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Found 17,501 results

  1. Lifestyle Changer

    Embarrassed of My Weight

    Kindle my new service dog in training with me while he is checking out the rear of my car.
  2. Has anyone tried the Tonal system for workouts at home? My husband wants to get one that both of us can use, to build more fat-burning muscle. Any feedback? TIA!
  3. I had a gastric bypass on 11/15. I lost 1 lb at my 2 week check up. Now I'm panicking that something is wrong. I'm eating very little and it is most disappointing, Any advice?
  4. Hi there! I hope some of you could enlighten me. I am potentially having surgery next year, and my bariatric nurse recommended I do the Liver Shrinkage DIet for 2 weeks to add favour to my referral to the surgeons. I am 9 days in and I have only lost 0.6kg (just over 1 pound). Prior to this, I was eating "normally"-carbs, and treats when appropriate as part of a normal lifestyle and I was losing around 2-3pounds a week (just under 1kg). I feel really deflated and feel like I won't hit my weight loss for the surgery referral, and that this diet is just not working. I've read other forums, and people have said they're losing 21 pounds in 2 weeks! I really don't understand why I'm losing LESS than I do on a normal diet. Typical intake: -Breakfast: 2 pieces of fruit or meal replacement shake -Lunch: Soup with a side of poached egg or a piece of fruit. -Dinner: Salad (Lettuce, cucumber, onion and spring onions. Small amount of added vinegar and light salad cream) with some protein of choice eg chicken, ham, beef etc. -Drinks: Water, diet Pepsi (one a day) and 1-2 cups of tea with sweetener and milk. All of these are done to the portion recommendations, and free foods and allowances. Please note I am using Orlistat every day and have been for the past half a year. Hope someone can relieve some imposter syndrome! TIA x
  5. Highly_Undermedicated

    Losing too much weight...

    I am 21 months post RNY and I am still losing weight. My HW 325 (2/20/20), SW 311 (3/9/20), CW 133. I had an abdominoplasty on 10/27/21 (weighed 145, no lipo due to little to no body fat, and I don't know what amount was removed). I saw my NP today for pist abdominoplasty and then an emergency illness x2 following abdominoplasty stay in hospital same week for bowel obstruction. My labs are normal, my NP says I am healthy BUT, I am on the low weight end and just a few pounds from being underweight according to their standards. She advised me to add in healthy fats (nuts, nut butters, avocado daily), 2 protein shakes, 3 meals, 3 snacks. I just can't eat all of that. And little to no cardio and focus on strength training with weights. They are giving me 3 months to gain more muscle mass and gain weight and fill out more. And then return for re-evaluation. IF my weight continues to drop, they are talking about reversing my RNY! I literally cried in the office, on the way home, in the pharmacy (when the girls asked me how my weight and post abdominoplasty were going....they've known us many years) and then I cried several times on and off at home. I keep thinking about the old me, the 325 lb me, the old capacity, no restriction stomach and its ability to hold more, leading to weight gain and then it getting out of control, leading me back down the hole I just struggled to dig myself out of. This scares me so bad. I mean, it's ultimately up to me, right? As in, if they ended up scheduling that procedure months down the road, it's my decision if I go or not, it's my body. I'm thinking of seeking out a different opinion on this because this just doesn't seem like it should be the conclusive answer to this issue. Does it?
  6. So I was sleeved almost 7 years ago. I've had horrible GERD pretty much ever since. There has also been some weight regain. If my insurance covers the revision surgery, will I have to do the months of supervised weight loss, or would I skip that since it's medically necessary? I'm looking to research all options....I hate having to take pills for the reflux. I know it's a question for my dr or insurance company, just wanted to see everyone else's experience. Scared to do another surgery!!
  7. Can anyone comment on whether the percentage of excess weight expected to be lost with gastric sleeve is actually post-surgery vs all the pre-surgery weight loss from expected on your own weight loss and the pre-op diet? I'm expecting the ~60% excess weight loss predicted to be additional Post-surgery weight loss on top of what I've lost so far since gastric sleeve reports as a surgical intervention. The "60% excess weight loss" shouldn't count what I've lost on my own with a restrictive diet and exercise? If not, having the surgery to lose just 50# or less seems maybe not a great choice? Thoughts? Or, can anyone share their own stats showing the 60% average loss counting only post-surgical weight loss?
  8. Hello, I just joined this group today as I know that I will be having my surgery at any point after my psychological evaluation which is Dec 6th. My insurance is state Medicaid, so I had to do the 6 months process and I finished my last nutrition visit last month. I was told to lose up to 5% of my weight, and to be honest, it's been super hard to do that. My weight keeps fluctuating and I'm afraid that I won't be able to lose the weight in time. Has anybody experienced this, but were able to lose weight with their pre op diet and was able to get the surgery? I'm hoping that the pre op diet will be my savior to getting me down to the weight they want me to be before surgery. I've heard of stories where people couldn't get their surgery date because they weren't at the weight they needed to be in order to get the surgery. Help!
  9. Hey everyone. It’s the holidays and I have to admit I kind of lot my mind a little. I actually went home for then holidays and alot of my favorite foods the had. I don’t feel like I over indulged at one time. However, I do feel really guilty. I was doing so well. I have my surgery scheduled on Jan 18 and start pre-op diet Jan 4. I had people say enjoy myself, but I feel so bad. I don’t know if I gain alit of weight, but I feel like I’ve gained some. Is anyone else going through this? thanks. Ty.
  10. Let chat about weight loss issues Post Op, that you didn't have before surgery. Sent from my LM-Q730 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Izzabelbaby42

