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Found 2,865 results

  1. Matt Z

    Weight Gain

    Carbs really cause stalls. Outside of the whole 3 week stall being normal. You **REALLY** need to push the fluids, your body needs water. And it uses water to process fat. So, if you don't give it enough to do what it needs to normally, fat removal isn't going to happen. Current medical research is showing that humans need between 90-110 oz of water a day... for a normal person. This is why I push the 128 oz a day number. Because if you want to process fat, you need to give your body MORE water than it needs to meet it's daily requirements, this way, it'll use the extra for fat processing. Do your best to stick to your actual diet. Straying is only going to sabotage your process. You are the ONLY person that can do this... so, do it. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's emotional. Yes, it F'n sucks... for a while. But then, those new habits are habits and the old ones are gone. It takes 2 weeks on average to make something a habit. It can take a month or more. Just get back to doing EXACTLY what you are supposed to, suck it up and deal with the BS for a while... and then, before you know it... it won't be BS any longer. This surgery is a tool. Only you can use the tool you've been given. You can chose to leave it in the drawer, useless and collecting dust... or you can use that tool to build the new you. Carving things isn't easy, if it were, then everyone would be carving up whatever they wanted... carving things is hard and takes time and skill and effort. You are carving the new you. Take the time and effort to make sure the you that you are carving... is the you that you want to see.
  2. FluffyChix

    Post-Op Week 6 & 7 Plateau

    So you do kinda make things difficult for us... Can you list a couple day's of meals and calorie macro totals? Also, weight loss is not linear. There is the dreaded 3 week stall that happens somewhere between weeks 2 and 6. LOL. You just have to stay the course and ride it out. There will be lots of stalls. 24 pounds in 7 weeks = 3.42lbs/week. The average is a range at your stage of 2-4lbs/week. So you are on the better end of average actually. You need to log every bite and show your doc what you are eating to show him you are compliant. We cannot will our bodies to take the weight off. Make sure you are drinking MORE than you need in clear water (preferably plain, unflavored water).
  3. Hi everyone ! So I must admit I've been feeling more encouraged with everyone'ssupportive comments and recommendations since I was last on. That 3 week stall was very discouraging, and I'm still accepting it but definitely working through it much better now. So now, as much as I've tried sticking to the diet plan post op, I slipped last night. My mom made some chicken in salsa, onions and veggies (in my culture it's similar to a pollo encebollado). I took a bite from it, and following that took an even smaller bite of this dulce de leche from a party cake my sister brought home. I've been doing so well but I definitely gave into temptation. I'm supposed to be starting solids next week upon the surgeons discretion. So I figured what could be so harmful? ... my body took vengeance. I've been in twisting pain in my stomach since then. I took 1/2 tab of pain meds and eventually I fell asleep. This morning woke up again with the excruciating pain and I've been in bed and strictly on fluids because of my fear. I still feel the pain and it has now been 24hrs with another 1/2tab of pain meds. Has anyone else experienced this???
  4. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    Yes ! I really just believed that I was doing something , but then I did read about the 3 week stall that someone here recommended. And now reading your story really put things into perspective so thankyou for sharing !!
  5. Jolexis

