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Found 17,501 results

  1. kendajones

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I haven't seen any posts in a while -- how is everyone doing? I had a sleeve on 10/9, lost 19 pounds really fast, then at 2 weeks, hit a stall that lasted about 3-1/2 weeks. It was very frustrating and I felt like I had messed something up or done something wrong. I wondered if this was not going to work for me and yet I was permanently stuck with a tiny stomach. I hated seeing all the social media posts of all the people who seemed to be continuously losing weight every week while I stalled -- even though I knew not to compare my journey to other people. But even during that long stall, I had to stop wearing a bunch of clothes that were too big, I moved my Apple watch to a tighter setting on my wrist, I was able to stop taking all blood pressure and diabetes meds because my levels were all normal or low, and I even completed a 5K (walking it mostly but still!!)!!! My doctor told me not to worry about the scale -- that "it would catch up." So I just didn't weigh for a while, though I stayed the path on eating, water, protein, and movement. Well, today I got on the scale and have now lost 31 pounds since my surgery. The scale is catching up. What a relief! I'm sure that I'll stall again at some point, and I'll be in a better mindset to just stay consistent and keep with the program and have faith.
  2. Sorry just seen this now. Yes they were happy with the weight gain. Month 9 I did gain another 8 pounds (my appetite went crazy) so 15 pounds total. Baby was 7 pounds healthy and perfect! By 2 weeks post partum my weight went back to pre pregnancy weight. But then the holidays came and I did gain about 10 pounds, so I would just say be careful after you give birth and try to continue healthy eating habits.
  3. I'm not sure, since I had an incredible amount of polyps that had to be removed, as well. Those were caused as a result of being on 80mg of a PPI everyday for an extended amount of time. I had 4 endoscopies just to remove polyps. 8-10 were removed each time. The first time, my esophagus was stretched, as well. I ended up needing to get a revision to bypass because the GERD caused, not only the polyps, but also gastritis and esophagitis, as well. And even with the 80mg of Nexium daily, I was still getting break through GERD that required Pepcid, which didn't always help. I also never had any kind of GERD or reflux before the sleeve.
  4. FifiLux

    Weight loss stall

    If you love soups here is a recipe I found that I have made twice now recently and really like; https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/spiced-carrot-lentil-soup I made it in the slow cooker and added 2/3 of the carrots for the whole process so they were soft and then added the other 1/3 in for the last hour or so to have a bit of bite to the soup even after blending down. I did peel and chop the carrots, did not leave the peel on. Also I did not use the oil or yogurt and went with more than a pinch of chili as it gives it a really nice kick. I got 9 to 10 servings out of the recipe instead of the indicated 4 so the nutritional values according to MyFitnessPal are; If I need to up my protein intake for the day I add some protein powder to the soup.
  5. GiGi 1970

