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  1. I had my three week stall, and added in working out on the treadmill almost every day. That stall broke, but then I stalled again. I was going up and down the same three pounds when I had just broken into the 200's. My pulmonologist told me to ease up on the workouts and the weight would start dropping again. And, he was right! Since I've backed off the treadmill some, I am dropping again. Why? Because I'm not building up the muscle as fast as I was. At my BMI, the muscle is important, but I want the pounds to come off. I DO NOT want 280 pounds of muscle! LOL OTOH, while I was working so hard, I could almost see the definition in my legs and butt getting better and I dropped 2 pants sizes, so there are pros and cons to each way of doing things!
  2. So this week I went to my surgeon for my 3 month post op visit. 3 months!!! ALREADY! Wow, I cannot believe how fast the time goes when you are so focused on a goal! So, I went there and first off got weighed by the nurse. She says to me, "Wow, you are down another 26.3 pounds since the last time we saw you just over a month ago!" So I tell her about the hair loss and the little bit of worry that I have about the loose skin, and she gives me some fliers about what other Vitamins I can be taking for the hair loss (BY THE WAY, ANY ADVICE IN THIS AREA WOULD BE GREAT!!!). She then tells me to ask the Dr. about the skin and what he thinks. So the Dr. comes in a few minutes later. Says to me, "Hello, Kim. I'll tell you, you used to look like someone I would perform surgery on, but not anymore!" So I smile and turn beat red (i'm sure) and then he looks at the chart again and says, "Kim! Do you realize you have lost 90 pounds in 4 months!?! NO ONE has ever lost that much that fast in our program!" Thats when it hit me. I have officially "lost" my 12 year old niece. WOW! Now for the bad news... My hair is 1/2 gone. Thank goodness I had a really thick head of hair to start or I would be bald by now. It's horrible! Every time I touch my head I loose a whole hand full of hair. I am really starting to worry about it but don't know what kind of vitamins to invest in so that it at LEAST slows down. HELP!!!! More bad news: I'm on another stall. I wanted to start the new year off in Onederland. I haven't lost in over 2 weeks. I am 10 pounds from Onderland and am stuck. Go figure. I just hope I can be within 5 pounds of Onderland at least by the New Year. Over all, I am happy as a lark and LOVING my new life! Thanks to the surgeon, their wonderful staff, and the sleeve I am happier than I have been in a very very long time. I finally feel good about myself and therefore am able to tackle the everyday things that used to tax me to even think about. I don't have a lot of full body pictures to post but I do have just a few to share. The first two pics is from a wedding I was in this last June (5 months ago). The last three were taken just this week. I will do my best to find some full body pictures this week and get them posted. ONDERLAND HERE I COME!!!!!!
  3. NYC Girl

