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  1. Help? My surgery is in the 23rd. I wasn't put on a liquid only pre operative diet, and as the days go on I worry that I am Eating too many carbs or fat etc. In a way I think it would be easier to have stricter guidelines. What is going to happen if I haven't done the pre op right. I've had no cigarettes caffeine alcohol very few carbs and sugar. I just hope little is not too much is my anxiety justified or am I just losing my mind?
  2. MarinaGirl

    Vitamin Intake

    I couldn't handle chewable vitamins after surgery. They usually contain sugar alcohols (chemicals ending in -itol like xylitol or malitol), which are artificial sweeteners. They give me gas and make me nauseous now. This is not an uncommon reaction after bariatric surgery.
  3. ColleenErin1974


    I was told to steer clear of alcohol because it can cause ulcers. Also, your tolerance to alcohol can change. It tends to make you intoxicated faster with the consumption of less. I was also told, if you want to try it, wait at least a year because it dehydrates you. You should avoid carbonation and drinking through straws. They both can introduce too much air into your pouch and it can be painful.
  4. blondie66


    I'd wait until 1 year for drinking alcohol. I started drinking wine at 9 months and i think it slowed down my weight loss. Also, u might not be able to tolerate carbonated drinks. I know my nutritionist recommended avoiding them. I can tolerate some coolers like 1 or 2 anymore and I'll dump. Cannot stomach beer too gassy...almost 2 years post.
  5. How soon can you drink after gastric bypass surgery? I'm planning on hitting the dating sites after I've reached my goal weight loss. I'm interested in knowing whether I'll be able to consume a little alcohol if I'm on a date or just out generally ? Unfortunately my poison of choice is Prosecco,which is fizzy. Would I be able to tolerate it ?
  6. I agree with the previous poster to have some mental health help will be very beneficial after surgery to keep what you're talking about in check. My surgeon and nutritionist talk extensively about patients that replace food addictions/food control issues with other addictions/issues after surgery (drinking too much, being too restrictive with food, over exercising; etc.) so I've been very aware of it. Not saying that will happen with you, of course, but some extra support might help you feel better. My mother is an alcoholic and I've been worried about becoming one my whole life, so I understand where you're coming from. Also - in my opinion, you'd want to make sure that you aren't disappointed with the results you're getting from all the HARD work you're doing and the changes you'll be making come surgery time. You're doing awesome, and you should feel proud of that already! It would be terrible to lose a ton of weight and be so much healthier, but then not feel like you've accomplished much because you were too hard on yourself. Best of luck in your journey!!
  7. ReginaPhalange

    What to tell people?

    I've told my immediate family and closest girlfriends. I'm not sure who else I'm going to tell - I'll figure that out in the future. One question though - to those who aren't telling anyone, how will you explain eating such small portions, or in the beginning after surgery - liquids and then pureed foods? We'll be going to a lot of social events this summer and I know people will notice if I'm not eating, and especially if I'm not drinking alcohol lol. Thoughts on how to handle that?
  8. Pam_2-06-2017


    I'm a wine maker with a small home setup. I love wine and plan on adjusting my recipes to lower the alcohol content. I will still have to calculate caloric intake but the idea of giving up my craft makes me sad. My doc saw no reason I should. I don't drink everyday but love to open a bottle with friends on weekends occasionally. I'm 3 months out and have not had any alcohol yet. For some reason I have this uneducated time of 6 months. I am allergic to the sulfides in store bought wine so home made is my only option. I kinda feel better about drinking my home made wine because I use wild Alaska berries. One can justify just about anything;-).
  9. PatientEleventyBillion


    As @teacupnosaucersaid, at minimum you want to wait a while. Sufficed to say, your alcohol intake will be extremely limited for a few years, and what will change is how quickly it affects you. I always had a rule when it came to drinking on occasion, it was once I started paying attention too much to how I walk, it was time to stop. Though, it was more to avoid getting to the point where I'd be throwing up, because I'm a huge wuss when sick or hungover, and one of the worst things I hate in life is feeling like I'm confined to a bed. More importantly than all of that, ensure your liver and other organs are functioning normally and get blood tests. If you have any indication of fatty liver or worse, don't even think about booze post-op until your liver is healed.
  10. brezzytime678

    2nd balloon...

