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  1. Lisa :)


    Don't step on the scale!! You technically need to go without any weight loss for three weeks in order to be in a true stall. I've found that my body needs time to adjust before I start losing again. I am four months out and I will typically lose a pound a day for 5 days and then nothing for 7 to 10 days. I have a rule I've established for myself. If I step on the scale and my weight has not changed then I put my scale away for 7 days!!! I also take my measurements every month....Something I started doing at week 3 due to the dreaded week 3 stall. The other thing I do when I'm frustrated with lack of weight loss is I pull clothes out of my closet and drawers that are too small (or that I THINK are too small) and try them on.....it always makes me feel good!!!
  2. My Hubby has to travel to Trinidad for awhile. His company says about a week which means at least two, and possibly three. He travels alot and this would stil be a short trip at three weeks, but I feel like I am not prepared for it. I am in a stall currently and REALLY hope to fight off the head hunger monster that creeps in every evening when I am winding down, and keep looking for a spouse that isn't around Support, suggestions and anything else you have, friends, please...I don't understand where it is coming from but this feels like it is going to be a long (yet short) trip. I would really like to counter this with positive time and activities...wish me luck!
  3. mnbsleeve

    Can Someone Point Me In The Right Direction?

    Advocatemom, I also wanted to add that it's not uncommon to hit some stals at this point. I stalled big time all through my weight loss... up to 4 weeks. It's just now, beginning at around month 8, that I began a more steady, albeit lower, loss. I know sometimes it feels you're doing something wrong! But hang in there! You are doing what you're suppose to. Focus on that and trust the weight will come off. I would suddendly get this big loss; two or three in a row. I think in the beginning especially, our bodies are just making huge adjustments. I just wanted to let you know your experience is not uncommon. I've had it and read lots of people here too. So hang in there!!!!! We're rooting for you!!!! Lyra, I too wanted to thank you for the great resources posted above!!!
  4. I just wanted to say hang in there ai have been there and was so frustrated. I gained six pounds at about 2/3 weeks out and stalled for weeks. I finally relost that weight and now three more pounds. I was beginning to think I was never going to lose again. Thankfully I don't have the option to wrote because I felt like I wanted to do so. I'm praying my gaining days are just do to adding good back food and that the losing can continue. Just keep doing the right things. I know how frustrating this is, but you aren't going to fail even though it feels like it. I was dreading people asking my how much I lost and I had to say nothing or worse I gained for give weeks! Don't give up.
  5. Soon2BMiniMommy

    3 Months Out And 52Lbs Gone

    I really don't want to scare you, honey, but it will probably slow down. I hit 50 pounds in three months, also, but now have been stalled for six weeks! Now, THIS WILL PROBABLY NOT HAPPEN TO YOU!! I am only saying this because you should be mentally prepared for when it does slow down so you're not overly disappointed and discouraged. I thought I was prepared and I thought if I did hit a stall, no biggie, everyone does and I'll move on. But i was not prepared for a six week stall (and counting!) I hear in your 'voice' real concern that your weight loss will slow down, but it will and it has to. Your poor little body simply cannot maintain that kind of drastic weight loss for an extended period of time. You will most not likely NOT have the stall from hell, like me, but your body will stop, or slow, and readjust itself. It will most likely happen a couple of times until you hit your goal. Just look at what everyone has gone through on here. I just don't want you to lose hope, and I want you to never stop looking forward to all those reasons you want to lose your extra weight. It WILL happen eventually, when and how YOUR body wants to, not how we necessarily want to. I've learned through this, and through many weeks of despair (which I'm getting over without the scale moving) is that this time it's not something we can control. There is no guilt or fear in this, this time. Of course, we can totally sabotage our weight loss, but, girl, that is HARD to do, lol! Just let go, quit worrying, and let your body do what it needs to do in this time of huge adjustment. It knows what it needs, and how to do it. Just follow the basics, and you can't 'lose', if you know what i mean! You have done amazing! And you will continue to do so, at whatever pace your body wants to
  6. Good timing for me as well - I had one stall at 231.8 for two weeks; then started to loose once again; now three weeks later I am at a stall at 221.8 ! But the compliments just keep coming and the clothes just keep getting falling off. Today I had to move the seat of my car up closer to the steering wheel. Just came back from a work sponsored health fair - my cholestral is way down; blood pressure is perfect and BMI is down 12%. I am thrilled with all the good news. I am halfway to where I want to be; and happy with the results.
  7. AbacoRaveness

