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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hi all, Did anyone else gain a lot of weight during their hospital stay. I know it's probably Fluid from iv's but I gained 8 pounds. Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  2. Has anyone gained weight during nutrition visits? I think I effed up. I gained 10lbs between my consult with the surgeon and second nutrition visit. I explained to her the very devastating loss of a family member... and also how I wanted to kinda .. "eat my last junk foods". since then, I have lost 6lbs. I plan on being down even more when we meet again in 2 weeks. Basically I'm terrified the insurance will deny me because of the 10lb gain- even though I lost it back and more. Has anyone been through this or heard of this? What happened? thanks!
  3. Has anyone gained weight during nutrition visits? I think I effed up. I gained 10lbs between my consult with the surgeon and second nutrition visit. I explained to her the very devastating loss of a family member... and also how I wanted to kinda .. "eat my last junk foods". since then, I have lost 6lbs. I plan on being down even more when we meet again in 2 weeks. Basically I'm terrified the insurance will deny me because of the 10lb gain- even though I lost it back and more. Has anyone been through this or heard of this? What happened? thanks!
  4. Depression, anxiety really bad... and weight gain. Blood work and WTF appointment this week. Hope they have some idea of what to do, because I sure don't. :(

    1. kmorri


      I'm sorry you're having a tough time. It's great to hear you have an appointment this week. That's the right step for sure. My thoughts will be with you that they will be able to work out a treatment plan that will get you on the road to feeling better.....hang in there!

    2. OzRoo


      I feel for you, as I have been down that road myself. There are some good anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds that don't make you put on weight. I hope that you will get the right mix. You're welcome to PM me anytime. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!

    3. Valentina


      Just don't give up on finding the right "answer" for YOU. Sometimes that takes a wee bit of time, but you are sooooo worth it. Be kind to yourself. Trust yourself. You'll get through. I promise.

  5. My dr gave me Seroquel XR to help my bipolar and anxiety but I've read that Seroquel slows your metabolism and I want to know if anyone had these issues and what meds are you taking that seems to work. I have Xanax for my anxiety but I need something for my bipolar issues. They said even if you don't eat with the Seroquel you're still gonna gain weight. I need some insight. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Heathers_vsg

    Pre-Op Weight Gain?!?!

    I'm in month 2 of a 3 month medically supervised diet as required by my insurance. My first month I lost 17 lbs. This last month I had a harder time staying on track and also weighed in when I was seriously bloated from menstruation. As a result, I gained 8 lbs. I'm terrified that insurance won't approve me. I'm confident that I can lose this month and that I will have lost weight overall during the 3 month period, but I can't erase that +8 for this months weigh-in. Please, if anyone has gone through this, can you tell me how insurance handled it? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. I have a question. I feel like since I will be having this surgery I am eating more. Ugh I ate so much today I got sick to my stomach can't figure this out. I need to get control. Has this happened to any of you? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Hi everyone, I have to say that today was a huge set back for me, I had my fourth weight management appointment and was told I gained 3 pounds. It is hard not to feel like a failure, I just feel as though I will never be able to change unhealthy habits. Anyone out there that has experienced this or is going through this? Any advice or tips? Does this affect insurance approval?
  9. I'm 2 years post op. Had horrible time the past 2 years with strictures, ulcers, and revision surgery last October. Now that I can eat I'm starving all the time. My start weight was 245 Got down to 123 now I'm at 156 surgeons goal was 145. I have fallen off the wagon any advice to get back up and lose about 20 lbs. I feel fat again and its a mental struggle now! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J120A using the BariatricPal App
  10. I jumped on the scale yesterday morning and it said 226.6, and now this morning it's saying 229.9! I was completely shocked and frustrated! I have no idea why Or how I could gain 3.3lbs overnight but I am not happy! I even went to the gym yesterday and did 30 minutes on the treadmill (Dr Approved Treadmill only). Has anyone else experienced this? I know that my weight is going to fluctuate, but 3.3 lbs really? I can deal with 1-2lbs but not almost 4!
  11. Augh... I was on vacation and I came in contact with something I was allergic to. My legs swelled and I had a very nasty angry looking rash. The local er gave me prednisone. Normally I would not take it because I get really bad mood and eating issues even taking small doses. However the swelling pain and itch was intolerable. So my weight is up which is frustrating because in 3 weeks I have my final weight in. I was told from month to month i had to maintain or lose. I'm down 15 total but so far have 3 pound weight gain since starting this medicine. I'm retaining Water and other parts of my body are swollen. I'm drinking a lot of water but the return is not where I think it should be.Any tips on getting this weight back down? I have 6 more days of the prednisone to go. (I have dropped an email to my doctors on this but I would like to hear if any one has had a similar experience) Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  12. I'm 3 months post up. Started working out a week ago and I have gain some weight during the week. Same diet. No junk food. Is it normal? Is about 1 kilo. I'm doing weight at the gym though Sent from my SM-G920F using the BariatricPal App
  13. Anyone Have the sleeve due to weight gain from ssri or ssri drug? I weigh 275 pound I'm on Prozac and been on all the other in the different classes but have gained 75 pounds in the first year and that was 12 years ago.. as long as I'm on the meds the weight won't budge... If i go off the meds I don't cope with life. anyone here do the sleeve for weight gain due to run induced weight and the drug is one that you need to stay on? and what been you experience?
  14. I noticed on Aetna's policy topic about bariatric surgery that it says "no net weight gain". What exactly does that mean? I am going to a nutritionist and I have been twice. I gained 3 pounds. Not sure if it was water weight or what but it was 3 lbs higher than my first visit. I am concerned because the scale at the surgeon's office had a completely different reading also. Can anyone provide some clarity on this subject?
  15. I'm 5 weeks post op and just got on the scale to realize I gained 3 pounds I feel better than ever . I'm eating right and working out and i gained 3 pounds?!?! Has this happened to anyone ? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Hi - Just about 3 years out of surgery. Still best thing I ever did. But, the weight is start I g to creep back on and I know why. Lack of exercise. Feeling a bit of panic and working to my exercise back into my daily schedule. Having a hard time with the little voices in my head being so negative and sabotaging my efforts. Trying not to pay them any mind. But does anyone have any tips, book recommendations etc.. To shut these buggers up? Thanks ! Sent from my LG-H901 using the BariatricPal App
  17. Does Gastric sleeve help weight gain thats due to meds that you must stay on long term? I'm on meds that made me gain 70 pounds in 2 years and i cant lose more than 10 before i hit a wall. Would the Sleeve help me?
  18. Hi, I'm on Meds that I have to stay on, Ive been on them for 10 years but it resulted in me gaining 70 pounds in the first two years. I've tried many things but it doesn't budge. Would gastric sleeve help me? Thank you.
  19. I was sleeved 7-12 and only had to do 5 days of Protein n Water now can do pureed foods. My question is...how the hell am I gaining weight already?!?! I lost 21 lbs on 2 week liquid diet then 5 lbs after surgery n now I'm up 5 lbs from my lowest! I'm agrivated, disappointed, wondering what I'm doing so wrong? I drink my water, I can have pureed meat n can't eat a lot of it obviously a cpl small bites n I'm done. I just wonder am I doing something wrong? Is this not gonna work for me even though my stomach is small? Maybe I'm just meant to be fat no matter what... ☆Jeni☆
  20. I'm in phase 2 soft foods and I'm gaining weight I have gained about 5lbs in the first 5 days. Am I doing something wrong I'm eating 4 ounces every 4 hours like prescribed Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
  21. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 12th of July and i want to know everyone's experience after surgery years down the line have y'all kept the weight of and does ur hunger come back is the surgery worth the money Sent from my SM-N900T using the BariatricPal App
  22. I am about 13 months out from VSG. I have started to feel "normal" again, with hunger and cravings having returned. I'm worried about it now, and that's where my problems have started. The fact that I'm out of the "honeymoon stage" and can eat mostly anything means I'm having to monitor and control my eating with more vigilance. It makes me feel anxious, and then that triggers my emotional eating. I'm worried about ending up right back where I started. I know this is the part of my journey where my training is supposed to kick in, but I'm not doing too well. I'm generally just feeling very down right now, and I am feeling the same hopeless feelings that I had before I had surgery. Anyone else out there feeling this way? Anybody have a suggestion for me? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. ravensekhmet