    I need help

    Gastric bypass 2 years ago. I've gained 10 pounds the last 2 months. It won't stop. Please help! I need to start over and don't know how. I never lost enough weight. I got down to 182. Now I'm 192.. How do I start over. All advice welcome Please Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Sorry just seen this now. Yes they were happy with the weight gain. Month 9 I did gain another 8 pounds (my appetite went crazy) so 15 pounds total. Baby was 7 pounds healthy and perfect! By 2 weeks post partum my weight went back to pre pregnancy weight. But then the holidays came and I did gain about 10 pounds, so I would just say be careful after you give birth and try to continue healthy eating habits.
  7. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    I bought 1 oz glasses at Walmart (they’re the size of a shot glass and are 97 cents in the baking aisle). I bought 12 of them. I used 6/hour. I drank 1/2 ounce every 5 minutes. I got up and walked a lap around my downstairs after every ounce I drank. I rotated between protein shakes, protein water, regular water, fiber water (not too much at first!), popsicles, jello, collagen coffee, and Propel. This allowed me to get all my fluids and protein for the day. My first fluids every morning were 6oz of decaf coffee with collagen mixed in. BIGGEST thing to do after surgery: Get your protein, water, and movement. You do those three things and you’re good! As soon as they have you start your multivitamin and calcium, take them as directed. Take your multi and your calcium at least two hours apart. Your body can only absorb up to 500mg of calcium at a time so take calcium four hours apart. What I do, I take my multi at lunch (12:40) (because I tend to have yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast: calcium), and I take my calcium during my 1st and 2nd snack (10:40am and 3:00 pm).
  8. @BlondePatriotInCDA and @SleeveToBypass2023 This discussion has inspired me to talk to the bariatric surgeon I switched to here in Fort Worth when I see him on a post-op follow up appt on 6/10/24 as I want to discuss how his practice is managing this new set of 'tools' with their bariatric surgery patients. I wish he'd been my original bariatric surgeon. Due to abdominal pain I've been chasing for 2 yrs (right side) I ended up referred to him. TOMORROW, he is performing an investigative laparoscopic procedure to 'scope' the inside of my pouch and see if some of the occasional 'old blood' I have in my er..stools and the pain that hits out of nowhere that feels like my intestines are knotting up, is related to any issue inside the pouch or with scar tissue. I've already done an upper & lower GI in May, gall bladder has been gone for 2 yrs, had a CT-scan, etc. Wish me luck tomorrow. I'm looking at it as very nice and expensive nap with hopefully useful information obtained. I'm also curious what he has to say about my pouch now that it has been 5 years. Is he gonna say 'wow, you sure managed to stretch that sucker!'...lol
  9. Since my surgery in 2017 I've lost my weight loss powers. I'm a mere mortal when it comes to weight loss. That being said I do the following: 1- Weekly weigh in and log it in 2- Stop eating at 7PM and start again at 7AM (I usually go to 9AM) 3- Eat the same thing every day. For me, Breakfast greek yogurt and hard boiled egg, cup of coffee Lunch, tuna fish, sardines or salmon from a can (no additives such as mayo) dinner broiled or baked seafood with a salad. I will also eat a costco protein bar if I need it. 4-Excercise, for me 3x at gym nothing too strenous just 30-45 on treadmill 5 degree incline with a brisk 3.5 mile speed walk Very Very difficult to stay within 5-10 pounds of goal weight then try to get back down. Vigilance and sorry to say obsession are my keys. It's a struggle every day.
  10. CaliRexx

    May 2023 surgeries

    I know I’m late to the party. Surgery date 05/01/2023
  11. Texas Cruiser

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I had my gastric bypass 11/10, now 11 days post op. Feeling pretty good, excited about soft foods in another week.
  12. Heidi911

    Pain after surgery?

    I am a chronic pain pain patient and my pain specialist has ordered my pain meds every 4 hours for 10 days just in case.
  13. I'm also exhausted. I'm in Athens and it's raining and cold and grey. I'm just so done with the cold and rain. I feel it'll never stop. I'm so cold and tired the whole time. Really struggling with the weather being so grim (that said so is everyone I know - this year in Europe has been especially bad), mainly because I'm just so cold and tired and being cold and wet the whole time makes things 10 x worse. But yeah, I wrote it before but the weather is really doing a number on me. I might try and see a shrink soon if my mood re the weather doesn't lift because I'm nearing tears every time I see the weather forecast. I'm sorry you're having a hard month @NickelChip - I hope your blood tests shed some light on why the loss has slowed for you. @RonHall908 Well done on loosing the inches and all the fat % !!! Actually reassured to hear you're also exhausted because as I've written, I'm really really struggling with being so exhausted and having constant brain fog.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Am I behind?

