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Found 1,238 results

  1. catwoman7

    April 6 Surgery - STALLED!!!

    the infamous three-week stall, right on time! Almost all of us experience that - if you do a search on it on this site, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. It WILL break - it always does. They typically last 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, you're likely to hit a few of these along your journey. Just hold tight and stick to your plan...
  2. That it "won't work" I have learned a lot of self control but I still see dumping as motivation to make better choices. I'm worried they will cut my stomach too big and I'll still be able to eat a lot. I've heard people saying that they felt like "they never even had wls". I just don't want to be one of those people. I want to be successful. Oh and stalling. I know I shouldn't be scared of the three week stall because I know it will come but I still worry about it.
  3. Clementine Sky

    Week 3 stall?

    It sounds counterintuitive, but increasing your caloric intake with healthy choices can help to break a stall. I saw weight loss again after adding in an afternoon smoothie made with protein powder or high-protein yogurt like Fage. Your body needs to have a sufficient amount of calories to function properly. The stall is sort of like your body's way of taking a break after running a marathon. Try to be patient and keep the faith. Almost everyone has the "dreaded three week stall." For some it's very brief, and for others it lasts a month. Most of us do then resume weight loss.
  4. I hit the three weeks stall...and had been stuck for almost two weeks. Was making me crazy. Totally empathize with those hitting one. Man, it's frustrating! Got my period yesterday and lost two pounds...and woke up this morning another two and a half pounds down! Not an ounce for two weeks....then, BOOM!...four and a half pounds. The legends are true! Be consistent, be patient. Your hard work IS counting...I promise. Scale just needs a minute to catch up:)
  5. I was on a three week stall and finally lost three pounds, not much but I'll take it. And I hit my first goal. Now onto the next short goal.
  6. Use the search function here and look for the phrase "three week stall" -- you will find that this is something virtually everyone goes through about 3 weeks out. You are not doing anything wrong. Your body is taking some time to rest and recuperate after a drastic shock. The scale will start going down again, I promise you. Don't expect your weight loss to be a linear plunge down -- most people, as they go through weight loss, find that their weight loss graphs look like crazy stair steps designed by a drunk. Our bodies are not calculators, and they don't always behave with mathematical precision. It can be frustrating, but don't let it stress you out. Maybe stay off the scale for a while if it is making you crazy. But I promise you, stay on plan, this is a temporary blip. Also, promise yourself to come back here in a few months and answer one of these sorts of posts. I am not kidding when I say there is a post every.single.day by someone who is freaking out because somewhere between two and four weeks out from surgery, their weight loss has "stopped" even though they aren't doing anything wrong. Maybe even go make some pre-emptive, informative posts on the pre-op forum so that not so many people are unaware of this phenomenon!
  7. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈


    Great reading these varying replies - my recommendationfrom hospital team to me - weigh daily, keep a log (myfitnesspal app or website is great). There is great research showing daily weighing and recording (forever) are highly predictive of losing and maintaining weight loss. MANY people here talk about a three week stall, and other points like a three month stall. Just stick to your plan, you will come through it. My experience, both this surgery and my gastric band years ago - the stall weeks are when I see a size drop - like my body moves fat around, steals it off my butt and lays it down to protect my liver, or something. So keep measuring - you might just find your pants loosening up, or you drop a bra cup size, while the scales stay stubborn! Great weight loss rate so far for you, by the way!!!
  8. Look for posts about the three week stall. Happens to most of us somewhere between 2-5 weeks out. Give it a month or so and see what happens!
  9. I was sleeved 6/17. On 6/10 when I started my diet I was 190. Today, six weeks, I'm 163. 27 pounds. I was in a three week stall 9 days after surgery. Just recently the pounds started coming off again. I hope to get in the 130s. I hope this helps. I look forward to the journey no matter how how up and down it may be
  10. catwoman7

    3 week stall Gastric Sleeve

    I saved you some time and did a search on this site for the "three week stall" (I think you're just experiencing this a little early, as some do. Mine was weeks 2 &3). 17,501 posts on this as of today. This happens to almost all of us and we see at least a couple of posts a week on this. Bariatric clinics REALLY need to mention this phenomenon to their patients because it's almost certainly going to happen, and everyone freaks out about it (unless they're aware of it beforehand). Here are the 17,501 posts: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall re: the four lbs - as long as you're gradually trending down - and you will have occasional stalls along the way where you won't lose for 1-3 weeks - you're good. There's not much you can do about your rate of weight loss other than follow your surgeon's plan. Other things that factor into this - like genetics - you don't have much (if any) control over, but you DO have control over how closely you stick to the plan. If you're committed, the weight WILL come off, whether fast or slow. I was behind the curve the entire journey, yet I lost all of my excess weight.
  11. blizair09

    Compulsive weighing

    @@Dashofpixiedust8 I weigh every morning, and I record my weight every Monday (a habit I started during my six-month pre-op diet). I am also data driven, and it would drive me more crazy to not know where I was than it does when my body acts all weird. I won't lie, the "three week stall" about broke me, but I finally broke free of that, and the past week or so, I have been in a bit of a free fall again. I know that won't last forever, and that the ebbs and flows will go on, but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts for now. I agree with @@theantichick, if it doesn't stress you out, weigh all you want!
  12. Bufflehead

    Someone please answer!

