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Found 2,865 results

  1. Myaiku_Kuraitani

    Frustrated by progress

    Well it's been almost three weeks since your surgery. So that infamous "3 week stall" was going to happen. People stall either at 3 weeks or a little before that. But the weight loss will start back up again. I know my stalls lasted a week each time and for me to break them, I either needed more of something like more protein or I needed more exercise. There are other ways to break stalls besides those options but you're in the very beginning stages and right now, it's not really advisable to try them. Hw-273 Sw-226 CW-124 GW-130 Size- 2, Small in sweats. Small in shirts. depends on how it's cut or made. Bra Size- 34C Surgery Date- April 26th, 2017 RNY "Only those who try will become" FFX
  2. Yaberhoo

    Very discourged

    The infamous 3 week stall. It will pass. Look it from your body's point of view. Major surgery, still healing, and wacked out caloric intake changes. It's going to put the brakes on things until it figures out what is going on and adjusts. Keep with your program. It will be fine. I just broke my 3 week stall.
  3. dgoerlitz

    The scale is killing me

    Be patient...this works! Everyone appears to go through the 3 week stall. I stalled then for almost 2 weeks...I was SO pissed! Then I stalled again around 3 months...but miraculously I dropped a whole pants size that time. I haven't been losing super fast, but I've lost almost as much as my husband, who had bypass nearly 3 months before I had my sleeve done. My doctor always says...this is a marathon - not a sprint.
  4. CowgirlJane

    Search Works...

    When people are starting to research, or are recently post op, their mental/emotional state is often such that they seek a custom answer that applies to them. In other words, even if you have a beautiful search function, many people are unlikely to use it because at that very moment they are feeling very unique. the good news is that those very same people... a few months later can answer those same questions for the newest members! It seems to work. To avoid burnout, I just won't open threads about: - 3 week stall (good heavens has that topic been covered a million times or what!?) - Gas/shoulder pain immediately post op - Why I haven't lost 100 pounds in the first month ..okay, sometimes I can't help myself and try to bring a voice of reason.
  5. I want to have a realistic picture of what this surgery will mean. I am trying to tally up the worst case scenarios, and maybe they are just the "likely" or "eh...could happen" scenarios. From what I've learned on vst, here's what I can expect, in stages: (Although everyone is different!) -Excitement and counting down the days -Hatred of pre-op diet -Nervous, scared, possibly terrified -Sore, nauseous, tired, puking, thirsty -Low energy,trouble drinking, buyer's remorse -Dehydration, weeks of nausea -Sick of Protein shakes, miss chewing -Difficult adjustment, missing food as comfort mechanism, depression -3 week stall, fits and starts, disappointment in slow loss -Judgment from people who know -Trial and error of foods, vomiting when intolerant or too much -Trouble eating in restaurants, missing old life -hair loss, sagging skin, face looking older -Encouraging weight gain, adjustment to new life -Happiness, feeling of accomplishment as getting close to goal -Realization that battle isn't won, won't ever be "over" -Dedication and diligence -Hunger, capacity to eat increases -Rededication after small regain -Acceptance that the fight is eternal I'm the type of person who feels more comfortable having a complete picture of what can happen. I don't want to go into this with rose colored glasses. Any additions? Subtractions? Thoughts? I know that NOT ALL people have all or even some of these. Again -trying to look at possible downsides so I don't get caught up in thinking this is the solution to all life's problems.
  6. takingbackcontrol

    Another stall!

    Me too exactly! I'm at 8weeks too and have been stuck for the last two weeks. Maybe there's something about 8 weeks, like the famous 3 week stall??? I never stalled then, this is the first and it's making me crazy!!
  7. Stevehud

    Weight Stall, help!

    can you give us an idea of what you are eating , calories dont provide what type of calories your eating. Also you may just be in the dreaded 3 week stall, happens to almost all of us. Your body is still getting used to what has happened.
  8. Suko, first off, congratulations! It sounds like you're doing great! Now, for your concerns: stalls are perfectly normal, and they don't mean that you have failed in any way. You've probably hit the infamous 3-week stall that happens to a lot of people. If you track your measurements, you may find that they are still going down even though your weight isn't changing. If you aren't tracking your measurements (and you really should - other stalls will probably happen!) you may notice your clothes are getting looser or fitting differently. Your body is basically catching up right now. Be patient, stick with your diet and the exercise you're doing, and keep drinking. The stall will break, and all of a sudden your weight will start moving again. Good luck!
  9. 3/26 - 30 lbs down and I hit the dreaded 3 week stall! Fortunately I was cleared to go back to the gym and I'm now on purées. Hopefully that will help!
  10. I hit that 3 week stalled I've heard about. Any suggestions???
  11. KristieAtkinson

    Need Motivation and Advice

    My numbers consistently dropped up until 6 months. After that its been slow going. I also had a 3 week stall at week 3 & at 3 months for over a month! Don't be discouraged into making bad choices. Clean up your menu & up the exercise, you will see some movement!
  12. yes i think youre right. i actually did this with my 3 week stall a few months ago. i think thats a good idea. i will check on monday again. thanks for reminding me!!!
  13. WorkinOnMe