    Try not to let some arbitrary numbers be the determining factor if you feel that you are successful or not in all this. I had sleeve 3.5 years ago and several things went wrong along the way to add up to my eventual regain but I honestly think the main reason I failed was because I was so upset with myself that I did not reach the goal my dr had for me that I eventually said screw it and allowed myself to gain it all back (plus some). I was so close though. I am 5’8” and got down to 168 which was 18! Pounds from his hopes for me and a relatively healthy weight that I would be thrilled to be now but I got in the way of my own progress by all or nothing thinking and I let what that scale said or didn’t say be the most important thing in life!! Try to focus on all the non scale victories along the way. I think it was only 10% of weight lost that reduces many of the comorbidities that are brought on by obesity. You are healthier already than when you started all this. Try to celebrate that and all the little victories along the way and keep your focus on the important stuff. This is your journey and you will do great if you stick to your plan and remember it is about your getting healthier and nothing else. Especially not how you compare to others. Just do you and you will be living your best life before you know it. I’m rooting for you.
  15. NickelChip

    Struggling to stop losing

    You can take my advice with a grain of salt since I've never been in the position of losing too much weight and am only 4 weeks post-op, but I think at this point your best bet is to ignore calories and just listen to your body. Eat if you're hungry, don't eat if you're not, and focus on nutritious food. Your body will stop losing weight when it feels like it. I agree with @Spinoza that I think the surgery gives you a new set point. It's best to just see what that is and only worry about it if it's so low that it's unhealthy. More than likely, it'll bounce back up on its own if it's too low for you to maintain. But better you bounce up to where your goal was initially than put the brakes on now and then bounce up 10 lbs higher than you wanted in a year.
  16. LindsayT

    May 2023 surgeries

    Thanks! We'll see as more weight comes off. My surgeon was on board with the extra 10 lbs.
  17. Gastric sleeve on 01/06/23, Loss a significant amount of weight the first few months but only about 12 lbs in the last 2 months. I have less then 30 lbs to get to goal but I feel like this may take awhile. Any suggestions besides the obvious (consuming recommended protein, drinking water, counting calories, weighing/measuring food, exercise, etc.)
  18. I am meeting with my surgeon in a week to hopefully talk about a surgery date. The surgeon wanted me to lose 10-15 pound prior to this appointment, and I haven't been able to! I have major anxiety about this and am worried he will choose to not move forward. Has anyone gone through something similar?
  19. I agree with @NickelChip, this seems quite off. I've seen 800 calorie plans for bypass patients in the active weight loss phase, but most people are in the 1200 calorie range for maintenance... And your portion size will naturally increase a bit over time as you are able to eat more as your pouch heals. It won't be as much as a "matured sleeve" can eat, but it won't be a few tablespoons either. At the bariatric clinic I go to I attended nutrition class with sleeve patients and bypass patients, even though I'm a DS patient. We were all told to keep each meal to 10 grams of fat or less (general aim at 1 year out is 60 grams of total fat as per the ASMBS guidelines for a year out), and 10 grams of carbs or less, for less than 50 total grams of carbs a day, as they want us in ketosis during the active fat loss phase (this amount will double to about 100 grams of total carbs in maintenance). And protein varies for each group but bypass was to aim for 80 grams of protein a day, since they malabsorb some compared to the sleeve patients. NONE of us were given a calorie goal, only macro goals. We were ALL told to aim for 5-6 small meals a day for consistent energy, aiming for 4-5 meals if we go to bed early or get up late. So we were encouraged to eat about every 3 hours, allowing 2-3 hours between our last meal and bed. And told a fair amount of our carbs should come from high fiber, low carb vegetables and low sugar fruits, with a fiber supplement (SunFiber is amazing and non-bloating) and Miralax as needed to maintain regularity.
  20. i know quite a few people who are/were on it. those currently on it, lost anywhere from 10-70 lbs. those who are no longer in it, gained back anywhere from none to all the weight back. though the majority of the no-longer-users kept of "most" of their weight losses off. so still a decent net loss in the end (so far). i myself experimented with ozepmpic last year...my mom is diabetic and i asked if i could try her stash because she takes less than ½ of the lowest dose as she says its too strong (so she had lots of surplus omg)...she's lost maybe 30-40 lbs (my stepdad is also diabetic with his own ozempic rx, and he lost closer to 70 lbs) anyway...i took the lowest dosage for 4 weeks at 120lbs thinking i could lose 5lbs tops...i ended up losing 8 or 9 lbs i think. i stopped after the 4th week and pretty much went back to pre-ozempic weight-ISH within a couple months. (i am 119.1 lbs this morning). so yeah, just like wls and everything else in life, individual losses and experiences depends on the person. now while this was an interesting experiment, it was FREE. if i had to pay for it, i'd pass. for me, at least, its not worth it..but for someone with more weight to lose, and who has the means and the inclination, and the access...why not? good luck! ❤️
  21. CarolineLittle

