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Found 17,501 results

  1. I'm in my pre-op diet stage. My surgery is March 17th. I'm doing exactly what I'm suppose to and I'm so hungry and I haven't lost any weight. What's wrong with me??
  2. After your revision how much extra weight did you loose after? Did it come off slower than the first surgery?
  3. I had a revision from sleeve to mini bypass over two weeks ago and have followed everything to a "t" including daily walks and have lost like 3lbs!!!! When I had my sleeve 7years ago I was prolly 15 lbs down the first two weeks!!! Can someone say something to make me feel better ❤️‍🩹
  4. Weight loss I’m nearing the 3month period & have only loss 30 pounds. I’ve started working out daily 30 minutes a day in the mornings. Do any one have any thoughts on this issue?
  5. GreenTealael

    Ideal vs Best body weight

    I came across this video on a surgeon’s perspective on how to set weight goals after WLS. Thoughts? Experiences?
  6. I had my surgery (sleeve) on 2/14 and recovery is going relatively smoothly. I’ve been following the dietitians guidelines and starting to walk 30 minutes a day. Over the last few days the scale has been going UP not DOWN 😫. Has anyone experienced this? My thought is that I didn’t get enough protein in the first week following surgery and my body is balancing that out. Thoughts?
  7. Cmyork9718

    My weight loss journey

    Follow me on my weight loss journey with Gatric Sleeve Surgery
  8. Cmyork9718

    Highest Weight

    From the album: My weight loss journey

    This is me at my highest weight of 268. In the one on the right

    © York-Cannada Photography

  9. Can't find the update anywhere. I would like to get back into posting and keeping track of my stats, but have looked and can't find where to do this. Can someone direct me to the right link for updating?
  10. Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2020 and was wondering if WLs has truly change it for you better or worse. Part of the reason I am doing this surgery is to hopefully get rid of the weight that is impossible to lose due to PCOS but also because I heard it "cures" it. What are you're thoughts or experiences?
  11. I visited the sleep center today and was given results by the NP. I have had three previous studies. The first one I only slept 16 minutes out of eight hours. The second study was better but I could not tolerate C -PAP so they stopped that study and had me come back in for Bi-PAP. I sure do hope this does not set my surgery date back. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thank you and be blessed.
  12. I had my surgery 2/7. I am on liquids right now but since surgery I’ve gained 7lbs. How is this possible? Anyone gain weight immediately after surgery?
  13. Hi everyone, I had my surgery on 1/1/2022 SW 141Kg CW 125.8 Kg, for the last three weeks I have only lost 1.3kg, I aim to get my protein around 50-60g per day although I struggle with my water intake. My daily calorie intake is around 500-700. last check up was on 27th of Jan and my surgeon is expecting me to be around 120 by the end of Feb. Please let me know if its normal.
  14. It's been 20 years since my bypass. My surgery weight was 379. My lowest was 170. The most I weighed post opp was 243. I'm now 218 and I'm struggling to get under 200. Anyone else here has this problem. I know alcohol is one of the biggest set back
  15. LonglivetheGranny

    Weight worry!!

    March 3rd, 2022, will be my one year post-op anniversary. I have lost 127 lbs. For a while now, everytime I eat something, I feel like I am gaining weight! I have this constant worry about it. I try on different clothes, just to make sure I am not, I check the scale regularly, etc. I love my success, and I would do it ten times over, if I had to, but I do not like this constant worry about weight gain.
  16. Vateacher2016

    Weight gain

    I have gained about 10lbs and I haven’t been doing anything different. I eat healthy and walk 2 miles a day. My PCP did change me to a birth control pill. Could that be causing weight gain? Or and I on a stall?
  17. Toshab

    Weight Loss Journey

    I am going to try and upload pictures weekly if not monthly to see the progress. I had a RYGB Limb Lenghtening- January 19 2022
  18. Hi! I know I've been posting alot lately and appreciate everyone's responses! I am still undecided which surgery I will be getting but am leaning towards the sleeve. I am starting at a higher weight (375lbs) - my surgeon says the sleeve could bring me down to about 230lbs but I guess I'm just looking to see true life results. If you had the sleeve, could you please let me know the following: Starting weight: Current weight: Date of surgery:
  19. I had a follow up on Wednesday and the surgeon emphasized how important weight loss was in the first year. I am losing slow but I have been sticking to consistency and working out. While I'm not seeing huge numbers on the scale I feel pretty great in my clothes and I'm even moving faster when I take my walks which is weird since before it would take me like 45 minutes to walk 2 miles and now I'm crushing 2 in 34 minutes. Keep going!

    1. DonnaGS


      you may have insulin resistance going on, that slows weight loss. I'm curious at what point or weight loss does the body reverse it and start losing weight. Good luck to you.

