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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShooterInTheSix

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Surgery was 4 weeks ago yesterday. Between the start of my two week liquid diet and this morning, I'm down 40lbs which is kind of wild to say out loud.
  2. I called again this morning and the person who answered let slip that the entire weight management center at the hospital is closing. So, I am not the only person impacted by far. He said that a manager is supposed to call everyone to explain, but still nothing has happened. Maybe tomorrow? As for what happens next, I'm not sure. The hospital was recently acquired by another big Boston hospital, which has a bariatric department of its own. I assume they are trying to integrate all of the departments across the system to eliminate redundancies, but their communication so far has been appalling. Why they wouldn't have planned for this by shutting down the pipeline of patients months ago so that all surgeries were completed before the closure is a mystery. I attended my full day immersion class in August and completed all my requirements on October 6. At that point, they were booking 10+ weeks out and there was no indication anything was changing. This isn't an independent bariatric practice where I could see there being management or money issues, but a center that is part of a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital. I find it shocking to say the least. I've spent most of the day wishing whichever faceless bureaucratic suit responsible for this trips and falls into a fiery pit. Clearly emotional intelligence was not a job requirement.
  3. Char V

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi Everyone. this is my 2nd rodeo. I had a repair Nov 2nd and have had to start from scratch again. a little about my story. I am from Australia and suffered GERD quite bad and I had been vomiting non stop for a week(wasn’t gastro) they rushed me into surgery on the 31st August 2022. My hiatus hernia had slipped around my stomach strangling it and the opening and my fundoplacation had collapsed. So after they repaired it they had to cut away most of my stomach. I was happy with that as I was 105kgs. over the weeks after surgery I was stuck on liquids for 2 months. As everytime we stepped up I was vomiting. Then purée for two months. As we tried soft diets I was stuck between liquids and purées a lot of soft diet foods didn’t agree. This was not the quality of life I wanted. My health and mental health deteriorated.(I already had PTSD from a work accident 8 yrs ago) I was either vomiting or starving myself cause I didn’t want to vomit. The dr brushed things off did tests after tests. This carried on for 14 months. I was then referred to the head surgeon in my state. He did some other testing urgently and upon the results I was back in hospital having surgery two days later. The surgeon had to repair the hiatus hernia again as it had collapsed crushing my fundoplacation. And he had to remove more stomach. I was discharged after 3 days and am back home on smoothies and soups until I see him again in a week. I can have no more than half a cup of liquids every 30-60minutes. And only thrown up once(yesterday). Everything seems so different from last time round. So much better. I’m comparing journals. I am now 12 days post op. I have been for half hour walks every 2nd day and today I tried a little more and may have over done the walking. Had to get hubby to come pick me up. I was .5km from home but couldn’t walk another step. But I have felt so good. people if you think something isn’t right fight for the quality of life you want. The last year for me was hell and I wish I spoke up sooner. On a plus note I have some, more like over 100 great smoothie recipes. I tried a lot of combinations. And I just about tried every meal I cooked the family into a purée. 😂 good luck to those having surgery today/tomorrow
  4. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    Checking in. Just short of my 6 month mark (11/15/2023). Down 99 pounds (SOOO CLOSE) at 225. I have a stretch goal of 35 more pounds (190) which my wife hates. She is pretty happy where I am now and worries that I will look "anemic" if I lose that much more, but I was at 192 when we first met 20 years ago, so that has been my blue sky target (although I would be ecstatic with anything below 200 and happy under 210). Been working out 5-6 days a week, but my diet has been middling honestly. I have been eating too many carbs in the afternoon. I think they are better carbs than they used to be (Nut Thins mainly), but they are still far from ideal. I need to be eating more fruits and veggies for sure. I am also pretty much back to my normal alcohol consumption (which isn't much, 2-4 drinks a week, and consists mainly of red wine). Weight loss has slowed down considerably, but is still pretty consistent. Because I am a numbers nerd, I have been tracking a bunch of stuff since I started and here are my month by month losses 5/4/2023 6/1/2023 35.9 6/1/2023 7/1/2023 19.9 7/1/2023 8/1/2023 16.0 8/1/2023 9/1/2023 10.7 9/1/2023 10/1/2023 6.3 10/1/2023 11/1/2023 9.6 11/1/2023 11/6/2023 0.3 I have my 6mo follow up with the nutritionist next Wednesday where hopefully she will tell me that I am not losing too much muscle (something she cautioned me about on my 3mo visit). I'll post some before/after pictures sometime in the next week as well. And finally, welcome to the thread Meana, great results so far!
