna and baby bel cheese! If I need a snack, which I try not to, but I grab a baby bel light. congrats on your surgery!!! ps. the mashed potatoes were on my plan per my doctor
  11. FutureRN19

    I’m concerned it’s not working

    Looking at your start weight, it is entirely possible that you managed to avoid the dreaded 3 week stall until now. Divided up that is still almost 4lbs a week which is double what I've ever lost in one week. Be kind to yourself and trust the process. It is physically impossible to not lose weight after surgery if you're being compliant. That being said, are you getting your water and protein? Exercising at all? If you changed any of those habits it might be why your weight slowed some but that's a huge difference to be explained. Whatever the cause if you are doing what your doc recommended you literally will lose the weight. It just might come in more "stops and starts" than you want.
  12. photogirl70

    When was your first plateau?

    Yes, apparently the 3 week stall is totally real and very common. I've been teetering between 229 and 231 for the last week. It is very aggravating but I'm sticking with my plan. I did start tracking calories yesterday so I could make sure I was eating enough and also not eating too much.
  13. Search up "3 week stall." This stall varies in length but will break. Continue on track and before you know it, the scale will start to drop. Mine lasted about 10 days. There will be more stalls throughout your journey.
  14. i can finish a protein shake in maybe 3 hours? but i try to just sip on it to get my protein intake up. liquids have been easy for me. i also haven’t seen a change in the scale for the past week. i think i hit that “3 week stall” people mention
  15. KimTriesRNY

    Weight Plateau

    I did hit a 3 week stall after losing 130 some pounds but two months seems like a long time. Do you track your intake? Exercise? It is hard to “advise” you when we don’t know what your current program is.
  16. newmeinfla

    July Sleeve

    Had surgery on July 25 and the last week I have not lost anything but still watching what I eat and just eating a few bites of my meals. I guess the 3 week stall is really. But i also feel that i have not lost much in total 20 pounds 10 pre and 10 post. Just keep telling myself this is more weight loss that i have seen in a long time. Just hoping that i start losing again and that this surgery was not done for nothing. Sorry just had to vent. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. QTRNY2018


    Unfortunately looks like I’ll be back for another this week. Coupled with a 3 week stall I am no happy RNY camper.
  18. I am nearly 3 weeks and do believe I have hit the dreaded 3 week stall. I know this is normal- so I’m doing my best to not let it get to me. Challenges I’ve run into? Finding things to wear to work. Nearly every pair of pants is too big, so I’ve been wearing dresses and skirts. The dresses are a bit loose- but dresses can’t fall down so it doesn’t matter. I’m also in a constant battle against constipation and have to take colase and drink smooth move tea every night. It sucks, but I’m sure this will get better as my diet gets more varied. I am averaging between 400 and 500 calories a day. Still relying on Protein shakes to meet my protein goals. I am down 27lbs since surgery, 65lbs since starting the process in January, and 103lbs since my heaviest in October 2016.
  19. Hi everyone, I am 5 weeks, almost 6 weeks since my gastric bypass. I did have an IUD put in on day 9 and haven't stopped bleeding. That might be TMI but it might help explain some things. After week 2, I got down to 261lbs. I was 283 in the hospital after surgery. I did really well. Now I'm up to 266.5. Some daily info on me is my BMR is 1962.85, I use about 2,777 calories a day, I take in about 60 to 70 oz of water, and I eat about 800 calories a day. Why am I gaining weight? I've been around this weight for the last 3 weeks. I've heard of stalls, but a 3 week stall right out of the gate? Am I failing at weight loss surgery? As far as exercise, I haven't been released to do anything besides walk, and I could be better at that. I will get on that actually, going to try to hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track with that. My food looks like this: Morning: Protein shake with 20g protein, 9 carbs, 7g fiber, 2g sugar (I have to use plant based for it to not come back up) I add 8oz of almond milk and decaf coffee. I use very low fat low sugar almond milk with 30 calories. Lunch: either 2 pieces of sliced turkey with 2 pieces of thin sliced cheese or Tuna or Greek Yogurt and a baby bel Snack: light baby bel Dinner: Usually the same as lunch, however, I haven't been tolerating much for dinner very well so I have had two night of cherrios and almond milk for a total of 130 calories. I was released to eat cold cereals as long as they have less than 3g of sugar. I will take any advice, any dinner advice, any work out advice. Please help a momma out!!! Thanks
  20. I think I hit that 3 week stall that I keep reading about 😩. Tuesday will make it 4 weeks post op for me and my scale haven’t moved in a week. Trying to stay positive.
  21. MissB_fit_2018

    June Sleevers Lets Get Excited!!!

    I've been stalled for a week and gained 2 lbs this week! But in all honestly my eating was horrible this week. I'm down 23 pounds total, 17 lbs down since surgery. I did meal prep this week so I hope that keeps me making better choices and helps move the stall. I still have not made it to a work out today is Monday though so no motivation like a Monday start lol. How long have you had your stall? My Dr. said two to 3 weeks stalls would be normal in between large amounts of weight coming off as your body catches up with the weight loss so not to worry. He recommended just staying on track with good habits such as protien first, then veggies, then carbs when eating and stopping when full and my body would do the rest. My problem is i'm a bored eater. I eat just to have something to do. So i'm drinking water to try and replace that habit. Like i said i did not do good last week and I gained 2lbs sooooo i need to get better habits lol. On that note if anyone else is bored eater and just uses food to fill your time let me know what tips you have done to help curb that habit. Look forward to hearing suggestions. Also if anyone wants to post what your daily food intake looks like that would be helpful.... not sure if i'm eating to much some days i feel like i could eat a house other days i can only eat an egg....
  22. So I had surgery July 2nd. Everything is trucking along but now, I get incredibly belchy while eat my liquid meals. And, I think I’ve fallen victim to the 3 week stall. In fact, my weight went up a half pound between today and yesterday and a half pound between Monday and Tuesday. Yeah, I don’t really have a question, just wallowing in my own self pity.
  23. Little Kansas Kitty

    June RNY buddies?

    Wahoo! Finally, broke my 3 week stall after 8 days of no weight loss! I'm down 25 lbs. now (including pre-op diet). YAY! How's everyone feeling?
  24. Little Kansas Kitty

    June 2018 losers bench

    This 3 week stall is no joke it’s been over 2 weeks for me now 😓 Ugh! 2 weeks? I'm so sorry! I have literally weighed the exact same since Saturday. Not an ounce more or an ounce less. So strange to me.
  25. Jessbear345

    June 2018 losers bench

    This 3 week stall is no joke it’s been over 2 weeks for me now 😓

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