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  1. Hey all.... I am feeling the stall thing ... like you I stalled from three weeks to the beginning of 6 weeks and this week I lost two, but that is all! Following the same pattern too: proetein first, three meals a day, Vitamins, lots of Water and I've started regular exercise! I know that this will work, I just wish it was working faster as I am being impatient!! I think I am going to be a 'slow loser'. I am working on the 'head' thing now... ie being positive about the weight that I have already lost and enjoying wearing clothes that didn't fit me 7 weeks ago! This site is brilliant for support and kind words that have kept me more that sane for the last 4 weeks!!!
  2. Today I am 3 months post-op. I can tell you that my life has changed. nothing was given to me and I worked my ass of for every pound. I have logged every single calorie, hitting the gym multiple times a week working out so hard it hurts the next day. I wish I had a photo of me at my high weight... this is me at surgery 305# today I weighed 250# 55 hard fought pounds lost in three months. (last 1 or so I have been in a stall....) I am very private so it took a lot to share with you all, but I think all of your photos have inspired me so I owe it to return the favor.
  3. FitatFifty

    3 Week Stall

    Mick...This too will pass. I'm not sure you can prevent stalls, you're body is adjusting. My three week stall came and went rather quickly, and truly was a non event. Enjoy the ride!! Fit.
  4. GreenEyedMamma

    Hit a Plateau! Help!

    I went through a stall for about the same amount of time. I went in for a check up and the scale said I had only lost 7 pounds in three weeks. What really happened though was I had lost 16 pounds of body fat but gained nine pounds of muscle (my doctor has one of those magical scales that gives you a detailed printout of your body composition after you stand on it barefoot). Your body could be doing the same thing. Stay hydrated (drink at least 80 ounces of Water a day), keep your calories up, and get your Protein in. Your body is adjusting and is still thinking "what the heck have you done to me" but don't worry, the weight will come off. I have been losing a steady 3 pounds a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) but after I experienced my long stall and understood why, I don't let it stress me out anymore.
  5. coops


    Hiya Olivam, I am really interested in your post... I am a really slow loser and I seem to hit mini stalls every other week or so and have been doing so since October - I am now 8mths out, was sleeved beg July last year. I often wonder if I am not eating enough, my dr says to eat three meals a day with no Snacks, and with this sleeve, I find it hard to eat 1000 cals with only three meals? i did start to have one protein snack but that didn't really change things. Any advise would be gratefully rec'd ... I don't want or like feeling negative but I am really struggling at the moment! Thanks in advance...
  6. clk

    No weight loss!!!!