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Hi Sept 2011 bandsters! It's been a while since I posted, so I'm due. I had my first fill on Oct 19, and am due for my second on Dec 22. I don't "feel" much restriction, but I'm definitely eating less than before. Perhaps I'm expecting too much. Generally, I weigh myself on Monday morning -- the "week - a - versary" of my surgery on Sept 12th, and this week I was back to 188, where I was about three weeks ago, before a little up and down. I was prepared to report that I was frustrated when I met with the bariatric psychologist this afternoon. (as in, waaaa -- my weightloss has stalled!), so I weighed myself this morning. Surprise! I'm down to 185.2, a three lb loss from Monday. This puts me at a 40 lb loss from my high point, or 25 from surgery. That's just over two lbs a week in 12 weeks. So I am loosing! Again, perhaps I'm expecting too much! Made me realize that our "weight" as measured on a scale really varies from day to day, due in part to what we've eaten, if we've had a bm, our cycles, etc. I've always known this, but sometimes it's easy to forget when we see the scale go up and down, and we get discouraged.. This is the reason my psychologist says NOT to set weight goals, only behavioral goals since that is really the only thing you can really directly control. Behavior goals as in: walk 1 hour twice a week, or don't eat after the dinner meal, etc. If you say "my goal is to weigh 180 by New Year's and you eat salty food the night before, and you are 181, does that mean you are a failure? She says this just sets you up for failure. What I need to do is adjust my expectations! I'm eating less, walking more and loosing weight! As I've said a million times, and more than once in this forum, slow and steady wins the race! Have a great week, everyone and stay positive! Lisa in a rainy, but surprisingly warmish NYC.
  4. Renee, How close are you to TOM? Lots of ladies notice a couple of pound increase just before because we are retaining Water, then most see a loss immediately afterwards. That three week stall is a booger, isn't it!? I was so worried about mine, but just kept doing the water, doing the Protein, and then I had a big drop, 4 or 5 pounds, IIRC. I hit another one at the end of my 2nd month/beginning of the 3rd month, so I upped my walking and gained a pound. My regular doc told me that I wouldn't lose until I backed off the walking for a few days. I rolled my eyes when he told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but he's right. And, during that second stall, I lost inches in a hurry! That's when I dropped the second pants size, so always check your measurements when you stall on the scale. Also, always look for those NSV's (non scale victories). I've had tons of them lately and I make sure to keep my eyes open for them. Something as simple as being able to slide into a booth in a restaurant will thrill me, although I might not say anything to my dining companions. I was thrilled to be able to buy a belt...and then it was too big the first time I wore it! I had to adjust my car seat because I not longer need to sit way to one side so that the seat belt latch doesn't dig into my tush. Those are all somewhat silly, but they are the things that make me go YEAH! Good luck to you all!
  5. Ah, the infamous week three stall. Many of us have experienced it. I think it is really just your body adjusting to all the changes that are going on. I mean think about it, first we put it through the pre-op diet, then the post-op of liquids only, moving up to soft foods, etc. Our bodies are wondering what the heck we are doing and it needs time to adjust. Seriously, many, many of us have had a stall around the third week. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will be fine. Also, make sure you are checking your measurements. While the scale may not be moving, you may still be losing inches.
  6. women's one a day has Iron, you want to get about 18 mg/day (at least for men presume same for women). Forget cleanses, that will happen if you change diet. You want to reduce fat to make liver smaller so they can move it to get to stomach. At least use 2% milk or fat free, same with cottage cheese and there is even fat free cheese but at least change to low fat dairy. Wheat bread instead of white bread. More chicken, fish, turkey (white meats less in fat) keep some red for iron and other benefits. Vitamins - B12 is also important for anemia, do not get B complex very little if any B in them and you want B12 and B1. Cut down on juices and sugar in coffee in fact you should reduce caffeine so you can get used to it after surgery when you will initially be on herbal tea. You will be able to go back to coffee but surgeons usually want stomach to heal and best to reduce to lower risk of ulcers - smaller stomach you have to protect it. Find a Protein mix you like for shakes, you can use milk instead of Water and putting in half banana gives the vanilla some flavor and body. Protein important after surgery as rapid weight loss will cause you to lose protein and muscle mass as well as the fat. Exercise - do some resistance (weight) training to build muscle, you will need it. building muscle will help fill arms to reduce sagging skin. Biotin is supposed to be good for hair loss, usually comes in around month 3 postop. Beware of buying lots of clothes, just buy a little at at time as you will undergrow them quickly and have to keep replacing - may want to shop at goodwill and save money. I leveled off at month 4-5. Don't fret over stalls, they will happen and remember you will only lose 50% of excess over course of year. If you weigh 200 ideal for you height is 120, you can expect to lose 50% of 80 pound excess or 40 pounds. Walking good, took about 3 weeks to get back to gym and 3 weeks after that to get stamina/endurance back to last for an hour or so training. You mentioned yogurt - use either low fat or switch to greek which is higher in protein. Again, probiotic and cleanses probably not necessary but talk with doctor. After surgery for about 6 weeks you will need to avoid things with seeds, like strawberries and things that could lodge into open wound inside of stomach until it heals, after that period you are pretty much open to eat normally. I was on solids in week three, just chewed a lot. Learn to eat slowly over a longer period, yes your food will get cold but you are going to have to get used to that also.