    --there is no average, there's only what's right for you. As long as you are following your plan faithfully, don't worry about how fast you are losing or how fast other people are losing. I think you are doing great. --you have hit the "three week stall." Not everyone hits it, but close. Yes, your weight loss will pick up again as long as you are following a good program and not doing something like making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream. --what are you eating? How much you can eat will vary depending on what you are eating. I am concerned that you are eating "way more" than four ounces of anything, though. Are you supposed to be eating that much? That's a bit different from most typical post-op plans that I have seen. Drinking more than four ounces, yes, eating more, that seems weird, unless you are eating high-carb slider foods like oatmeal or mashed potatoes.
  13. Bufflehead

    Scale Hasn't Budged!

    "Three week stall" -- completely normal, use the little search box in the upper right corner. Virtually everyone experiences it and it does not reflect how well you are following your program. Your body just needs a little break to catch up after trauma. Stay off the scale for a few weeks, keep following your program -- the weight loss will kick back in eventually, but you really can't dictate when, sadly.
  14. robinher1


    Three week stall
  15. Frustr8


    A quicky Poem from me, the Bariatric Poetess Laureate; The Three Week Stall --- Ooh I hate it All --- Please may my weight soon decrease!--- Until then, I will find and comprehend No Peace! The inches are leaving---- I want to keep believing--' The sizes are smaller too--' But Please. Mr. Stall, I do hope you are through!
  16. ellemarie

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    At week three I had a three week stall. Then last week (week 12) I started another stall so far nothing is dropping. . My daughter and I did basically the same she is in the same stall as I am, her first one lasted 2 1/2 weeks and this one started a few days before mine. We both gained two lbs, we don' t like it but know it is temporary.
  17. I wouldn't worry. 1. Guys lose faster 2. If you didn't really do a pre op diet you will lose faster 3. The first week is often a big loss and it will slow down. I lost 17lbs my first week (my dr only does a 48hr pre op clear liquids) and then it slowed down to 5 second week and then I hit the three week stall. If you're losing at that rate after a few weeks, then you can be concerned!
  18. BarrySue

    Feeling down :(

    The three week stall is a right of passage, my friend. Welcome.
  19. Angie1982

    Kansas city area sleevers?

    Nice to meet up guys! I was sleeved by Dr slayden in the st lukes group. And i agree......they really do prepare us well! I'm in that dreaded three weeks stall right now kinda frustrating
  20. TerriDoodle

    First Fill 8th May

    A three week stall, especially at your low BMI, is not unusual. Just be patient. I remember being stalled for two months (on a different diet a few years ago)...then suddenly in one week I lost 6#!! After you get your fill you probably won't be able to eat bagels and breads anymore....I've heard a lot of people have problems with that.
  21. mmgraham102602

    Losing too fast?

    I was 304 day of surgery, 7/10/13. Today I am 270. I experienced the three week stall too. I hadn't lost any weight for nearly a week. I just started losing again yesterday.
  22. Bufflehead

    First stall 3 weeks out [emoji853]

    Google "three week stall gastric sleeve" or "three week stall vsg" or "three week stall weight loss surgery" and you will see you are not alone. Keep following your program, stay off the scale for a while, and don't give in to stress about it. The scale will start moving again eventually. And yes, constipation can contribute to "stalls" and even "gain" -- poop weighs a lot more than people think and it will show up on the scale!
  23. Kix03

    3 Weeks Out

    My day consists of One slice of boars head deli chicken with a slice of baby swiss cheese rolled in the middle. I nuke it in the microwave for 20 seconds.. That's Breakfast.. Between Breakfast and lunch I have a Protein powder shake mixed with 1 percent milk. Lunch time I have a small strawberry wild shake with added whey powder from Jamba juice... For dinner I have chicken or beef broth. -------- Today I ventures away from my broth dinner and tried three bites of grilled chicken with goat cheese.. PAINFUL felt like contractions in a snake like moveme. what's everyone else eating? I take a protonix and gummy Vitamins every morning. My Water intake is kinda low. I try and try but It almost hurts.... or maybe it's me self sabatoging. I have always had a low water intake. I think I am a bit twisted and like feeling dehydrated. I have hit the three week stall no weight loss. please let me know what you guys are eating so I can have more ideas
  24. I had the three week stall as well, it lasted for about a month for me. I would take a look at maybe upping your protein intake if you can. I had the same issue on getting protein in when I was first sleeved. My doctor said not to worry about it it would come in time, he said to concentrate on my water intake. I would also look at how much sodium you are taking in, because a lot of sodium makes you retain water and most soups are generally high in sodium. I would look at using my fitness pal to log your food most every kind of food is in the database and it will keep track of how much protein, carbs and sodium you are taking in and you configure it to keep track of other things as well. I would not look at the scale every day, because it can drive you crazy. Hang in there the weigh will come off.
  25. Jen_B

    Regretting Surgery!

    Please don't be discouraged. Easier said than done. I had a three week stall week 3,4&5. I was disgusted upon my visit to nutrionist until she used her contraption that measurse BI. I lost 9 lbs of fat. Its equivalent is spprox 3lbs a wk. If your are not seeing a nutionist you can pick up a scale that measures body fat as well. Keep on keepin on! Its gonna come off. Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

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