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Found 2,865 results

  1. Avery's Mom


    I am at the 3 week stall in week 9 LOL I did not gain/lose anything this past week. very frustrated but I also ate Chinese food which probably has me holding water! Chin up...we all lose differently. check with your doctor.
  2. nevermore71


    You are only a month out and it says in your tracker you've lost 46 pounds. If you lost that weight before the surgery then you probably hit the 3 week stall early. You are going to lose weight. There are just going to be stalls along the way. As long as you are eating less then 1000 calories a day the weight will come off. There is no other way around it. Your body is just kicking up a fuss right now. Trust the process. It really does work.
  3. Freiabr

    October 2018 Sleevers

    I was getting 700-800 a month ago and hit a 3-week stall. I started a Beachbody program by trainer Shaun T and had to increase my intake to keep energy up for workouts. Is 6 days a week of high intensity 30-min workouts plus yoga on Sundays. I've lost 4 lbs last week consuming 1100-1200 calories. My NUT said not to go over 1450 though, I've been following that and losing...I get a little anxious with the amount of calories although everything is pretty lean and high protein.
  4. DanaC84

    Slow WL

    I’m not seeing the numbers drop like I had hoped either. My surgeon is fantastic and when I saw him one week post op (surgery was 1/21) I asked if I was on track. He said he didn’t care what my weight was that day. He cares what it is in 10 years. (I really love my surgeon and team). Now I’ve hit I guess what everyone calls the 3 week stall. BUT as a was tracking my food this morning I checked my graph for weight. From my highest a few years ago I’m down over 30 lbs. That encouraged me. Slow and steady wins the race. But in my heart of hearts I SO WANT to see that scale move dag nabbit!!
  5. FluffyChix

    nutritionist FINALLY agreed to see me.

    I only see my nutritionist cuz she facilitates our support meetings each month. It's not one-on-one stuff. I got all my nutrition classes pre-op + the book bible. The other stuff I learned here. You're at 4 weeks. You had the typical 3 week stall most likely. Also you had complications and probably medications that have thrown you behind the curve a little. You've lost almost half your weight. Congrats! Seems like you are doing pretty good! Why not list some of what you are eating and your daily calories/macros? We can probably give you a pretty good idea. Also, list what stage you're eating at now per your doc.
  6. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Everyone’s journey is different but rest assured of and when u can do all the steps it will come off . I had the dreaded 3 week stall and then week 6 stall and finally at the end of week 7 the scale is moving again . I think our bodies sometimes need time to catch up . I also have started drinking lemon water as a diuretic and maybe I’m imagining it but the weight is coming off quicker . My nut told me that sometimes the fat leaves but the cells fills with water so the diuretic flushed it out .
  7. Lots of people complain that they have a 3 week stall and lots of people seem to feel depressed and regret having had surgery. I think this is a great explanation as to why. One of the challenges some patients face after weight loss surgery is a condition described as the hibernation syndrome. This is a group of symptoms that include feeling fatigued, depressed and lack of motivation to do any physical activity. Patients often feel upset and become plagued by thoughts that the surgery was as mistake.. This can be quite alarming to patients recovering from the surgery and recognizing the signs assist in getting over this stage in recovery. Hibernation syndrome is common in the first few weeks after the surgery. It is caused by the low number of calories being consumed and the reduced activity associated with this time of healing. The body perceives that it is starving and triggers an evolutionary response that has helped humans survive famines. The main aim of the response is to slow us down to conserve energy and thus resulting in; tiredness, need for sleep, lack of motivation and depression. It is important to understand that these symptoms are normal and will pass with time. Most patients notice improvement in their symptoms around 4-6 weeks after the operation and the improvement is brought by increasing protein in the diet, taking the multivitamin tablets, increasing the metabolic rate with exercise and return to work and the encouragement patients get as they shed the extra weight. A supportive family member or friend is a great help during this time.
  8. Lolo 2020

    2 week stall

    Yes there is the 2-3 week stall, don’t worry , the scale will drop big very soon. It still is not very cooperative I’ve found - I will work out , drink liquids and nada. My nut says that when I lose weight the fat cells fill with water for a time a she said use cucumber water to flush out cells .. like a natural diuretic. But at the start ur body is super confused so don’t fret - it doesn’t know if it’s in a famine or what . Just stay the course , walk as much as you can , and drink ur liquids .
  9. FluffyChix


    22/6=3.67lbs per week. The average weight loss is about 2-4lbs per week with the most being lost usually in the first 2 months. I'd say you were on target for being a "little on the high end of average." There is also a well-known 3 week stall period in there and some of us also had a 6 week stall as well. Hang in there. Work the plan. In 6 months you won't recognize yourself...Raymond.
  10. Lolo 2020

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    We’ve all had the 2-3 week stall. U can eat again andnpurees go down easier and u can drink / eat more . It’s normal. I found that u can get through the stall if U kick up ur exercise and break a sweat with brisk walking or spinning or something that gets ur heart rate up. And just watch the calories, carbs and protein grams . Keep to 600 calories and over 60 gnofnprotein and under 50g of carb. Get in ur 64 oz of liquid. It will break , only weigh urself once a week
  11. This month marks number 3 in the 6 month medically monitored weight loss program that my insurance requires. I have been reading threads, taking notes, journaling, and have a spreadsheet to mark my weekly changes in weight and measurements. #scaleshateme I still struggle with the idea that the surgery will happen. I tend to be a pessimist, so I keep thinking that this is too good to be true. Maybe my insurance will deny it. Maybe something will go wrong. I don’t want to be negative, but here I am. #negativenancy I have changed my eating habits up a bit. I have started eating 4 meals a day and drinking water. I NEVER drank water before. I would drown out fatigue with caffeine all day long. I worry that I will struggle to give that up, but I am down to 2 mugs per day. #win I have read about ‘not trusting a fart,’ not taking an underwire bra to wear home from surgery, the 3 week stall, constipation woes, and hair loss. I recognize that a realistic weight loss expectation is to lose 60% of excess weight, and I know to walk as much as possible to avoid gas pain post op. I also know that loose skin and vanishing boobs are a thing. #youguysrock Just wanted to journal a bit on here. I would love some feedback or tidbits of things to expect that I haven’t found yet. #gettingexcited
  12. FluffyChix

    Not losing weight!!!

