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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi All, I’m 10 months post op from gastric sleeve and have been at a stall for about a month. I’m at 173 from 250. I eat about 1,200 Cals a day and have about 60-80 ounces of water per day. How can I speed up my weight loss? What has worked for you? Thanks! at a stall for about a month. I’m at 173 from 250. I eat about 1,200 Cals a day and have about 60-80 ounces of water per day. How can I speed up my weight loss? What has worked for you? Thanks!
  2. 5’3 25 y/o F SW:284 CW: 255.0 I don’t see a major difference, but i feel better and have more energy. I don’t feel hungry but still try to get 3 “meals” a day. Just wanted to see who is close to the same surgery date as me and how you guys are feeling ❤️ **yesterdays pic is on the left. right pic is day before surgery! ***just wanted to note I had gastric sleeve surgery, hiatal hernia repair, and gallbladder removal. my first week was extremely rough, but I seem to feel better every day.
  3. I have pre-op diet for 2 weeks. And i have 1 week left. My bmi is 32.. 🥺 i cheat today!!!!!!! Im sorry self!!! I want to take laxative tonight. Do you think I can make it to my surgery??? 😭
  4. I knew it was coming and yet it still bothers me. Now that my weight hasn't gone down (and I actually gained a pound) in the last 2 days, I'm going to not weigh myself for at least a week. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, keep exercising, keep watching what I eat, and try not to think about it too much. It's not easy, because of course it bothers me that my progress is stopping, but I can't let it get my anxiety going. So....fun times....
  5. Can anyone give me some encouragement that I will find happiness in life again? I feel so blah at the moment and I can’t find joy anywhere in my life. Has anyone experienced this? I am usually the positive person in the world and my personality has completely changed. Please give me some insight that this will change. I’ve only lost 17 lbs on top of it all.
  6. Hi, can I get a little guidance please? I had a gastric bypass 6 months ago. I've lost 4 stone so far. I've recently got back from a holiday (where I lost 6lbs) but since I got back its all gone a bit odd (see pic of weekly weigh in). I don't know if this is all normal or if I'm doing something wrong? Am I panicking over nothing? I've got some epic toilet issues (chronic diarrhoea) that Ive got a referral to gastroenterology for so there is that factor. I am also not overly concerned about protein goals, as directed by my nutritionist as my stomach is struggling with everything at the mo. I have low potassium and am due to start vit b12 injections tomorrow. The first weight on the pic is on return from holiday, I fully expected a small gain when I returned as I went back to my normal food and it wasn't as hot. I don't know if I should: A) eat less (I have 3 meals a day, rarely snacks) exercise more C) do both of the above D) stop panicking and wait for my body to catch itself up? Hopefully someone can ease my worries. I'm UK based. Thank you in advance 😊
  7. liveaboard15

    4 weeks out and feeling great

    So i had my surgery 4 weeks ago today. Today i decided to see how far i can push my walking as before surgery walking even 1,000ft i would be exhausted and in a lot of pain in my back. Today i walked almost 4 miles without issue. wasnt even breathing too hard, didnt need to take a break. Could have kept going but my feet hurt lol. Need to get me some proper shoes.
  8. Hello, I am 6 weeks post op and have no idea what to eat. I was so nauseous for the last 2 1/2 weeks and now I'm starting from scratch. I am scared to eat anything bc I throw up so easily. I am having a very hard time with fluid intake also. Nothing tastes good, even the flavored water I drank with no problems before surgery. Any advice is appreciated!!
  9. I'm posting this here for traffic in the hope that some of you can advise and/or reassure me. I had my VSG on the 4th April (around 6 weeks ago) I am very worried that I am eating too easily so early out. Especially as I keep reading posts about people who can barely eat a postage-stamp sized piece of ham. An example day this week was: Breakfast - 1 x protein yoghurt pot (100 calories) Snack - 2 hard-boiled eggs (120 calories) Lunch - 100g / 4oz of pork sausages and vegetables (250 calories) Snack - 50g / 1oz of chicken pieces (150 calories) Dinner - 130g / 4.5oz of salmon fillet and creamed spinach (200 calories) TOTAL 820 calories I didn't feel any real restriction; I could easily have carried on, but I made myself stop. I'm pleased with the protein, but is 820 calories too much at this stage? Could I stretch my sleeve with this? Or could my sleeve be too "baggy"? For reference, in just under 6 weeks, I've lost 26lb. I wondered if my height could affect my stomach capacity? I am a 6ft female with an Amazonian frame, so maybe my tummy is bigger or longer than average to begin with? Thank you for any replies!!!
  10. I’ve been doing really well… until last night. My right side is suddenly so painful, but only when standing and walking. It’s so bad that I don’t know if I can even manage to shower tonight. I have this persistent heaviness and tugging sensation, and while I understand why, it’s quite painful. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
  11. I am in the 3rd week puree phase and from the binder I was provided I am supposed to be in this phase for two weeks, then move on to the soft food phase. Is this how everyone else's phases were ? Every time I drink water or protein shake my stomach makes noises and it's like my stomach flips, so I can only drink small amounts then my chest hurts like I drank too much or something. I am very behind on liquids. I am only drinking 1 bottle of water and 1 bottle of protein shake sometimes that's even hard. I sometimes squeeze in a broth or Jello. Yesterday a cottage cheese but it made me feel nauseous. Does anyone else experience these stomach flips or noises ?? I am very hungry and feel like I am never going to be able to eat again 😫
  12. Deletedaccounts

