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Found 1,239 results

  1. I think you just hit the dreaded three-week stall early. It isn't pleasant. Try to be patient.
  2. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!
  3. TexasMommy80

    April 16th sleeve

    I had VSG on the 16th too! I am down 16 pounds since surgery day, 28 total from the start of the process. I hit the “three week stall” this week, but that is ok. I am supposed to start puréed on Monday but I am traveling for work. I will be living out of a hotel Monday through Thursday for the next two weeks, so I am going to experiment with tiny amounts of puréed foods this weekend. I am so excited to be off of full liquids. I don’t think I will be able to have soup again for months, lol. 🤮🤮🤮 Age: 37 Height: 5’6 Starting BMI: 37 VSG: 4/16/18 Starting Weight: 231 Surgery Weight: 229 Current Weight: 213 (17 days post op) GW: 160 MFP: Fit4LifeAR
  4. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    Longest stall

    Just out of curiosity, I googled "three-week stall" and got more than 7 million results. I'm sure if you search that expression on this site, you'll get quite a few, too. Once a stall breaks, you may see a sudden drop or it may just go back to slow and steady, a pound every day or two--everyone is different. Please, please, just go with this variation in the program. You didn't put the weight on one pound a day every day; you are NOT going to lose it that way, either. But if you follow your program, it will come off. Some doctors and other advisers will tell you not to weigh yourself for the first month or two. I wanted to keep track then, and I still do, but think about why they would say that.
  5. UPDATE: Happy to report for the last 4 days, I've lost a pound each day, so looks like the "three week stall" is a real thing, and I was a victim <grin>. Not expecting to maintain this pace forever, but glad to go along as long as it does.
  6. Apple203

    What The? I Stopped Losing Weight!

    Its called the week three stall -- or the three week stall. I've seen it both ways! Its normal/common. It generally happens between weeks 2 and 4. I'm on day #10 myself.
  7. I haven't had a three week stall. I am sure I will get a stall, it's just a matter of when. I am sure there are a myriad of causes and reasons, but the bottom line is really no one knows for certain. My surgeon even said that there are only theories, no for certain reasons.
  8. Creekimp13

    One Month Post Op/Plateau?

    You were lied to. The three weeks stall is infamous. What can you do? Be patient. That's it.
  9. Introversion

    Weight loss stall... 18 days post op

    Yes, it is as common as a full moon. Look up the "three week stall" or "third week stall." This infamous stall happens to many bariatric surgery patients sometime between the second and fourth postoperative weeks. It usually occurs around week 3; hence, it is called the "three week stall."
  10. The three week stall is fairly common. I know I am dreading my first stall.
  11. I'll see the 'three week stall' and raise it to 'two months solid stall', then start yur 'biiootching'....tsk tsk as I eat my 2oz of tuna w some avocado squished in and a radish chopped in a red lettuce leaf lunch ladies. Or is it lady's lunch where are my gloves and hat and manners!?!
  12. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈


    Great reading these varying replies - my recommendationfrom hospital team to me - weigh daily, keep a log (myfitnesspal app or website is great). There is great research showing daily weighing and recording (forever) are highly predictive of losing and maintaining weight loss. MANY people here talk about a three week stall, and other points like a three month stall. Just stick to your plan, you will come through it. My experience, both this surgery and my gastric band years ago - the stall weeks are when I see a size drop - like my body moves fat around, steals it off my butt and lays it down to protect my liver, or something. So keep measuring - you might just find your pants loosening up, or you drop a bra cup size, while the scales stay stubborn! Great weight loss rate so far for you, by the way!!!
  13. blizair09

    Plateau during first month

    Google three week stall. In my experience, stalls are very common. In fact, during my loss phase (I got to goal at 1 year and 4 days post-op), the periods of stall vastly outnumbered the periods of loss. It is just part of the process. Hang in there. Stick to you plan and make the right decisions and the weight will come off. Good luck!
  14. Google three week stall. This happens to everyone. Focus on following your plan and continuing to change your relationship with food. The weight will come off in its own time. Remember this journey is a marathon -- not a sprint.
  15. blizair09

