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Found 3,907 results

  1. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stall one week out?

    If the numbers on the scale are going to make you upset, anxious, or just plain crazy, please consider not weighing very often. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all stall. Most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery but that varies, too. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise when cleared. And, stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  2. So I think I'm experiencing my first "real" stall (will 6 months post-op on Wednesday) and I need to talk it out. I've had what I called stalls before, but it was basically that I didn't lose for a few days. This time feels different. I was down to 191.6 (for 5 days), but then suddenly jumped back up to 192.8... and it's sticking. Three days in a row. (Yes, I am a daily weigh-er, it's what works best for me.) I have not changed anything that I do, but I "gained" weight and it's not coming back down. Is this my first real stall? How long can I expect it to last? Should I be riding it out or trying to break it? As many of you have experienced- I'm terrified that this is the end. That I'm done losing. I still need to lose almost 45 more pounds to be healthy!! I cannot be done yet! I acknowledge that I'm not exercising like I should be, so that needs to change, but otherwise, below is what I do (all based off doc/NUT recommendations). My diet is not perfect, but honestly, it's pretty dang close. I'm really proud of the changes I've made. Stats for the last 6 weeks: - Average 838 calories per day (I have occasionally eaten around/above 1000 calories, and I occasionally eat around 575 calories. I am supposed to be between 600 and 800 calories per day. In the last 2 weeks I reined it in so that I am not eating above 800 calories, as recommended.) - Average 77g protein per day - Average 63 carbs per day (I have also adjusted this in the last 2 weeks. The average for that period is 53. My personal aim is to be under 50. The NUT refuses to give a carb goal.) - Water intake of 64 - 80 ounces per day I'm scared, and I'm looking for advice... and reassurance that this isn't the end of the road. I'm not healthy yet. I can't be done.
  3. sideeye

    Out-of-the-blue disaster

    I’m six months out and was going pretty well, weight loss has slowed but not stopped, I’d mostly put it down to some stressful work situations and losing control of some food choices due to a lot of travel. Still, was looking forward to the fall to get back on track. Then, disaster. One of my best friends experienced a freakish, frequently fatal complication during the birth of her first child and is in a coma. She has been for weeks. We’re now well beyond the time she was expected to come round and it’s becoming increasingly clear that intense damage occurred. She lives in an area far from family and friends, I’m one of the closest but still hours away. I’ve been taking time off work to go care for her as her husband deals with the totally separate medical emergency that is their newborn. I feel like my brain’s been puréed, I can’t focus on a damn thing and am in a constant hypervigilant state. I don’t sleep much anymore and I’m a zombie at work. It’s taken me three weeks to notice that I’ve totally stalled out weight-wise (I suppose I noticed day-to-day while weighing myself, but then didn’t chain the days together). And I know why: I’m grazing, I’m not prioritizing protein, I’m not drinking enough water. Worse, some of the habits I’ve kept at bay for almost half a year have come roaring back, including stopping by the local CVS to pick up junk food. I ate half a packet of Oreo’s, for pete’s sake. I don’t even like Oreos, at all, never have. I’m going through the house this morning to throw out any junk food I’ve mindlessly bought, but I can also feel that the need to have quite literally anything make me feel slightly better is translating to the old emotional and current chemical boost junk food loans you. I know I’m going to have to just be more aware of all of this, now I’ve spotted it. But my entire life feels like a bomb went off at its center, and given how hard I’m finding it to focus on ANYTHING, I’m going to have a hard time being mentally guarded against lifetime habits creeping in again. This sucks. THIS SUCKS.
  4. Bypassjourney

    Week 7! Very Slow Loser

    I think us slow losers are actually the norm rather than the exception. I was getting very discouraged at first also and especially during that three week stall. But what I have started realizing is the .2's have added up over these past several weeks and all of a sudden I am down 40.5 lbs. How funny that yall say people notice it in your face more so than saying they see it in other places because I have had the same thing. But considering I can't hide my chins with turtlenecks year round in Texas, I have decided I am very happy with that compliment. What I am amazed at is the amount of inches I have lost and fitting into clothes I hadn't fit into in years!
  5. I had the very same issues the first month after surgery. I dropped 36 pounds in the first three weeks. Then went into a three week stall. I could not handle the soy Protein drinks either. Thank god I found the nectar Protein Drinks on diet direct. I mainly use the road side lemonade. I drink these while at work because a little afraid to eat. I never know how my body will handle the food. Now that I am 3 1/2 months out I can handle more dairy, just in small amounts. So things will get better. On the nectar shakes I mix one scoop with about 14 oz Water so they are not to sweet. https://www.dietdirect.com/rewardsref/index/refer/id/114403/ here is a link to website if you want to check them out.
  6. ShoppGirl

    6 months out

    You have lost 85 pounds since surgery, congratulations. You may just be in a stall. I believe they typically last a week or two but have heard many people on here have them last three weeks or even a month. If you are sticking to your plan 100% it is just a stall and it will lift soon. If you are winging it you may want to start logging your calories and measuring things again just so you have that info to give to your nutritionist when you speak with them if the stall does not break soon.
  7. mswendy

    Wisconsin VSGrs?

