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Found 17,501 results

  1. BlueParis


    Thank you @Shanna NYC for your kind words. I broke my stall (slightly) this morning and am feeling much better for it ... I also know that I need to work on my coping mechanisms and be kinder to myself. Up until 2019 I'd never weighed more than 115 pounds for my whole adult life ... and then I gained nearly 100 pounds in just over a year and have spent the last 3 years desperatly unhappy and going through cycles of loosing and gaining the same 20 pounds and you are right ...25lbs is more than I've lost on any of the crazy diets I've tried... So I'm on the right track! Merci Encore (as we say in French!)
  2. Ok, so there are lots of posts out there about concerns about speed of weight loss, amount of weight loss, how much is too much weight lost, how much is too little, etc. etc. The same responses inevitably come back, about how we are all different, we lose at our own rates, genetics, starting weight, height, gender, age are all factors, don't compare, etc. etc. But the reality is that no one really cares about the reasons for the differences, we all seem to just wanna see the NUMBERS. And then compare them to our own. Le Sigh. Sooooo....being a one who personally LOVES numbers and data and spreadsheets, I thought I would start a little project. I want to collect stats from any willing members and i will compile the data into a lovely spreadsheet and graph(s) organized by certain variables. Doesn't that sound like fun???? 😂😂😂😂 So, for FUNSIES, send me the following info (if you are willing!), and i after i collect a good-enough sized sample (say at least 100?), I'll do my thing. It may take a week, a month a year, depending on how many people participate. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery * the final report will have names/usernames removed in an effort to a bit of privacy if you don't want to reply to the thread with the info, feel free to DM me ** of course this will not be in any way some definitive scientific report! - ms.sss
  3. Hi there! Newbie here. Been reading a lot of the threads and already feel like a lot of you are my friends when I haven't actually spoken to any of you 🤣 I had my surgery on the 17th of December 2023 and my stats were: Height: 166 Cm (around 5'5/5'6?) Weight: 90 KG (198 lbs) I didn't do the liquid diet because my surgeon doesn't believe in it. Also, my surgeon specifically said "I will be very happy if you lose 20 KG (44 lb) but it's quite unlikely".I wan't heavily overweight and I was very athletic with a lot of muscle mass. Fast forward 18 weeks post surgery I have lost around 28.4 kgs (62.48 lbs) and my surgeon's mind is kind of blown lol, he wants me to stop losing but I do not think I am done yet. I get these comments that I look "stick thin" but mostly get many compliments as there is no sagging or loose skin (due to muscle mass pre-surgery). My problem is that I have hit my first stall ever this past week where I didn't lose anything (I was losing quite rapidly) and I am low-key freaking out. I still want to lose another 7 Kgs (15.5 lbs) just to have a wriggle room if my body decides to gain a little rebound weight later. I have started some heavy lifting the past week and man I am SO SORE so I think it's due to the inflammation? I am quite sad and disappointed to have not lost any weight the past week and I need some emotional support. I eat around 800 kcals a day with 65 grams of protein - give or take- (starting the past 2 weeks as I was still on a 300/400 kcal a day prior to that). Could that be another reason? Was anyone done losing at 4 months post op? While I know my weight is currently good/slightly under what is good for my height, I really want that wriggle room and I really don't want to be done so soon. Any advise?
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    As long as your team thinks you're golden...then I wouldn't worry about it! I never said your calories weren't healthy calories..but too many good OR bad will put weight on. To be honest, I'm not sure why - if you're keeping in contact with your team and doing as they want..and they're happy with your progress why you're asking? The scale won't always show a downward trajectory, muscle weighs 7 times more than fat so if you're putting on muscle sometimes the scale will show a small gain..water weight ..time of the month...etc will account for 5 lbs.
  5. It seems okay but it might be best to sit down with your dietician. Were you given any targets? I wasn’t given any other targets than 60g protein & 2L fluids & a nebulous low fat, low sugar, low carbs & given no calorie guidance. Others are given very detailed macros they’re to meet & there are differences in those too. But then we are different & have different needs & our surgeon & dieticians have different requirements. Oh & don’t worry you won’t gain weight eating less than 700 calories.
  6. Wellington4321

    Common channel

    Hi, I had the Sadi DS in Nov 2014 with a 40 bmi. My common channel is 300cm and I have no issues with malnutrition as long as I take vitamins albeit less than a Hess DS patient (non-Sadi). The less is more theory has worked for me, meaning a longer common channel gave me 100% weight loss and kept it off while keeping me from being malnourished. I can eat a horse and not gain weight, although eating poorly will cause gas and bloating.
  7. I don't think you fully understood what you signed up for. I work out 6 to 7 days a week and do not have any bulk muscle. I had the Sadi DS 10 years ago and I can eat a horse without weight gain but also no bulk muscle. Instead, I have excellent muscle definition and can work out at a level not possible before wls. The DS fortunately keeps the weight off, so you will never bulk up. You signed up for this, and it's a fantastic thing for you to be able to work out, eat what you want, and be healthy, especially given you previously weighed over 400 lbs.
  8. Wonderwoman14