    Aetna and Net weight gain?

    Hello all, I have aetna insurance and when I started my journey I weighed in at 233 first app. I was under until the last two. I went up to 238. I have one more app till they submit paperwork and currently at 229 so I'll definitely be under my starting weight but I'm wondering how they look at net gain My doc said it's first weight to last so I should be fine..but I'm paranoid. Anyone experience gain but then lost it by the last app. Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
  24. Has anyone out there, 18 most or longer post-op, seen any weight gain. I was at 365, then 330 or so day of surgery, and got down to 226. Which my physician was about dead on with (my goal was 190, he laughed and said 225 was more realistic due to my bone density). I floated between 226 and 229 for about a year. Then as if like entering the next stage or something, I've begun gaining weight. 230, 235, 240, 245... So I begin a walking regiment. I do about 3-4 miles a time 5 times a week (3mph, 3.5 incline). I dropped to 241 within a couple weeks, but today I'm up to 244 again. I'll be honest, after 2.5 years post op, my biggest issue isn't that I feel hungry, it's that I never truly feel full compare to a year ago.
  25. Had my sleeve done in August 2013. I reached my goal weight and stayed there thanks to regular daily exercise including running 25 miles a week, yoga and pilates. Last summer, I started having serious foot pain. By October 2015, doing any kind of exercise became almost impossible because of an entrapped nerve in my foot. I finally had surgery to release the nerve in April. I was unable to walk for almost a month and then had limited mobility until June. I am a homebrewer and a big craft beer fan. I was able to incorporate moderate beer consumption into my diet when I was very active. When I became very inactive all of a sudden, I didn't cut out the beer, in fact, the depression that accompanied the inability to be mobile actually made me drink more. So, while my food consumption has stayed pretty much the same as the first two years post-op, the beer has increased. Many of the beers I have are 800 calories in a single bottle. I am certain that my beer calories on a daily basis are more than the food I eat. As a result, I've gained back 40 pounds. Yes, 40 pounds. You have no idea how awful it is to write that down. I'm now trying to work my way back. I've started working out again, but it's tough given more than 6 months of inactivity. I am trying VERY hard not be depressed and discouraged by the backsliding, but it's very difficult when I cannot fit into most of my clothing any more. After a year at my goal weight, I gave away nearly all my "fat" clothes. I have a few things I can still squeeze into, but they are not flattering given the extra pounds. Please DON'T bother sending me messages reiterating what I already know. I know how to eat, I know that I have to cut out the beer. Knowing it and doing it are two different things! I'm here for support and commiseration, not for finger wagging. I know I 'm not the only person in this boat. Would love to connect with some people on the same road I am and supporting one another. This is incredibly difficult for me, but I am ready to put in the effort to get back to my hard-earned previous size. Anyone with me?

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