  5. Hello, everyone. I'm a VSG baby, meaning i just recently had my surgery on the 10th. Almost a week now? I'm currently on phase 2 of my post- op. I've been trying to rest as much as I can. I've just been a bit ancy, which it strange, because I'm a writer and have every opportunity to do that or binge watch television, lol. Yet, I want to move around and I get the urge to clean and move around more and faster that I should, that on top of my daughter and step-daughter running around, my grandbaby coming over and having an energetic chihuahua feeling the need to have me chase him around the house because he wants to play. My SO has been getting aggravated because I've been a little stubborn, and I can't blame him honestly. I am stubborn, lol. But I think my stubbornness might have bit me a little this time, I've never had major surgery like this before so it is very new to me. I feel like I might have over done it. As of right now, the only pain I feel usually is on my left side. Some times she I try to turn that way or stretch a little, It hurts like someone is trying to stretch my skin, also it stings a little a burning cramp sensation. It's usually subtle unless I move around too much. This morning, my daughter threw up and her dad had already gone to work, so I worked on cleaning it up, mopping a little, running up and down the stairs, threw some towels in the washer and got her situated. After I was done, my left side started hurting again, except it hurt a little to walk and it was tender when I touched it. I took a few deep breaths and walked over to the couch to sit down and took some Tylenol. It feels better a little better now. It's strange, because that pain feels very familiar when I was pregnant with my daughter and she was pushing against my fibroids that had grown in size because of the hormones. Except that pain was so excruciating I could barely walk. I didn't know if i was going into labor or not. So, after that loooooong intro. I'd like some advice. Is this something I should worry about and talk to my doctor about. Or should I just make myself take it easy and not over do it so much? Thankyou so much;.
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Thank you for responding! My bowel movements are daily so that isn't the issue. I've read stalls are common, but I wasn't expecting one only 3 weeks post op! May I ask, you said you checked with your doctor when you had a stall? Then you had a revision? I had a RNY, what more could they revise at that point? I'm sticking with the program..don't really have a choice even if I didn't want too...major surgery done..no going back. 😋 I know its fairly common to experience these stalls, but, it doesn't make it easier its still frustrating!
  7. I’m 12 hours out from surgery. Or at least from having to be at the hospital. Having some protein broth. It’s actually pretty good it’s chicken soup flavored protein powder that you had to hot water. My doctor ok’d it for the pre surgery diet. Luckily my program only requires 2 days of liquid diet before surgery. They used to require the two weeks but claim studies have shown 2 days is enough. Still nervous as I said in my last post because I am high risk because I have kidney failure and heart failure but everyone cleared me for surgery. They do think I will have issues with infection and leaking because I am on chronic steroids. My highest weight was 509 pounds and my weight today is 399 pounds. I am 6 feet tall and my goal weight it ideally 180 but I will be happy at 200
  8. Hey all, I have a bit of a dilemma. According to the FitBit watch I wear everyday, I burn on average around 3000 calories a day. I eat no more than 1,300 calories however, and drink my 2 litres of water but I'm unable to lose any more weight? I've been at this plateau for about 3 months now (which is annoying because I'm a stone away from my goal weight), either staying at exactly the same weight or adding 2/3 pounds a week and it's so frustrating. I can't find any info on why this may be the case, so I thought I would ask you guys to see if you could shed any light? If I'm burning more than I'm eating, surely I could be losing weight instead of gaining? I know muscle weighs more than fat and that it could just be me gaining the muscle I've been trying to build from strength training, but it's incredibly disheartening. The only time I seem to lose weight now is if I go on a 3-5 day liquid diet, but I shouldn't have to rely on doing that every week to lose weight, surely? More info below for context: - 8 months post op - A stone away from my goal weight - I consume as much protein as I physically can a day (between 40-70g a day) vitamins and water - I work out 4 to 5 days a week, mostly strength training with a bit of cardio - I'll probably have carbs 2/3 times a week. Sweet potatoes mostly. Perhaps a sandwich if I'm out.
  9. Lily2024 first, congrats on making a positive life changing decision. My advice to you is if you go into your RNY with the strongest foundation possible then that is the best case as you have weeks of lower calories and activity. That said, there can be arguments made to which is better: weights vs cardio? I think a balanced approach between the 2 is always prudent. At the end of the day, the best workout plan is the one you stick to! So most importantly stick with what you enjoy so you are motivated to stay committed to the plan and pick back up when your recovery plan allows. Hope that makes sense. Generally I work out 5-6 days a week which involves mix of weights and cardio. Training for the Ironman, I spent most time focusing on the 3 disciplines: swim, bike and run. In hindsight, I wish I would have made strength training more of.a priority in that process to help with foundational strength and recovery. But I chalk that up to lessons learned! Learn2cook: thank you and yes I have plenty of pictures of my progress. Journaling is an area of which I need to improve but I have started jotting down some notes.  As for other goals, yes! My current goal is to get back to normal or whatever my new normal is. It’s funny how life hands you tests along the way. On 10./29, I suffered from an Ischemic stroke where clots hit 2 parts of my brain. Turns out I have a hole in my heart that’s a birth defect. I have my issues but it could’ve been much worse. A blessing was going into the stroke being in such good health. Had I still been obese, I may not be here today. So now I need to channel my Ironman attitude into putting in the work towards my recovery. So my fitness journey isn’t over but surely has taken a Detour. But attitude and effort are the only things I can control so I will do what it takes. Good luck in your journey!
  10. learn2cook