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    Thank you for understanding as a GERD patient. My doctors never wanted to fully check what pain i was going through all these years and it had me pissed off. I wanted bypass, but yes what you said the dr felt by repairing my hernia it would subside. I feel since i've been on these meds for so long my body and stomach got use to it. Eventually I will get the bypass cause i'm still on meds and I still watch what i eat as a GERD patient.......no grease, hot or spicy foods. I do cardio, running and weight training and mix it up. My belly is the hardest to lose. Once again thank you for understanding me as others really dont understand what we go through its not weight that causes us pain, and we gained weight because we couldnt exercise due to the pain.
  9. I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!


    1. AmberFL


      You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

    2. NickelChip


      Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

    3. BabySpoons


      So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

  10. This gave me so much hope. I hate feeling like I look like a hunchback. I used to have amazing posture, but as I gained, I think that I lost confidence and sort of cowered in my own little shell trying not to be noticed. I've been working on bringing the posture back to what it used to be, but I cannot wait for the neck hump to be gone!!
  11. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  12. Thought I'd update this post because I just had the chance to attend a live Q&A session with Dr. Matthew Weiner. I talked to him about my weight loss so far and concerns about how slow my progress has felt post-op. He asked me about pre-op weight loss and what my highest weight had been, and explained that even though I was 223 going into surgery, I had started at 251 and lost 12 lbs from nutrition changes over 6 months, plus 16 lbs from the pre-op diet, so that all factors into the final weight loss expectations. He suggested in terms of what my final weight loss from the surgery might be that using the 251 starting weight could be more accurate, and that the pre-op diet weight loss would definitely help explain the slower weight loss post-op. Bottom line, I feel so much relief hearing this explanation from him and really appreciated him taking the time to ask so many questions to get to the answer! My surgeon really hasn't given me an estimate of what I should expect to lose, although I plan to ask at my 3-month appointment next week so I can compare.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Counting Carbs or Net Carbs

    The thing is that they assume that you can only eat so much so if you prioritize protein then veggies then you should only be able to eat a tiny bit of healthy starches, if any, and based on that theory everyone will be okay. When I had Sleeve three years ago I swear mine was left larger than most though because I could drink and eat more from day one than they said I should. I always said that I know I had surgery because I could no longer get my moneys worth at an All you can eat buffet but I could still eat quite a bit. When I was back to “regular” portions I hit all my protein goals then ate my veggies like suggested but still had room for more carbs than I should be eating. I did great in the beginning when I was told how many ounces I should be eating and I wasn’t hungry so I just stopped myself there but later on I think I needed more guidance than just calories and what to prioritize. I know I was an exception to the rule though. When I went back to discuss revision with another dr he said not that I’m suggesting it but if you were eating a sub how many inches could you eat and when I said 5 or 6 easily he said that I should not be able to eat that much. I believe that is why things went wrong for me. I reached my first easy goal I set to encourage myself but never made it to my ideal body weight. Then a few month later when actual hunger came back and I ate until I was full I started to gain even with the healthy options because of my portion sizes. Admittedly if I had not been frustrated and basically gave up at some point I probably would not have gained ALL my weight back and I would still be healthier now than when I started, but I know where things began to go wrong so this time I asked repeatedly until I got even more guidance from the dietician.
  14. You look absolutely amazing!! Congratulations on the weight loss. I don’t know how you do it with all the traveling. I think it takes some time for us to adjust to actually seeing ourselves thinner even after we have lost the weight. Even losing 45 lbs now I don’t always see myself thinner. Then I look at my English bulldog who also weighs 45 lbs and remind myself that I lost that much weight lol 😂 When I look at it that way it makes me see it differently. I am 18lbs away from my weight the surgeon wants me at but it is very slow going now. Some days I fluctuate between the same couple pounds instead of going down and making any real progress. Orientation at work already has given me a cough and stuffy nose. Too much time hibernating at home. I am anxious though to see if all the moving 8 hrs a day will get the weight dropping faster. I hope everyone continues to beat the scale and stay positive!! It looks like everyone is doing great!
  15. ShoppGirl

    What was your “Moment” ?

