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Found 1,208 results

  1. My surgery was last Wednesday, Dec. 14th. I had a situation with low blood pressure requiring the nurses to push extra IV's the entire time. I knew I would gain some weight, but wasn't prepared to gain 15 lbs. Is this number reasonable? How fast can I lose the weight? I'm getting all my Water in. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. I was SO good about watching my weight & proud of my weight loss. I looked & felt great. I averaged around 140 pds, which was good for me. I mean, come one, I went from a size 22+ to an 8. WHOA, me, at 8?! Then, life happened, and it happened hard. I lost my job& was unemployed for 5 months. I gained about 20 pds from simply sitting around looking for jobs all damn day. I accepted the job, because I needed one & it paid OK. However, my commute is an hour+ each way every day. Therefore, when I get home, I'm just not motivated to do anything. My son also had a major incident in his life that left us helping him financially & dealing with major stress. Oh, it's his stress, but affects me directly as his mom. Fast forward to present day... I now weigh around 168 pounds! Yea, that's what I said. WTF people! How did this happen? Yea, yea, I know HOW it happened, but I'm so disappointed in myself. How could I let this happen after being so successful & feeling so good. I'm now in a size 14, and I now hate my reflection yet again. Self image & confidence go hand in hand with your weight. At least, it does for me! Do over~ As the saying goes, every day is an opportunity to start over. As such, I have most recently started to watch what I'm eating by once again monitoring my food intake via myfitnesspal.com. It helps, I guess. I mean, I'm not eating as much crap as before & trying to watch what I eat. I've also started working out, and by 'working out' I mean going on my newly purchased recumbent bike 15 minutes each day. Better than nothing. I've even gone as far as putting a few post-it notes on my bathroom mirror to keep me focused & in hopes of staying positive. The sweet thing is that my 15 1/2 yr old daughter added a few positive, thoughtful notes to the collection as well. :-) Starting over sucks! My goal is to get back to 150. I think I can be happy at that weight as it seems realistic. Yesterday morning I was 165.8 then today 167.4. I'm not 100% sure what I did to gain a few pounds again, but it makes this journey quite frustrating - UGH!!!! Give me strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am 8 years out from my sleeve surgery and have gained about 50lbs. Anyone else have this issue? Any ideas on how to lose the weight? I can't lose it the way I use to lose weight, pre surgery habits. Any ideas?
  4. I am getting sleeved on Jan 17. I started this whole process back in August and I have probably gained 10 pounds since then. My eating has been out of control. I know this may sound strange but I think I am going through some kind of grieving process for the food that I won't be able to have after the surgery. Has this happened to anyone else? Well, now that I have gotten all the hoops out of the way I hope that I can buckle down and at least lose that extra 10.
  5. NewNana

    Weight gain

    I need help. I'm 5 months out and have been doing ok. I have lost 62 lbs. I started going to the gym about three weeks ago and have been burning about 400 - 600 calories per day. I use the treadclimber and do the circuit and abs. I have GAINED 3 lbs. this is so dishearting. I know it is not suppose to be about the scales, but when you have been overweight all your life and feel you are finally doing everything right ......
  6. Hi everyone, I'm not usually very good at linking in on forums and other online communities, but I've logged in today for the first time since my roux en y bypass 3 years ago to see if there's anyone that has or is experiencing the same as me. For the first time, I have put on weight and I am so disappointed in myself for letting myself go. I had phenomenal success following my op - I lost around half my body weight: Reducing from 23st 5lbs (327lbs) to 11st 5lbs (159lbs) over 18 months and actually had to eat quite a lot, albeit little and often, in order to keep my weight stable. Since the coronavirus lockdown however I have been non-stop eating and as a result have gained a stone (14lbs). I'm 12at 5lbs (173lbs) now and my clothes are too tight. I can eat normal sized meals and constantly snack. Basically, once whatever I've eaten has digested I'm eating something else. I'm really worried I've stretched my pouch. Can going on a diet cause it to shrink back at all, even just a little? I'm considering a keto diet because I do like high protein and high fat (I'm crazy for butter!). All responses are welcome. Thank you 😊
  7. Hi Folks, I have been reading the forums and learning that many people rapidly gain weight between the period of time that the band is removed and having VS surgery. It will be four months between my procedures and I asked my general practitioner to prescribe me phentermine to help control my weight gain because my appetite returned with a vengance. I am wondering why this is not a general practice with revision patients to help them maintain their weight loss until the sleeve surgery. If anyone knows, I would appreciate being enlightened. Thank you.
  8. This is going to be a psychological question. I had my second fill on 7/16 and am up to 8 CC in a 14 CC band. The restriction is wonderful. For the first few days I was content on my old meal plan... just eating less of it. But now that I am eating even less I am making horrible choices. I ate some french fries, cookie, chinese take out, and TGI Friday's wings. Went out to the bar for the first time and had some bar food and alcohol. Since banding I have not touched any of these things. I ate significantly less that I used to, but it was still alot of calories, fat, and carbs in a very small package. 800 calories in those wings and fries when a same size healthy meal would have been around 400 calories. What tips do those of you in the green zone have to keep your smaller meals satisfying and nutritionally sound? I will not fall victim to slider foods. Too much success to have this happen. I stepped on the scale at was up 4 lbs in the past 2 weeks.
  9. gabwil