    1 Full Year Post Op... The Real Test Of Time.

    Thanks for that Irene! I definitely needed it today. I think this week is going to be my first "stall". I managed to avoid it at three weeks and have lost about 4lbs per week steadily since surgery (six weeks), so I'm over the moon with my progress! But, its still hard to see that scale get stuck. Your advice is just in the nick of time to remind me of what my surgeon said, "Don't worry about the scale day to day or even week to week, its about monthly trends." I know I'm going to be a completely different person in a year, looking back on this moment and smiling at how, once again, I got myself worked up over nothing.
  8. alexeleni

    Plication Concerns

    I don't know a lot about plication, but I do know that almost everyone hits a stall around weeks 3-4. Mine lasted over a week, some people's lasts really long, like two or three weeks or more. It sounds to me as if you are experiencing something normal and should trust your doctor. As long as you're doing your part( making good choices, ramping up exercise as you can), you're in a good place and doing great. Slow weight loss is good for your body. Don't worry!
  9. wishes


    Lol, I regularly stall out for three weeks and then drop all my weight for the month right as my period comes around. If I worried about a stall all the time, I would never enjoy my sleeve. DO NOT worry about stalling right around 3 weeks after surgery, it is super common.
  10. Thanks for this ... I just had a look and it says I should be eating around 1500 cals a day to get to my ultimate goal ( minus of 26lbs) in just over three months. I am eating between 1000 and 1200 cals a day... not sure if I should add more??? I am ok with the quantity right now, but if this stall doesn't break it might be worth trying for a week or two? Interesting...
  11. I am just two months out, but had a 3.5 week stall at three weeks. I received much encouragement from VST and all the great people here. As was said to me, keep doing everything right and it will come off. I lost 4.5 lbs the next week once the stall broke and have lost some every week since. My doctor told me that losing weight with VSG is like standing on a step and waiting patiently for awhile, then jumping 2 or 3 steps at a time. That's exactly how it has felt for me. Good luck!.
  12. We call them stalls here but three weeks is a plateau. In fact, three weeks is the START of plateau. And they're totally normal and break on their own, despite the fact that they drive us insane in the meantime. I stalled out for nine weeks twice. The only thing that made the scale move again was time. More time of doing the right things will keep the weight falling off. I did have periods where I totally fell off - once was early out and I got so sick of restricting my intake down to nothing and seeing slow progress that I totally went offline. I had to change my entire eating habits and realize that I was forcing myself onto a diet. I couldn't live that way so I had to make things more manageable. The good news is that with the sleeve, it's very easy to pick back up and get in the swing of things again. I always feel better, even if I only see tiny results on the scale, when I start my day with my Protein shake and log my food for the day. The easiest way to be sure you're on the right track and to correct any denial about what you're eating is to log everything you put into your mouth. So the first thing is to log religiously for three days. If you see a new trend that would prevent loss, fix it. Sometimes all we really need is to be held accountable for what our behavior. If you're already on the right track with your nutrition, well, the best thing to do is hunker down and wait it out. Sure, getting more active is always a good thing. But don't expect it to work an overnight miracle on the scale or you'll be disappointed. And my body was totally unpredictable about loss - I'd work at it and see nothing for weeks on end and then all of a sudden, with no real change in my life, I'd drop five pounds in three days. In fact, those stalls (plateaus) were a part of my regular loss pattern and it was totally normal for me to lose all of my weight for the month in two weeks but to actually gain three pounds during my cycle and stall out for a week afterward. So, log your food and keep on trying. Put the scale away if it seeing no results first thing in the morning ruins your day. Stay positive. The sleeve will work, it just takes a bit of time. And you'd have to go seriously offline to pack on real pounds post op so don't beat yourself up. ~Cheri
  13. I'm just over two months out of surgery (Jan 3rd) and have been at a stall for a good three weeks or so. I had one a few weeks earlier (during month one) that lasted just a few short days. Now I've been at the same weight for about three weeks and am not sure if this is normal/what to do about it/etc. I'm getting pretty upset about it (have therapy tomorrow so there's something fun to talk about . It's also a little harder for me at this point bc I just lost my job and my schedule is off which makes my eating habits off, etc. I haven't yet started exercising. Ugh, that dreaded word. There was a time I actually looked forward to going for walks/riding my stationary bike, but now I can't muster up any interest in it AT ALL. Advice from anyone who has stalled for more than a few weeks and then kicked back into gear? Would love to hear from you. Thanks!
  14. Was sleeved 1/25 lost for two weeks and gained five and stalled for three weeks. Finally losing again. I thought I might never lose again. Hang in there.
  15. Amanda 3.0

