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Found 17,501 results

  1. Greetings all, I'm seeking some guidance. Here are my stats: Pre-op weight: 269, SW: 255.8, CW: 245.8 Sleeve date: 3/31/22 I want to make sure I am consuming the right amount of food in the right way. After surgery, the protein shakes (Fairlife & Premier) caused diarrhea so I stopped drinking the shakes. Instead, my typical day is: Yogurt 25g protein Tuna/Chicken Salad 12-15g protein Pork or chicken 12-15g protein Water or zero-calorie drink I don't consume more than 1/4 - 1/3 of a cup at a time. It takes me 2 "meals" to finish the yogurt. As you can see from my stats I'm losing very slowly; which is fine as long as I know I'm doing the right thing. Can you please share a typical day of meals? I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. Thanks in advance
  2. My file is complete per my surgeon’s admin. I’m going to start the CPAP tonight or tomorrow night. The admin will call Monday to set up my ‘Results’ appointment with the surgeon, and my paperwork will go to CIGNA on Monday. Now I wait. I’m so tempted to book a date in May and only give myself 5 days till I’m back at school. HOWEVER, I will most likely choose to do the more prudent thing, and have surgery June 9th or 10th-ish when school is out. Yes, I am enjoying a food bucket list until I start the pre-op diet. My BMI is 40.9 and I’m hell bent on keeping it there till Cigna says yes. I’d love to hear from the April Surgery Buddies regarding your immediate post-op recovery. I guess that this week (fingers crossed) I will be able to join the June Surgery Buddies Group. FWIW, I began this journey on 1/15 with research into WLS. My zoom call with the surgeon’s office was 2/22. The pre-procedure testing (extensive) began in March. I started out thinking sleeve, but I have opted for bypass. I have a large hiatal hernia that will be repaired during surgery.
  3. Hi! I'm scheduled for this upcoming TUESDAY to undergo a gastric sleeve! Today is FRIDAY! I have NOT yet purchased my Vitamins. I have the paper sitting in front of me. I've attached a picture since I'm confused about the second column (regimen). Can someone help explain what the second column means? I take it to mean with this particular brand (in the middle column) take 2 of the chewables plus 2 calcium citrate chews (and each chew has to be 500 mg) and the B12 is already included or do I need to find a B12 vitamin? I was wanting to do chewables so I can use them as "candy"... I'm SUPER worried about the Hair loss aspect...I was told that the BEST vitamins on the market are the Bariatric Advantage Advanced EA Multivitamin. I was also told I could throw in a hair, nails, skin vitamin. What vitamins do you recommend as a first time surgery patient? I know the above ones I mentioned are the most expensive, but I was told they're the best of the best...is that true?
  4. Hi y'all! I have my surgery (AHHHHH!) scheduled for this upcoming TUESDAY! Today is Friday. I have NOT yet purchased my vitamins. I have the paper sitting in front of me. I've attached a picture since I'm confused about the second column (regimen). I need to take a bariatric supplement that has calcium & B-12. Some of them have iron in them already. Can someone help explain what the second column means? I'm SUPER worried about the hair loss aspect...I was told that the BEST vitamins on the market are the Bariatric Advantage Advanced EA Multivitamin. What vitamins do you recommend as a first time surgery patient? I know the above ones I mentioned are the most expensive, but I was told they're the best of the best...is that true?
  5. carolinac413

