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  1. BLERDgirl

    Psych Evaluation.

    WOW! They asked about sexual abuse and alcoholism for yours? Mine was much more laid back. None of those questions were asked.
  2. This is not a study, only a recommendation by the ASMBS for certain surgery types and the introduction of certain foods during the post op diet phases. It is only an excerpt of a very lengthy article. I am not going to argue this point, everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them based upon their surgeon's and nutritionist's recommendations. There are polar opposite opinions by the medical professionals on carbonation stretching your stomach, so it is not something that they seem to agree upon. I guess err on the side of caution if you want to feel safe. This document is intended to provide an overview of the elements that are important to the nutritional care of the bariatric patient. It is not intended to serve as training, a statement of standardization, or scientific consensus. It should be viewed as an educational tool to increase awareness among medical professionals of the potential risk of nutritional deficiencies common to bariatric surgery patients. The goal of this document is to provide suggestions for conducting a nutrition assessment, education, supplementation, and follow-up care. These suggestions are not mandates and should be treated with common sense. When needed, exceptions should be made according to individual variations and the evaluation findings. It is intended to present a reasonable approach to patient nutrition care and at the same time allow for flexibility among individual practice-based protocols, procedures, and policies....... .....Similar to AGB and RYGB, programs offering DS/BPD procedures reported that the clear liquid diet phase is employed for one to two days after surgery. The full liquid phase was most commonly noted to last >10 to 14 days, while the pureed phase was reported to be >14 days. Most programs report that a ground texture phase is not utilized. The soft diet phase was reported to last >14 days. Finally, those programs offering DS/BPD most often reported advancing patients to a regular diet five to eight weeks after surgery. **Foods commonly restricted ** The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery members reported in the survey that patients were instructed to avoid or delay the introduction of several foods as noted in [Table 9](#tbl9). Research to support these clinical practices is limited, especially with regard to caffeine and carbonation. Practitioners might theorize that certain foods and beverages will cause gastric irritation, outlet obstruction, intolerance, delayed wound healing, or alter the weight loss course; however, much of the information is anecdotal and lacks empirical evidence. In addition, although practitioners recommend that patients avoid or delay the introduction of these foods, little information is known as to whether patients actually comply with these recommendations and whether those who do not comply have altered outcomes or clinical histories. One retrospective survey suggested that many patients are noncompliant with diet and exercise recommendations [[174]](#bib174). food type Recommendation Sugar, sugar-containing foods, concentrated sweets Avoid Carbonated beverages Avoid/delay fruit juice Avoid High-saturated fat, fried foods Avoid Soft “doughy” bread, Pasta, rice Avoid/delay Tough, dry, red meat Avoid/delay Nuts, popcorn, other fibrous foods Delay Caffeine Avoid/delay in moderation Alcohol Avoid/delay in moderation The article: https://asmbs.org/resources/integrated-health-nutritional-guidelines
  3. I am saddened by the tone this thread has taken. How many of us have heard "Why didn't you just eat less?" I don't think there is one person here who has ever weighed 600 lbs. It takes a very severe food addiction to reach that point. IMO, Penny needed support she did not receive. Perhaps a longer hospital stay so her food choices could have been more restricted. For sure, more counseling. I understand people who contributed financially are disappointed, but there are no guarantees in life. Of course, we've all seen that ability to make choices and the lack of intervention to stop them due to legal and financial restraints. I have friends and family members who abuse food, alcohol, and other drugs and I can't stop them. It hurts, but I have learned that heaping guilt and scorn on them does not help them or me. I haven't seen the show, but I do know that most reality shows are scripted and any story can be twisted a bit based on the bias in which it is shot and edited. Not that there is any denying that she made bad food choices, was enabled by those around her, and didn't want to face the face that she has responsibility too. This is just my opinion, but before you comment, please remember the hurtful things others have said to you. How many people are secretly wondering why you didn't get thin sooner for your childen's sake? How many are wondering why you just didn't get it under control with diet and exercise? Lynda
  4. Some will some won't it depends entirely on your insurance and surgeon. My surgeon is known for putting people "back on the bench" for 6 months if they gain or test positive for tobacco or alcohol day of surgery. They understand that we have a difficult time losing weight, they love to see te scale trending down no matter if it's .2lbs or 50lbs, or they at least want to see us maintaining (staying the same). They consider us not ready if we gain. That's my particular program though, all are different. I'm guessing if they say it, they mean it.