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    Birth control pills and eventually menopause took care of the PCOS for me. I went into vitamin and weightlifting mode in my 30’s to also manage symptoms and preserve child bearing abilities, and that was somewhat successful for me (I did have one child, yeah!) Others definitely have more serious issues and other solutions so there is only encouragement for you to live your best life. I was very undecided about sleeve or bypass but further testing in me confirmed severe GERD. Bypass was the only solution my insurance would cover. In a perfect world I would have chosen DS or mini bypass as a more reliable alternative for more permanent weight loss. I still keep an eye on how my clothes feel, and how my skin looks. I do not lift weights with the vigilance I used to, just a couple days a week to beat age related decomp. I still track vitamins because it’s easy to forget iron or the B’s, or proteins, then my hair falls out (not again!). I think of the changes and tracking I would have to do as a full blown diabetic verses now, and I chose the surgery and health every day. I am so grateful for bypass every, single, day! 2+ years now
  11. Hey all. So, probably for the past week now I've been feeling down on myself. I saw my weight go up a little and then came back down a little. I know that's normal It's making me think I gained 50 pounds when it's only like 2 to 3 pounds. I'm scared of gaining weight back, but im still making bad choices and it's making me hate myself for it. I'm not hitting my water and protein goals and I haven't since surgery.. it's hard for me for some reason.. I don't like water enhancers. They're either too sweet or just gross. My bad choices are (please don't be rude or negative, we are supposed to help each other, not make each other worse) I snack on chips, crackers, chex mix type of stuff, popcorn, some chocolate (not always, not every day and yeah most of the time it doesn't make me sick). I can drink soda with no problems and I HATE MYSELF FOR EVEN ALLOWING MYSELF TO DRINK IT. I can, most of the time, drink regular iced tea. Almost everyday I don't eat breakfast. And even if I do I find myself snacking later. Why? Is it because of the lack of protein and water? When I eat my meals, I can eat more than 4 ounces. Usually I don't eat everything on my platw/bowl, rare times I'm able to. I think some of the times I feel like im forcing myself to eat it. I drink with my dinner meal and my night time snack. Sometimes my lunch/breakfast. I know what I got to do before it gets out of hand more than it already is. I'm failing myself and before I know it, I'll be a bypass failure if I keep it up like this. I need to weigh my food out. I need to stop drinking soda. I need to stop drinking at my meals. I need to chew better. Stay away from the foods that got me this way in the first place. I need to focus of the protein and water goals. I feel like the foods I need, I don't reach for and I just grab whatever is easy. Any body meal prep? Why is it so hard to figure out what you want to prep? I feel like it would help. God I feel bad about myself.
  12. kcuster83

    10 week post sleeve weight gain?