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I hope your sweating issue has resolved with your being closer to goal. I have question though? Do you recall the name of the rx your dermatologist gave you for sweating? I have a similar issue which I know is exacerbated by my weight but even when I lost weight with the sleeve it was still an issue. It’s horrible to live with. I have seen every specialist and had every test I can think of. My dermatologist gave me oxybutwnin which was great for my bladder but did nothing for the sweating. I would be thrilled to know that thete is another option.
  16. TexasHeathen

    Vaping and WLS

    It's completely normal to have concerns before starting a pre-op program. Firstly, congratulations on taking steps to improve your health! Quitting vaping is a significant achievement, and worrying about weight gain is understandable. Remember, everyone's journey is unique. Personally, for me, it was hard to quit vaping. I quit because I was slowly decreasing the amount of nicotine I was using. The last smoking devices I was using were purchased from this website and were disposable vapes with a low percentage of nicotine because I had a terrible nicotine addiction. So, focus on the positive changes you're making for your health. Trust the process and stay committed to your goals. Consider seeking support from your healthcare team for guidance and reassurance. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Stay strong and stay focused on your goals. You've got this!
  17. Wellington4321

    No forum for SADI patients?

    I had the Sadi DS in Nov 2014 with a 40 bmi, just under 300lbs as a 6'1 male, age 54 at the time. I had your concerns so I'll summarize: I had too much weight loss initially and did look like a cancer patient for about a year. I gained back 27 lbs and have stabilized at 162lbs, still thin. I can eat anything now and get gas and bloating. A VSG would have worked initially for me but I would have gained most of the weight back long ago. I still often eat like **** but get nutrition and exercise every day. At 63 I can do things that I couldn't do decades ago, look good for my age, and pay the price for poor eating decisions with gas and bloating until the next am. All in all most people would take this deal in a second. Below is a relative size and fitness before and after:
  18. I'm finally home! My scales this morning say 76.3kg - thats 167.8lbs . I'm also 2 months post op as of yesterday. •⁠ ⁠Opération day weight 91.1kg 200.4 lbs starting weight •⁠ ⁠⁠Current weight 76.3kg 167.8 lbs current weight •⁠ ⁠⁠Weight Lost 14.8kg or 16.25%of starting weight 32.6 lbs lost •⁠ ⁠⁠starting BMI 32.65 •⁠ ⁠⁠current BMI 27.35 Now I just need to do two weeks of washing from Cairo and get back to the office here. But boy did I find my own coffee nice this morning!
  19. GiGi 1970

    I need help

    Gastric bypass 2 years ago. I've gained 10 pounds the last 2 months. It won't stop. Please help! I need to start over and don't know how. I never lost enough weight. I got down to 182. Now I'm 192.. How do I start over. All advice welcome Please Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. AmberFL


    I had to lose weight before they gave me the okay to get into the bariatric program and I actually did Weight Watchers (WW) it helped me lose the weight I needed to get approved. Just a thought
  21. ChunkCat

    “Just Exercise More”

    Yeah, not buying it. The medical community looks for what it wants to see. I married a statistician. They constantly remind me "Correlation does not equal causation!!" The medical community wants to believe that more physical activity will miraculously solve obesity issues because it puts the cause and the remedy right back in our laps, instead of admitting that this is a disease that is very complex and no one smoking gun is the cause or the cure. We need holistic approaches. I was a very active child. So were my siblings. My brother is a normal weight, my sister is often underweight, and I ended up over 300 lbs. My parents are normal weight though they both have siblings with weight issues. I gained a ton of weight while I was still active. Puberty hit and it was like someone switched on a helium tank and I just ballooned up. I've had more doctors than I care to count tell me that if I just got more physical activity and stopped eating McDonalds all would be well, ignoring the fact that I hate McDonalds and until my autoimmune disease got severe I was quite physically active. I know a lot of thin people who are couch potatoes. I know a lot of fat people who are active. These "studies" do nothing but continue to give doctors more ammunition in the shame game that is current obesity management. My partner is Chinese, was raised on traditional Cantonese food (which is very healthy in general), in a family where everyone is effortlessly thin except their grandmother who was diabetic... Several years ago my partner was diagnosed with diabetes. They've had weight issues all their life, despite being very active for most of it. Is it genetics? Perhaps. Is it current lifestyle? It probably contributed to it. Was it due to a childhood diet based on rice? Not likely, that diet also incorporated a ton of healthy protein options and a healthy variety of vegetables, including plenty of greens. A lack of exercise was certainly not the cause of it and increasing exercise is not going to be the cure for it either...
  22. ms.sss

    My journey begins Sept 11

    take pictures of your self now before the weight loss begins! also take your body measurements!
  23. Arabesque

    Post OP pain in ankles and knees

    Have you spoken to your surgeon about this? As you lose weight lots of things that are stored in your fat are released into your blood stream: hormones, toxins & uric acid. The more rapid weight loss we experience in the beginning can trigger gout attacks so it may be gout you are experiencing. But do give your surgeon a call.
  24. My program counts from the highest weight in program, not the surgery day weight, to calculate progress towards patient goals.
  25. BlueParis

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    Hey there @Star1234 ... I think a lot depends on your starting weight and BMI and your goal weight and BMI. I'm nearly 4 months out and have lost 21.9kg and have 15kg left to go until I hit my goal but I've been pretty much stalled for the last 3 weeks.

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