  5. These are my personal observations about my own weight issues. I have spent years struggling with real and imagined issues with food. I decided to have the lap band surgery after about 4 months of deep and meditative introspection about what my true 'issue' with food was. I had tried everything as many of you have. But when I took a good look at why diets, exercise & food control issues failed for me I realized a lot. One thing that became clear was that I was using food to 'medicate' myself. Every issue, large or small good or bad was medicated with food. I used food in place of dealing with my true issues. Tired, bored, happy or sad I solved the problem with food. It was no wonder I was never full. It was no wonder I was always reaching for something to eat. I would attempt to make healthy choices, I would exercise and I still did not lose weight for all the biological reasons doctors explain about metabolism. But the bottom line was that food was always front and center in my mind. I hated the grocery store like most people hate going to the dentist. I realized at one point that food, for me, was in actuality, an addiction (I speak for myself only, of course). And I realized that this was the worst kind of addiction ever. People can give up alcohol completely and live, they can give up cigarettes & drugs and still live. They can completely remove themselves from temptation of those substances (in extreme cases of course) and function. But food addicts can't. No one ever says, "Oh, I'll just have a little heroin today." But food addicts do. We attempt to restrict the thing that helps get us emotionally and physically through the day. The bad news is that we can never truly escape our addiction to food, after all, we need food to live. The only thing we can do is make vital attempts to undertand our relationship with food, make changes where necessary, & most of all understand ourselves and WHY food is so gosh darn important to us. If we could simply view food as fuel we wouldn't overeat, right? After all, there's no sense in overfilling your fuel tank in your car, is there. But that's not so easily done. Food has a powerful influence in our lives. We Celebrate with it, we suffer through mourning with it, we simply need it to survive. So I had to ask myself, "What the heck are you trying to avoid by numbing yourself with food?" It took a ot of time and listening to things my inner self didn't want to listen to but in the end the answer to that question was...."Everything!" What I lacked in my relationship was covered by my relationship with food. What was lacking physically after a workout was covered by the physical apsects of food. What was lacking in the department of self-love was covered by food. For me food was a cure all. I didn't have to search for answers anywhere else, I didn't have to look for solutions to deep and heavy issues in relationships because food cured those for me. Food, for me, simply made those things go away. Unfortunately the side effects were a catch 22. The food made me feel better in the moment but then almost as soon as I'd eat it I'd start to realize that I did not do myself any favors and of course would feel intrinsically bad and would search for more food to cure the problem...creating a catch 22. For me the answer came one day when i took a good hard look at myself. I realized that I really did love myself but what I was doing with food was inherently NOT loving to myself. I knew then and there that the best way to love myself was to overcome my addiction to food and start solving the little issues of life some other way other than food. But how? I attempted to gain control of my eating. I made health choices, exercised and foced on all foods I put into my body as a gift of love to myself. Food is fuel not medication, I would tell myself. Some days I would do very well, and others I would fail miserably. Days when emotional issues, fatigue, stress or other stressors increased I would feel myself quickly losing control over my new found 'self-love' mantra and back through the drive through I'd go. After many attempts to control increasing hunger after workouts & emotional eating I decided I needed help. I did my research on the lap band and decided that it was the right thing for me. I'm a natural health kinda person so the thought of surgery was not an easy prospspect for me but I knew this was the right thing to do. I did struggle a little with the thought that I SHOULD be able to hand this on my own, after all I did have good in-control days, sometimes. But my weight was getting dangerously high and I knew I had passed my personal point of no return, weight wise. So I chose the surgery. I came to the conculsion that I would probably always have an addiction to food deep down. Just like recovering alcoholics say...you are always recovering. I knew I'd always be recovering from my food addiction but made my peace with the fact that alcoholics get help, drug addicts get help, gamblers get help, why shouldn't people with food addictions get help. The lap band was my addiction help. I knew I'd have to do some work too but I figure that if I could get a little help on the really bad days I just might be able to fight this addiction. It has been a year and two months. I've lost 80 pounds. I struggled with new issues after the band such as exercise. I knew I was supposed to exercise but exercise never worked for me before. I feared failure or even muscle weight gain so I didn't exercise much. Yeah, a new issue to deal with. I feared I spent all that money on the band and it wouldn't work, because after all, nothing else had and this was (for me) an addiction which is all in the head right? But as weight slowly started to come off and I recieved support from friends and family who loved me (but admittedly knew nothing of how hard it is to struggle with food issues) I began to see the light. The band helped me gain control where I was simply ill-equipped to do so previously. Can you fail with a lap band? Probably. Can you sabotage yourself? Probably. Did I want to? Absolutely not. In my mind, this was my last chance and I was going to do whatever it took psychologically & physically to make it work. Even if that meant I'd have to search elsewhere, namely deep in my soul for answers to those daily stressors and emotional issues I avoided and had medicated with food for so long. Do I still crave food when I am angry, hungry, happy or stressed? Not really. Does it cross my mind? Yes, on occasion. Why? Because over the last 14 months the physical attributes of the band and intense personal exploration has helped me develop new habits. I use the band like alcoholics use Antibuse. I know that if I eat more than I should out of compulsion I will get sick and that's not good for me. So over time, I have come to the understanding that my band is there to help keep me in control of eating while I use my mind to solve emotional stressors. Of course I still need