    post op weight gain

    4 Days post op and I am up about 4 pounds. I did the 2 wk liquid fast and have not had to much to eat, is it the IV's? I still feel so bloated and hurt alot at the port site.
  10. I just found out I was pregnant. I was banded in September of 2010 and had recently reached my goal of losing 110 lbs. I was feeling great about myself and then found out I was pregnant. My husband and I were told we would never have a baby naturally, because of infertility on his part. So imagine my shock when I saw the Pregnant on three digital tests! :eek: In one week of finding out I have gained 7lbs. I know that weight gain is going to happen, but for 10 months losing weight has been my focus. I was crushed when I step on the scale to find I had gained 7lbs. How do you deal with the weight gain? Does it get easier? I had set a goal to gain only 25-30lbs. I know that I will have an easier time losing the weight because of the band, but gaining weight is freaking me out!:tongue2: Please tell me I am not the only one!
  11. I have been having anxiety about gaining weight. I would be fine if I stayed where I'm at. I'm a size 8. But I even have bad dreams about gaining it all back. I think it's because all my other attempts have failed at weightloss. Is anyone else having these same dreams/ anxiety/ fears???
  12. vers2017

    Weight gain

    So I already got the appr9val from my insurance company for the surgery but since I have had my depo shit and gained like 10 pounds this month so very nervous to go for my final weight in. Any one experience this. I haven't changed my diet I don't know what's going on Sent from my VS880PP using the BariatricPal App
  13. I gained 9 lbs since I had my GBP yesterday. Has this happened to anyone else? Also, neck, thighs and calves all hurt. Thanks K Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Well, here's one for ya... I am doing my 3 month supervised diet with my surgeon. I go to the classes, follow the diet to a "T" and exercise. I am just finishing my 1st of 3 months. I just got on the scale and noticed that I have gained 2 lbs. I have my class and weigh in tomorrow night. I have noticed that I do eat more carbs- fruits, vege's and a little quinoa than I have in the past- but this is what I have been told to do in the diet. In myfitnesspal, I am under my calorie intake by 300-500 cals per day due to exercise. I just don't get it... I would have thought I would loose. 2 lbs isn't that much and is probably water, but I am bummed. I am almost thinking of going to 2 shakes and 1 meal a day to loose some weight.
  15. Is it normal to gain weight during your hospital stay post-op? I'm wondering if the fluids and the narcotics has caused this. It's not a huge amount (six pounds), however, it's making me second-guess the surgery itself. Has anyone experienced this before? And when did you actually start losing weight? Thank you!!
  16. Flip Flop

    Weight Gain/Plateau

    Just wondering if anyone out there my have the same problem as me. I was banded mid May this year and have lost 40 pounds. I have had no fills. I feel great not too hungry and was losing weight so last week at my doc visit she said no need to fill as I'm losing just fine. OK well this week...I GAINED 4 pounds!!! I have never cheated I exercise at Curves 5 days a week. I eat 1000 to 1200 calories a day and 100 grams of protein. I can't figure this out. Except to say I was on HCTZ (a water pill) to help with my blood pressure and on Monday the doc took me off it and I have put on a pound or do a day. I'm soo afraid the weight won't stop coming back and afraid I won't get back to losing. Anyone out there have any advice?
  17. Hello all, I haven't logged onto here in about 2years. Since my WLS, I lost close to 100lbs, I felt beautiful and healthy. One goal was to get pregnant, and I did. I did not gain 1lb with my pregnancy, After I had my baby, I fit into my clothes with ease. Then post partum depression hit me..... I was put on meds and I have gained 40lbs, I don't know what to do.. I self weened from the meds because even my maternity clothes fit me tight!!!! Nothing fits me and on to a size 16-18. I am not hungry all the time like I did with them, but was wondering, the pouch test thing, would that help me get my tummy back to the size, I am so confused, I feel like I did the WLS and failed. Any suggestions, should I start my post op diet phase? I have no idea where to begin. Someone help please
  18. michelemm