    Water Aerobics

    Our gym has a pool and Water aerobic classes three days a week. I have been stalled (scale-wise) for a while but I am getting smaller. Well a few water aerobic classes has the scale moving again. Most of the people in the class are much older than I am (47). Some of them have limited mobility. It is a very good workout, and not intimidating at all, even though (OMG!) I am in public in my bathing suit, which is now kind of too big! lol
  16. Soon2BMiniMommy

    No Weight Loss For Going On 3 Weeks.....wth!

    Ugh. I know how you all feel. I have been stalled for a month now, with a 3 lb gain in the middle of it. I am starting to get so frustrated. I had read and read on here about stalls, knew they would happen, and would feel bad for people who were stalled but wondered why they were upset when they had to know it was temporary. It's TOTALLY different when you're in the same boat....I have been EXTREMELY discouraged, to the point I am eating 'bad' and not coming here as often as I should. The biggest problem? I am NOT losing inches, either So I am really, really down. I logically know it's temporary, know I will lose weight again, but it's so hard emotionally. We have been so abused by diet failure after diet failure....our little fragile minds are all twisted up and we think we're done lsoing weight, when we know we aren't. I just gotta say, I hate this. I really do. And I haven't reached out on here yet cause I know everyone will tell me it's temporary, and I need to exercise and drink my Water, and not eat carbs, or shock my body, or stand on my head and chant three times (just kidding! :wub: :wub: I so love everyone!!) but I know all that myself. I just need the scale to move again. I know it will....just so tired of waiting FOR A MONTH!!!! I think it was Lissa (?) who had a six week stall? That's the longest I've seen...I think I may break her records. I may have to go ask on the board what the longest stall was...without inches lost.
  17. PreciousCargo

    Anyone Have Surgery At/about 200?

    I am 6 weeks post op. The last two weeks I have lost a total of 5 pounds. I didnt have the three/four week stall but it has been a slow weight loss. They talk about protein, protein, protein but if you constantly vomit and can only eat soups with carbs maybe this is stalling my weight loss. I feel your frustration because I feel the same.
  18. I have a sip or three of liquids when I eat - Not always, but sometimes. I cannot stand being thirsty. I certainly don't chug. It's hard because since I eat so slowly, one meal blends into another. I also have a few sips of club soda mixed with fruit juice on occasion. It hasn't stalled me at all so far. I got the 3 week stall, but that is a Water retaining, glycogen issue. I have been losing about .7 pounds a day.
  19. ocean_ophelia

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Thanks for answering, Diva! This really helped me understand the plan. I've been following it for two days and have lost three pounds, breaking my stall! My menu yesterday was (if you could check and let me know if I could improve): 70 oz of water (I'm 8 weeks out so it's still hard to get in a ton of fluid) breakfast: Protein shake ready-made (Premier from Costco) snack: low-fat cheesestick lunch: 3 oz of tuna with a little mustard, steamed spinach dinner: hardboiled egg "salad" made with a little mustard and low-fat mayo, steamed broccoli snack: sugar-free popsicle
  20. Lissa

    I Just Want To Lose A Size!

