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Found 3,907 results

  1. Not sure if you have done this or not... measurements? When you start to exercise and burn fat, as you are doing, you might find that your weight stays the same or bounces around a few pounds up and down but you are actually getting smaller. Muscle, although weighs the same as fat, takes less space under the skin. I might be that you are now smaller than you were before the exercise??? I know this has happened to me. I went on a 7 week stall and lost three inches...
  2. Aw, honey.....you've technically lost 6 pounds in 8 days, right? I think that's fantastic and I bet that's better than any other diet you've been on! Give your body time and patience. It WILL come off. I lost about 12 pounds the first week (surgery 10/20), got to 288, then the last whole week have fluctuated between 288 and 285! Got down to 285 yesterday, then today shot back up to 288???!! What the hell is THAT! How you do gain three pounds in one day only eating about 700 calories! I didn't even do that when I was eating 3000 a day! But I know it's just my body trying to adjust, fluctuating with Water weight, panicking that it will never get a whole meal again, and scared to death that it's starving right now and hanging on to every little fat cell. One thing you can bet on for sure is that you WILL LOSE WEIGHT! I have not seen one person who had the sleeve who did not lose weight. They might stall, they may gain a few pounds here and there, but overall, we always lose! Hang tight, Sunshine...it'll come. I know it's hard since we're suffering a liquid diet, you'd think we'd at least be rewarded with at least a pound lost a day, but our bodies are fickle little creatures with a ton of overriding responses to starvation!
  3. Been stalled for almost a month now. Very depressing. Starting to wonder if this is it. My longest stall before now was three weeks. :(

  4. Peony


    This is helpful, I came on the forum today to look for information about stalls/plateaus, so the timing of this was great! :-) I have about 20 lbs. left to go and I'm definitely struggling. My weight has been virtually unchanged for the last three weeks. I think it's definitely time to add some additional workouts to the mix and also document (more closely) what I'm eating. I know that the closer you get to your goal weight, the harder it can become to lose. I'm hoping to be able to welcome 2012 at my goal weight.
  5. ItsTheSleeve

