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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi All, I had a sleeve revision to mini bypass 4 weeks ago. I had a brief period of relief from the acid reflux (due to GERD) but now it is back. I am taking a PPI every PM and find I wake in the middle of the night with a burning bile sensation. I chew a few tums. Also during the day, I don’t have much of an appetite (yay) but I find that if I don’t eat every 3 hours or so, the burning returns and I can taste bile. Has anyone had this? I had really hoped this revision would be the end all for this issue and I was so optimistic but now I’m almost worse off than before the surgery…….
  2. Two days out. Nausea is the worst thing. Pretty persistent. No pain whatsoever. The restriction mimics the first days of the VSG surgery. Barely sips of water today. I'll follow a clear liquid diet for 3 days, purees until 2 weeks out, and then soft foods until I can tolerate solids. Definitely wondering if I made decision. The nausea feels like I have lump in my stomach- the kind of feeling you know you'd feel better if you just gagged yourself. I did get 3 different nausea treatments, but had an allergic reaction. So Im trying benedryl (for the all over hives) and emetrol intsead. Not as effective, but its def more tolerable
  3. Andrea RN

    November 2023 buddies

    My surgery was 11/30, so I am about 8 weeks post op. I’ve lost 31 pounds and hit a stall. But dietician assured me to just stick with the plan and the weight loss will restart. Protein and Water goals are all I can think about lol
  4. I started going to the Chiro at 2 weeks PO, my hips were locked, I have stage 2 arthritis through my whole back. For the first 3 months I went 3 times a week for adjustments, now I go once a week. It has helped a ton! I still have back pain and I know some of it is just my body adjusting to losing 179 pounds. It is pretty amazing with the adjustments and weight loss to have some mobility back! My gait is a lot better, I stand more upright, and the back pain is a lot less than it was!
  5. I had surgery 3/22/2024 and have only been able to drink a few ounces an hour. This morning I woke up hungry and drank a 12 oz Protein Drink with 35 minutes, I have NOT been able to do that since before surgery. Have I inadvertently stretched my stomach? My eating yesterday was still only 3-4 oz per meal and Water in between. I really don’t want to mess up this surgery. I am 8 weeks post op and I thought my stomach could only hold 4 oz - but the drink is 12 oz.
  6. I would definitely switch up the tomato soup. That can cause havoc on your stomach. 29 pounds in 2 weeks is awesome. That's about where I was. If you look at my signature, you can see I was someone that responded EXTREMELY well to the surgery. But even with that, I had to learn to manage my expectations. Stalls happen. They're real, they suck, they will continue. It's important not to obsess over the number on the scale and pay attention to NSVs (Non Scale Victories). How are your clothes and rings fitting? How is your mobility? Are you able to get off any meds? Can you fit in booths and chairs with arms better? How do you look? When stalls happen, stay off the scale for a while and pay attention to NSVs. In the beginning, you lose the most weight because of water weight, inflammation, and your body's general "OMG wtf just happened??!?!" response to the surgery. The rate of the loss WILL slow down. It's inevitable. That doesn't mean it won't be a success. It just means that you have to change your expectations and relearn the process for what it is, not what you saw on tv or read online that it would be. The higher your bmi and starting weight, the faster you initially lose weight. As your bmi and weight get lower, the weight loss slows down. That doesn't mean it'll stop, it just gets slower. Be very mindful of what you eat, how much, how often. Pay attention to actual hunger vs head hunger. Avoid slider foods. This is the stage where you work on your mindset and relationship with food. No cheating. No alcohol. No junk food. Stick to your diet religiously. Listen to your body.
  7. I use NetDiary (track every day!) and I love it! I wear my apple watch everyday and I stay in competition with myself to see if how many times a week I close all 3 rings on the fitness. At work I walk every single work day for 30ish min on my lunch break. I do go to the gym as well to weight lift and a little more cardio. Not every day but about 3-4times a week. Take pictures! That is what encourages me, I have been documenting my journey and its amazing to look back at and see how far I have come. I weigh myself at least once a week, I am trying to stay away from the scale because I tend to beat myself up if I am up a lb in a day (WHICH CAN BE ANYTHING! late dinner, salt and not enough water) but I get flustered so I can't do that. Most importantly, What is your "why?" Why did you choose WLS? What or who is/are motivation?
  8. Arendiva

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    My weight loss has stalled since November 5th. I know this is normal since loads of other people have mentioned experiencing a week 3 stall, but it is still disheartening to lose nothing for 11 days when I know I'm following the diet, focusing on protein, drinking fluids and keeping my portion sizes appropriately small. I hope this plateau breaks soon because it is demoralizing.
  9. Spinoza