    I am sure they had you on IV fluids, it is water weight. It will pass, don't worry. Weigh yourself less, that helps. Commit to a weighing schedule and try to stick with it. Once a week? Once a month? Even, every day if you need to but if the fluctuation bothers you; I suggest weekly. I weigh myself every Monday, because that was the day I had surgery and the last time I was weighed before surgery. Now that I am basically at my (first) goal I weigh myself more because I am excited to get there. haha Best of luck! I hope you are feeling better Sepsis is no joke!!
  13. kcuster83

    10 week post sleeve weight gain?

    I am sure they had you on IV fluids, it is water weight. It will pass, don't worry. Weigh yourself less, that helps. Commit to a weighing schedule and try to stick with it. Once a week? Once a month? Even, every day if you need to but if the fluctuation bothers you; I suggest weekly. I weigh myself every Monday, because that was the day I had surgery and the last time I was weighed before surgery. Now that I am basically at my (first) goal I weigh myself more because I am excited to get there. haha Best of luck! I hope you are feeling better Sepsis is no joke!!
  14. Way2Cynical

    November 2023 buddies

    Surgery day is 3 sleeps away. I'm so ready for this-- but still a bundle of nerves. I've lost 25 lbs over the past month, with 2 weeks liquid diet and before that; a calorie & carb restrictive program. I'll 2 do days days clear liquids before the procedure to continue to try and get my HUGE fatty liver down a few sizes to make my doctor's job easier and my time on the table & recovery not as hard. I'm doing this for my health. My wife took a lot of convincing that surgery was the right path for me; but she's finally onboard. Congrats to all my Nov. 23 surgery buddies. See you recovering, happy and well on the other side!
  15. Have you recently weighed in a little higher, like at your doctor's office for a physical? That may be good enough. When I was still in the nonsurgical program at my hospital, I weighed in at a BMI of just over 40. At that point, my doctor suggested I look into surgery. I was pretty shaken by hitting that number and I immediately made some changes, so 2 weeks later when I came back for my first appointment on the surgical side, I was around 39.8. They said it was fine, that they go by the highest weight for qualifying. And yes, I wore my heaviest shoes that time, just in case! I know that usually they will deduct a couple pounds for clothing, but they didn't for that highest weight, I think just to be safe. I do have a comorbidity, though, so I would qualify anyway. You might try a few days of salty foods before your next appointment, too.
  16. I did not skip the liquid phase, but my program does skip purees. They emphasize adequate protein and nutrient dense, natural foods. Here is what I ate, according to the directions my doctor and dietician gave me (for comparison, not giving you medical advice, obviously!): Hospital, 1 day post op (gastric bypass): Water, Jello, Chicken broth, sugar free popsicle. These all went well and I was able to finish them at a slow pace. Home, 2-6 days post op: Protein shakes, bone broth, sugar free yogurt, applesauce, plain kefir, Fairlife skim milk in decaf tea, herbal teas. Nothing that required chewing during this stage. Spoke with nurse via phone call, who confirmed I was meeting my 60g protein and 64 oz water goals consistently. She told me to start taking my vitamins and to incorporate soft proteins as I was able and to continue to consume 60g protein from shakes in addition to food. Days 7-13, here is what I added: Tuna salad with low-fat mayo, poached eggs, deviled eggs, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, refried beans with melted cheddar, baked haddock, feta cheese, ground turkey with taco seasoning, cottage cheese, pickled herring. 2-3 shakes per day to hit 60g protein total (in addition to what I got from food). Met with surgeon in office on day 13. Based on having no issues with water, protein, or any of the foods I had tried so far, and healing nicely, I was told to start incorporating non-protein foods in the following order: non-starchy veg, fruit, starches/grains. I was told I could use protein shakes as needed if the food I consumed did not equal at least 60g protein but could skip the shakes if I hit 60g. Raw veg is fine. I need to wait until 3 months post op to add beef, lamb, and pork. Starting Day 14, these are the new foods I have tried: spinach, strawberries, edamame, turkey sausage, ricotta, chicken salad, steamed broccoli, kalamata olives, smoked salmon, black beans, cucumbers, matchstick carrots, tomatoes, grapes, sliced almonds. Today is day 18 post-op, and this is my menu today: Breakfast: A smoothie made from 1oz power greens, 1 cup frozen berry blend, 8 oz Fairlife skim milk, 2 scoops Syntrax Nectar unflavored protein, 1 Tbsp hemp seeds, 4 small pieces frozen avocado. 16oz total, 36.5g protein Lunch: 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese, 4 no sugar added peach slices, 1/2 mini cucumber, 4 grape tomatoes, 1/2 tsp balsamic vinegar. 14g protein. Ended up eating half at noon and half a few hours later because I filled up very fast. Dinner: 3 oz baked salmon with pesto, 3 pieces steamed broccoli. 18g protein. I also will have had 64oz water, 28 oz decaf tea, and 4 oz skim milk by the end of the day. I have not added in any grains at this point because I can just manage to finish a serving of protein and a few bites of veg or fruit right now. Once I get 20-25g protein at lunch and dinner instead of 15g as I'm averaging now, I'll add sweet potatoes, but I'll hold off on white potatoes and breads. I really hope this helps! I would be very mindful of getting in enough protein and fluids in this first week, with an emphasis on fluids first. But as you can see, in another few days, it's very possible to be able to tolerate a variety of protein rich soft foods.
  17. Cary38