    3rd week and stalle

    I am finally getting out of that stall. It started at three weeks and I only lost about a pound a week for over 2 weeks. Just this past week the scale has started moving again. Thanks to everyone here I realize how normal that was. What got me through it was taking my measurements instead. I was still losing inches even though the scales wasn't budging. And my clothes were getting bigger. During the stall I had to get new jeans because my old "skinny" ones were way too big. Hang in there. The scale will start moving again.
  6. GM! I was reading on ObesityHelp.com and came across this wonderful article on Plateau Busters. I thought the article was wonderful and I plan to try every suggestion here. Hope this helps. Here is the URL: Vitamins and, in their own words, “doing everything right,” BUT have just stopped losing weight prior to reaching their final weight loss goal. This can be very frustrating for them as they have experienced good initial weight loss results from surgery, and overall feel much better than they did prior to their surgery. As this “plateau” phenomenon occurs, the patient experiencing it may make an appointment in a state of panic, thinking that they’ve reached some sort of brick wall and will never start losing weight again. In most cases, there are only two ways to break a plateau: reduce calories and/or increase fitness. “Oh, no!” you might say. But, let’s not just think in terms of adding more time in the gym or counting every single calorie once again, let’s look at some surprisingly simple behavioral modifications that could help bust that plateau and jump start the stalled weight loss process. Please remember that every patient is not the same, and therefore, it may be wise to consult your surgeon to make sure there is not a specific underlying health issue that may need direct attention when experiencing a continuing plateau. Plateau Buster #1 Stop unconscious grazing…As time passes post surgery, it is easy to slowly, but surely, add more and more “soft calories” to your diet. A shared bite or two of your child’s ice cream, a scoop of mashed potatoes while putting away the dinner, or continually nibbling the cheese surrounding the fruit plate at a party as you chat, are all examples of unconscious grazing. These are high calorie foods, and because they seem to go down easily, you may not be considering them as part of your daily food count. Pack and keep sliced apples or carrots readily available for snacking if you must. If you want to enjoy the party, go right ahead, just make a conscious effort to scan the table first, fix a small plate of some right foods, and never snack directly from the table. Plateau Buster #2 Find a new fun…You know the saying, “Old habits die hard.” And, you may say right back, “But, I’ve already given up so much!” The good news is that with this buster you’re not giving anything up, rather you’re adding a fun new activity in addition to your exercise routine. Any fitness routine, if done the same way over and over again, will need to be taken up a notch. Not to say you must spend more time at the gym. The old habit I’m referring to is continuing to do the same sedentary social activities you did before weight loss surgery, such as going to the movies or watching TV. Now that you’re losing weight and feeling better, why not try taking that kayak lesson you dared not (due to not fitting in the Kayak) pre-surgery? What about a short hike with the kids? You may be surprised by your new stamina. Those white Water rapids are calling! Dust off that bicycle, find that old basketball hoop in the back of the garage, go dancing, or, if you need to, take dance lessons. Does your city have a greenway or river walk path to explore? Think activity, not exercise, and let your imagination come up with new FUN ways to expend energy. Plateau Buster #3 Meal replacements…I’ve seen many plateau patients benefit from stopping food altogether and going on a certified Meal Replacement Plan for two weeks (I recommend the Bariatric Advantage brand; however, your surgeon’s office may have another brand that they prefer). You can do it! It may be just what you need to jump start that weight loss once again. A tip is to vary the routine: add half a banana to the vanilla, put a couple of drops of mint flavoring into the chocolate, or add three ice cubes for half the liquid and smoothie it up with a good liquid blender. Plateau Buster #4 Chewing slowly…Too simple you say – well, not so fast. I myself have really had to work on this one. We live in such a fast-paced world that when you sit down to eat, you can easily and unconsciously rush through your meal as well. You may have practiced chewing slowly right after your surgery, due to those first fears of eating something wrong or sensing that first immediate full feeling. However, as stated before, old habits die hard. You can easily start eating fast again and forget that chewing slowly and enjoying our food does matter. You not only cut down on consumption (less calories), you will learn to enjoy your meals again. When eating out, take time while you chew to look up and observe those around you. It will allow you the time to chew slowly and you’ll have fun people watching as well. Sometimes my wife and I pick out a couple or group and try to sum ’em up: “Why they look like they are celebrating,” “Must be a father/son talk going on over there,” “Boy, she looks mad! Wonder what he did?” Anyway, you get the idea. We actually had the pleasure of watching a young fellow propose to his gal one night! He was so nervous, he had forgotten his camera, so we took a picture and emailed it to them the next day. Plateau Buster #5 Stop drinking calories…“But, Doc, I’m working out at the gym three times a week, just like you said.” Great job! But, when you work up a good thirst from that workout, what are you drinking to quench it? Easy to grab those gym “healthy smoothies” isn’t it? Do you know if they are sugar-free? I’ve seen smoothies with as many as 800 calories per serving! What about those Vitamin waters or juice drinks they have readily available in the gym vending machines or at your workplace? Remember your pre-surgery instructions on reading labels, especially drink labels. Don’t be fooled by “gotcha!” labels that say natural or healthy. They still can be loaded with calories. To be on the safe side, take your own water to the gym or the office. If you must have flavor in your water, try adding a squirt of lemon or lime juice or sugar-free crystals. Hitting a plateau is not uncommon, so first of all, don’t beat yourself up over it. If it has only been a week or so of no weight loss, give yourself a little more time, you may begin losing again on your own. During that initial plateau period, try to determine what might be the culprit and make a correction. If you continue to stay in the plateau phase after a couple of weeks, try the plateau busters discussed in this article. Remember, follow-up care is essential in successful weight loss from surgery. Don’t think your surgeon will be disappointed that you’ve stopped losing weight! We’re not going to be, we’re going to be happy that you let us know things have gone off track so we can help get them back on track. Good luck busting those plateaus! Peter L. Henderson, MD, FACS, ASMBS is a surgeon in private practice with Raleigh Center for Weight Loss Surgery in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has had the pleasure of performing weight loss surgery for over ten years, and thoroughly enjoys following along his patients’ paths to a healthier life. For more information visit: www.alasurgery.com Peter L. Henderson, MD, FACS, ASMBSRaleigh Center for Weight Loss Surgery2801 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.781.0815Toll-free: 1.888.640.THIN
  7. Hi I had my VSG done on sept 30th and tommorrow will be my end of week three, I have lost some weight but not tons. I get my protein everyday thru shakes and food. Did anyone else stall at this point (the scale is stuck at 244.8) and do you have any pointers on how to kick up the weight loss? thanks to all who repsond
  8. Forensikchic