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Surgery date 10/8 , down 16lbs. I hit the dreaded 3 week stall this week but the scale finally moved today. I have a total food aversion to chicken. I'm cleared to eat it but I feel horrible after doing so... nauseous, gassy and in pain. Even when its soaked in gravy. I was trick or treating last night with my kids and drinking water while walking. Strangely enough, water went down super easy while walking. I'm sure it was because I was mobile, but I might try to take a bottle of water on a walk now and kill 2 bbn birds with 1 stone. Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I'm 4 months post op today from my SIPS procedure. I have lost 83lbs in total since the start in early June, and 68 lbs since surgery, however I was hoping to be further along and even at my last Dr appointment they indicated I could have lost more and were surprised I hadn't. I seem to be averaging 11 lbs a month over the last 3 months, but what keeps happening is that I lose 11lbs in one week, then NOTHING for 3 weeks!! Is this normal? At first I thought it was just a stall, but the last 3 months in a row have had exactly the same pattern. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy to have lost the weight I have, but I was kind of hoping for it to go a bit quicker, because I have a total of 200lbs to lose and everyone tells me (including my Doctor!) that after the first 6 months it will slow right down. I took on board what they said and have been sticking to the food plan and going to the gym, because I was terrified if I didn't lose 100-150lbs in the first 6 months, I wouldn't get to my goal. But seems like my body had different plans. I also don't understand how I can have a daily calorie deficit of approx 1000 cals, but for 3 weeks out of each month, not lose anything? How is my body actually powering itself during that time? My hair is falling out in clumps and my skin isn't great, so I'm guessing thats what's happening instead, but seriously....how can I be running on negative?? My average daily food intake looks like this: Breakfast: either 1 boiled egg with a little mayo, or 1 protein shake (premier protein). Once a week I will have 1/2 a cup of rice cereal. Lunch: I batch cook chilli or soup with added protein at home to take to work. Usually have it with 1oz of pecans or macadamias (trying to follow keto) Mid-afternoon snack: cheese stick or protein shake (depending on whether I had one for breakfast or not) Dinner: Varies, but generally I go for pressure cooker chicken (between 3 and 5 oz) and green veg, or tuna salad, or 3-5oz of pork chop. 2-3 times a week I will have 3oz of sweet potato, but thats not every day and depends on how hungry I am. My average calorie intake is 99% of the time between 800 and 1150 and I hit at least 80g of protein every day. I try to keep carbs under 30g, but often average about 50g (gross) I count my water and get at least 64oz every day. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, and on average I do 45 mins of cardio (cross trainer/eliptical and bike) and then 10-15 mins of weight training. Outside of this i try to be as active as I can, and I average round 6000-7500 steps daily (I have an office job so can be tricky) Does anyone have any advice or thoughts on what else I can do to try and speed this up? Should I do different things at the gym, or just try to go more often? Or should I mix up my food a bit more? I'd really appreciate any ideas.
  7. shoregirl75

    September bypass buddies??

    I hope we both start losing again so! Hopefully this is just a small bump in the road. I try to stay positive. I guess i am just having a bad day. I did find this article that made me feel a little better about the 3 week stall. https://www.mybariatricdietitian.com/mbd-blog/the-3-week-stall-after-weight-loss-surgery
  8. shoregirl75

    September bypass buddies??

    Stall, Stall, Stall.......I'm frustrated. I am 5 weeks out revision from sleeve to bypass. I also had a set back of a small bowl obstruction which landed my back in the hospital week 2. I guess i am in the dreaded 3 week stall. I haven't lost anything since the 3rd week. I lost 14.8 prior to surgery and 16. 8 lbs since surgery on 9/10, but nothing since the 3rd week. I have actually gain and lost the same 1-2 lbs for the last 2 weeks. I know it happens, and by body and adjusting and all that, but it is still just discouraging. I am getting my protein in and i have been doing better with liquids although i still need to improve more on that. It is just that, we are eating so little compared to preop, and i can't help but thinking, I should be losing something every week. My mind says how in the world can i not be lose anything for 2 weeks on what i am eating?? I am a revision from sleeve to bypass so i know i may also lose slower than other new bypass patients. I just can help but worry will the stall break? Will i not lose anything else? Will this not work for me because I had previous WLS? I'm sure i am am overreacting today (I hope!) but today I just seem more frustrated than other days, and I needed to vent to those i know will understand my frustration. I had prepared myself for stall, or so I though, I just i just really didn't prepare myself, that this soon out i would be going into a 3rd week of a stall. End of venting session. Thanks for listening.
  9. Today is 4 week post op from the sleeve. I had a 3 week stall on the scale. Talk about frustrating. Don't know if it was my doing or just recovery time for the stomach. But it finally move on the scale today. Went to doctor today and I thought it's like when you bring your car in for service and everything is working just fine. LOL But the Doc said tracking it daily is ok but look at it as an average. What is the average weekly, monthly. Do not get hung up on the daily because it could be anything from holding water, bm, more muscle's. So tracking the average loss per week or month is a better guide of how you are doing. So that is a relief that nothing is wrong or that I'm not screwing it up! Learning to eat as slow as Molasses is the next chapter, when you are full pretty much all the time. Stay strong everyone. 😎👌
  10. RnYBeyhive

    September bypass buddies??