to eat, but out of nutrition needs, not emotional needs. I let the band help me get the proper nutrition and use it to assist me in dealing with stressors appropriately. It's sort of my version of 'tough love'. It won't let me have what I want because it knows it's not good for me and forces me to deal with the rest of life the way I should. And the only side effect is that I am losing weight. Recently my band became lose with weight loss & increased exercise. I was hungier than usual, could eat more and I did. I felt like I was a little out of control. I attempted to handle it on my own for a few weeks understanding that at some point in my life the band may not work well anymore and I needed to see how much progress I had made in my emotional journey. The answer to that was...only a little. I didn't feel bad however, after all, I'd spent a lifetime developing my food issues. I didn't expect them to disappear in 1 year. I found myself able to eat larger portions, reveling in it, & in truth thinking "Oh, I bet I could have a Sonic hamburger." In essence, I was having a relapse. I was thinking of all the wonderful things I could have to 'love myself' with. But! the funny thing was, that the food didn't have the same medicating response anymore. Nothing that I ate gave me that sensuous UMMMM! response I thought it would. I didn't have one of those...."Oh my God, I haven't had this in a year and it tastes incredible!" feeling. I simply just ate a little larger portion than ususal and felt kinda bad about it, simply for the fact that I was pretty sure I didn't need that extra portion. So I learned that just because I could eat more, I didn't really need to and in actuality I wasn't getting that response I had expected. And no, I never really did eat a Sonic hamburger. It was at this point I chose to get my band adjusted a little to give myself the assistance I needed. I know I am making progress and my goal is to some day get to the point where I am in control of all food issues band or no band. I think I'm well on my way. I no longer fear the day I may not have use of my band because I have seen progress and I know I will get there. So for those who still struggle with hunger, compulsion to overeat or cravings I feel for you. All I can suggest is that maybe you take a good hard look at what food means to you and how you are using is. Be honest with yourself, I know it's hard. Society doesn't make weight loss or body image easy. After all, simply take a look at your next restaurant portion and you'll see that. Your body probably only needs about a quarter of what is put on your plate to survive nicely. No one can come to these realizations for you. All I know is that I was tired with struggling with my love/hate relationship with food. I was tried of trying to bend food to my will skipping this, substituting that. I wanted my relationship with food to be normal. And I can honestly say that with the help of my lap band I'm as close to normal as I have ever been in 41 years, but still a work in progress. I am slowly making peace with food, using it for what it was intended & loving myself in the process. I used to tell people who said I need to love myself more...."I'll love myself when I'm a size 8 again." I finally realized I was missing their point. Loving who you are, doing things that honor & love the self is a process not a size destination. I am now 185 pounds, 41 years old, a size 12 and if I never lost another pound I honestly think I'd be perfectly happy with myself, physically and emotionally. If you have ever uttered the phrase "I love to eat." or "I just love food." I would highly suggest you take a good hard look at why you made those statements and you'll get some good insight as to your personal issue with food. It may not be like mine but it just might. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you have a wonderful learning experience with or without your band. Sincerely, Samantha Hall
  6. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I am going to try for a fifth time to post this!! I am writing it first on word, then cutting and pasting so if I lose this post nothing else will be lost. I want to express and my thanks and gratitude for a GREAT time that I had. I was reluctant to go, but am so glad I did. The first thanks are to Haydee, Terry, and Tracy for the great food, drinks, alcohol, and the wear and tear on their cars. Special thanks for my magnet (Judy), which will proudly hold the group picture on my refrigerator, candle (Michelle), note pad and purple pen (Kat), my purple beanie baby (Laura), and last but not least, Pam for the wonderful corsages we all had, and the violets we had in EACH room!!! A special hug for Judy for her EXTREME patience while her plane was very very very late!!! You were such a trooper. There was an incident on the river, where Haydee, Terry, and Tracy W came to my rescue!!!! Does everyone remember Martin Short playing that slow synchronized swimmer on SNL? He had water wings and a nose plug and said he wasn’t a very strong swimmer?? Well I am not a strong toober. That is putting it mildly. Let me just say it was not pretty, and Haydee and Terry took control of the situation while Tracy was risking life, limb, and back/butt to save me (I really wasn’t in that much peril, but it adds to the story!!)! All three of them didn’t even think before helping me and I applaud them!!! I really am moved to tears when I think about how much people helped me. All I can say is aren’t you all glad I wasn’t drinking?!?!?! Thanks to everyone for the hurried get away we had on Sunday!! It was a mad rush and nerves I am sure were shot, but nobody complained!! That leads to the next thank you to Haydee, she washed and dried our wet clothes! How nice was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Laura for befriending technically challenged me and taking control of my pictures. THANKS!!!! I guess the same can be said for PAM?!?!? I have never laughed so much and so hard in my life. So exceptional thanks go to Haydee, Jennifer, Judy, Kat, Laura, Michelle, Pam, Terry, Tracy M, and Tracy W. This was a great trip. Last but not least extra special thanks to Terry for all her help in planning, organizing, and carting me around!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! Jane
  7. Kat817