    emotional/stress eating

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am at least learning my triggers so I can manage them better. I am currently in my first stall I think. I lost 1/2 pound last week. That hasnt happened yet for me till this week. I didnt eat crazy, I just thought about it. I never had the three week stall so I guess its my turn. I hope next week is better. Good luck with your BF.
  9. Hi Rebel, CONGRATULATIONS on feeling so good! Thank you for your post; it gives me hope. I am a little over three weeks out and have been in a stall since about a week after surgery. It makes me feel so good to read successful, life-changing posts like yours! MsC
  10. Today is my 12 week (3 month surgiversary). I was sleeved back on July 21, 2011 by Dr. Richard Collier at University General in Houston. My experience has been wonderful. The only pain/disomfort was during the first few days after surgery due to the gas used to inflate the abdomen area during surgery. I have had no complications (Thank you, Jesus) and no food intolerance. My presurgery weight was 394. I lost 23 lbs during my three week pre-op diet, so on the day of surgery I weighed 373. Since then I have lost another additional 49 lbs...so my total loss is 70 lbs! Of course right after surgery I lost weight very quickly, but it has now averaged out to about 2-3 lbs per week. I did experience a stall about 3 weeks after surgery. Overall I am extremely pleased with my doctor, and impressed with the sleeve. I am realizing that as I lose the weight - it is REALLY GONE. (Not like before when I would lose it and gain even more back). Before when I would "start a diet" as I lost weight I just packed my "fat" clothes in a bin, because in reality I knew I would probably need them again. But now it is finally sinking in that as I lose each pound - it will be the last time I am at that weight The other day my husband and I were talking about my weight loss and I couldn't believe that I had lost 70 lbs - yes I can see it in my clothes and on the scale, but after being so overweight for so long - it is taking a while to really get my head "in the game". We were in the kitchen talking and I looked over to the 5 gallon Water bottles we use to purchase filtered water. I asked him "How much do you think one of those bottles of water weighs?" I was curious so I went and got the scale. It weighed 42 lbs. So basically that meant that at my highest weight I was literally carrying 1 1/2 of those water bottles around with every step and every breath. No wonder I was exhausted at the end of the day!!!! It was a moment of reflection - honestly I was a little sad when I realized just how heavy I was, but at the same time I was encouraged by my weight loss so far. So now I think in terms of these water bottles....1 1/2 water bottles gone.. 3 1/2 more to go. Here are a few of my NSV (non-scale victories): 1. i'm now riding a bike (haven't done that in about 20 years) 2. celebrated my 36th birthday and instead of feeling older, my body is actually getting younger 3. i actually enjoy picking out my clothes in the morning, because i'm no longer limited to only a few items 4. i'm starting to wear some blouses without a jacket or cover-up 5. even at 324 my husband calls me "flakita" (little skinny) 6. i have much more energy and stamina (this carries over into the bedroom also) 7. i can put the arm rest down in my car 8. i get in/out of the car much faster - my husband commented how he used to wait as i got out of the car and walked around, but now he doesn't have to 9. my huband used to call me pretty...the other day he called me gorgeous 10. i'm one step closer in my preparation to become a mommy
  11. Thomas CPA

    The dreaded stahl!