    That is funny. Where are you from? I'm six weeks out today. I had two stalls in weight loss - maybe at week two (was stuck at 20lbs for a week) and just recently I GAINED three pounds. I've been seeing my PCP regularly and for me, I think it has to do with unmanaged sugar levels. I was hoping to not have to continue taking my meds, but if it means it's going to stall my weight loss...it's not an option. So, I'm back on it. I think the biggest surprise for me was that the restriction is real. haha. I don't know what I was thinking, maybe because I've really struggled these last seven years to get the weight off and nothing was working, but maybe I thought it wasn't going to work for me or something. But, the restriction is as real as it gets. In the beginning, it was a little tough the first week. My stomach was swollen from the ssurgery and was about the size of a pencil because of it. Hardly could swollow even Water, the tiniest tiniest bit. I literally had to suck it in through my teeth and let it drop down bit by bit. You'll feel it. At six weeks out, I'm still not eating 'regularly'. I have very little food that will go down and stay down right now. I'm sort of still on mushies - yogurt, cottage cheese, Soups, Protein drinks - lots of sugar free popsicles. Stock up those popsicles. I heard from enough people and it see those are soothing for everyone, not just me. I can eat a bunch of them at one sitting and it helps with my thirst. They're 10 calories a pop so it's hardly a diet breaker. Have fun at the Brewers game and let me know how your surgery goes. You said you're having it in Dallas. I had mine in Mexicali, Mexico.
  8. rmc32587

    So if my period is late, does that mean...

    Sometimes right after surgery your cycle schedule can be messed up because your body is adjusting. My first period post-op was very light but then went back to normal. Also I have stalled every few weeks since surgery. Week three is a big stall week for most people. The weight will keep dropping just give it a little time ........... Is there any chance you could be pregnant? I only ask because I just found out that I am and I am only 4 months post-op.
  9. Kapoorvilla

    Hows your weight loss coming along?

    I hit a stall for two weeks but was still taking off inches. I was advices on here to eat every three hours. I was getting 700 to 800 calories and that bumped me to 1000. The scal started moving again the second day I did this!
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Stall with diet upgrades?

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs and just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks post-op. If you intend to lose a significant amount of weight then you will experience stalls. Just follow your program. Track your food. Make sure you get at least 64 oz of Fluid a day. Eat Protein first and make sure you reach your protein target every day. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall.
  11. Its the famous Three Week Stall! Join the club, it happens to almost everyone. Look it up...Its frustrating, but its NORMAL. Chill.
  12. ProudGrammy

    Weight loss kind of slow

    @@wyndy1 listen to wise words of @@erp i taught her everything she knows No weight loss in three (3) weeks THAT is the beginning of an official stall like gas, this too shall pass!! LOL "God Grant Me Patience, Just Hurry Up About It!!" good luck kathy
  13. Ok so I had the infamous three week stall... But I got over it. And when I get my period I dont lose as much But I have been stalled for like 2 weeks now and I don't have my period. I think my problem is not enough exercise and not being able to resist temptation as well I am almost five months out and down 110 pounds... But I still weigh 262!! Far from goal Any suggestions? Anyone wanna give me a swift kick in the behind? I feel like I should know the answer but can not enough Protein slow your weight loss? I prob get about 30 grams a day... I know... Bad
  14. Dr. Powers is my surgeon:) wow even being at a stall 40 lbs down is wonderful. Im sur the stall will be over before you know it and u be right back to losing:) Your close to one month out....was you in alot of pain after surgery? That is the part that I am scared about is the pain..or a leak.. I have had three csections and my gallbladder removed...I keep telling myself it shoudnt be no worse then that but there is so many difernt stories on the internet some people just in pain first day or so and sum for weeks. So I am iffy on how to feel or how much to worry about it
  15. Geron Girls

    What have I done to myself?

    First off, take the word "only" out of your vocabulary. When was the last time you lost 25 lbs in four weeks? That's more than five pounds a week! That is awesome. Track every gram of protein, every bite. And hydrate. I have had two major stalls since my surgery in August. Both times, for whatever weird reason, they lasted for 9 days each. Then I lost like two or three pounds overnight. Don't be discouraged. As long as you are following plan it will come off.
  16. The first stall lasted 5 weeks. I was beyond frustrated even though everyone in here suggested I be patient. The second one lasted a week and because my blender broke and I stopped taking my Protein. Three days after I started taking my protein again, I started losing again. I can and I will.
  17. mz.newlife54

    Super excited

    Congratulations. I was sleeved 11-11. I was losing a pound a day. The end of last week nothing so i guess I've hit the three week stall. Hope its over soon.
  18. LisaPunkinHead

    Not losing anything? ?