    Gruene Violets

    It might come from living for so long where I felt a decided lack of control---but I don't like being that out of it! If I were to drink straight anything, I would be a zombie in nothing flat! Not to mention I would feel like I'd been hit by a Mack Truck the next morning. I don't mind a few mixed drinks on occasion, lightly mixed so they taste like something besides alcohol---but I would never have one unless we were out, or celebrating, or had a party going on. I don't think I have ever drank by myself......hmmmm OMG I bore myself!!! Kat
  8. Kat817

    Gruene Violets

    I am not much of a drinker, so I always use mixes---as I don't know what to add otherwise!!!! I usually drink Amaretto at home, or when we go out. But it is not something that matters to me. I can drink a bottle of water and be happy being with all of you--or I can get really trashed and drink one of everything you are all having!!!! LOL You girls be sure to keep track of what all you spend....so we can cover our share. I know alcohol, and soda, and snacks are not cheap! Especially for us! I have a zip lock bag in my checked suitcase with tea bags in it already----yay me!!! LOL I did it when I thought of it, or I would have forgot!!! Well Ms. Kinsey is awake, so I think we will hit town early, get our shopping done, finish off with lunch with Rick, and get back home early!!! My DIL nor my youngest DD have brought me any pics....dangit! I know Abbey is off in another world right now! They are so thrilled over this baby. I might end up there with tons of pictures of Kinsey and none of anyone else.......oh well....maybe today! Kat
  9. Teachlady