    Change up routine. I put myself on a stall for two weeks to stop the fatigue of losing to fast. Then I started increasing calories and carbohydrates and gym work and lost 2 1/2 pounds in last three days. One of the problems is the body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism starts to stabilize. You need to shock it to start burning machine again.
  12. I hit my three-week stall. Actually gained two pounds. Not even discouraged. I may lose those by weeks end. No pun intended but I'm looking at the big picture. In time I'll be right where I need to be.

  13. My first fill was Monday... 10 weeks after surgery. I was loosing consistently and like you, I felt pretty decent restriction with just the band... But the last three weeks my weight loss has stalled and I was beginning to get hungry in between meals so it was time for a fill.
  14. Sassygirl06

    Weightloss Per Week?

    i had my surgery on 8-16-11 and the dos i was 261pounds today i am 230...so since suregery i have lost 31 pounds....i did have the dredded stall at three weeks for about 2.5 weeks. i didnt lose anything of course during that time. once my tom came i lost 8.5 pounds in one week, which put me at the 31 pound loss. so just about 2 months and 31 pounds....not bad and average of 15 pounds a month. i will freaking take it! lol as for sabotoge.....i guess it is possible if all you do is eat crap, but i have lost the desire to eat that crap all together. i have tried, oh believe me i have, however eversion therapy has worked for me, (i have usually thrown it back up or it has come out the other side with a vengence) not something that you want to repeat very many times. in all though it really is just up to your body type, what you eat, how often, and what types of exercise you do,and of course genetics and age. everyone will be different. as for ww, i used to have a teacher that did ww....she would make fun of her old fat self and call her pictures, terry the whale. after she gained all of that weight back and then a few the picture came down again needless to say. diets just dont work unless you are locked away in a cell and cant get to real food. (that is called the prison diet btw) i work in one hehe...i always tease the guys when they come back from an extended stay at the jail house because they always lose so much weight cause the food sucks...lol
  15. Helen the Cat

    Just Checking In

    Hello all you fellow VGSers. How are ya all doing today? I am sitting here at the computer, killing a few minutes before I have to get on the road to see my doctor for my 4 month post op check up. So far, I think I am doing GREAT! I feel good, I have lots of energy (well most days) and Love, Love, LOVE the way my weight is dropping! I am now down 83 pounds since my surgery on June 18! It seems absolutely amazing to me that I could have lost that much! I love it that the size clothes I am wearing is also dropping. If you read any of my posts shortly after my surgery, even when I hadd lost 30-40 pounds, I was still wearing the same size clothes, and I was wondering if my scale was really weighing me correctly, or if I had lost all that weight off my fingers and toes! Most recently I purchased (and am wearing) size 12 jeans. I only have the one pair of Size 12s, so I will most likely wear them out by the time I get to size 10, cause I wear them every day, and wash them every night before bed! I can't bear to wear any of my 14s! I recently experienced a stall, for over a month! I would gain a pound, lose a pound, gain 1 1/2 pounds, lose a pound, gain, lose, gain, lose, etc. So I started drinking my protein drink on a regular basis, and have tried REALLY hard to eat the way I know I should, instead of cheating with little bites of empty calorie foods. And the weight loss has resumed and is now more regular. I lose like a pound every two to three days, so I lose about 2 and a half pounds a week. I still have 25-30 pounds to lose (maybe 35-40 depending on how I look when I get to my original goal). And I am content to do it at 2 and a half pounds a week. Well, have to get dressed to see the doctor. Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
  16. Hi All: I have been active on this board since my surgery last April. Tomorrow will be my 6-month sleeviversary, so to say. I have been reading tons of posts from those are discouraged because two or three weeks after surgery their weight loss has stalled. I had a stall that started at 2 weeks after surgery and lasted for about a week. I am down a total of 77 pounds since my first doctor visit, 60 since surgery (surgery weight was 254). So I have averaged 10 pounds loss per month. However, for the last two months I have lost less than 5 pounds each month. My calories range between 900-1100 per day. I average 70 grams of Protein. I have about 50 grams of fat per day. I feel like I have fought for every one of the 60 pounds I have lost. They have come off 2 ounces at a time. I have never had a day when I have lost more than 1/2 of a pound. The weight has come off slowly, but surely. My question is.....how typical or atypical am I? Are other's stories similar? I am still 50 pounds from my goal. At 5 lbs per month, that means another 10 months. Do people at my stage continue to lose past the first six months? Any suggestions for kicking it into a higher gear? Marie
  17. coops

