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Found 1,208 results

  1. Anyone experience this?? I was on liquids extra long due to Chrons disease. Started on foods about a week ago and have gained four pounds!!! I am still losing inches but it is hard to see the scale go up. I am mostly eating protein (fish, turkey or chicken), then veggies if room. Low on carbs. Protein drinks make me want to vomit...although I am going to try some mirilax for some mild constipation. I am also adding in gym time this week. I'm sure it will reverse but dog gone I want to see the scale go down again!!! Joan (almost 6 wks out and lost 42 lbs. Although was 46 lbs lost!!)
  2. A brief video on how different medications affect your weight
  3. I'm worried about this! my weigh in is Thursday and I'm starting my period soon and I'm already feeling bloated and I checked my weight on my scale and I'm up 7lbs from last week! That can't be right I'm working out everyday and eating right. I'm scared I'm going to gain weight and be kicked out of the program. I'm not aloud to gain any weight.
  4. How many of you are "food addicts"? I am definitely one of those. I have lost 62 pounds now gained back 2 of them. :thumbup: I am happy for my loss (probably life saving) but I am following old habits of eating when stressed or sad etc. For me it seems to be a battle of mind over stomach and this month the mind is winning. HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR MINDSET and make it permanent? :bored: HOW DO YOU GET OVER A FOOD ADDICTION? The band can't do it for me - I still have to control or alter or replace my cravings for emotional eating. I welcome any response. Can anybody relate? Has anybody found a good tool to use? I need help!:eek: Betsy - betsyw20@comcast.net
  5. Hey everyone. It’s the holidays and I have to admit I kind of lot my mind a little. I actually went home for then holidays and alot of my favorite foods the had. I don’t feel like I over indulged at one time. However, I do feel really guilty. I was doing so well. I have my surgery scheduled on Jan 18 and start pre-op diet Jan 4. I had people say enjoy myself, but I feel so bad. I don’t know if I gain alit of weight, but I feel like I’ve gained some. Is anyone else going through this? thanks. Ty.
  6. I had sleeve surgery in April 2015 and I was doing great. I was 235 on my surgery day and I got to my lowest post surgery weight last year, 152. I am now 173 and completely stuck. My goal has always been 135 but now I just want to get back to 152. I felt and looked healthy there. I feel gross and like a complete failure now. My question is how do you continue to lose weight? Any tips to keep motivated? I don’t know anyone who has had wls surgery that I can ask or confide in. Thanks, Tiff
  7. I'm 4 weeks post op today. Yesterday was the first day I was able to get in the recommended intake of 600 to 800 calories. I was pretty excited. That was until I got on the scale this morning. I've gained 4 pounds. . Since starting this whole process, all I've heard from acquaintances is that I either won't loose, or I'll gain it all back. I WANT TO CRY!!!!Please tell me I'm freaking out for no reason.
  8. Anyone gain weight? I'm a little more then 3 weeks out. Off purée food and eating soft foods for a few days now.. I just weighed myself and I gained a little more then 2 lbs. shouldn't I be losing? Sent from my iPhone SD - 1/28/13
  9. Is it normal to gain weight during the puree stage? I've been losing weight nicely but now it seems like I'm gaining. It is hard to get in all the protein so I'm working on that. But just wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience. Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Been on liquids only for 2 weeks... No scale movement... Went the wrong way since surgery! I'm afraid this won't work for me. Starving and not losing sucks
  11. Hi all. I have a 11 week old baby girl and after giving birth I lost ten kilos straight away. Eleven weeks on and ive gained back a few kilos. Have 5ml in my band and I have been eating okay and exercising a bit (not too much though as im breastfeeding). Starting to worry about why my body isnt losing weight. Could this mean that something is wrong with my band. I had it to tight a couple weeks ago so hand some fluid taken out and now I can eat healthy foods but im still gaining. Any advice and tips would be much appreciated
  12. I'm so nervous. My first appointment with the surgeon is this Wednesday and my period is about to start! I blow up like a balloon! I'm afraid I'll be above my starting weight. Do you think the doctor and insurance company take that into consideration?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Has anyone gained weight before starting their pre-op diet? Were you still approved?
  14. Hi All, I am considering a revsision from a lap band to a sleeve. I've gained all my 150-lbs. back from my initial weight loss. I realize there is a forum just for band-to-sleeve but I'd like to hear from people who've had their sleeve many years. I am concerned I will gain my weight back just like I always do. And then I'll be with most of my stomach gone. I am also afraid of constant nausea, diarrhea, etc. complications. I know there can always be problems. I worry because this is a no-going-back procedure. I've had problems with my lapband and it is unfilled, but now I have this option of getting it removed and trying something else. With permanent removal of part of my stomach, there's no revision to turn to. I guess bypass would be an option. So scared of that. Any replies appreciated.