    Indoor or Outdoor Exercise

    I am an outdoor walker through and through - all weathers. I have dogs so this has always been non-negotiable, LOL. I also do Pilates (indoors obvs) 2 or 3 times a week nowadays. I enjoy that in a different way. Honestly anything you can do and enjoy you're more likely to keep going with. If you can click with that then do it. Horses for courses!
  10. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Calories wise, you seem to be getting enough. My calories range from 1200-1500. Looking at what you eat, I think you're where you should be. If you have a nutritionist that you can talk with, I'm sure they could point out if there's any issues with what you're doing. I think the stall is just one of those things that we have to deal with, no matter how well we do the right things for success.
  11. I’ve been weighing every morning too and notice it goes up and down a lb or two but then goes down again in a day or two. Thankfully my body hasn’t realized there’s a three week stall yet but I’m expecting it any day now. I’m working on the exercise 🤦‍♀️ part of things. It’s been hard because I have been getting headaches and nausea the last few days. Today I’m breaking it down step by step and keeping notes of my water and protein intake so I’m on track!
  12. So i am on this low carb high Protein liquid 3 week pre op protein diet and ive hit the hardest day ever..like.. day 3.5 For some reason its always the hardest days on day 3 and 4 of any low carb diet i have ever done... so i couldnt take it anymore. I needed to chew somthing! So i chose a dill pickle. Do you think its alright to have a dill pickle or two.. i knew if i didnt eat a dill pickle..then it would be somthing i really really really should not eat...like somthing high fat high carb... Im just trying to get through the next two days and then i know i will be okay.
  13. K Ramirez

    Did you cheat too?

    This is exactly how I feel almost word for word. I'm now 3 weeks post op and just feel... Uninspired, wanting to be in bed, upset that I'm not having as much success as others... I cheated also knowing I shouldn't even though was small. Did it get any better for you?
  14. Arabesque

    Not Enough Calories

    I’m with @Spinoza. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. I was barely eating 900 calories at 6 months (probably less as I didn’t have to track just randomly checked for my own interest). But I couldn’t eat anymore than I was at that time. My stalls were very brief but that’s just how my body reacted to the stress of the weight loss & my changing needs (digestive hormones, metabolism, etc.) How much weight have you lost? What do you currently weigh? What’s your goal weight? How tall are you? These details can be helpful for us to be able to share more specific experiences. For example, when we get closer to our final weight, our weight loss slows to almost nothing & sometimes it almost seems a stall.
  15. ChunkCat

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    If you've been losing steadily up until now, you are probably due for a stall. I had one after 1 month of surgery that lasted 5 weeks. During those weeks I gained and lost the same 2-4 lbs. The gains really freaked me out! But as others have said, it is probably water weight, especially if nothing has changed in your routine. Our bodies need time to recalibrate from the rapid weight loss and yours has lost a LOT of weight in a short time, so this may be it rebalancing. That often involves changes in fluid levels, which reflect in the scale. Maybe skip weighing for a week or two to give it a chance to settle down? Caloric intake is very individualized and not all doctors agree that it is important... I don't track calories at all due to my malabsorption, I track macros. But each team has their own thing they like tracking. It seems like you have a good relationship with your team and they are generally happy with your progress. So I'd give it two weeks and if you continue to gain throughout that, then it might be worth a talk with them. My stall broke a week after I increased my steps. I don't know if that was coincidence or had something to do with it, usually the advice is to steady on during a stall as changing things up causes the body to sometimes take longer to adjust... Good luck!!
  16. JennyBeez

    Monday Check-In

    Right now, I'm back to walking/stairs and some aquafitness twice a week. I bought a recumbent bike and it was awesome for a week but because of the body positioning, I've been told to lay off until I stop straining this one particular area lol. And some light stretching with a resistance band that avoids my core as much as possible -- I mean, I can't avoid it completely because everything's connected but I focus on arms and legs until I feel my core start to open up / stretch gently out and call it quits while I'm ahead. XD It's good to establish a 'new normal' for yourself in terms of blood pressure, so I'd suggest using your mum's machine a couple times a week just to get a new baseline. I've been lucky/unlucky that my post-op care-team, my personal PCP/GP and my endocrinologist have all been scheduling follow ups and tests for me with just enough of a gap that I feel like I've been seeing someone every 2-3 weeks -- and my official 3mo follow-up is in another week. (Even my local pharmacist is great, and prods me to use their blood pressure machine whenever I'm in to pick up prescriptions, questions how I'm reacting to such-and-such.) Hormones were definitely kicking my rear all last week, concentrating all my normal-level reactions into heightened states. Less than fun, I've had better weeks but eh.
  17. NickelChip

    Weight loss SLOWING way down!