    Be careful what you wish for, ladies. I started at 352 and I'm 5'8. It seemed to take forever for the first size in pants to come off. Then, I stalled and during that stall I walked right out of my work pants. I was "stuck" in that size for another 40 pounds, then I lost another size. But, in the last month, I've lost THREE pants sizes, despite the scale not moving. I have literally watched my body shape shift in the last month and now NOTHING fits right. Someone on here posted that it takes longer to lose sizes when we are plus size than it will once we are out of the plus sizes. I am truly thanking God for the box of size 18's I received yesterday because I know I'll be in them and then out of them in no time at all. Look for a post from me in a couple of weeks, offering to pass them on to someone else!
  21. I lost 10 lbs in first week then 7lbs second week and have stalled week three and four
  22. Swimmer

    Afraid To Tell

    That is wonderful! I'm hoping to break a three week stall soon and join you.
  23. happy1957

    Weight Gain In Week 4

    Good day... I stalled at week three also, it lasted for 3.5 weeks. It's disheartening, but everyone here encouraged me to just keep doing all the right things and it would work out. I only weighed myself once a week for the first two weeks of the stall, but the next week and a half I weighed every day. I too would go up 2 lbs, then back down. I was getting depressed, but believe me, it will happen. I ended up losing 4.5 lbs overnight. In just three days actually. Since then, I have lost another 4-5 lbs a week for the past couple weeks. It is like standing on a set of steps, you wait and wait, but then jump three at time to catch up to others. Just keep doing what is right. Your body is just holding on to the solids because of the starvation mode it was in with liquids. Good luck to you.
  24. I got off shortly after surgery. I was 160/110 without meds and now I'm 120/70 usually without meds and I'm only down about 26 pounds. Been stalled three weeks ugh.
  25. clk

    Stall Progress

    Yes, congrats on your progress! Some of us just have a longer haul than other folks. It's perfectly okay. I lost in fits and starts the whole time. I'm 5'1.3" and started at 242 and am down to my goal of 135 pounds. After plastics I'll be right where I want to be in the 120s and that's fine with me. I experienced two weeks every month of no loss (and usually had a three pound gain around my cycle, too) and I had two nine weeks stalls on my journey. It took me 17 months to lose 107 pounds, but I did it nice and slow and healthy. If you average it out, I lost just over six pounds a month. You're doing the right things. eggs are impossible for some people. Do you know what Chinese steamed eggs are? It's soft but savory and might be easier on you. Tofu is soft, if you like it. If you can tolerate cottage cheese it's fantastic - until I developed lactose intolerance it was my favorite food post op. And keep pushing shakes! Some folks can give them up and eat enough to get the nutrition they need but some of us can't! I still need them. My restriction is ridiculous (19 months out and one scrambled egg has me stuffed) and I simply cannot sit down and eat four ounces of meat in one sitting. I drink a Protein coffee or tea every morning and it helps me SO much. Keep trying until you find a brand you tolerate well and can enjoy. Vitalady does samples and I found that a huge lifesaver. And as for the other part of your post - trying to conceive. I'm not trying to get too personal, but make sure that both of you are being cleared as healthy. I had half a dozen doctors tell me that the reason my husband and I couldn't conceive was my weight over the course of four years. Nobody thought he'd be the issue because he had kids with his first wife. However, it turns out he's basically clinically sterile. We had to jump into IVF w/ICSI to conceive. Just like in everything else, too many doctors look at our weight and assume it holds the answer to everything. Yes, you are going to be much healthier and yes, likely more fertile, at a healthier weight. But I'd hate for you to slug away for another two years blaming yourself only to discover that it's something else causing the issue! Make sure you get a full workup - HSG, hormone panel, etc. And if your insurance allows it get a more understanding doctor. Preferably a heavier woman! Best of luck to you on both fronts. ~Cheri

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