  15. In May I will celebrate my 3rd surgiversary and I should be thrilled but this past year has been a struggle. I started out at 250lbs, did excellent the first year of my sleeve with weight loss, by May of 2016 I'd released about 80lbs and was 170lbs -about 10-15lbs from my 155-160 lb goal. Then I started having gallbladder attacks and ended up having it removed in an emergency procedure in August of that same year. The following month my father passed away (he was only 65) and I started to notice that I wasn't following my diet plan as closely. I gained about 10lbs within and was 180lbs by January of 2017. A few months later I had some other family changes that involved several very close family members moving away out of state, some of my core support. I tried to stay on track with exercise, training for a 5k then developed a bone spur (osteoarthritis) and was told not to run by my Dr. That was this past summer. I am now at 192lbs and feel like I can eat more before becoming full, have been completely unmotivated to exercise and eat right. I'm feeling angry, guilty, upset and completely confused about how this is getting out of control. Has something similar happened to anyone else? Can anyone please recommend some resources to help motivate me or get me back on the journey towards my healthy goal? I am very independent and hate asking for help, but for goodness sake, I had an operation that involved cutting out half my stomach and now I'm gaining weight again? I never thought I'd find myself here...
  16. It's been 20 years since my bypass. My surgery weight was 379. My lowest was 170. The most I weighed post opp was 243. I'm now 218 and I'm struggling to get under 200. Anyone else here has this problem. I know alcohol is one of the biggest set back
  17. Today I had my weekly weigh-in and I have gained 0.2 lbs. This has been my first gain since surgery in Jan. I have lost 81 lbs and I should not be so upset about this. 81 lbs is huge! So, why does this hurt so bad. A lot of questions are running through my head. What did I do wrong? Have I hit my limit; never loose again? I know it seems silly, but I could really use some encouragement right about now.Weight Gain Panic Today I had my weekly weigh-in and I have gained 0.2 lbs. This has been my first gain since surgery in Jan. I have lost 81 lbs and I should not be so upset about this. 81 lbs is huge! So, why does this hurt so bad. A lot of questions are running through my head. What did I do wrong? Have I hit my limit; never loose again? I know it seems silly, but I could really use some encouragement right about now.
  18. My surgery was March 7th, and I've lost 33 pounds so far (starting weight 193). Lately my weight has been doing a weird thing where I will gain and lose the same half a pound or so for a few days in a row. (I typically weigh the same time every morning) I don't understand how I could gain ANY weight when I'm barely eating anything. Has anyone else experienced this?
  19. Hi All, I haven't been on this app in years. I was sleeved (after having my lap band removed) in 2013. It's been a while. I've had to reconnect bc of weight gain, oh yeah it's real. I'm 5' 9" HW: 259...left: 170 cw:201....when I saw that number over 200 I almost passed out. I just came back from my nutritionist and that was hard bc I've had to relive my worst fear. I will not go back. I've signed up for several 5ks, 10k's and half marathon over the next year. I'm currently walking on an incline on the treadmill bc that burns the calories the fastest. I've paid for weight training and hot yoga, which I will implement over the next few weeks. I will not go back. I've come way too far. But I need support. So if anyone has advice, pls share. My motivation is here bc of fear but I'd like it to stay bc I'm comfortable with how I'm challenging myself. Please join me MyFitnessPal: treciagesq99 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. My Dr gave me a RX for omeprazole right after surgery and told me to take it for 6 months. My surgery was on Sept 4th. so three weeks ago. I have to be honest i am nervous since Zantac was recalled and also i have read that the side effects of Omeprazole is weight gain. In the three weeks since my surgery I have only lost 13lbs. I have between 65-100 Protein, around 600 calories or less and drink between 80 oz to a gallon of water a day so i cant for the life of me figure out why i am not losing more weight. I wasn't given a pre op diet. I just have to do liquids the day prior to surgery. I am desperate for advice or insight because I am sort of freaking out. Could the medication be preventing my weightless?
  21. I know this is an overly talked about topic but I'm 9 weeks out, this last week I lost 1.4 lbs and in the last 2 days, I gained 2 lbs. Like, really? I'm not doing anything different or crazy. I will say that along with the weight gain, I'm all of a sudden real hungry too. Help Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
  22. So I am doing my 6 month supervised diet. I went on vacation and gained some weight. I think I am still going to be up by a couple pounds by the time my next weigh in is. Is this going to be detrimental to me? I have lost like 3-4 pounds every month so far (this will be my 4th weigh in).
  23. I experienced some weight gain after Bypass surgery I just want to lose my weight again. Sent from my U307AS using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. It’s been a while omg hey guys! Ok so I could never understand before and after having surgery how people gain back their weight and sometimes more. I was sleeved over 2 years ago and now that I can eat whatever I want I completely understand the struggle. I still till this day can’t eat full meals like I would have a little bit of everything and just pick at the plate until I’m done which takes like an hour or two honestly, my problem is snacking. I can eat everything from snickers to Doritos and it’s just so annoying because having the self control is more like mind control. I always tell myself I don’t need it yet sometimes I still end up getting candy or a salty snack. My lowest weight has been 140, I recently went through a bad break up in April. I was 143 pounds and now I am 165 pounds. I’ve been eating junk food like crazy and even though it’s stress eating I need to find other ways. Can anyone recommend health Snacks? In the mean time I’m going to try and “reset” my sleeve. I called my surgeon about this a few days ago before I made this post (what a great guy he actually listened to me for a good hour) and he told me to start over from liquid diet to soft foods then reg and to keep going to the gym. Start: 316 • 12/14/2016 Current: 165 Lowest: 140 & here’s a pic since it’s been a while

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