    Weight loss after sleeve

    Based on your topic I was willing to jump on board and give my own experiences... basically I agree with everyone else. Your journey is YOURS. Try not to compare to others, as everyone is different. Also, I too was going to tell you about the 3 week stall (and 6 week, and 12 week if you are like me). You are losing, and that is a huge positive to look at. Pretty consistent with what everyone else is saying. However, what I really want to comment on now is your above post. Please remember that *YOU* initiated the discussion by posting to an open forum. That means you wanted people to respond to you. You don't get to choose what those responses have to say. You don't have to agree with them, but you did solicit them. If you don't want to hear what people have to say then perhaps you should stick to reading the boards to garner your information and refrain from asking questions of which you might not like the responses. Just my 2 cents.
  14. I will be 3 weeks post-op on Wednesday. My scale hasn't budged in a week and a half. In the first week and a half after surgery I lost 13lbs. I have heard of the 3 week stall but this was only after a week and a half. I am following everything I need to. I meet my protein requirements most days, get all my reccomended vitamins, plenty of water, and I'm walking every day. Has this happened to anyone else. I'm feeling very down and wondering if this is going to work for me.
  15. Daisee68

    stall at a month out?

    Famous 3 week stall. Your body is trying to catch up. Search for 3 week stall and you will see tins if posts / advice on it. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  16. LaGueriTaChuLa13

    Who is in March?

    Im glad im not alone!!. Ive heard of the 3 week stall but not the 10 day post op stall . Depressing!!
  17. HopeandAgony

    Tell me about odd weight loss patterns

    Thanks. That helps. It feels just weird to me! I change nothing from week to week. The first week it happened I was like what the heck! My 3 weeks stall came early. Then it happened again and I was like seriously... I've see so many posts on stalling, and I am fully aware that can still easily happen at any time. I've seen people who feel like they lose slow, or even fast, but not this funky every other week pattern!
  18. zonetracy


    Congratulations everyone! My first big goal post surgery is to get below the 250's and I've hit the dreaded 3 week stall... grrr... I hope it doesn't last long. I've been stuck at 253 since last Friday. 500-700 calories per day. The past 2 days I've been trying to get up to 800 calories per day to switch it up.
  19. Name............Start.............Current...............Goal... ...........To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............233.....................220 ..........13 Osangriared.....252...............252.....................232 ..........20 Skinny_Jill.......180...............180.....................168............12 Sades.............197...............197.....................185............12 kandiceb..........187...............187.....................175...........12 shortgal............183..............181....................175............6 TxArcher..........328..............328......................308...........20 Peaches11........217..............217.....................199..........18 Momto1plus1.....223..............220.6...............210.............10.4 zippykat...........173..............173.....................160..........13 Trixie...............219.5...........217.....................199..........18 Shalee04..........196..............196.....................185..........11 wnt2lose..........219..............219.....................209.........10 plump_princess....215.............213.....................199........14 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239........11 Foofy..............239.5............237.5...................230........7.5 Shalee04..........196..............195......................185........10 The 3-week stall is OVER!
  20. @@Miss Mac - so you stalled at 3 or so weeks post op? That's what I thought the 3 week stall was when I referred to it earlier and was told something different. I am 3 weeks 5 days out and the scale hasn't moved since last Thursday.
  21. NewKristen


    Doesn't chocolate count for the liquid diet, as long as you let it melt before you swallow it? I feel ripped off. The only thing I have ate that wasn't on plan was a yogurt covered pretzel (little bitty) and a waffle fry. I then went into a 3 week stall. So screw all of you that are cheating and losing weight!
  22. Almost 8 months out and no regrets at all. It gets me upset when newbies, particularly those 3 months and less, get on the boards discouraging others. Anyone who reads this board and research the surgery know that there are some set backs. There is the 3 week stall (that can last more than a month), there's the throwing up, there's the mourning of food, and slow losers (like myself) BUT all in all those of us 6 months or more out (even some with SERIOUS complications) wouldn't go back to how we were. I always feel that someone who is still researching the Sleeve verus other WL options will turn away because they read a rant of regret from someone 1 month out. They miss the chance to change thier lives based on an "in the moment" and emotional writin. Then when such said ranter is 6 months out and close to 100 pounds lost (Praising God for this tool) the researching newbie will still be unhappy and unhealthy. I'm sorry for my soapbox. I know these boards are a place to come and vent, read, learn, and testify. I myself have posted some post that I now look at and laugh about. And even in my slow losing phrase, I come a write BUT I am always so careful to search on previous topics and answers before I unleash my sleeve wrath because its all here on the boards- rarely nothing new under the Web sun. ut again- back to your question- I DON'T REGRET ONE MINUTE OF THE SLEEVE.
  23. Dont worry! From what i have read, you have hit the "3 week stall" it seems to happen to a lot of people!
  24. Star1221

    No More Weightloss?

    If you are anything like me, it took 50 pounds to really notice a difference. I just a got down to an 18 from a 22, and it was during a 3 WEEK STALL. No weight loss what so ever. But my pants fell off. Give it time. I went from 275 to 222 between pre-op diet and the last 7 weeks. You will see everything in your face and neck usually first. We didn't gain all of this weight in a month.. We sure aren't gonna lose it that fast.
  25. FluffyChix

    Weight Stall Venting

    Stalls suck green balls. At any time. But most especially the dreaded "3 week stall" that happens any time within weeks 2-6. LOL. I wanted to sacrifice small animals. Cuz I was eating like 4-500 cals and thinking, this is BS!!!! LOL. But I swear it will break. Stay the course. Drink your water, maybe even add in decaf green tea. Walk. Walk. Walk!!!

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