    Gruene Violets

    Spa's not my thing either. I think our Saturday is pretty packed. I don't think Friday is a good boot scootin' night after all the travel and I'd really like to take some time to get to know the Violets in person and settle in without all the hoopla around at least for the first night. I'm looking forward to talking and laughing and perhaps a little Bible Study.... after all...............:eek::tt2::tt2: But that's just me.. I'll go along with the crowd on most things. Just really don't expect me to be drinking anything except Crystal Light. Not being a party poop... I just don't like the taste of alcohol. Like I said before... I'll be the designated spiritual advisor. (who's sleeping with a lesbian and considering a tattoo..... )
  10. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I like your answer Michelle!!!! I want to drink or eat so bad right now!! I can't eat or drink til after my test at 2:00!!! I had to take my medicine this morning so I took it with a swig of coffee instead of water. I figure it really is just flavored water?!? I will have to think on the alcohol, maybe a cheap box of zinfendel? Any other suggestions?? I am not a big drinker, and usually drink vodka and seltzer with a lime, to much to make, this way voila it is ready as soon as it is poured. But I do like Margaritas!! How do I order them? Oh well of to my day. Jane
  11. It sounds like at least a chunk of this is due to not taking supplements and developing an alcohol and painkiller addiction rather than the surgery itself. I'm sorry that you did not get better advice and support from your surgeon.
  12. I liked the post. You made some great points. I did hear a story about someone through my surgical group who ate a chip the day after surgery who did open her stomach and cause complications. So I don't know that it's 100% accurate what you said. Also in respect to caffine or alcohol... I know there is a medical reason and that is while your new stomach is forming you don't want to cause ulcers. But maybe the length of times can be exagerated sometimes. My NUT said to wait a month while my surgeon said to wait only 2 weeks. Friday is my 2 week mark and I am seeing my surgeon that day. I am excited to have my first coffee on that day and I am doing my part by waiting until then. -Joe M.
  13. Dorian

    April Dates

    I gave up caffeine at the very beginning of my appts. 6 months ago. I was addicted and figured that if I gave it up right away, I would have an easier time later on. I drink crystal light now. Have had a few drinks of soda and found that I don't miss it. I also haven't had any alcohol in about 3 months. I was a pretty big drinker on weekends, so I thought it would be better if I cut that out as well.
  14. Chocolate martini - I will have maybe a couple a month. It's like a dessert with a kick. Like one of you said, I chose to have nothing alcoholic until I reached goal.
  15. Thank you for the verde chicken recipe. I made it last night and it was great! My wife wants me to make it again tonight. As far as alcohol goes I used to really enjoy bourbon. My taste for it is just now coming back. I do like a good tequila with fresh juice when I do drink. Fiddleman- you might want to try a jungle juice at Piccola's pizza in Snohomish. My wife ordered one and I had a drink of hers and then I had to order one for me. It was one of the best drinks I have had in a long time. It's made with all fresh squeezed juice with rum, vodka and tequila. Very good! Sent from my iPhone using VST
  16. MsSarena

    I miss my vodka!

    Personally I wouldn't want to find out how alcohol was going to affect me while I was trying to enjoy a grad party. Some people get violently ill with very little booze post surgery. One month after is pretty soon to try getting drunk. The real risk is possibly spending the night in/on the toilet.
  17. Webchickadee

    I miss my vodka!