    Famous 3 week stall. Do a search on it here. It'll happen.
  13. 123mollie

    6 months post op vsg

    Thank you fluffychix! I *try* to keep my calories closer to the 800 range but FAIL. I don’t know why I’m so hungry but I’ll definitely mention this at my appointment next week! I’ve debated going Keto on and off for a while now and I’m also going to mention that next week at my appointment before diving in. I tried Keto years ago and found it wasn’t maintainable in the long term for me. But.. I’m willing to give it another go. I’m just afraid to gain if I decide Keto still isn’t for me. 😒🙄🤷🏼‍♀️😬😂 I don’t consume liquid calories (minus protein shakes here and there) but I do drink Powerade zero and Gatorade zero along with my water. I didn’t know there was a 6 month stall!! 😭 lol gracious! I’ve stalled on and off so much already! This process is definitely a mental game! My first stall (3 week stall) lasted about 45 days and my second stall lasted about 35 days 😳. Thanks for your response and input!!
  14. FluffyChix

    Expected weight loss rate?

    Expect 2-4lbs per week in the beginning. That's average. Quit watching My 600lb Life. LOL. Also there is a well-known 3 week stall that happens. You're right on time. Relax. Breathe. Work your program. Congrats!
  15. CyndieRI


    That’s a great idea though I’m not sure I could do it. I weigh myself every day (I know I’m crazy and obsessed - no need to tell me - LOL!) I’m only 10 weeks post-sleeve but I’m so nervous about gaining back any of the weight I’ve lost. I don’t freak if I stay the same (I had a 3 week stall) but I do NOT want to gain!! Maybe I could start slow and do every other day?!!! :)
  16. CyndieRI

    Three week stall! :(

    I had a 3 week stall also - so frustrating!! Then the next week I dropped 10lbs. Just keep doing what you are doing and it will work out!!
  17. greener pastures

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Take it easy. You’re allowed to go through the emotions and feel, you’re only human right. You’ve taken a major life altering step and this is just the beginning. There’s so much more great things in store for you. I was sleeved October 5, 2018. My starting weight was 277 surgery date was 247 and I’m currently 207. I’ve hit the dreaded 3 week stall. My emotions have been everywhere. I take it one day at a time. Also I won’t be returning back to work until January 7, 2019. My job can be stressful and I knew I’d need the extra time to take in all the changes. When life gets “cruddy”, think about how far you’ve already come. Hope you feel better..
  18. Thisismytime

    October 2018 Sleevers

    I am your twin! Also sleeved on 10/16. Also down 37 lbs and two pant sizes. From 24 to 20. I also had a 2 1/2 to 3 week stall.
  19. br3n

    October 2018 Sleevers

    Wow, congrats! Thats amazing. I was sleeved 10/16, cash patient as well. I have lost 37 lbs since Oct 1, including preop, which I am pleased with....especially considering the 3 week stall in between. I am so thankful for my tool and cant wait to see how the next several months progress. Keep up the great work! Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. ProudGrammy

    Define "Stall"

    @mousecat88 yes, i believe that if you don't lose any weight for 3 weeks+, that is considered a stall. some OP might say they haven't lost any weight for (1) one week, (2) weeks - not a stall. there is the dreaded common stall at 3 week stalls happen to most OP - very common,- this too will pass☺️ keep up the good work while your weight goes down!! @AJP your 2 lbs up and down - is not considered a stall - bad luck, but not a stall!!😉 kathy
  21. ElectricBoogaloo

    Sophomoreville - A Home For The the Tweeners

    Hey there, everyone...I'm baackkk! Weekend away with family. And drum roll please.... The horrible 3 week stall is over. Down 1.8#. Will take all 18 tenths of a pound, thank you very much!!!😊😀😆 Now off to get caught up on all the haps...
  22. FluffyChix

    Weight Stall Venting

    Stalls suck green balls. At any time. But most especially the dreaded "3 week stall" that happens any time within weeks 2-6. LOL. I wanted to sacrifice small animals. Cuz I was eating like 4-500 cals and thinking, this is BS!!!! LOL. But I swear it will break. Stay the course. Drink your water, maybe even add in decaf green tea. Walk. Walk. Walk!!!
  23. Sealeafi

    November 2018 Sleevers!?!?

    Hang in there! This must be the dreaded first 3 week stall. Just keep plugging along and the scales will start moving again! You got this!
  24. It's the dreaded 3 week stall and it can last a few days to a few weeks. Double check that your protein drinks aren't hiding sugar and carbs anywhere. You do NOT need to add extra cals at this point. Up your water, move (walk) and stay the course. You'll be fine. I didnt' start really losing until I could start eating food (softs) with some fiber from veggies cuz my body and insulin really hated all the protein shakes and kept my insulin too high.
  25. I still lurk around but haven’t been posting. I will be 6 months out December 28th. I think I’m doing okay. My body keeps stalling after slight gains. Had a 3 week stall and then it broke. Gained again but lost the weight I gained. My body is just being really weird right now. I’m down to about 225-226 lbs right now (was 275 day of surgery and 285 day of discharge). My surgeon’s office wants me to be at least 220 by January, hoping to surpass that. Hope all is well with everyone!

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