    I will certainly try that...it's so hard for me at times. During the evenings I crave carbs so badly I just feel like the craving takes over me... I hope I can break this cycle the 2nd time around with the balloon. I wish I could get the 2nd balloon tomorrow but the doc says I have to wait a good amount of time so that it'll shock my stomach again. Hence why we're waiting until July... I just hate this battle. For some people it's gambling, alcohol, drugs, coffee, for me it's effing food... I hate this. One great thing was I stopped smoking completely from others, I was only socially smoking but I will not do it ever again, I have absolutely no desire.
  11. MarinaGirl

    Possible Ulcer

    You need to go to the doctor to get properly diagnosed. Ulcers may be a result of: 1. Smoking 2. Alcohol 3. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs 4. H. Pylori infection 5. Diabetes
  12. MarinaGirl


    Another reason bariatric surgeons recommend no alcohol is because it increases your chance of getting an ulcer.
  13. blizair09


    Here's my two cents on alcohol: My background with alcohol is very familiar to yours. When I started my six month pre-op diet program, I had 3 different visitors come to town (I live in New Orleans where everyone likes to visit) within the first month. I knew that if I didn't cut the alcohol out, I was never going to get anywhere. So I did that. I didn't drink for the remainder of my six month diet program (where I lost 100 pounds pre-op), and for the first 3 months post-op (in order to give my stomach time to start the healing process). My partner and I went on a 3.5 week tour of SE Asia in December and January, and I had very limited drinks on that trip after talking about it with my surgeon. Now, at 7.5 months post-op, I'll have drinks every now and then. The issue is that I have to account for those calories, and when I do have drinks, that is food that I can't have. Trust me, when you only eat 1200 calories or so per day, you notice if food is missing. (The sleeve doesn't eradicate hunger forever.) On days when I know we'll have drinks, I have to use protein shakes to meet my protein goals and sometimes, that leaves me hungry later in the day. So, it's really up to you and how you want to spend your calorie resources. I have decided to put alcohol completely on the shelf until I get under 200 pounds. (I'm hoping to get there in the next couple of weeks.) And even then, it is a once every-other-week kind of thing for me now. Good luck!
  14. orionburn


    Just to a search for alcohol and you'll get a hundred threads on the topic. Everyone is going to have their own opinion on the subject. If you're looking for somebody to give you the okay to drink then you'll get it eventually on here. If your doctor says not to and strangers on the internet say yes it doesn't matter in the end. You have to decide for yourself if it's worth it.
  15. teacupnosaucer


    I've heard of PLENTY of post-sleevers drinking post op. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure I will because like you I do enjoy a drink socially. Looking forward to my first cider this summer! Caveats: 1. Wait awhile post surgery. I really doubt booze is good for post-op healing. Surgeons typically have guidelines on that one, which vary, so just follow their advice at the very least LOL. 2. Drink at home your first time because your tolerance may be completely different and lbr, if you're gonna get sloppy drunk off of one wine cooler it's probably best to do it at home. 3. Most post ops have a policy of never driving after drinking, not even after one. Not worth the risk. 4. Go slow and stick to lower alcohol options until you feel out your new alcohol tolerance. 5. Alcohol is liquid calories. You can sabotage your weight loss just as well with beer as with milkshakes... so keep that in mind. 6. Watch out for signs of alcoholism. It's a common transfer addiction among post bariatric surgery patients. 7. Continue to enjoy responsibly!
  16. bcl1628


    I'm young(ish) and my wife and I like to drink. We'll have several glasses of wine or cocktails at dinner (esp. at a restaurant or with friends). We go to SEC football games a good bit and drink beer or whiskey there with friends. We have bloody marys and mimosas on mother's day and Easter, etc. We go to music festivals (Jazz Fest, Memphis in May, etc.) and drink there while enjoying the music. It suffices to say that our lifestyle has involved alcohol since we were college kids, albeit much less (and more responsibly) now that we're 30. Do any similar social drinkers have advice about how to juggle VSG with light cocktails/wine/beer? Will my VSG prevent me from drinking at all?
  17. brezzytime678

    2nd balloon...