    4 weeks post RNY. I’m struggling with protein because I don’t eat more than barely twice a day. Also I just started to not have food aversions with everything so I’m waiting to try premier shakes again. I start the day with a big cup of filtered water with a tiny bit of juice (apple juice helps with regularity) and just try to drink throughout the day. I’m always thirsty and rarely hungry. I’m pretty close to my 64oz daily goal because I drink at least 44oz in my speedway cup lol. I hit that 3 weeks stall and I’m bloating (Aunt Flo is sure to come) so I’m avoiding the scale until I have an appointment next week and the week after.
  11. Frustr8

    Anyone regretting this?

    And Jenn I will be there posting for sure, 6 weeks Tommie since my RNY, still on Stage 2A, have a repeat EGJ on October 26th. Surgeons partner, the one rescoping me said, don't work about your counts, don't add any new foods or textures, keep up with your multivitamins,calcium, B12, omeprazole twice a day, Zofran 3 times daily, Carafate every 6 hours and we will get through this all. I hope this time things hasn't settled down and my stricture can be dialated. The Good News in this all? I never had a 3 week stall, I have list over25 pounds since surgery and a total of 40 since the end of July. Hurray for ME but what emotional cost! I am watching my Surgery Day twins ready or have started back to soft regular foods. And as a result of either repeatedly vomiting or the endoscope tube I am virtually mute, Not that there wasn't a group that have for years hoped I would be quiet. Warning- my middle finger still works, I'm not going down⬇without a fight.
  12. I had a cold this week so I never made it to the gym which kind of bums me out because I enjoy going. However, I stuck to my eating plan, which I decided would be keto, and I lost 7lbs. This came after a 3 week stall. I’ve noticed that some people noticed weight gain during their stall. I just sat at 251 for 3 weeks. I wonder what causes to see weight gain.
  13. SleeveinIL

    First week with no weight loss

    I noticed we had surgery only 4 days apart. First let me say you have already done an amazing job with your weight loss! I had a 3 weeks stall recently that finally broke last week and I was so thrilled to see the scale move again. I was still losing inches during that time as I bet you are too. My surgeon was not concerned at all when I saw him last week. You will break through this stall! I found increasing my water intake helped a lot to get things moving again.
  14. photogirl70

    Weight loss HALT

    Ah yes, the dreaded 3 week stall. It's very common and very discouraging. Stick with the program and you will get over this hump.
  15. Hi .... real talk, I'm frustrated, and more than a little scared. So yesterday was a bad day for everything but IF. But one day, whatever. But I'm scared of the big picture. I've basically in a stall for 3 weeks now. I don't want to be one of those "sky is falling" people, but, I'm scared right now about what this means. Ok, so over these 3 weeks I've had some bad days with poor choices. But on the whole I've made a lot of good choices too, and had more good days then bad. Even my bad days are nothing compared to pre WLS. My highest cal day was 1442. I only had 5 days out of 25 where I went over 1000 cals. On average over the last 25 days (to account for my 3 week stall, and then plus a few days), I averaged 554 calories. I'm scared. Is this just a set point? Have a wrecked my metabolism like in the Biggest Loser study? What is my long term quality of life if I have to eat sub 600 cals in order to even maintain? Sorry, I'm having a Monday morning pity party here.
  16. How long did your 3 week stall last? Hi folks, so I'm going on day 6 of my Stall. that started smack between week 3 and 4. I know about them, I've read about them, so I don't want to get hang up on them as I know it causes angst, depression and anxiety, and who needs that right? So I'm mentally working on embracing the stall and pushing through it as part of the process without resentment, cuz the way I see it...I have to stick to the plan either way. I can either make the journey happy, or miserable if I become a Scale Slave. But knowleage is power and I find myself in need of some power, so wondering how long your 3 week stalls lasted, and if you are still in the middle of your stall, how are you getting through it mentally?
  17. Frustr8