    Weight Loss Stall

    Hi everyone! I had Gastric sleeve in Mexico on October 28th and weighed 283. Today I weight 268. My weight has been 268 for 2 and a half weeks, I managed to get down to 266 Saturday but then went back up!. I’m not eating over 7-800 calories, take in a good amount of water, my protein could be better but I definitely hit at least 40 grams which is what was put to at least hit (40-60 per nutritionist). I move around and walk for at least 15-20 min. What is going on? Is something wrong with me? Did I pay 4500 for nothing? I’m very depressed and thinking I’ll never lose weight. I eat a variety of food I don’t limit anything but it’s all home food not eating pizza and stuff. I eat grilled chicken tenders, sweet potatoes whole wheat toast boiled eggs veggies yogurt all healthy and no more than 4-5 bites per meal. I’m very very depressed that even a surgery can’t help me lose weight.
  12. ProfBear

    Starting Weight Photos

    These photos are from 1-11-2021, the day I started my pre-op VLCD. **please appreciate or ignore the cat as suits you
  13. I loss 19 pounds my first 7 days post op 🙌🏽 (Water weight or real weight.. weight is weight to me.. I’ll take it lol) I make sure I keep my water with me 24.7 and I walk every chance I get. I cook dinner for my kids with no problems. I have zero cravings!  By next week I should be in the 200’s. Haven’t been there since high school 🥲

    1. MiaPie


      I had my surgery 11/17 and hit 299 this morning! :) Rooting for you!

    2. UniquelyMe28


      Congrats I’m at 289 now. Its a wonderful feeling, right!?

  14. I had gastric bypass on 09/09/2021 and I have lost 39 lbs. so far after 10 1/2 weeks. Is this a normal amount of weight loss for that amount of time? People will ask me how much weight I've lost and when I tell them they ask if I've been cheating. I have been following the plan but it bothers me that I'm not losing faster.
  15. So, after the first month and after the first plateau, how much did your weight loss slow down? at what rate were you losing? like around month 2-3 i'm starting to worry that i'm losing too fast
  16. I am 3 years out, VGS Dec 2018, and have been maintaining my weight until last month and have gained 10 lbs. it’s not the exercise part that is an issue. It is definitely the less restriction related to food intake.Looking for support to get these 10 lbs off and keep them off.
  17. saaammm