  20. I met with the psychologist for the first time on Friday. The very first thing he asked me was “what is your comfortable goal weight.” My current weight is 223, BMI of 38. A perfect BMI is 20 with a weight of 120 lbs (which was my weight before I had kids). I told him my comfortable goal weight is 140 lbs. He said that is too low and I should set my goal to a reasonable weight of 155 lbs. It kinda bugged me afterwards because he is a therapist, not a surgeon or dietitian. When I met with the surgeon on Monday, he didn’t mention a goal weight, but I figured HE would decide on my goal weight when I have the pre-surgery visit (no surgery date yet). Who decided on your goal weight?
  21. Here Goes; I have been in denial & coming back home to this forum has made me "see" that I have a lot of work to do & accountability. In the Spring of 2020 during the height of COVID my neighbors dog ran out on me and as I stumbled while trying to get away from the dog I fell, hit the concrete, & couldn't move. I had broken a bone in my back. I cried at every day for at least 2 weeks due to the pain. I was immobilized and the work I did outside of my home that had me active, lifting heavy items, & always moving I could no longer due. Here 1 1/2 years later I continue to have back issues. If I walk too long, lift too much or sit too long I am in pain. Although I can't consume a lot of food at one time, I know I am getting calories in with the wrong things. After surgery I was no longer able to drink straight water, it would make me nauseated and it would come back up so I know I am not getting enough fluids in. I am vitamin deficient (lab results) and I have put too much of my time into helping family & friends that honestly, I forgot about me. I was at 163lbs now I am at 190. I was 33lbs from goal now I am at 60lbs from goal. I know to some it may not seem like a lot but most of us know losing 5lbs takes a lot of effort! Bariatric Pal Forums: Coming back home & reading posts after being away so long has made me look at myself in the mirror & remember what I did in the first place that made my weight loss successful. SO HERE I GO: recommitting to myself; committing to the 30/15 rule (wait to eat 15 mins after drinking and wait to drink 30 mins after eating), COUNTING my calories & making sure I get in my grams of protein (which Unjury is a great brand), finding health zero cal/sugar enhancers to get my water in daily; & getting back to strength training that would not put a strain on my back. I don't know about you guys but COVID time gave me an excuse to cancel my Planet Fitness membership 😕 Am I going to do what they call a "pouch reset"? Nawhhhh...I'm doing a recommitment to self reset. I know what to do & I have all the tools (food scale, portion control serving utensils etc.) I am raising the bar once again for my life. Thank you Fitness Pal Family for always being here and giving all of us prodigal children a home to come back to. eating reset back to basics.doc
  22. Hi everyone. I don’t really know what I’m hoping to gain from this but I’m panicking about! Im 2 weeks post gastric sleeve and the first week I lost 11lbs (not as much as I thought I would but still good!) but this last week Iv lost 0.5lbs! Wth! Im so upset! Iv been doing everything Iv been told to! Please someone tell me this is normal or what I can do to actually fix this! Thankyou 😘
  23. How did you go about setting your end goal? I have realised that because I have been overweight for so long I don't know where I want to ultimately end up as I don't know how it will look or feel. It is not something I have ever discussed with my surgeon either. Just wondered how others decided!
  24. I'm finally mustering up the guts to ask for help. I am 5' 2" and I had gastric sleeve at 205 lbs. My struggle with weight has been life-long. I dropped down to 155 and I was actually quite happy there, as I was down to a size 10. I consumed about 900 cal/day at that point. Everything went to hell in a handbasket when COVID hit. I truly do not mean to make excuses, because there are none, but there were situational issues. My husband was hit severely early on in the pandemic, the kids were doing remote schooling, I was out of a job, I wasn't exercising and I chose to deal with all of this by getting diet sloppy. And the weight has just been creeping up. I am now at 190 lbs. What's even worse, is that according to the 13cal/pound calculation, I would need to eat 2470 calories per day in order to maintain a weight of 190lbs. I don't come close to that. I average 1600, and usually not even that much. My metabolism has always been a problem, which I suspect lots of people can identify with. I have tried Keto and Atkins on and off, but they are not sustainable for me. I read up on Pouch Reset, but then also read about the weight regain. I'm considering intermittent fasting, or simply using my Baritastic app and dropping it to 900 cals. I even looked into a revision, but that wouldn't solve the core issues, which I can't even identify at this point. I'm so ashamed by this. I've made a mess of this but at the same time, I'm committed to fixing this problem. Help? Thank you...
  25. Hi all! I’m from the Netherlands and I can’t seem to find any answers to my questions , so Hopefully I can find some answers here 🙂 hope so! I’m looking for women who have gained weight DUE to Paxil, like me. I went from 70 kg to 96 kg on these meds (for ocd) and tried to switch, without succes. I have to take Paxil the rest of my life. (I also tried to get off them very very slowly but it seems impossible. Tried everything, visited everyone, work out with a person trainer for two years now, eat healthy etc. Can’t get the weight off!! and I’m even gaining more. I don’t have excessive cravings and I always used to have a healthy weight. I wonder if any WLS will help me, as it seems to be more a metabolism problem than an eating problem? Anyone here who had WLS because they gained due to taking an SSRI ((Prozac, Effexor, lexapro etc) ? And not (only) because of eating too much but maybe also because your metabolism seems to have slowed down? and…did it work for you? thanks so much in advance ladies!

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