    my first stall

    Popeye, you are completely normal... welcome to the three week stall. It is a complete pain in the a$$ but it WILL pass. You are doing everything spot on. You're body is still a little shocked by the surgery and needs a lil 'time out' to adjust. Please don't beat yourself up or question what you are doing, cos you are doing a great job already. There are many of us who go through this, from newbes to old timers like me! I'm afraid, for me it is part of the process... Good luck on the rest of your weightloss journey!
  18. RickM

    Weightloss Per Week?

    It's a big variable depending upon a lot of individual factors, including how heavy you are at the start, your caloric intake, your exercise levels and basic metabolic rates. Of course, you will lose more quickly at the beginning than later. You may even gain some when you are in the hospital from all the fluids they pump into you, but that comes off in a couple of days. Not including the 5lb of Fluid gain I got in the hospital, I lost a little over 8 lb per week the first three weeks (from a total of about 100 that I need to lose,) which then slowed to 4-5 lb per week, and is now down to around 2-3 per week at 20lb to goal. The first 2-3 weeks your loss typically comes from your ready store of reserve carbs and Protein, coming off at a rate of about 2000 calories per pound; after that (and maybe after the dreaded third week stall,) you start buring mostly fat, but at the lower rate of about 3500 calories per pound. I didn't have a significant third week stall as many do, but there was a definite slowing ot the loss rate at that point which correlates well with the physiology of weight loss progression.
  19. In all my documentation from my surgeon and nutritionist, it only talks about getting 60-70 grams of Protein a day. Over all caloric intake is not discussed anywhere. I am in the dreaded week three stall and am trying really hard not to let it go to my head. Really struggling with this so I am trying to focus on other things. I know I can pretty much get the protein in but don't know if I'm actually getting enough calories. Any one know what the total fat grams per day target should be? I see carbs should 50 grams or less. What about sugar? I try to avoid it over all but sometimes it can't be avoided. Thanks for your help. This site is a very valuable tool.
  20. steelerfan1

    Total failure - no weight loss

    Carol, You can still eat all them foods but you have to watch how much you eat of it and how often you eat of it . I love pizza its my favorite food, but instead of eating it two or three times a week now I eat it once or twice a month . My doc has always told me its not about giving up your favorite foods its about learning how to eat t hem foods in proper portion control and how often to eat them foods Pizza, sweets , french fries helped us getting us over weight but it wasn't what made us overweight. What made us overweight was sitting down and eating half of a pizza and sub , what got us overweight was eating a Big Mac , large fries and something else. what got us overweight instead of eating one small slice of cake we sat down and ate a pound of it That is what got us overweight. I still enjoy McDonald's, I still enjoy pizza, and I still enjoy my candy during the TOM , BUT now instead of eating a half of a pizza and large sub I eat two slices of pizza and I am happy with that . If I have to give up my foods I Love to for the rest of my life I would fail at this also. I was like you , I can eat healthy for so long then boom I would snap and that would be the end of it . As far as exercise that is something you just have to do unless physically you cant and even then you can still exercise . The lap band is the slowest WLS out there and I bet about 98% of people with the band have to exercise or you just wont lose weight . You will lose weight first starting out with no exercise but after while your body is going to get use to it and you will just stall . Exercise is just something you have to do and it tones your body up .
  21. I'm about six months out at this point and I've lost seventy pounds. I've been exercising almost every day -- although I have to say I was slow to start that so I could say my *real* exercise journey started a month ago when i got back into Pilates. I look better but the inch loss isn't that great since I started. it just occurred to me that I've lost eight inches off my waist and ten inches off my hips -- all this is grand. But BOY is it slow going now. I am really beginning to wonder if I am going to lose even a single pound more. My hormones are really fluctuating and irregular and this seems to have something to do with the stall pattern -- I usually start a huge drop after my period and another ten pound slide, and then nothing for three weeks. My calories aren't *too* low, and I change from low to high carb; low to high calories just to switch it up and keep it going. But logically, you know even if I were eating two thousand calories per day at 219 pounds with exercise some weight should be coming off. I am not eating 2000 per day -- it averages out to 1300. I have never read this anywhere before -- especially not on these boards -- but are there people who never lose a pound after their bodies lose roughly half of their excess weight? Is it possible my sleeve is done? I am really trying to avoid Drasticland here.
  22. bromo