    Worried that I am failing

    Feeling ROTTEN this AM, people mention dreaded 3 week stall, NO ONE. mentioned a 14 day Flip-it-All! I feel as nasty rotten today as I should have right after surgery. The thought of EGD and balloon dilatation was mentioned yesterday, instead of marching bravely into Stage 3 I feel like I am. Being an abysmal failure at Stage 2. Liquids I concede may be draining ok, seems like cream of rice and thicker hanging up in "Precious Pouch". Doesn't give a sensation of emptying. Some poachers even say they can listen to their body letting loose with a swoosh into their jeje small intestine, amI still too swollen to feel THAT? Good news - lost 6.5 pounds in a week Bad news- I had to feel pretty crappy to do it. WTFN? Nurse Practioner was making EGD noises yesterday, is that the NEXT step on this journey? Don't want my old plumbing,back, just want this NEW ONE to WORK!
  18. I had surgery 8/22, so almost 4 weeks out. I spent first 2 weeks loosing 9lb IVgain! Then spent 3 more days dealing with a blockage nothing by mouth and More IV fluids. Since surgery I am a total of 12.5lb down and scale has not moved in 4 days, but,.. it’s all good! I’ve been working on my head and I’m in a good place! This stall coincided with me starting more full fluids...full soups with soft veggies. So wondering if the infamous 3 week stall is really just food progression and body adjustments? Anywho, I’m embracing my stall cuz guess what...this is not a diet! My body is waiting for me to get frustrated and stop but there is no stopping, I’m playing for keeps! It is well! 😊💕
  19. BadWolf523

    I guess I’m regretting a little...

    You are at the dreaded 3 week stall. It took a month for me to start losing again and it’s slow. However the inches on my waist and my body fat are dropping. I was lying too much attention to the scale. Now I weigh once a week. Try to stay motivated I hope it gets better for you.
  20. Add me to the list of those who have hit the 3 week stall.
  21. Yes I’m dealing with the 3 week stall right now as well. Sounds like you’re doing good with your intake though!!
  22. I have a question. Bypass on 8/29/18 beginning week 4 and haven’t lost any weight in 4 days. Soooo is this the 3 week stall I’ve heard about is anyone else going through this right now from August surgeries? Yikes. I’ve up my water to 75 oz a day. Calories are at 650 70% protein 20 carbs 10 fat
  23. I am getting extremely frustrated. Please let me know if this experience is unique to me. I am 2 weeks post op, and I have not lost any weight in the second week. I know there is a 3 week stall is it possible to have a stall in the second week. I am not getting consistent information from the surgeon about my nutritional requirements and I am concerned because I am not feeling restricted on liquids and maybe I am over doing it. I was not having regrets, but I am starting to now. Also, I am able to start purees tomorrow and not sure what I can and cant have. I have another weird situation. My primary care doctor is the director of a nutritional and weight loss program. I got cleared for surgery by his nutritionist, however she does not specialize in bariatrics. Now I need a nutritionist that does specialize in bariatrics, and the one recommended by the surgeons office says she cant treat me because I did not do the initial evaluation with her. I am at a loss because I don't know what I should and should not be doing. My surgery was uncomplicated, however getting information I need to be a success has been very complicated. My doctor's office has given me contradicting information both pre and post op, and I am beyond frustrated and in tears. I want to be a success but all I see is failure in my future. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  24. I have to weigh in next Friday and am only down 30 in two months, because of a 3 week stall. I’m sure they’ll be a bit disappointed, but I’m okay with my progress. Sure, I wish I hadn’t stalled, but I know that it was out of my control... so it is what it is. I’m discovering that I more or less eat out of habit/boredom. As I’ve been breaking this cycle, I feel less concerned with eating. I know I need to get at least 60g of protein, take my vitamins, and drink my water. But other than meeting those goals, I feel like I’ve just lost interest in food. Not sure if anyone else is in the same boat?
  25. Sosewsue61

    Hi, newbie here :-)

    Welcome. Congrats. Poke around and read the various forum posts. Use the spy-glass search field if you have a certain topic. Especially look for 'dreaded 3 week stall' or about food stages.

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