    Gaining weight

    I went all the way down to 163 and I keep gaining weight I don't understand why I am if I eat right and I exercise Sent from my LM-K500 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I had gastric sleeve surgery last Tuesday the 9th and have only lost about 2.5 pounds since then--I managed to lose about 13 pounds on the pre-op diet and am hoping to lose around 115 the first year to get to my goal weight (but of course the timing isn't as important as eventually reaching that milestone). I am trying not to get discouraged by my modest weight loss since the day of surgery, so I'm mostly just looking for some reassurance that weight loss in the first few weeks after surgery isn't a predictor of how much you'll end up losing overall and how quickly. How much weight did you lose the first month, and how did that taper off (if it did at all) in months two and three?
  19. My surgery is set for 11/24! I started 2 years ago trying to lose weight I was at my heaviest 303 pounds. I lost 60 lbs and gained 30 back.  I am ready for this journey. 

  20. Hi there. Please help. I’m 1.5 year post op and I’m so worried. I’m able to eat 170grams of yogurt with 30g protein granola and 50grams strawberries with 15grams of peanut butter. So worried and anxious that it’s not normal. Am I stretching my sleeve? 😭😭😭 is this normal. I make sure to keep my dinner portions to 170grams. Please help guys.. I’d love to hear.. I’m struggling so much mentally.
  21. Last Friday I had weight loss surgery, I had somewhat a restless night after surgery so I'm little bit Tired. My pain is bearable when I'm in different positions i have different levels of comfort, my thoart is sore, swollen and dry but small sips of water is help me. My diet is drink clear liquid like broth,Unsweetened juice , and sugar free jello.  Also I was surprise I was not hungry, I'm just dehydrated and thirsty.My mental stage was full of a variety of emotions I just undergone a complete change in my life forever, and Food has always been a lifelong friend, a companion, a stress reliever, and my addiction.I still ask myself "Did I do the right thing" or "What did I do to myself?" I will keep you post on how I'm doing with my surgery.

    1. Candace76


      Congratulations on your surgery! I can't wait to hear more about your progress & experience. Wishing you lots of luck & an easy recovery. 🤗

  22. I am scheduled for surgery next Tuesday the 9th and am starting to worry that my lack of significant weight loss on the pre-op diet is a sign that I won't lose as much weight post-op as I would like. I've followed the instructions pretty closely--1000 calories a day, 60-80 grams of protein. I lost about 6 pounds the first week but have only lost about .2 in the last 3 days. Other people I have spoken with who have had the surgery lost 10 pounds or more during the pre-op diet, so my mid-diet plateau does have me a little concerned. My surgeon doesn't require a strictly liquid diet, so I don't know if that has something to do with it. Is my pre-op weight loss normal/how much did you lose during the pre-op?
  23. Hi Its been a year since my WLS and I am roughly a stone / 14lbs away from my goal. I have been a slow loser, there are times I have slipped up which lasted for weeks, due to changes in my life. However when I am consistent about my eating, weight loss widely varies. All I do is make sure I eat around 700 calories a day. The content of the food is mostly carbs / processed food, but it keeps me happy. I dont monitor my water intake but I do drink alot of tea / coffee. I also dont take vitamins or supplements as I hate swallowing pills, but I suspect that has an effect on my energy levels. Dinner is my main meal , so doing physical activity before that is difficult. Also....I know u cant eat and drink at the same time. But for half of the year, I ve not been leaving a 20 min gap between food and drink. Mostly because of time constraints (work) and yeah laziness. This is definetly gonna stretch my stomach inthe long run right? So any tips to improve weight loss is appreciated, thanks.
  24. Hi I had my op 3 weeks ago. I lost 5kg in my pre op so was over the moon and in the first week of the op lost another 6kg, but for the last 10 days the weight has fluctuated up and down by .5kg. I am following everything. Is this normal? Am i expecting too much? It feels a bit disheartening
  25. Help my mother with doesn't support me have weight loss surgery, she keeps saying it is the easy way out or if I lose weight I will just gain all back, she does not understand weight over 600 pounds is very hard for me to live life.

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