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Amazing I started work today wfh as well. My surgery was 5 weeks ago on the 18th. I’m just adjusting to solid it’s so hard for me I think I’m over eating although it’s just few bites I get pain and I need to stop eating.
  18. SacB

    8 days post op

    I have the same thing, and I'm 5.5 weeks post-op. I've never yet felt that "Stop! You're full now!" warning. And like you, it does worry me. I hadn't heard about the nerves being cut and that's why I'm not receiving the signals. Very interesting. And it makes sense. I just wish they'd hurry up and heal because I really don't want to stretch my stomach.
  19. The hospital administration continues to prove they have handled this in the worst possible way. I went to see my endocrinologist at the weight management center on Monday. She was fighting back tears as she explained the way news of the closure was handed down, along with a timeline to wrap up the practice by early February that frankly puts profits before patient well-being at every turn. I have left 2 messages and filled out a contact form with the new center but have yet to hear back from anyone. There has been no official letter from the hospital to explain their decision to disrupt my treatment only 3 weeks before surgery, no apology for having to learn of this through an automated cancelation notice, no indication they care at all about what this is doing to any of us who have been caught in this mess. Still not sleeping well, experiencing high anxiety, and very worried about how I will have to rearrange my work schedule to accommodate a new surgery date, but of course having no clue when that will happen makes planning impossible. On the bright side, I have confirmed my new insurance coverage that starts Jan 2, 2024 does cover bariatric surgery and the out of pocket for me will be comparable to my current plan, so I'm no longer worrying about that, at least. For now, all I can do is focus on healthy eating and exercise. My doctor offered to restart me on weight loss medication in the meantime, but I just think it's one more thing to have to juggle and I'd rather not complicate my life more than needed.
  20. ukkodiak

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello everyone. I just discovered this forum a couple of days ago and wanted to chime in. I had my RNY on Oct 9th and am now just over 2 weeks post op and down about 23 pounds already. That liquid diet was rough. I thought i'd share something that helped me get through it. I discovered Fairlife Elite protein shakes. They taste delicious and don't have that chalky taste that Ensure and others have. Best thing about it, they are packed with a whopping 42g of protein per 14oz bottle! It has really helped me hit my protein goals these past weeks. It does have 8g of sugar in it, but I haven't had any problems with dumping syndrome after drinking them. Just thought i'd pass that along. Glad to meet you all.
  21. Milli Deb