    Sooo I had my balloon in aug 2016, and out feb 2017... great experience, lost like 30 lbs... but now I'm slowly putting the weight back on and it sux! My doctor and I have already arranged to put a 2nd balloon in, in July but I wish I could get something more permanent but with a bmi of 26 (25 on a good day) she says there's no way I would qualify for anything other than the balloon... ugh I'm so depressed about this but I just figure I have so many bad habits to break and I just couldn't break them all the first time around... I totally quit smoking and hardly drink alcohol anymore... but it's the carbs! Damn carbs! I workout 5 days a week for over 90 minutes plus I get a great amount of exercise at work twice a week. My genetics blow. Has anyone experienced this?
  18. Dashofpixiedust8


    I waited 6 months after surgery per my surgeon's recommendations. Your stomach is still healing 4 weeks out and the alcohol will irritate your stomach. Also you will get tipsy much faster after surgery so when you do try alcohol for the first time please make sure you are not going to drive.
  19. 1. Start practicing not drinking with meals. Post WLS, the typical recommendation is no fluids 30 mins before and 30 mins after meals or snacks. 2. Practice taking very small bites and chewing well before swallowing. 3. Give up caffeine so you don't have withdrawal headaches post-surgery. 4. After your next weigh in, give up carbonated beverages, sweets, and alcohol. You may feel lousy for a bit as toxins leave your body but it is best to go through this before surgery instead of afterwards. 5. No food funerals before surgery as you want to be as light and healthy as possible to minimize surgical risks. 6. Start working on your headspace regarding your relationship with food. Good luck getting approved! This is going to be such a positive change in your life!
  20. Thanks for sharing! We are human, just keep it in perspective. We will all have some days like that, and probably won't know why. Just like an alcoholic or drug addict, we will ALWAYS be addicts. I am realizing it more and more. This surgery is a great tool -- but we still make the choices on what to put in. You should be proud of how far you've come!!
  21. Dashofpixiedust8

    First Alcoholic Beverage

    I drink white wine but definitely be careful of how much and how fast you drink. When I had my first drink of alcohol 6 months after surgery I had a 1/4 glass of wine and was pretty tipsy.
  22. MarinaGirl

    I'm sooo hungry.. or HANGRY

    I'm almost 4 weeks post Bypass and have not been experiencing any hunger issues, just the opposite actually. Months before surgery I gave up many things (e.g. alcohol, sweets, carbonated beverages, processed food...), which was difficult for the first few weeks but it helped curb cravings and start weight loss. This may be why post- surgery has been fairly easy thus far for me. Suggestions on "hunger" are to make sure you're getting enough fluids in each day and to take PPIs for a period of time after surgery (work with doc on exact dosage and timeframe). Good luck!
  23. futurefeatherweight

    First Alcoholic Beverage

    I would recommend wine. I found moscato to produce no heartburn in me. For me, a glass of white wine seems to go down easier but it may not be the same for you. I am sure that you have been warned that you will likely feel the effects of the alcohol more quickly. I found that I can really feel it after 1 glass. I have only had wine a few times since surgery because of this. I avoid mixed drinks like the plague. Tried it a couple of times and even with the "top shelf" stuff had terrible heartburn and nausea. Have never tried beer since the surgery. With all the carbonation in beer, it just doesn't seem like a good idea.
  24. blizair09

    First Alcoholic Beverage

    When I do have an alcoholic beverage or two these days (which for me didn't start until 3 months post-op after a 9 month hiatus from drinking at all), I go with red wine or whiskey and water. I would always just go with the red wine, but it has some carbs, so I have to watch the amounts there. The issue for me is that in order to have the alcohol, I have to cut out food on those days. I use chicken and protein shakes to meet my protein goals, but I have to save calories for the booze. As fun as it is, I'd rather eat than have the drinks. That's why we only go out every once in a while...
  25. Hi Nathan Yes that is what I thought it is 5 incisions. Yes my diet after is milkshakes i.e. Slim fast with fruit added plus powered skimmed milk with fruit mixed in.I think I will stick to the slim fast I don't mind them and have prepared myself and bought quite a few tins to keep me going after my op. Do you find that you are craving foods at all? Yes I have been told to not have fizzy aswell now I don't drink much of it to be honest only if I am having an alcoholic drink.I have been also told to not have chewing gum before and after have you been told that about chewing gum? Take care Leanne

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