    I posted on this EXACT question 2 days ago: Now, with greater experience, and most than 1 year post-op, I feel I can elaborate a bit more. I would STRONGLY advise against drinking ANY alcohol so early after surgery!!!!! Alcohol dehydrates your body. At the moment, your everyday battle is staying hydrated and allowing your surgical site to heal. The lime in the margarita will likely irritate your stomach lining, causing great discomfort. The alcohol will get you drunk VERY fast in VERY small quantities, and you will not be in good control of your decision making regarding other foods, which could lead you to make dangerous decisions around what is safe to eat so early on. Feel free to go out with your friends, but take on the role of designated driver (if you don't want them to know WHY you're not drinking), or just tell them you are staying away from alcohol for a while because it conflicts with some meds or supplements you're taking. Of course that all assumes they don't know about your surgery. If they know, tell them the truth! Your surgeon and nutritionist have strongly advised....NO DRINKING for min. 6 months post-op. You surgeon may not have spelled that out to you (though hopefully it was discussed). The physical effects of alcohol are bad, but the psychological possibilities of developing a new dependency or addiction (alcohol vs food) are very real and serious and worse than the hangover and illness the booze might temporarily cause you. Even if the addiction part is not "in play" here, the possibility of your having less control of your decision regarding food at the concert is still very real if you've been drinking. You really can't afford to slip up and eat the wrong thing this early post-op. It could have serious repercussions and land you in the hospital with a leak or complication you could have easily avoided. You made a smart choice with this surgery. Keep up the good choices and stay away from alcohol until you're better healed and in a more normal eating/drinking routine.
  18. VSGAnn2014

    Vacation sucks

    In ALL my years of heavy domestic and international biz and for-fun travel, I have NEVER sat on a parked plane for 8 hours. That's insane. Really. They should be passing out heroin, not alcohol.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    How to Manage Food Addictions Over the Holidays

    @@Mary Jo Rapini very well said! As a food addict myself I actually now fear family functions because I know that everyone works hard to provide the delicious foods served and even home made from scratch sugary delicacies. I am 41 days sugar free (yes I count them like an alcoholic does, it works for me) but I will have something tomorrow which is when the family is doing the get-together. But I have already planned ahead and told my husband that all I'm allowed to have is anything I want but only about 1" x 1" which equates to probably 3 or so bites. NO MORE! I will also make sure my meal consists of very high Protein so the sugar won't spike in my blood causing the addictive chain reaction. I love this article, I completely understand.
  20. fallingwhisper


    The crystal light mock alcohol drinks are so good, you could easily pour it into whatever glass and blend in at a party or whatever. The margarita one even has a tequila-ish after taste
  21. Ms.AntiBand

    I miss my vodka!

    When you researched and prepped for VSG what did your surgeon and NUT tell you about consuming alcohol?
  22. O.T.R. sleever

    I miss my vodka!

    I had my first alcoholic beverage 6weeks post op. WARNING, alcohol takes affect much quicker now. Pre op I could easily have 6-8shots before getting buzzed. At 6weeks 2shots & I was walking crooked. And it was a roller coaster ride. I'd be drunk 1 minute then a few minutes later feel nothing then buzzed again with nothing more to drink. It was crazy. Enjoy yourself, but even if you feel completely sober, do not drive,
  23. NJChick

    Hello Hello Hello

    I think alot of children of alcoholic parent(s) grow up having no choice but to have a good sense of humor, its the only way out. I am also the youngest of 7 so my elders taught me well. To this day we still do silly stuff and we are all in our 40's and 50's. Life is to short not to laugh.
  24. 4Anna

    Psychological help?

    Thank you for posting such an honest post. And congratulations on your success! I'm sure you know but that's called addiction transference. No matter if your addiction from food goes into shopping, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. It can find it's way somewhere if we don't confront the issues that are making us want and need the high. I have also been in therapy for 17 years and couldn't have lived a lot of my life and made the good choices I have without it. I also went into a two month intensive outpatient program for eating disorders that greatly helped and was thankfully 100% covered by insurance. Good luck to all because it's a challenging journey at times but so rewarding if we get the help we need :-)
  25. As I posted in another thread yesterday, a smart person in my WLS support group says, "The surgeon does the stomach surgery, but you have to do the brain surgery." My bariatric nurse talked a lot about "addiction switching," the phenomenon mentioned above where someone who used to be addicted to food "switches" to alcohol, compulsive shopping, or even drugs or sex. So in other words, therapy yay! It's just putting one more tool in your weight loss toolbelt.

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