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Found 2,865 results

  1. Embrace the stalls! The 3 week stall might be your 1st but it definitely won't be your last. It's part of the process in becoming your new self. So don't get discourage, embrace them. Sent from my SM-J700T using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone experienced this???

    My Dr said the first 6 weeks are for healing not weight loss. You just had major surgery. Your body is focused on repairing itself not losing weight. Google 3 week stall. It seriously feels like no one did any research pre-op and just had surgery. If you have ever read any WLS boards there are lots of answers to this kind of question. Do some research so you know what expect and don't stress yourself. You need to be focused on healing and you can't if you are stressed.
  3. Hi all, so I am exactly one month out today and am down 21 lbs., which is what I was down on 1/10/13 at my follow-up with my surgeon...soooo apparently I hit the dreaded 3 week stall. I did take my measurements and have lost 8.5", all from my waist up! It needs to switch to below the belt next month.....keeping my fingers crossed. lol
  4. That's awesome! Congratulations! I don't have any pictures to post yet. I started at 258 and am now 211. I just this week lost 3 lbs after nearly a 3 week stall. I'm pretty much eating whatever I want, but just a bite or two. Much more than that I end up feeling sick. I have to drink a protein shake each day just to meet my protein. I ended up getting two liters of IV fluids at my six week check up because I was dehydrated. It's a huge struggle to get my fluids in. Have to say that I love my sleeve too, despite any discomfort it may be giving me right now. Keep up the good work!
  5. F4T-TRAP

    Dreaded Stall, 3 wks out...

    I just got over the 3 week stall. Mine lasted about a week. Doctors and everyone here assured me it would correct itself, so I didn't change my eating habits any.
  6. I don't feel like I've lost fast but I've lost pretty consistently over the last 10 months. Just this morning, I went through my journal from the date of surgery to present. I noticed that I didn't lose that much the first week. The second week, I had a pretty strong weight loss and then week 3 - 6, I hit that 3 week stall and everything shut down. I remember at my 6 week visit, the doctor was concerned that I hadn't lost as much as they expected. From then on, my weight loss has been pretty steady. I agree with previous posters that you have IV fluids in you and not to mention that pain meds can shut down business in the bathroom. All sorts of factors there. These early weeks are no indication of how you will lose long term.
  7. Caribear

    Help in a Stall

    It sounds like you are in the infamous 3 week stall. It is very, very common and it will pass.
  8. In the search box, if you type in "3 week stall" you will see it is normal for sleevers. hope this helps. (It's a lot of reading that will pop up!!)
  9. fourmonthspreop

    Weight loss stall

    [emoji1787][emoji1787] you guys crack me up! That's probably true. Anyway yeah I didn't know about the 3 week stall. Answers me question. I'll try my best to keep off the scales for a bit. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. I just got off the dreaded 3 week stall that started after week one. I had to go to phoenix on business and lost it during that time. I eat my protein from real foods and try to cram in water but for me thats harder than it looks. I lost just under 3 pounds in 2 days so it is dropping again... you will see it drop.
  11. i1Linda

    Officially lost 100lbs

    AJW - you're right, we are TWINS! So cool. My goal is 140 (really 139...want to be in the 130's for some reason). Once I get down closer, I plan to reevaluate. Everyone tells me I will be too skinny lower than 140 but I can't imagine me ever being "too skinny". I finally broke my nearly 3 week stall at 182 today.... down to 179 - yippee!!! I haven't been in the 170's since well before my first pregnancy (about 9 years). :001_tt2:
  12. Ready4success

    Anyone Stall After Hitting The Gym?

    Could it be the 3 week stall that coincidentally started around the time you started at the gym? I stalled for 2 weeks between the 3rd amd 4th weeks post-op. We're sleeve siblings, I was sleeved on the 28th too!
  13. great advice... i am 3.weeks out - weighed at my one week appt and that is it. I agree on the fad diets - I did it so much I had to have gallbladder surgery. I am worried about the 3 week stall. i havent exercised much - i have a broke foot. Darn it!
  14. NellieBean

    Why I Post aka That guy's an A Hole

    I appreciate the patience that the more seasoned folks have since I imagine every question has been asked at least 100 times. The fact that any of you take the time to share your experiences and guide us through this journey is truly a gift. (I have only been on this board for a few weeks and if I read one more question about the 3 week stall....I want to have an auto response that tells people how to search) It seems like there are always people who come here want to get only the answer they want to hear. On the internet, you can keep asking and even if a million people give the same answer they just want to hear from the one person who validates their decision. The posts that disturb me are the ones where they are newly sleeved and want to know how to cheat the system just days or weeks after going through the surgery. What are they thinking? Don't they want to succeed? They spend all this time and energy working to getting the surgery and then want to know if it is OK to not follow the instructions of professionals? I am just bewildered by them. In the end, they may not hear what they want to hear but they are hearing what they need to from the folks on this board who are brutally honest. What they choose to do with that truth is just another factor in how successful they will be in the end.
  15. cat17