    weight gain

    weight gain in 3 days
  19. Denise Yannicelli-Holden

    Rapid Weight Gain

    I had lap-band surgery in Aug of 2009 and lost over 120 lbs now for some reason, eating the same foods I did to lose weight, keeping a daily log, still religiously dieting and eating small amounts, I started to gain my weight back in Oct 2011 and since then I have put 50 lbs back on..I don't think I need another fill, I have a problem if I am filled to much all I do is vomit EVERYTHING back up, even Water. I got to the point when I was tight that I started losing my hair from lack of nutrition. My Doctor thought from the pain I was having in the pit of my stomach that I had a Gall bladder problem, turns out it stopped working, it was removed, they thought that would solve the weight gain problem, NOPE!! then they sent me for blood work, my thyroid was to slow (been on thyroid meds for YEARS) so they upped my dosage, still gaining..I am so depressed from this, I worked so hard to get the weight off, I was almost at goal and now I am back to my big clothes and at such a loss on what the problem is..I am asking my Lap-band Doc to look over my blood work again and see if there is something they missed..I had my Band reattached about a year ago because it slipped, Doc said he looked at it when I had the Gall bladder surgery and it seemed to be fine..HELP!!!!! PLEASE...I would be so willing to take full responsibility for the weight gain, if I had been pigging out and eating all the wrong things, but even my friends and family can't figure out how I even survive on what I eat..I know its not me. Thank you for any help anyone can give .
  20. Anyone experience this?? I was on liquids extra long due to Chrons disease. Started on foods about a week ago and have gained four pounds!!! I am still losing inches but it is hard to see the scale go up. I am mostly eating protein (fish, turkey or chicken), then veggies if room. Low on carbs. Protein drinks make me want to vomit...although I am going to try some mirilax for some mild constipation. I am also adding in gym time this week. I'm sure it will reverse but dog gone I want to see the scale go down again!!! Joan (almost 6 wks out and lost 42 lbs. Although was 46 lbs lost!!)
  21. A brief video on how different medications affect your weight
  22. I'm worried about this! my weigh in is Thursday and I'm starting my period soon and I'm already feeling bloated and I checked my weight on my scale and I'm up 7lbs from last week! That can't be right I'm working out everyday and eating right. I'm scared I'm going to gain weight and be kicked out of the program. I'm not aloud to gain any weight.
  23. How many of you are "food addicts"? I am definitely one of those. I have lost 62 pounds now gained back 2 of them. :thumbup: I am happy for my loss (probably life saving) but I am following old habits of eating when stressed or sad etc. For me it seems to be a battle of mind over stomach and this month the mind is winning. HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR MINDSET and make it permanent? :bored: HOW DO YOU GET OVER A FOOD ADDICTION? The band can't do it for me - I still have to control or alter or replace my cravings for emotional eating. I welcome any response. Can anybody relate? Has anybody found a good tool to use? I need help!:eek: Betsy - betsyw20@comcast.net
  24. Hey everyone. It’s the holidays and I have to admit I kind of lot my mind a little. I actually went home for then holidays and alot of my favorite foods the had. I don’t feel like I over indulged at one time. However, I do feel really guilty. I was doing so well. I have my surgery scheduled on Jan 18 and start pre-op diet Jan 4. I had people say enjoy myself, but I feel so bad. I don’t know if I gain alit of weight, but I feel like I’ve gained some. Is anyone else going through this? thanks. Ty.
  25. I had sleeve surgery in April 2015 and I was doing great. I was 235 on my surgery day and I got to my lowest post surgery weight last year, 152. I am now 173 and completely stuck. My goal has always been 135 but now I just want to get back to 152. I felt and looked healthy there. I feel gross and like a complete failure now. My question is how do you continue to lose weight? Any tips to keep motivated? I don’t know anyone who has had wls surgery that I can ask or confide in. Thanks, Tiff

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