    Ready for mushies?!?

    I found the transition easy, but still could only eat a few spoonfuls of anything at one time, so I had several small meals each day. Now that I am about to go on to solids and able to eat anything, my meals are larger but I am still not hungry and only eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack late afternoon to hold me til dinner. I guess I am one of the lucky ones as I have consistantly lost since my surgery. I had about three days of a stall once, but I think it was from too much sodium, chicken boullion, and I quickly went back to losing when I stopped drinking it. I was banded on Sept 14, three and half weeks ago and have lost about 16 pounds in that time not including my weight loss on the preop.
  23. Thomas CPA

    New Fitness Lifestyle

    I started back at gym week 4 postop and it took a week before I had energy to last a half hour. For next three weeks I sweated profusely at the gym and now back to normal at 8 weeks. The fatigue and weakness should go away as you continue. It takes awhile after starting an exercise program or restarting one after a major surgery. I lost strength which is returning. I use a trainer to keep me on track and from overdoing and injuring myself (she also had other clients who went through gastric surgery). Hunger is normal, your burning calories and if you are not getting enough in to compensate for exercise you body will stay in starvation mode. For last two weeks my weight hasn't changed but then again if I am only supposed to lose 50% of excess weight, I am there and it will be months before I see full decline. Eat carbs, toast, before working out and Protein after. Keep in mind what your excess weight was before surgery. VSG is designed to help you lose 50 to 60% of excess weight. My excess was 80 pounds and I lost 38 in first two months so I don't necessarily think it is a stall versus metabolism evening out.
  24. Yesterday I visited with my surgeon for my 3 month post op check-up , I have lost 49lbs (7 since my 2 mo. post -op blog) , my surgeon says I am over 40% of my weight loss goal now at three months!!!!!!! Honestly, I have to say its hard to believe I have achieved that mark because , I still see "Me" and all my imperfections when I look into the mirror. When I look down , I see the same belly, hips, and thighs that I've always seen. My clothes tell the story because they are falling off of me. But my perception hasnt shifted to see a "new me." I walk more, work out and I feel great , but I just don't see a that much of a difference personally. My surgeon however was very reassuring and commented before I left "wow I can't wait to see you in three more months , I may not even recognize you !" My mind internally commented "Really, I mean come on now .....REALLY?" I was thinking my progress is slow , yes I know it takes time and hard work , both of which I have vested , I just think I am having way too many stalls and such small little drops in weight from week to week. Anyone feel like that besides me ? Thanks for sharing your imput , I will post my three mon. photos soon , thanks for your support everyone !!!!! Two fingers, One Love ! CAMMYD*:-)
  25. No tricks really, just follow my doctor's plan. I try to get in about 800-900 calories a day, 70+ ounces of water, 80+ protein and no more than 45 carbs a day and I never have more than 15 carbs per meal and I don't bank cards. So, if at breakfast I have 6 carbs, then I can't bank the other 9 for lunch but I can have a snack that have 9 or less carbs in between. This is something the my nutritionist taught me and has worked well! I exercise no less than three times a week if not more and I usually take off from it on the weekends. I do arm and leg machines and do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike. Sometimes I will do 30 on both. Like I said before, really no tricks, just follow your doctor's plan and the weight will come off. There have been weeks that I have lost nothing and then some weeks where I have lost alot. You will have stalls, they are a part of the process but don't give up. Your sleeve is a great tool and you have to trust in it! Good luck on your journey!

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