    Normally, I'm a daily/every other day weigher--I like to see what my body is doing. BUT, I hit the dreaded 3 week stall, and suddenly couldn't handle the stress. (I couldn't eat less, I was on my program 100%.) So, I decided only to record my weight on my monthly surgerversary. Letting go a little and trusting the process worked wonders for my peace of mind. I still peek if I'm curious, but I don't get down about it. Once I hit maintenance, or am able to eat more normally, I will probably watch the scale closer.
  16. lexi6510


    Yes...its very normal to stall. Search the dreaded 3 week stall and see for yourself. I was depressed when the scale stopped moving so early. But I had never heard of stalls. Keep reading...you're not alone. Sleeved May 15th SW 205 CW 174 IVE been at 174 for almost a week. I think my body is in starvation mode. I had a virus and haven't been able to eat hardly anything.
  17. It's happened. Totally expected it. The question is, is it a 3 week stall or a 2 week stall. Surgery last Tuesday, 9/29. But does the 1 week liquid pre-op count as week 1 making this week 3 or does the count actually begin after surgery. The stall corresponded with the move from Clear liquids to full liquids. Still doing great though. Yesterday was 650 calories, 60 grams of Protein and 80 oz Water. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. itzpokie

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    I am hitting week 3 and only lost 10 lbs so I am also losing slowly. I have read a lot about the 3 week stall so not really sure what's going to happen now. We all have to make sure we are getting in protein and fluids and the rest will follow even if it's slower. Hang in there.
  19. BerryChic

    Epic fail?

    At 8 weeks post op I've lost 44 pounds and am thrilled. Even if I never lose another pound, I feel and look better than I have in 15 years! I weigh myself every day , but I don't let the scale discourage me if I gain a pound or I'm in a stall. My first stall at three weeks post-op lasted 16 days. I began to get very frustrated, but then I read about the 3 week stall and realized that if I eat according to the meal plan (which includes eating OFTEN and ENOUGH food and fluids) the weight has no choice but to fall off from a physiological standpoint. It may even be necessary to INCREASE caloric intake at some point to get things going again. Also, if you are a woman who is not menopausal, you need to factor in the monthly weight fluctuations due to Water retention and other such things you would deal with even if you were at goal weight.
  20. I haven't experienced that yet, but one of my friends who had this done told me that happened to her. I think it's a thing, like the 3 week stall. Happens to a lot of folks.
  21. My advice for what its worth would be, 1 Rest when your body says so, have a nap whenever you can. 2 Don't rush the process, your stomach has a massive wound in it and will be swollen and sore, hence the need for liquid and puree stages. 3 Remember the 3 week stall, you won't panic when you stop loosing weight. 4 Don't compare yourself to anyone else. This is your weight loss journey. No two journeys are the same. Good luck and keep us posted of your progress
  22. I was sleeved September 27th. Down 40 lbs as of today. I am just starting to lose again after a 3 week stall.....finally!!!!
  23. I am 5 weeks post-op and am cleared to eat anything I want (OK, no alcohol, no carbonation). I have been doing really well all along, didn't have the 3 week stall, feeling pretty good, eating most meats (well-chewed), etc. About a week ago, I started feeling "full" almost immediately when I eat. My full feeling is actually pressure-pain behind my breastbone. I'm beginning to worry about this. I am to the point where about the only Protein I can eat is cheese and cottage cheese. I've been mincing any meat and moistening it with broth, but I still can only get down about 1 tablespoon before I am uncomfortable. I do OK with liquids, so I've resumed drinking my Protein shakes, but have found that the milk-based ones fill me up pretty quickly, too; I am able to drink an entire 8oz of water-based Protein drinks but only about half of the milky ones. Should I be worried? What should I be worried about?I feel like I'm so far post-op that I shouldn't be calling my surgeon with this, but I don't know. I have an appointment with my Nut in a week and am hoping this straightens out by then. I am thinking of going back onto my liquids diet for awhile, to see if my insides smooth out a bit (I have plenty of turkey broth, hahaha, given I cooked a 14 pound turkey yesterday!). It just seems like I'm going backwards in my ability to tolerate different foods. Has anyone had this experience, or have any advice/suggestions?
  24. i am 18 days out and that is my prob. i do feel hungry , so when i do ill get some thing healthy and eat n eat til my bellys about to bust ...about 5 tsp......then ill feel miserable afterwards and ask myself ....omg why did i do that ....my weight is at a stall now and am wondering if its because i am eating too much ?lol i have heard ppl go thru the 2-3 week stall.....just wondering how long this will last ? and yes i do need to control my hunger .....lol
  25. swimmom

    Frustrated #failure

    First of all, the depression is TOTALLY normal right now - your hormones are still all out-of-whack from the surgery and you are adjusting to a radically different lifestyle. Second of all, just work your plan and keep track of everything you eat - as long as you are doing all the right things, you are just in the 3 week stall - it will eventually end and the weight will start coming off again! It happens to everyone at some point in their sleeve journey - keep the faith!

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