    Weight Loss Stall

    Me again! I am 23 days post-op. I lost 15 pounds the the first two weeks. I began my purée diet last week and since then I’ve stopped losing weight. I am dealing with horrible constipation and struggling to keep up with 64 oz of water. I’m worried that I haven’t lost any weight, in fact I gained 2 pounds. I’m starting to think this isn’t gonna work for me and I won’t lose any more weight. Has this happened to anyone?
  6. Hi - first time posting and new to forum. I am one week post-op for VSG. I traveled for my surgery and am back at work today. I am really struggling with food. I have mostly had broth, and a few sugar-free drink mixes. My first protein shake today. I have been struggling with explosive-run-to-the-bathroom diarrhea, not always in direct relation to food consumption. This morning I woke up and didn't make it to the bathroom before having an accident in my pants. I hadn't eaten or drank in 12 hours. This has never happened to me before and I am sortof freaking out. I am scared to upgrade my food at all and my stomach always feels on edge. Do I have to do the protien shakes? Has anyone else had trouble advancing to stage 2 of food consumption? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I traveled for surgery so not have the best access to follow-up care. Really anxious and feeling a lot of regrets right now.
  7. Hi I'm going to a big wedding and really want to have a drink there. I am 3 and half weeks post op. Also my social gathering amount all my friends I've had for over 20 years all gather for drinks on weekends and I'm being to feel left out of my social group. Would I harm myself by having just 2 gin and orange every Saturday at this stage? In 2 days it will be 4 weeks post op.
  8. So I had a stall. An eight-week-long stall. And I'm pretty close to my goal weight, so I figured maybe this was it... they say N% of your excess body weight, and I'm way past that N%, so this must be it, right? I know it seems early (seven months out), but maybe my body's reached its new set point. Yay, no more meds, yay, normal sized clothing from the middle of the size range, not the top end and oh please God let it fit. So I bought a bunch of new clothes. I've been wearing hand-me-downs and Goodwill thrifting specials for months now, and I wanted some new clothes. I had some belts made, too. Finally I can start to look like an adult! Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. My body decided, over the last week and a half, to lose NINE POUNDS. The clothes I bought are too big. Fortunately some of them still have the tags so I can exchange them. But I guess I needed to do this in order to get things moving again. LOL.
  9. Hello all, I had RYGB surgery March 25th, 2022 and I'm struggling. I've been in and out of emergency with nausea and some throwing up. I'm weak and dizzy and finding it hard to move forward. I did my research and knew that this is a possibility but dang it's hard. Even water causes stomach issues. I'm barely getting my protein drinks in. Is this common? I'm hoping to get an appointment with my surgeon to talk about this. I just want this reversed. I know it's not possible but I'm miserable.
  10. One week down and 6 days to go! Prior to this, I thought it was going to be much more difficult. I have been counteracting my cravings for pizza, hot wings and Indian food, with researching ideas to make the meals I crave more "bariatric sleeve friendly". I am working out recipes and ingredients, waiting for the day I can eat whole food again. I have been able to still cook meal for my kids and I find myself making healthier choices in what I serve them. I told my wife "How can we both be eating healthier and still feed the kids chicken nuggets and fries". She agreed. This transformation will not only benefit me, but the whole family! The most difficultly I am experiencing now is trying not to fart. It's never dry and I had to wash out a pair of underwear and some shorts, while in the shower. This is the "SHARD" part.
  11. So incredibly happy this two week liquid diet is over. Surgery is tomorrow!!😍

    1. newsam1154


      Agreed! However, I've got my eye on cream soups! LOL

    2. Dtrappy


      How is it going after ? Mine is Monday

    3. newsam1154


      It’s going well! The gas pains for me have been a challenge but so far so good! Wishing you all the best on Monday!!

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  12. I know there has been lots of posts about stalls and here is mine. So for the last 8 weeks I have been bouncing around the same weight 71-72 kg today I even went up to 72.5 I am 8 months Post op and have lost 30% of my starting weight. Is this stall or has my body said nope not loosing any more weight? my original goal was 70kg but I still have quiet a bit of fat on my tummy so I would like to get that off and reset my goal to 60kg . I am a shift worker and don't get great sleep and I have found in the past this makes it very hard to loose weight. now I sound like I am making excuses again like I did pre surgery but prior to surgery when I took several weeks leave I always dropped a couple of kilos just from having a better sleep pattern but it went straight back on once I returned to work. but to the topic what do you all think and what are your experiences at this point in your journey?
  13. I am 5 months post op rny bypass and do not have a uterus anymore, but still have my ovaries. I noticed that from around the 20th till around the 1st of the next month my weightloss stalls. I am assuming I am on my cycle. Do those of you whom have ovaries and/or a cycle notice this also?
  14. dh_for_ap

