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Found 2,865 results

  1. Sheribear68

    June 2019 challenge

    Okay so I failed on the distraction free eating so far, but I’m going to make an effort for dinner. For me May was a complete bust and I’m desperately hoping to get on track for June. Was sleeved on 2/619, and I’ve lost 54 pounds since then, but I hit a 3 week stall in May and as a result lost 6.5 pounds in the entire month of May. This is quite frankly pretty depressing as I’m still close to 50 pounds from goal weight. I meet via phone with a therapist every other week and she’s about the only thing helping me not lose my cool right now. I just got my 3 month post surgery labs ran so I’ll know in a few days where I am from an overall health point. In this moment I’m pulling out all the stops desperately trying to ward off a sense of despondency. I keep telling myself that eventually my body has to start losing again. I mean it will, won’t it?
  2. MrsGamgee

    June 2019 challenge

    Good morning everyone! Happy June! Surgery: RNY, May 16, 2019 Goal #1: To get back to regular walking/nordic pole walking 6 days a week, 5km per day, by the end of the month. Goal #2: To feel comfortable eating at the table with my family again. I've been eating separately from them since my liquid diet began because it's been too much of a challenge to be around while they're eating real food. No weight related goals as I don't really know what to expect this early out from surgery. And I know my 3 week stall is looming. Day 1: How do I feel at the moment? Emotionally, I think I'm in an okay place right now. No buyers remorse, no new stress, and I'm very pleased with where I'm at right now. Physically, I'm still nursing a wicked cold which is adding to my fatigue. Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. I did that too in preparation for my surgery. Reading people's questions and experiences will not only give you an idea of what to expect -- like the dreaded 3 week stall -- but it will also inspire and encourage you! I love reading people's weight loss bucket lists and non scale victories.
  4. 1. Give it time. You're only 2 weeks out. Also, there's a chance you'll lose no weight at all for a few weeks (search 3 week stall). Mentally prep for it, because if slow loss is bothering you now, the stall will be a mind ****. 2. You started at a lower BMI, so naturally, your weight lost will be slower than someone who weighs more than you. 3. Search the board for people who started out at a similar weight. Your experience is likely more normal than you think. You may need to reset your expectations about the process. Good luck on your journey.
  5. Today begins week 3 of my stall. I spent the last 4 days actively eating above my typical calories and carbs and moving less in an attempt to break the stall. It didn't work. I'm going back to moving more and eating my 650 to 800 calories per day and praying that this is, in fact, a stall and not maintenance already. I "embraced the stall" for the first two weeks. I'm having a really rough time with this and I'm sad and scared because a 3 week stall sounds a lot like maintenance to me. I have 35 pounds to goal (healthy BMI) and I don't want to be right back where I was 6 months ago, unable to lose no matter what.
  6. EJGood2013

    March Bypass Buddies

    I’m like 7 weeks out. I had my surgery March 20th and barely lost 20 lbs.... I been on a 3 week stall which I am desperately trying to break. Started at 252 and now been at 232.8 for 3 weeks in a row. Getting all my water and protein requirements in and walking everyday.
  7. crigney21

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Just wanted to check in. Had surgery on April 1st and I’m down 22lbs. I’m totally happy with that! I knew I wasn’t going to loose weight as fast as other people because my surgery weight was only 230 and I know that’s small for this procedure. I don’t know a lot of other ways I could have lost this weight. I also love that normally I would have given up during my 3 week stall but after surgery I didn’t have a choice but to stick with this. It’s the tool I need to be successful long term.
  8. taylormomto6

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Froufrou I would agree that the blood is from your esophagus, but I hope he can explain the issue to you. I’m apparently in a stall. I had my 3 week stall early, so I guess I’m having the 3 month stall a bit early as well. I’m sure hoping it’s a stall anyway. Of course the fear is that I’m done losing and will be stuck at 193lbs
  9. CajunSam

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Has anyone hit the dreaded 3 week stall yet? I have. It’s a HUGE bummer and discouraging but I am trying to remember it’s totally normal. I’ve been stalled for 7 days now and I am 3.5 weeks out.
  10. 3 week stall now. Only have lost 1 pound. I've lost 43 though.
  11. I had surgery when I was 55. My weight loss has felt incredibly slow in comparison to others. So don't compare. LOL. Cuz it's a major buzzkill. I have had to apply significant effort and focus to losing and had many, many, many stalls!!! But look at where I am now! In a little over a year since surgery, I'm closing in on Goal #3 of 130lbs. So the slow and steady race CAN still be won. But, use this time very wisely. If you have crappy habits and a poor diet filled with SAD (standard american diet) but are eating it in small quantities, stop that behavior now! Cuz I swear, the honeymoon period is for WORK, not being indulgent. There is time enough in maintenance for indulgence. If you have high glycemic carbs in your diet, minimize or eliminate them. Focus on your protein. Keep carbs mostly bites of veg (when you can) and small (very small) amounts of healthy fats. Keep your calories low low low for losing. I promise you won't get stuck there. Hang in there cuz you are in the 3 week stall area. Don't despair, you will lose.
  12. Briswife15

    Anyone get a March date yet?

    Ah, the dreaded 3 week stall! Lots and lots of posts about it. Push through it, and keep on program, and it'll pass. Good luck! Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Excited for a new me

    Sleeved on March 27 and I feel fine?

    I was sleeved on Wednesday 2/20 and felt great by Monday, I have a desk job and returned back to work on Tuesday 2/26. I am now 6 weeks out and feel amazing, this is definitely the best thing that I have ever done for myself, I did have the dreaded 3 week stall that last 10 days, but I am now loosing again and eating much more 'normal' foods. Hoping that you continue feeling great!!
  14. I had a 3 week stall. It was because I was not getting enough sleep. Now back on track and lost another 3 lbs in a week
  15. Orchids&Dragons

    February Sleevers - Help!