    1 week before surgery

    From the album: My photos

    © None

  13. Hi! I know I'm "new" to all of this. I'm 13 days post op. The first 5 days after surgery, I had lost 7.5 lbs. By the 7 day mark, I had hit a 9 lb weight loss. I was SO EXCITED so I figured I'd weigh myself maybe every 4 days after the 7 day mark. I was REALLY looking forward to my progress, and I was so shocked by the original fast weight loss I just couldn't help myself. Keep in mind -- I'm STILL on the all liquid diet. Well, the last 6 days, I have lost 0 lbs. ZERO! I' got down to 244.0 lbs, then days later 244.5 lbs and today 245.4 lbs. So technically speaking I've actually gained 0.9 lb. HOW?! Can someone help explain? Is this normal? I'm following all the rules. The only thing I'm not doing anymore is working out since I haven't gotten the clearance, but I can totally go on long hour walks as my "exercise" for now. That's the only plan I have at this moment... My other confusion and worries lie in this: If I'm on the all liquid diet still, and I'm post surgery, IF I haven't lost ANY weight in the past week, I'm already getting nervous/anxious for when I am allowed to eat solid foods (hopefully starting tomorrow) and how maybe I'll gain weight.
  14. I am a 69 y/o female that had VSG on 8/10/21. I am a slow loser, I have lost 51 pounds. I have gained 3 lbs back. Depressed also have eaten some high carb foods, but have gotten back on diet. Am retired not alot of physical activity. I do try to ride stationary bike. Any other people that are having similar problems? Would appreciate any advice on breaking stall.
  15. I am reaching my 3rd week and i believe i have entered my first stall. weight has remained the same for about 5 days. stalls really suck lmao. lets see how long this one last.
  16. Hi I am 7 weeks in after gastric sleeve- Till the week I started eating solid food at 5 weeks I was losing between 0.5 to 1 pound a day Then it started getting lower till it stalled 10 days ago and I actually gained 2 pounds over the last 10 days - I had taken water pills a couple of times as I noticed swelling around my ankles so I am not sure if the gain back is a result of that My calories intake are between 900 and 1100- Carbs are low- I do more proteins as needed- drink water sometimes 64 ounce sometimes 60 ounces- I workout 3 times/ week now I walk every day I also do intermittent fast 13/11 everyday I am getting very frustrated almost regretting the decision of the surgery as I historically lost more weight on diets the problem was that I always regained the weight I lost 35 pounds since I started and 28 pounds since the day of the surgery Any thoughts? Thank you
  17. I have tickets to the opera on May 29 which is just two weeks post-op. I’m wondering if I should exchange/refund them. The flyer for this opera just arrived in today’s mail and it looks so beautiful that I would hate to miss it. Will I be ok taking the train and sitting for a long while? Would that be pushing myself too much? Does anyone have similar going out after surgery stories that you can share?
  18. Hi everyone! My surgery is projected to be in the first couple weeks of July (my last pre-op appointment is June 6th, and the coordinator of my bariatric center said the surgery is usually around a month later, barring limited issues with insurance). I currently live in Florida and am considering flying to Pittsburgh the week of Labor Day to attend a football game of my undergrad alma mater with friends and visit family. However, I’m hesitant to book the trip because I don’t know how I’ll feel 6-7 weeks after surgery. I know everyone is different but I would love to hear from you all about your recovery experiences. Would you have been able to fly, stay outside for 3+ hours, be social for a weekend (:D) approximately 2 months out? Thanks in advance!
  19. carolinac413