    Bypass gone bad

    My maximum weight was 303 lbs. I am currently 133lbs. I got my gastric by pass on May 7th 2019 in Pennsylvania. Since then I have had so many issues and I do not know where to turn to anymore. I feel the dr and I have gone through every option there is to go through and it is still not enough. Immediately after surgery I was having issues with eating. I followed all the rules took all the vitamins and meds I was supposed to. Still could not keep food down. I ended up having to take my gallbladder out in Oct of 2019. I was with a horrible person and she left me because of my issues with my stomach. I moved back to my home town of Peoria Il. I had to go on a search to find a new Dr. that would take me as a patient. I found this to be a rather horrible task as some Drs do not like to do that because they don't know all that the previous Dr did with the surgery. I finally found one and he is a great Dr. He has kept me alive. After the gallbladder surg. I was still having issues with keeping food down. This started in February 2020. The only thing i could tolerate was broth. At this point I had to take all my meds in a liquid form. Finally The dr. sent me to a gastrologist for an endoscopy. It was shown that I had some scar tissue covering the entrance to my stomach so they did a dilation. There was also an ulcer found. I was put on 2 diff acid reducing meds to get rid of it along with nausea meds. To prevent a tear they had to do this several times. I had dropped down to 118lbs. very malnourished. My health was becoming a huge concern. One of the times that they went in to dilate the Dr ended up putting a hole in my intestine. I had to have an emergency surgery for repair. I spent 2 weeks in the hosp. When I woke up in recovery i had a wound vac, drains and a feeding tube. i went home with the feeding tube. This is now Sept 2020. My new Gastric bypass dr was trying to get me healthy enough to do a revision to help me tolerate food. I had a revision scheduled for Dec. 2020. Since this was during covid I had to be tested before surgery. Yes I tested positive. The surgery was postponed until Feb. Finally i had my surgery and was hoping that this was going to be the last and all would be good. The feeding tube was removed and I had to start over from scratch with eating. Clear liquid on up. At this point I am weak and thinking the worst that it is all over for me. I kept up the fight and it kept kicking me back. I was able to eat a little better for a few months after surgery. Then it all started over again. Every time I tried to eat i threw up. I called the dr. He said probably more scar tissue and that meant more dilation like before. So that was the plan more endoscopies. There was also another ulcer found. Upped the intake of the acid reducers and still not going away. I just kept dealing with this and eating what I could. I put up with this for a long time. Then in Oct. of 2022 it got really bad again. I was in and out of the ER for pain so many times I lost track. The dr. went in to check things out and the ulcer was back. There was no Rhyme or reason for this to keep coming back. I was referred to a Thoracic Surgeon in 2023. I finally was able to get in to see him. He scheduled me for a surgery to have my vagus nerve removed. (vagus nerves produce the acid in our stomach and mine was producing to much there fore causing the ulcer to never heal. When i came home I was still not able to eat food it made me sick. I wasn't in anymore pain but still could not tolerate food except for soft foods. Then it would be next to nothing. Somedays i could eat a bit more than others. I was released to go back to work on 4*12*24. I have been to the er once again for pain and not keeping food down. I was given a gi cocktail and felt better. I called the Dr and was told when it hurts drink Mylanta. I am now to the present day and have no answers. Please tell me there is solution for this. I cannot do this forever. I don't wish this on anyone but I hope someone else has been through this and can help.
  22. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Dates are getting close guys, I'm so excited for you!! I'm almost 2 weeks post surgery, mine was on Nov. 1st. I'm still on liquids and still getting the weird tummy spasms but I can now get some protein drinks in so that's progress!! Still hitting my fluid goals daily. I cannot stress this enough, try everything you can to hit your fluid goals post surgery and remember ALL fluid counts towards it, even protein shakes, broths, soups, etc... Being hydrated really helps things. Vary your fluids, use flavoring powders and decaf tea and decaf coffee, it helps you feel like you aren't just chugging along on one thing. I'm less sore this week abdominally so that's nice, less episodes of nausea so that's good too. Yesterday I was able to lay on my side for a bit with a pillow supporting my tummy. It felt sooo good, I'm so tired of laying on my back! I will tell you though one thing that has helped a lot is that our bed is on a platform that elevates the feet or head, so we've had the head elevated since my surgery. Sleeping on an incline has helped a lot with the pain and I seem to rest better with my head raised some. You can mimic this with pillows! Oh, and while you are in the hospital, if they don't do it automatically, ask for a script for a proton pump inhibitor. It will help with the over acidity that new tummies seem to deal with and you won't get reflux when you lay down at night. You can wean off after a few months once everything settles down, but I've noticed consistently that those who don't get prescribed these after surgery tend to have more indigestion and reflux post surgery as they are recovering, so something to think about.
  23. Courtnay