    The 3-week stall usually happens anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks post op and can last for up to 3 weeks or so. It sucks, but it's just your body reacting to all the mean sh!t that you've done to it lately. You just need to follow your plan and push through. You can do it!
  16. Any advice or well wishes. I am totally frustrated and I feel like I want to cry. Had surgery 2/28 and only down 27 lbs. What gives??? I've heard of the 3 week stall - but how long does that last? Is it you stall at 3 weeks or for 3 weeks you will stall? I've been the same weight now for almost 12 days. I don't want to feel like I did this in vain. I'm going into my 5th week post op. Nothing no budge no movement it's so heartbreaking to think this is it! Thanks any help or advice.
  17. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Not so far and I’ll be 7 weeks out on Wednesday. I did however have a 3 week stall from weeks 2-5, so it’s really nice to be losing again
  18. FluffyChix

    The scale is finally moving again

    What is "3 Week Stall" for the win, Alex! Congrats on your losses so far!
  19. Liz The New Me

    The scale is finally moving again

    3 week stall for me! That's when I realized the lack of sleep I was getting from all the stress I was under. Finally got a full 7 hours and the scale started to move again.
  20. Everything

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    It's been a few days since I've been on and MAN - so much good content here! "Cat food" - OMG! What a horrid term! haha! I get tired, but no as bad as weeks 1-2. I walked/hiked 3+ miles on Saturday and that made me dizzy. So I'm taking shorter walks now. I'm totally off the rails now with this program, but I feel great. I called to reschedule my 2 week follow up because I had a sick child, then they canceled the rescheduled appointment on me - now I won't be going for a follow up till over a month out. I'll be 3 weeks tomorrow and am making this up as I go. I drink water and protein water all day, but I'm short on fluids. Can't stand all that protein crap anymore but I do focus on eating higher protein foods. I basically skipped the puree phase. I can really eat anything I want (can be dangerous!) but only maybe 4 teaspoons, max. I mean, I haven't had tacos or crunchy stuff. I haven't had anything really bad (Yoplait, Oui yogurt is my cheat, but I can only eat 1/3 of one at a time, max). I'm making educated decisions about what I'm eating, both from a texture and health perspective, but I'm making it work my way. Had a SF Jello last night, couldn't even eat 1/2. The only things that bother me so far (primarily) are the damn Vitamins - the one thing I actually NEED. They cause me great nausea and fits of dry heaving. Oh, and I CAN'T THROW UP! It's a little concerning. I get foamies, but no full blown throwing up. Hope that's "normal". Also, I tried a teaspoon of spaghetti sauce (burned going down) and 1 SIP of red wine (also burned) so not eating/drinking that stuff, which I can live with. I'm in a STALL here! It's been 3 days with no scale movement, so I did a little research. I'm not sure how true this is, but I wanted to share it here in case it helps one of you. It helped me! Overall I'm really happy with my sleeve. I feel like I'm losing inches, even though the scale seems to be "broken"! Here are the tips I read online about Stalls: Patients are often instructed to follow a "liver shrinking diet" before surgery to prepare their body and ease the job of the surgeon. This diet may be a low calorie, low carb, or liquid diet depending on the clinic. While the smaller liver is often great during surgery, it's not a size that your body wants to maintain long term as a fully functional liver helps our body with a number of different processes. Due to this need, the body will slowly start to help the liver get back to it's normal size after surgery, which can often times takes....you guessed it....about 3 weeks. If you do weigh yourself, make sure that you are also taking note of your measurements. Fat takes up a lot more space than muscle. If you're losing inches and slowly losing pounds, this is often an indication that you are losing fat rather than muscle. If you do notice the dreaded "3 week stall", think of it as a badge of honor, a milestone, and "just a phase". Rather than thinking of your journey being "off course", remind yourself that it is just beginning. Time to enjoy the ride!
  21. BKC0425

    February 2019 Sleevers?

    I had the 3 week stall too, but it does break. Mine lasted about a week, but since then I have been consistently losing. You got this, just keep going! [emoji2] Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Starry*Night


    You may have stalled. I hit a stall 3 days after surgery and didn't lose a pound for a couple of weeks. I was super afraid the surgery didn't work, but it did! Search for "3 week stall" to find more info on it - yours may have just come early 🤗
  23. AZhiker

    Perplexed - no weight loss?

    There is a lot of swelling and tissue trauma after surgery. Once this goes down, you will see that scale go down, too. Once a started losing again, the weight was coming off at 1 pound per day. WOW! I thought I was going to be one of those super-losers! But now I am at the 3 week stall. It is so good to know that this is common. Just gotta keep doing the right things and be patient. It will come off when it's ready.
  24. Oh sooooo many stalls. It's hard. They suck. They will continue to suck all the way through the journey. Search for 3 week stall.
  25. Okay. I’ve promised myself I won’t panic. Was sleeved on 2/6 and recovering “normally” Lost 23.4 pounds in 12 days and now I’ve been at the exact same weight for 3 days running. Lol, I even had my husband get on the scale to verify it wasn’t “stuck” and it registered a different weight with him. I’ve heard of the 3 week stall and was ready for that, but this has kinda hit me by surprise. Has anyone else had the 2 week stall? I’m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe because I lost almost 10% of my body weight in 2 days, I just hit the stall early? The thought that my body is betraying me again this early in the process is unimaginable

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