  7. Per what everyone else is saying: You are too tight. If you can't eat solids by lunch and are throwing up more than once a week (we all take bigger bites sometimes) then you are too tight. Get half of your last fill taken out. Your teeth are changing because of the vomiting and lack of nutrition. You will need to see a dentist to get that addressed - if you can't go for a few months do four things: 1) sign up for Groupon wherever you are, they often have dentist deals 2) use sensodyne whitening toothpaste and brush three times a day and floss but never brush after throwing up for at least 30 minutes 3) after throwing up rinse with Water only, generally you won't get much stomach acid with the band, more food from the pouch 4) start taking Prilosec OTC (you can use the generic too) and take that until you get to see a dentist because it will reduce the amount of acid you are producing to reduce the negative impact on your teeth. The biggest thing is to go get a partial unfill. Fills are expensive. I've paid for mine since day 1 and they cost me between $280-560 each time. But being too full has much greater consequences (band slip, swollen stomach and esophagus, teeth issues, band erosion, etc.). Once you get the unfill go back to your post surgery diet. Two to four days of liquids, two to four days of mushies, two to four days of soft food, then start with the normal food. That will give your system time to settle down. You'll get through it, due to issues I've had I've stalled with weight loss as well. You may also want to fit in a blood test and get your ANA level checked specifically. If it's elevated you may have Lupus - which can cause weight gain, hair loss, changes in teeth, and more.
  8. I seem to be stepping it down--I stall for about a week--then start loosing and gaining--like loose three gain one, loose one, gain one--for about a week--then the step is lower--(by about 10 pounds than when the week started)--then it starts all over again--I don't know why, but it seems to be working for me!!
  9. I only told family and very close friends - so many people have a strong opinion on WLS and want to offer advice. A few people have guessed because I'm losing the weight, but I felt it was for my well being not to have people judge me, etc. I hope you guys have great success - I'm six weeks post-op and have lost about 38 pounds - I hit a stall for three weeks. Had surgery 10/13/11, but since July 2011 I've lost 60 pounds. I was able to eat a little Thanksgiving food yesterday but I preferred the fresh items over anything heavy :-) Good luck!
  10. Michell, Everyone here is right. That three week stall is a bugger!! Just keep doing what you know you have to do: work on getting in your Protein and your Water, walk as much as you can, do a little light weigts for your arms (to avoid the jiggle arms) and don't worry about it. I'm a classic control freak, but I've found that I have to let go of what I can't control here and let my sleeve do it's job. I'm on MFP as well (Lissa912 if you want to friend me) and, at two months and three weeks out, I've lost nearly 60 pounds. I've been floating between 295 and 299 for over a week, but I didn't let it frustrate me because my clothes were getting bigger and bigger. Have you read about NSV's yet? Those are Non scale Victories. Check out that thread in success stories and definitely keep your eyes open for them. It makes letting go of the scale obsession so much easier when you start seeing all the other positive things that happen besides dropping pounds! Good luck on your journey!!
  11. Some docs do a low carb diet as part of their program while others do not. Likewise, some patients choose to do a low carb diet in addition to their doc's program. It's up to you what diet you want to follow as long as it meets your doc's program requirements - some people find that the ketosis state that's induced by the ultra low carb diet helps to boost the weight loss, or rate of loss, that they are getting from their WLS while others don't find much if any difference, and some find it detrimental to their loss. I never bothered trying to keep low carb, other than minimizing the simple carbs/sugars, preferring the better nutrition offered by as balanced a diet as I could have within the volume restrictions and Protein requirements that we have and never suffered any significant stalls - I've only had one week that was not a losing week over the six months plus since surgery and am less than ten pounds from goal. Indeed, that past couple of months I have been shifting some calories strategically to complex carbs to better fuel my workouts which helps burn more calories. So, both lower carb and higher carb can work to enhance the loss performance of your sleeve - it's a matter of what works best for you. Stalls are a normal thing, particularly around the three week mark (give or take some depending upon whether or not one was on any significant pre-op diet) and are usually broken, if not by time, then by changing something - intake levels up or down (not a lot of options there when so early out), or composition of intake or similar changes on the exertion front (also fairly limited when early in the process) or just by sticking it out. Your body is adapting to its new environment and it takes longer in some than others, but with the caloric deficits that we are running, it can't last forever.
  12. I tracked for a little while without an actual goal for carbs and then I stopped tracking. I experienced the same thing. At about the 8 day mark, I stopped losing all together. I think it is referred to as the Week Three Stall. I went through it early and in week 4, I lost 9 lbs. It seems as though it takes the body this long to figure out that you are going to continue feeding it less than it's use to. Could you also be going through the week three stall? If so, just keep on doing what you're doing and it will be ok. You may see a big drop or it may just start going away again. I would wait and see if I were you. Shae
  13. I always bounce up around TOM - usually about three pounds or so. In fact, I have this weird pattern every month, no matter what I do (provided I'm not eating total crap and not logging my food!) where I lose a bunch of weight the first two weeks of the month, bounce up two or three pounds around TOM, stall out for about ten days, then I do a fast drop back down almost to where I was before TOM, just in time to start the cycle again the next month. I'm incredibly sensitive to hormones, even the ones my body just naturally produces each month. So calm down! I'm sure it will fall off shortly. Do log your food if you aren't, and include a sodium count if you don't already. If I bounce up a pound or so and it's not my TOM it's nearly always tied to sodium intake. Sometimes I'm amazed at how easy it is to have sky high amounts of sodium in your diet! Drink lots of Water, get through the week and enjoy the swift drop once your TOM is over. ~Cheri
  14. You are doing fine. Some folks gain weight from the IV in surgery. I gained 10 pounds during the first two days. It will come off. There is also a three week stall that is soooo disappointing... get ready for that too... and you do not feel real restriction until you get to dense protein at 4-6 weeks, so do not freak out. Just hang in there, the body is just trying to figure out what the heck you have done to it... You will start losing soon. Just make sure you drink your water, stay away from a lot of salt and walk walk walk. Good luck!
  15. Most patients experience a stall of little to no weight loss immediately following surgery. It's even nicknamed the three week stall since that is where it often hits. It sounds like it got you a little earlier. I have also noticed that those who have a lot of weightloss on the pre-op diet take a little longer to get the scale moving post-op. I would relax, follow your doctor's diet,drink plenty of liquids, measure your food and stay away from the scale for week. I know it's frustrating but the scale will start to move in good time. Amanda
  16. Shae