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I have spoken about it with him while I was recovering in my hospital bed but he wants to see how I do with the sleeve first. He said we can discuss gastric bypass long down the road if I still want it done. Not sure why I was on optifast for 5 weeks prior since my anesthesiologist told me they didn't really care to have me on it that long anyways. I slipped a few times to which I told them and they seemed rather unbothered by it. So I'm not really sure how my liver had not shrunk enough in all that time. I was 365 going into surgery. Yes heavy, but no health issues thankfully. They knew gastric bypass was all I wanted and not the sleeve due to my gerd. It is what it is, just I now can't have this reversed. My emotions are all over the place which I hear is normal, but I'm feeling really miserable and regretful. I hope this changes for me because I feel like my entire life is now ruined permanently. But I also know that I couldn't keep digging my grave with a fork and spoon either. Hopefully my mind will change as this new lifestyle becomes more second-hand nature. Not sure at this point if I'll go through another surgery at this point unless absolutely needed. The whole experience was traumatic in my opinion. The nurse was mean to me. I was in so much pain and I felt the nurse I was left with was very cold. She kept getting mad at me for asking for help to go to the bathroom. I kept apologizing for bothering her when she rushes in with an ultrasound to look at my bladder. She then says it was not possible I needed to go as my bladder only held so much liquid and she told me not to ask for help again unless my bladder was fuller. Not to mention when she took blood from me she used the same needle twice and dropped it all on the ground. I was so loopy but I saw it happen and was mortified after she left. Thankfully another nicer nurse took her place to help me after. Not saying this would happen again and all the other people were great and so kind to me, but she really made the whole scary and painful experience so much worse. Sorry venting a little.
  24. I usually eat whatever I feel like. Today I had coffee with half cup of 1% milk and collagen powder (breakfast). For lunch, I had a 120g slice of bacon, egg, onion quiche (homemade). For snacks, my go-tos are crispy grapes and strawberries. I eat all types of fruit, and often changes depending how I feel. Like yesterday, I had some of a fresh cacao fruit. Other days, I love frozen durian. Not sure what I'll have for dinner, thinking of two black bean tacos (I like the black bean fiesta) but I may make some oxtail soup with veggies. It's good for prepping several little bowls for later meals. Before maintenance, during stalls, I would cut back my calorie intake on my weekly average till it breaks. To help, I use a lot of konjac noodles because they are basically calorie and carbohydrate free. In maintenance, if I gain a couple pounds, I do the same to get to my accepted weight range. I have no secrets, it's boring, I watch my calories. I have to unfortunately. My exercise is to live an active lifestyle by constantly moving wherever I am, but I don't ever do a formal exercise plan because I can't exercise my way out when I eat too much lol (As the saying goes) and it makes me more hungry anyway. I move for health, not to lose weight.
  25. ChunkCat

    The value of a Recliner

    My bed is on one of those platforms where you can raise the head or the feet---the head has been raised since I had surgery. It has helped me sleep much more comfortably on my back after surgery (I'm a week and a half post op). A pillow wedge would simulate that just fine without the added expense, I used one for years, which is why when we replaced our bed we got the adjustable platform. I'm going to say a 5. I have a recliner and it has helped some, but pillow behind me on the couch is just as good. I wouldn't think it is necessary for this surgery unless you start to have reflux issues, in which case you should talk to your doctor about meds and get a wedge pillow, they *really* help with reflux.

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