    From what I've been reading and a video from Dr. John Pilcher I recently watched, it's definitely normal. You usually lose the most in your first 3 months, around 1/2 the weight you're going to lose. After doing some poking around to clarify, it seems that number is calculated using your day of surgery weight. Between 3 and 6 months, you continue losing at 1-2 lbs a week, and this slows to maybe just a few pounds per month between 6 months and a year. So, let's say you lost 50lbs in the first 3 months, it's going to take you 9 months to lose the other 50lbs, but you most likely will lose it as long as you keep doing the right things.
  18. missjaclynn

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    I only stayed because I live alone and did not have anyone to come stay with me. I am at 3 weeks tomorrow and doing great.
  19. Eva Greeff

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I won't be at three months until the end of January, but I am in a stall (two weeks now). I have been at the same weight (give or take a few ounces) since January 3. It is really frustrating, but expected. I have done really well otherwise. I have not cheated and sailed through the holidays (and Disneyland) without being tempted (well, I was tempted but did not give in). I am very proud of that (and my daughter has been making bread, cookies and muffins weekly--I have not had any of it). I think I am a slow loser, but am happy with what I have lost up until the stall. I need to drink more water and exercise more (though the last week we have had ice storm upon ice storm), but am getting in the protein. I am trying to concentrate on how to get a variety of healthy foods as opposed to eating the same thing. I also need to meal plan more. Is anyone tired. I get enough sleep but sometimes feel my energy is low. Anyone else having issues with that? I hope everyone is doing well. I too am curious to hear how everyone is doing.
  20. SaraSara4

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    I took it prior to surgery while I was still considering options. It did absolutely nothing except made my hair fall out. After about 90days. I didn’t go bald but it was definitely noticeable and I did find out that was a weird side effect. max dose for weight-loss and I lost zero pounds. It gave me headaches the first 2-3 weeks but other than that it was not worth it
  21. lisssa

    5 years out not losing weight

    It sounds like you've made a big effort to manage your weight, but it's frustrating when progress stalls. Consider seeing a dietitian to make sure your portion sizes and food choices match your weight loss goals after surgery. Sometimes, metabolic changes or hidden calories can affect weight loss. Also, try changing your exercise routine to avoid plateaus. Stay positive and keep monitoring your progress; with adjustments, you can find what works best for your body.
  22. lark188613@comcast.net

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I have a very physical job as well and understand how hard it is. I've been out of work for 6 weeks already and due to complications and needing a lot of Iv infusions I'm going to be out another 3 weeks. Hang in there
  23. So I finally reached out my bariatric team and they said my post op appts "slipped through the cracks", So instead of having a 3 and 6 month appt I am have one next week (at 5months ish) that will combine my 3 and 6 month post op appt. ANYWAYS to my point! I got my blood work and everything is normal range! my A1C even went down from 5.6 to 5.3 which is pretty groovy! Also my iron is normal for the first time in my life! However my B12 is 1116 which from what I read optimal results are >500 for bariatric patients? So does that mean I am doubly good? My Vitamin D is at 119 and toxic levels are over 100. So my assumption is I could probably cut back on those vitamins lol. I feel great! I am down to 185 as of last week. Hair is still shedding but tis life. Thanks for coming to my ted talk!
  24. ms.sss

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    why yes, i do know! lol. i was/am one of those "diligent" trackers so i have over 5 yrs of food log data to statisticize, ha! on AVERAGE: weeks 1-2: 400 cals a WEEK...this was a weird time. week 3 to about 3 mnths: 400-500 cals A DAY. months 4-6: 600-700 cals a day month 7: 800-ish cals a day at this point made efforts to increase cals and by 9 months i was at about 1700-1800 cals a day. 2-3 years post-op was 2300+ a day cuz i was exercising heavily. today im at 1800-ish a day with moderate exercise (been at this calorie level for 2-ish yrs now)
  25. @Noelle74 How's work? I'm about to leave Paris again for 3 weeks and head into a crazy tunnel of meetings and flights and travel and conferences till the end of July ... I've finally dropped to under 69kg but now know that my weightloss is probably going to slow to 5-7ish pounds (2/3kg a month) so I have a long slog in front of me and If I reach my goal it won't be until December I reckon. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm trying to look at the progress I've made so far and concentrate on the fact that although my BMI is at the top of healthy it is healthy. Looking back at pictures is helping. My collar bones and hip bones are starting to make a reappearance at last and that I'm happy about. I've decided I also probably need to seriously act on my drinking too and will count my units this next month and consider seeing a shrink if I'm averaging over 14 units a week. By the way how are everyones scars ... mine are still so dark - see last picture! One Week Post op Two weeks post op One month ish post op Last week (so 4 months post op) This evening (not the best outfit but I'm in Pjs already - folded top in and up to show scars)

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