    Questions on weight loss

    Google three week stall. It happens to everyone.
  16. blizair09

    I think I hit a stall

    Google three week stall. This will be the first of many stalls throughout your journey. My entire post-op weight loss journey was a series of stalls. (In fact the time period of stalls were more than the time period of loss in number of days...)
  17. blizair09


    Google three week stall. Everyone goes through it. Remember that this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. You have to make lifelong changes to be successful long term. Hang in there.
  18. Google three week stall. Everything about this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. And, in my experience, post-op weight loss was more of a step function that a linear function. Keep to your plan, make good decisions, and do what you are supposed to do and the weight will come off.
  19. Strivingforbetter

    2 weeks post op stopped losing weight!

    Just keep being consistent. Your body is adjusting and wondering what's going on. Be patient. Your weight loss will start again. This happens to about 98 percent of people. Just scan the forum for older posts about stalls. There's a whole party going on about the three-week stall.
  20. LaLaDee

    I think I hit a stall

    Don't worry! A three week stall is perfectly normal. It's very common (search this forum, there are many, many threads on this). It sounds like you are off to a great start! Awesome that you are already exercising! I
  21. I think my fear is largely based on experiences where I have lost weight in the past (before the sleeve). In 2006, I lost 30kg (66 pounds), in 2010, I lost 55kg (121lbs), in 2016, I lost 35kg (77lbs). And yes - you guessed it, I totally regained everything I lost and more every. single. time. Don't laugh, but I actually think I'm pretty good at losing weight, but I'm also excellent at regaining weight. I do weigh myself every single day. I've been in a three week stall, so at the moment, I'm very panicked about "failure". I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I'm no expert, but I think a lot of super morbidly obese people suffer anxiety and self-medicate with food. I take the point that we need to be vigilant but even after we reach goal, our lives won't be perfect (sorry guys!). Things happen in life, and that's when things slip. For example, the week I reached my goal weight in 2010, my father was diagnosed with cancer. In 2016, I was on a great weight loss run when I lost my job. I can't say that I regained weight just because things went wrong in my life, but it didn't make it easy. Weight loss/maintenance doesn't happen in a perfect environment where we can focus on it 100%, there's always going to be other stuff happening in our lives. The key reason I got my sleeve was not to lose weight (if motivated, I'm confident I could have lost weight without it), but to make maintenance easier. I hope things are different *this time*. Writing this post has made me reflect on a lot of things and analyze why I'm so afraid of failure. Lol, this forum is like free therapy!! I am going to try and be more positive. If I was brave enough to get the sleeve, then I'm brave enough to confront these fears and keep going! Feel the fear and do it anyway!
  22. Donna Thorne

    Three week stall

    I lost 30 lbs the first three weeks after surgery, coming down from near 300 lbs. Now I have gained a pound in my 4th week. I heard this may be normal, but I feel maybe I need to buckle down even tighter on my eating, not sure. If this is true, how long did it last for you? When did you start to lose weight again?
  23. I’m worried that my calories are just naturally creeping up over time. I guess the answer is to track more thoughtfully. I need to do something though! I’ve been in a three week stall and I’m starting to feel sorry for myself!!!
  24. Lucile

    January 2018 Sleevers HERE

    I am the day after you, 1/10/18. I lost 23 pounds so far, but this week barely anything. We are at the "three week stall" I looked this up and it happens to a lot of people, but we will get over it like everyone else did. I read somewhere to only weigh once a week now so we don't get discouraged, because the first two weeks we were losing a pound or two a day and now it will be less. I am having trouble getting in everything, the nutritionist said I should do the 3 protein shakes for the first two months and to think of it like medicine, that the food is less important at this point, that we are eating just to really get used to it again. I am still having trouble doing the three shakes and three "meals" so I am usually short one shake and one meal a day. I think I need to make sure I get that third shake in because our bodies need the 60 g of protein to keep losing I heard.
  25. Hopeful2017

    Feeling deflated

    I am also at a three week stall. Very discouraging. I am definitely not eating enough to gain. Please keep me posted on your journey. I would love to hear about it.

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