    7 weeks post op

    I had a gastric bypass about 7 weeks ago and while I am down 43 pounds so far I am a bit concerned. I have had a hunger feeling since the day after surgery, I was able to drink without issue post surgery. As my diet progressed I found I was able to tolerate all foods fine and eat and drink as I did prior to surgery without any of the signs and signals others had warned me about such as the foamies, the urge to vomit, nausea, clear full feeling etc. I force myself to stop eating at around 6 ounces of food but I do not feel satisfied after. Also I have found that I am craving sweets which I never really ate pre surgery. And as of this last week the scale stopped going down and I gained back 2.5 pounds while my diet and exercise have remained the same. I am feeling a bit discouraged that something is wrong with me or my surgery.
  15. Hi everyone, I am 20 days from surgery (4/18) and I am nervous and excited. I feel prepared but at the same time I feel like I don't know what I am doing. My hospital hasn't been the easiest to work with as far as providing information on what to expect so I have been doing a lot of my own research. It almost feels like my doctors put everyone in the same camp and don't take each person as an individual which is highly annoying for a "Type A"/Planner like myself. I start a full pre-op liquid diet on 4/4 to help shrink my liver and jump-start weight loss before surgery. I am fully stocked up on Fairlife protein shakes (every flavor except coffee) and have unflavored protein powder and collagen to add to soups. What other options should I explore or do you have any recommendations for protein shakes to try? I am fairly nervous about my hair thinning or losing my hair - does anyone have experience with this or prevented this from happening? I started taking collagen about 3 months ago and noticed it has helped strengthen my nails and added hair growth but I am worried this won't be enough in the long run. Any advice is appreciated! Does anyone have any advice on pregnancy after DS? I am mainly going through this process to increase my chances of having children - my husband and I have suffered two miscarriages and I am being told by my OB/GYN that there's nothing they will do for me until I am at a better weight. I am fully committed as I want to start a family but waiting an additional 12-18 months after waiting this long seems like a lifetime. I want to be as prepared as possible for any hurdles or issues we may encounter - thanks in advance! That's a little about me - tell me about you! I am excited to be part of this community and build each other up! Thanks so much for reading, K. Becker - Minneapolis, MN
  16. Hi Friends, I'm 8 months post RNY. SW 308 lbs, CW 213 lbs. Height 159 cm. I was on a steady losing path until Jan this year due to my walking (10k) daily. However, we had a bad family fight in Jan which has led to me being depressed and lethargic. I've kinda stalled since then and there has been zero progress. I'm scared I'm throwing all this away and fearful since I'm overeating and not losing. Any advice on how to kickstart my weight loss again please. My goal weight is 150 lbs and I really want to do this for my kids. Please help me
  17. Hi Friends, I'm 8 months post RNY. SW 308 lbs, CW 213 lbs. Height 159 cm. I was on a steady losing path until Jan this year due to my walking (10k) daily. However, we had a bad family fight in Jan which has led to me being depressed and lethargic. I've kinda stalled since then and there has been zero progress. I'm scared I'm throwing all this away and fearful since I'm overeating and not losing. Any advice on how to kickstart my weight loss again please. My goal weight is 150 lbs and I really want to do this for my kids. Please help me
  18. I had gastric sleeve on November 29th and have been the same weight for 3 weeks. Just want to either hear, Yes, that's normal, or if perhaps I need to reevaluate what I'm eating. Thanks!
  19. Hello everyone. I am almost 4 weeks postop, I had my sleeve surgery on February 21st. In general, after the first week, I have not had any issues with vomiting. However today, I had a pretty bad episode. I ate some scrambled eggs (I’m still in puréed and I’m trying really hard to stick to the plan) , and had a lot of belching right after (is that gerd? I hope not!). About 15 minutes later I felt it coming back up and vomited everything back up. My main question is— what could have caused this? Did I eat too fast? Was it not chewed enough? Was it too much (I measured about 3.5 oz)? Could it have been a combination of all three? I’m hoping some people at or further in their timeline can help me out or share their experiences. I was also a bit concerned because I saw some bright red flecks and it was tinged pink at the end. Not alot but enough that I noticed. Is my pouch ok? Thank you all!
  20. I'm having surgery on Thursday and my head is so full of a variety of emotions; excitement, nervousness, worry etc. Anyone feeling the same? Sent from my SM-G980F using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I’m about 8 weeks post op - and while the first few weeks were great, I have been struggling. The mornings are the worst. I feel icky every morning with nauseous tendencies. When I eat any kind of meet I throw it up. For the last week my stomach has been sore. I’m ready to feel normal again. Did anyone else experience anything like this. I am going to the doctor today so hopefully will have some answers. I just really want to hear from the others of you and see what your experience was. I struggle taking any pills too.
  22. fourmonthspreop