    5 Weeks Post-Op

    Hello all! I know everyone’s journey is different and we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others but I’m curious… I am 5 weeks post op. I am able to eat just about anything; chicken, fish, cheese, fruits, cooked vegetables, potato, sugar free yogurt all 3-4 ounces at a time or less. All with the okay from my doctor and nutritionist. I would have guess I should’ve been feeling more discomfort and more restrictions. Did this happen to anyone?
  20. Hi guys. I am exactly 3 months post op from yesterdays date and I have noticed my weight loss has come to a stop. I am curious as to wether you guys think it’s a stall or am I eating too much? I got covid 2 months post op , before that I was around 600-890 calories a day. After covid my appetite shot up and I’ve now been averaging between 950-1100 calories a day. if I go under that amount I am hungry and get really snappy. I feel so depressed when I look at other peoples calories 3 months out who average at about 800 and still “ struggle “ to eat. Because I don’t anymore and this surgery was my last option at trying to loose weight and I feel like I’ve failed with this now and like everything I try to help me loose weight nothing will ever work for me. a typical day for me looks like this Pre breakfast- Actimel 0% and a Caramel Latte (58 calories) can’t go without my morning latte. breakfast- varies but lately I’ve been having 2 bacon medallions (79 calories) 2 reduced fat pork sausages (162) heinz beans 80G (58 calories) And spoonful of mushrooms ( don’t count the calories as they are too low to workout) so breakfast is quite a big portion in my opinion lunch- chicken with mushrooms new potatoes and green beans (281 calories) or a folded flatbread (102 calories) with roast chicken inside (62 calories) followed also inside by some lettuce and reduced fat sour cream (35 calories) and a dairy Lee dunker (98 calories) tea - Chicken breast (126 calories ) with Mediterranean veg (88 calories) or Haddock with med veg Or reduced fat beef burger on a romaine lettuce leaf with a slice of RF cheese and lighter than light Mayo. snacks usually consist of light baby bels, chicken satay sticks , the small packs of fridge raiders or an options hot chocolate (38 calories ) some days I hit over 100G protein, carbs I eat between 50G/80G fat is under 40G a day, sugar is always under 20G would love ur opinions tips and tricks guys. for reference my programme/consultant never gave me calories to follow was just to always hit my protein goals and my start weight was 21 stone 9 pounds , I am currently 17 stone 12 pounds and 5’5.
  21. So I have hit a stall. It's been about 3 weeks and scale isn't moving. I know stalls are a norm but damn they are frustrating. 😂 I was just curious, how many such significant stalls did you come across during your weight loss phase? (Definitely more a question for those who are already a year or 2 post-Op).
  22. Hi: New to this site, thanks for any imput. I am fighting the post op blues still and I am learning what I can and can't eat, soft food wise. I am experiencing sort of a wave of nausea when something hits my stomach, it usually goes away, except once when I didn't chew enough, then it came back. Anyone experience this? Anyway I sort of dread eating now, and I had a really hard time even getting near the 500-700 calories a day my doctor recommended. (I'm sure this has been asked many, many times before) But will I ever enjoy eating again? I'm not hungry but it is difficult to see others eat things I use to love, and this adds to my feelings of depression and regret. I'm sure this will change but it would help to hear from others. Thanks!
  23. kayla.jenkins

    6 Weeks PO

    I am currently 6 weeks PO and experience left shoulder pain almost every time I eat. Sometimes it is a minor nuisance, while sometimes it is agony that has me screaming in pain. I've noticed that the bad ones happen when I have meat. It normally lasts about 20 minutes and the pains feel like intervals of spasms and nerve pain. I am aware this could have something to do with gas, nerves, and the diaphragm. Can anyone elaborate on this issue? Also how long is too long? Is there treatment?
  24. Hello everyone, It's my 1st time on here I'm super excited but super nervous I have my gastric sleeve scheduled for next week. I'm currently following the 10 day diet. Or clear liquid next week Sent from my SM-G988U using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Honestly, this 1 week pre-op diet is seriously stressing me out. I'm not the least bit nervous about the surgery, but HOW is a fat person with a big stomach supposed to live with no food??? I get it, when I have the surgery. Most of my hunger hormone will be gone, my stomach will be super small, it'll be easier. But I have ALL my hunger hormone now and my stomach is anything but small. I'm eating tonight, but starting when I wake up, no food. None. Nada. Zip, zilch, zero. Oh boy... *sigh*

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