    7 Months Post Op Normalities?

    I was sleeved 10 May, all good here, no issues. I've been lucky enough to lose every week, apart from a 10 day plateau 2 weeks after surgery. I put my success down to tracking daily and hitting my protein goal consistently. I eat really well for the most part too apart from an occasional treat. I eat carbs, I'm learning to accept that carbs aren't the devil. I don't eat bread itself much, but enjoy low carb wraps daily. Also been having a muktigrain muffin every day with peanut butter. It's 20 carbs, not terrible IMHO. I include brown rice, pasta, potato, protein is the focus of course. Of a meal carbs might make up a quarter for example. My carbs average around a hundred a day, give or take. I'm a vegetarian so the bulk of it comes from legumes and vegetables, also fruit which I eat daily.
  22. ChunkCat

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Oh!! And never look at the number on the scale and compare it to others. If you really feel the need to compare, use percentages. Those at a lower weight tend to lose slower, those at a higher weight tend to lose faster. For instance, your excess weight is 50 lbs. That's the amount you want to lose. A 10 lb loss means you have lost 20% of your excess weight already in 4 weeks! That is a lot even though it doesn't look like a lot on the scale. In comparison, my surgery weight was 307. So for me, 20% is 27.4 lbs. It took me until 9 weeks post op to lose that much... So you are a bit more ahead of schedule than it feels! Percentages are a way better gauge of where your progress really is.
  23. 60lbs down since the start and 52 since the day of my surgery. 13 inches off my waist and 10 off my apron belly. Feeling more confident. Still a way to go
  24. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    What does your day of eating look like?

    I am six months out and my typical day is: Breakfast - 20g protein yogurt, 10 almonds Lunch - Tuna salad - 15 g protein Dinner- 3.5 oz broiled chicken thigh - 24 g protein Snacks - Kodiak Bear Bites- chocolate graham crackers - 5 g protien, Protein 2o 20 g protein water, pistachios or other nuts, peanut butter on seed cracker - to hit goal of 85-95 g protein. I try to keep carbs under 60 g. Re: Quest protein chips -- liked them before surgery, stomach doesn't like them now (I get nauseous). Good luck!
  25. Having my total hysterectomy on May 7th. They can't go in laparoscopically, so it'll be an abdominal hysterectomy. Taking out everything: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix. I have 3 VERY large uterine fibroids that have made my uterus (and stomach now) the size of someone who is 5 or 5 1/2 months pregnant. I may, in the next couple of years, get skin surgery but I'm still thinking about it. Let's see if I have any cardiac issues with this surgery (like I did with the hernia repair surgery) before I make anymore decisions about elective surgeries. I can't wait for this to be done and over with and I can finally just live my dang life!!! From my initial sleeve surgery in May 2022 to the hysterotomy in May 2024, I will have had 10 surgeries in 2 years (thanks to all the complications from the sleeve surgery). The uterine fibroids were actually discovered while doing tests for the other issues caused by the sleeve, so it still counts as the reason for the surgery being caused by the sleeve lol Anyway, so happy to finally be at the last chapter of this book!!!

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