    Weight loss stall

    Hey! I'm about one month post op (gastric bypass feb 14). I've only lost about 23 lbs post op. I was at 309 when I went in for surgery. I think my weight was like 314 right after surgery because of all the fluids though. Anyway I'm getting annoyed because I've been in between 287 and 286 for the last 2 weeks. I am eating more calories now but not nearly enough to gain or even stall. I have about 700-800 calories a day right now. Is this normal to stall out so early? I try incorporating exercise in my daily routine but I'm still dealing with a lot of fatigue and lightheadedness from anemia so I feel terrible whenever I really exert myself. Any advice or tips? Thanks! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Hi all. I'm scheduled for VGS early May and have an overseas trip planned for end of July (11 weeks later). I'm concerned about my energy level, etc. Anyone care to share your 3 month post op travel experiences? Thanks in advance
  24. Hi , I am 7 weeks post surgery . The surgeon found I had a hiatus hernia which he fixed along with tightening the muscle . One day after surgery I got oesophageal spasms which was extremely painful so they knocked me out by a drip for 4 days until they got it under control. My sleeve seems to be successful but am often still have feelings of faintness , and tiredness. also am wondering if someone can share what and how much they eat during the day . I think I am only getting 400 to 500 calories . I am also suffering from head hunger at night and am nibbling at cashews to try and satisfy it . The weight loss has been good and to have loss this much weight without the sleeve would have been torture and been less than half the weight loss . I don’t regret doing this but sometimes feel it is quite hard .
  25. HI! I'm a 46 year old female from South Louisiana. I will be having gastric sleeve on 3/16/22. I'm currently 5'3", 245lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs. (if i lose more, that's a bonus but i felt 145 was a realistic goal.) I am insulin resistant with HBP. Thyroid disease runs rampant on both sides of my family, as does diabetes. I'm borderline Type 2 and my TSH levels are also borderline. I've tried for years to lose weight through diet and exercise. I think i tried every fad diet out there. While i would lose weight initially, the minute i was left to my own resources, the weight just piled back on. Exercise was a whole different issue that my PCP just couldn't understand. It didn't matter what i was doing or where i was doing it, after 15 minutes i began to overheat and 2x had to be taken for medical attention. (one of those times was doing nothing more than walking in my neighborhood.) My PCP always said it was my BP causing that and if I would just lose weight, it would stop. Well doc, how do you propose i do that if i can't exercise without passing out? When my employer finally started covering bariatric surgery, if certain comorbidities were met, i jumped at the chance. That is when i found out i was insulin resistant. I'm about to hit the clear liquid stage of my pre-op diet and am very stressed. Yesterday I had issues with nausea and vomiting every time i tried to drink a protein shake or protein water. I just couldn't get it down. I hear that is normal the 1st 48-72 hours of the liquid diet but yesterday was day 5. (i was able to find the Fairlife portien shakes and those didn't make me gag.) I'm really nervous about the clear diet. Any suggestion on clear protein drinks that taste good and won't make me gag? (I have tried the Gatorade g2 in fruit punch and the blue one. The blue was one the only one that didn't make me gag as much. I also have tried the Protein2O and those were just awful as well.) I have found some good broths that i will try and i have the Isopure unflavored protein powder. I tried adding the powder to warm broth and that was a disaster. Thanks in advance for the tips. I'm excite to start this new phase in my life and get healthy, not only for me but for my husband and kids. I beat cancer, i can't let obesity be the thing that kills me.

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