    I think that is AWESOME! I am only in week 4 and have had a few NSV's. I am in the "Week Three Stall" right now but that's ok. I am still learning. I can't wait to get where you are!! Congratulations on the victory over the turnstile!! Shae
  17. I am 16mths out and although I don't lose pounds on a regular basis... I am still losing, just very slowly. My body, at this stage, seems to drop 2-4lb over several weeks... then goes in to a long stall... then drops another 2-4lb over several weeks... you get the picture. This has been happening since around Feb! However, I think that this cycle is also related to my hormones as I am peri menopausal (my hot flushes are really bad atm, so I know I won't lose much at this point) and therefore, my body is a little all over the place. Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? I tried it at the beginning of the year, and although I didn't lose much weight... 2lbs I think... it really helped me focus on the 'amount' of food that I could take in and put me back in touch with portoin control. Basically you go back to a post op style diet... liquids - Soups, shakes etc for three days, then focus on Protein... might be worth a try? Oh, and congrats on losing 122lb... that is a fantastic achievement in 14mths... you didn't mention how much more you wanted to lose? Good luck and let me know what happened...=]
  18. Kelso84

    The first month

    This is my first blog, but you probably new that. Let's start off with a little about me. My name is Kelli, I'm 27 (as of tomorrow) and am from Indianapolis. I had my VSG on 10/11/2011, just over a month ago. So far, things have been good, at least the past few weeks. In my personal experience, the first few days after surgery were hell. The pain was a bit more than I had expected. Not from the incisions, just from the gas pressure from the laproscopy. I have had two previous abdominal surgeries, but they were "open" and extremely painful but this type of surgery was just as painful but in a different way. I expected this surgery to be breezy, and when you assume things it usually bites you in the ass lol. I also had a few complications post-op. I had trouble coming out of anesthesia, but that doesn't happen to everyone. The gas pressure is awful! I can't even describe how bad it was, I couldn't take deep breaths or move around very easily, and after a few days the gas settled in my shoulders and was unbearable. Nothing helped. Walking around and taking gas-x only helped with the intestinal gas, the CO2 they use to pump you up with surgery evaporates through your pores, and it just has to work its way out by itself. I went home the day after surgery, which was probably another mistake of mine. I was so anxious to go home, I was feeling better and keeping down fluids so I was discharged. The next day, I started having very sharp, cramping pain in my stomach, especially after drinking. I eventually had to go back to the ER because the pain was so bad and I was dehydrated. Apparently I was having muscle spasms in my stomach, which happens sometimes because of the trauma of surgery. I also experienced severe nausea. Once they got the spasms under control and filled me up with fluids (5lbs of water weight) for two days I got to go home. Since then, things have been significantly better. The second week after surgery, I was feeling much better. My only issue was having absolutely no energy. I would get so tired just from walking around for 20 minutes. I also started the pureed phase of my post-op diet that week. I haven't had any food intolerance so far, but when I drink home made protein shakes I have a slight lactose intolerance reaction. I haven't had issues with cheese or yogurt though. By the end of the second week, I had lost 20lbs! I was so happy. I haven't seen the scale move like that in..forever. I know that was mostly water weight, but a pound is a pound and that is 20 pounds gone forever!!! My pain was minimal that week. Weeks three and four were good. Energy slowly but surely starts to come back. I noticed my energy level was starting to get back to normal last week. My boyfriend and I went to Tennessee and did a lot of walking around and hiking. Surprisingly after we had been walking for 2 hours I still had plenty of energy to do other things. I also started soft solid foods this week. I also am pain free. I have been for over a week now. No more muscle soreness from surgery made it much easier to move around. I had an almost 2 week stall of weight loss, which apparently is normal during weeks 3 or 4. I got on the scale yesterday and I've gone down another 4lbs. This was my first stall, and it definitely sucked. I felt like I was doing everything right and not losing one pound. I felt discouraged and thought I went through all of this pain and suffering after surgery for nothing. I know its not for nothing and I know there are several others that have had VSG and have experienced the same stalls and the sucky emotions that come along with them. :smile1: So its been a month and I am mostly back to normal...or at least creating a "new" normal. I go back to work on Tuesday after being off for 5 weeks. I am thankful to have had all of that time off to heal, I needed it! Losing 24lbs in one month isn't too shabby either.
  19. Thomas CPA