    Welcome to the three-week stall!
  19. I agree with @_Kate_. Stay off of the scale for the first month. Your body is healing and making the necessary adjustments, so your weight will fluctuate. Also, almost everyone experiences the "three week stall" (search the forum for countless threads on it or just google it in general for more information). Concentrate on meeting your protein and water goals over anything else right now. If you follow your plan, the weight will begin to come off. Patience is really important in this journey! Good luck!
  20. If you would've asked me the first three weeks I wouldn't have been able to say yes for sure because I was fighting head hunger, dehydration, and a stall. 50 pounds and 2 months later: in a heartbeat.
  21. Reset what? You aren't yet getting enough fluids. And it doesn't look like you are getting enough Protein. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Everyone stalls and almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your protein and fluids every day. For me that means AT LEAST 100 grams of protein and 64 oz of Fluid, every day. Track your food. Avoid starches, added sugars, and fried foods. Eat slowly and mindfully. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. And, stay off the scale! Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall Reset what? You aren't yet getting enough fluids. And it doesn't look like you are getting enough protein. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Everyone stalls and almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your protein and fluids every day. For me that means AT LEAST 100 grams of protein and 64 oz of fluid, every day. Track your food. Avoid starches, added sugars, and fried foods. Eat slowly and mindfully. Take your vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. And, stay off the scale! Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  22. My surgery was 10 days ago. I seem to be stuck at the same weight for the past 3 days. I was wondering if the weight I lost on the 2 week Opti-fast liquid diet plus the weight lost during my first week home would make for a 3 week stall. Has anyone experienced this so early after surgery? I know it's still early but could use some encouragement. And I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm eating between 500 - 650 calories a day. I've so far not experienced dumping. I even had 1/2 cup of pureed split pea Soup last night for dinner. The only thing different so far is that my pouch doesn't like cold Water. It definitely has to be room temperature.
  23. Arabesque

    So fed up

    Stalls are frustrating. Unfortunately you may experience a few as you’re losing & they may last 1-3 weeks (some do last longer - if yours does check with your dietician to see if you need to tweak your eating plan) but they are just part of the journey. There are lots of variation in the plans people follow. Some are given caloric goals while some aren’t (I wasn’t). Some are given portion size recommendations. Some aren’t. Some who are given caloric goals are encouraged to eat 1200 calories from solid foods. If you are worried, check with your dietician. Even on 1200 calories you will lose weight. As @lizonaplane said the goal is not to feel discomfort or your restriction. The goal is to recognise your real hunger & eat enough to satisfy that. At three years out, I still ask myself do I need the next bite or just want it. Remember it takes time for your full signal to kick in. So when you do feel full you’ve likely eaten more than you need. Exercise accounts for 10-20% of your weight loss. Have 50lbs to lose, exercise will account for 5-10lbs. There are lots of physical, psychological & emotional benefits to undertaking regular exercise. But it’s your choice as to what & how much or often you do. I’m not an exerciser. Did very little while I was losing but I still lost all my weight plus more. I do some gentle stretches now & a few wall push-ups but I argue with myself every night about doing it. 😁
  24. Hello! I had my sleeve on January 18th and have lost about 20 lbs, but lots of that was before surgery and have not lost a pound since Feb. 7, in fact I have gained 1b since then. I have done everything I am supposed to do in terms of food progressions and am not snacking or going outside the parameters on amounts or anything. I have been doing about 500 to 600 calories a day! For a week or so I had trouble getting Protein in as the lactaid milk with Protein powder made me too nauseous, but since then I have been advanced to the soft diet and am now getting more protein in through food and doing regular skim milk with lactaid pills which does not make me nauseous. But I too am pretty discouraged, I have been doing pool excercises three times a week (which is as much as I can do due to back and hip issues.) I know I will be a bit slower due to that but this seems ridiculous. All this pain and no reward! My clinic says since my BMI is not as high as some (I have to lose about 100 lbs) and due to age and back issues I will be slower and not to worry, but I was not a terrible eater to begin with and if tiny portions don't work, what will? Did you guys do anything to get out of a stall?
  25. Inner Surfer Girl


    Follow your NUTs instructions. The primary focus post-op is getting in all of your Protein and fluids. Calories are a secondary consideration. Getting in enough protein and fluids (and vitamins) are critical for both healing and weight loss. Since you are at three weeks post-op, you are probably about to or already experiencing your first stall. Since none of us lose at a constant rate, stalls are a normal part of the process. I recommend you read this post I wrote a while back which may help you. Best of luck with your journey. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall

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