    Stalls happen and gaining a pound here and there once in a while happens. I went up three pounds then started down again. I have lost a whopping 1 1/2 pound in the last three weeks. Sometimes upping the calories gets you out of starvation mode then drop the calories and you lose some weight. Hang in there, you will break the stall soon enough.
  20. I stalled at three weeks for five weeks but noticed the inches were melting away. One morning I woke up, jumped on the scale and was five pounds down. I lose inches and then I notice....VOILA there go the pounds. That has been the way it has been going for me so far.....
  21. mnbsleeve

    The Stall From Hell!

    Okay, I have to chime in! MEEE TOOOOOO!!!! My whole journey has been a big stall. I tend to get stuck for up to 4 weeks. But then there are these consecutive drops of one to three pounds. Overall I've been averaging about 10 lbs per month, like SleeveStalker above. I do notice that when I get my Proteins and liquids in I drop. For me usually that means getting a shake down because I'm one of those that still struggles with them. But without them I have trouble getting all my proteins in. So if I have more than 3 days where I am short on Protein, it's "get a shake down" time. I finally came to accept I am a little slower to loose BUT, inspite of the stalls, it's coming off AND way faster than before when I use to kill myself with excercise and food restriction only to loose 2 to 3 lbls in a month. So I'm just accepting these stinkin' stalls because overall I'm way ahead of the game. Hope we all get a drop in the scale soon!!!!! Even better, hope all our clothes fall right off our bodies :-)
  22. My loss has been an interesting. I am now used to it. I am at five months on Saturday. I have lost 69 lbs as of yesterday. When I hit my first stall I was frantic. So, I looked back at my band loss and I had stalls and I felt better . Now I am used to the stalls. I will lost five to ten lbs and stall for two to three weeks. During the stalls my body changes continually. So, don't worry with a stall. It is your body adjusting to the loss. I still don't eat much and have never been able to get all the protein down, either with the band or the sleeve. Hang in there I feel so good now, it took a while to, but it has been worth it all the way!!!!
  23. Becca

    First Stall!

    Stalls are normal. Don't stress about it. 32 pounds in three weeks is awesome! My weight loss would stall here and there, but at the end of each month, I have always walked away with a loss. If you are following the rules, you will continue to lose. You really are doing great.
  24. So I've read so much about the 3-4 week post-op stall, and foolishly I didn't think it would happen to me! Haha. I lost 32 pounds over the first three weeks and today was weighed at my doctor's and I've GAINED a pound. I was crushed. I know that it's normal especially since I began solid food a few days ago, and will resolve itself, but I guess I'd like to hear some experiences - how long was your stall and when did it/they occur? Did you do anything in particular to get out of it? Thanks!
  25. Well--tomorrow is two months since surgery--and WOW what a two months it has been!!! I was so scared to have this surgery--but it has been the best thing I have ever done!!! I am down 55 pounds and have went from a tight size 24 to a nice fitting 14/16. My knees feel wonderful!!! I walk 3 miles a day and have tons of energy!!! I had a stall that lasted for three weeks, but the scale started moving again, so I am happy!! I'm no sure what broke the stall, but I am happy it started moving again. I am learning to deal with jealous people (slowly) and learning to be comfortable in my own skin (taking longer). I can eat anything (except sweets)--which I didn't need anyway--My restriction is about three bites--(thanking God everyday for that kind of restriction) I can't drink Protein Drinks (the smell makes me gag)--but I am getting as much as I can from food. I can drink tea and Water all day long-(most days) I have gave most of my old clothes away ad been gifted a bunch of new ones yippee Now, on to onederland and single digit clothes!!!!!

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