    I had a close starting weight (242 pounds). I lost a grand total of 23 pounds my first month post op. Stalls are very common at week three - mine started week two. I've been a stop-and-start loser the entire time. Stay the course, DO NOT mess with your diet plan. It only makes you crazy. As long as you're following surgeon guidelines, don't mess around with anything. The weight will eventually come off, I promise. I'm a slow loser compared to a lot of folks, but I've lost more than eighty pounds in nine months and I'm almost to goal. Hang in there. And seriously, you won't be able to help it but try not to compare yourself to other people. Your body will lose at it's own pace and stressing about how fast or slow it happens is only going to mess with your head. And remember - stalls happen. This is probably the first one and most likely it won't be your last. Accept that it's part of the process for most of us, and that it will eventually break if you keep eating the right way. Good luck! ~Cheri
  7. Hi All. I was banded December 6, and recovered from surgery pretty easily. Had a few sidetracks along the way, (like learning I am lactose intolerant), but overall, it's gone well. I was on Protein shakes and Water for three weeks, and lost a fair amount of weight. Now that I'm cleared for soft foods, I'm eating smart (I think) high protein meals, supplementing with Protein Shakes, and sipping the ever present water. I haven't eaten anything I'd consider "wrong" (no sweets, fried foods, no alcohol), and feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. So why has my weight loss stalled? Where I was losing about a pound a day, in the last week I've only lost two pounds, and today I'm actually up a pound. I'm confused. Anyone have ideas about this? Why is it happening, and what can/should I do about it? Thanks, Dave
  8. My loss has been an interesting. I am now used to it. I am at five months on Saturday. I have lost 69 lbs as of yesterday. When I hit my first stall I was frantic. So, I looked back at my band loss and I had stalls and I felt better . Now I am used to the stalls. I will lost five to ten lbs and stall for two to three weeks. During the stalls my body changes continually. So, don't worry with a stall. It is your body adjusting to the loss. I still don't eat much and have never been able to get all the protein down, either with the band or the sleeve. Hang in there I feel so good now, it took a while to, but it has been worth it all the way!!!!
  9. Hi all! I'm approx one month out-one month and ...three days! I lost 32 pounds the first two weeks and gained 2 pounds the last two weeks. I'm a little discouraged, to say the least. I will assume it's one of these "stalls" and keep trucking...you guys are such good encouragers!<..that's not a word. Anywho, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of some of you experts...let me tell you what I ate today...and you give me some advice? I would be so grateful! Breakfast 4inch piece of turkey sausage-it's sort of shaped like kielbasa (8 grams protein) 1 tablespoon of peanut butter-(5 grams protein) a few bites of watermelon (i didn't eat that in one sitting-it was spread out throughout the morning) Snack 6 pork rinds-(8 grams protein) a few bites of cucumber lunch 3 ham roll ups-(14 grams protein) Snack 1/3 cup of no sugar added ice cream dinner chicken thigh (10 grams protein) 1/3 cup of spaghetti squash (1 gram protein) (ate those two things separately, too much at once) plus a couple glasses of ice Water and a glass of crystal light I would appreciate any input!
  10. GM! I was reading on ObesityHelp.com and came across this wonderful article on Plateau Busters. I thought the article was wonderful and I plan to try every suggestion here. Hope this helps. Here is the URL: Vitamins and, in their own words, “doing everything right,” BUT have just stopped losing weight prior to reaching their final weight loss goal. This can be very frustrating for them as they have experienced good initial weight loss results from surgery, and overall feel much better than they did prior to their surgery. As this “plateau” phenomenon occurs, the patient experiencing it may make an appointment in a state of panic, thinking that they’ve reached some sort of brick wall and will never start losing weight again. In most cases, there are only two ways to break a plateau: reduce calories and/or increase fitness. “Oh, no!” you might say. But, let’s not just think in terms of adding more time in the gym or counting every single calorie once again, let’s look at some surprisingly simple behavioral modifications that could help bust that plateau and jump start the stalled weight loss process. Please remember that every patient is not the same, and therefore, it may be wise to consult your surgeon to make sure there is not a specific underlying health issue that may need direct attention when experiencing a continuing plateau. Plateau Buster #1 Stop unconscious grazing…As time passes post surgery, it is easy to slowly, but surely, add more and more “soft calories” to your diet. A shared bite or two of your child’s ice cream, a scoop of mashed potatoes while putting away the dinner, or continually nibbling the cheese surrounding the fruit plate at a party as you chat, are all examples of unconscious grazing. These are high calorie foods, and because they seem to go down easily, you may not be considering them as part of your daily food count. Pack and keep sliced apples or carrots readily available for snacking if you must. If you want to enjoy the party, go right ahead, just make a conscious effort to scan the table first, fix a small plate of some right foods, and never snack directly from the table. Plateau Buster #2 Find a new fun…You know the saying, “Old habits die hard.” And, you may say right back, “But, I’ve already given up so much!” The good news is that with this buster you’re not giving anything up, rather you’re adding a fun new activity in addition to your exercise routine. Any fitness routine, if done the same way over and over again, will need to be taken up a notch. Not to say you must spend more time at the gym. The old habit I’m referring to is continuing to do the same sedentary social activities you did before weight loss surgery, such as going to the movies or watching TV. Now that you’re losing weight and feeling better, why not try taking that kayak lesson you dared not (due to not fitting in the Kayak) pre-surgery? What about a short hike with the kids? You may be surprised by your new stamina. Those white Water rapids are calling! Dust off that bicycle, find that old basketball hoop in the back of the garage, go dancing, or, if you need to, take dance lessons. Does your city have a greenway or river walk path to explore? Think activity, not exercise, and let your imagination come up with new FUN ways to expend energy. Plateau Buster #3 Meal replacements…I’ve seen many plateau patients benefit from stopping food altogether and going on a certified Meal Replacement Plan for two weeks (I recommend the Bariatric Advantage brand; however, your surgeon’s office may have another brand that they prefer). You can do it! It may be just what you need to jump start that weight loss once again. A tip is to vary the routine: add half a banana to the vanilla, put a couple of drops of mint flavoring into the chocolate, or add three ice cubes for half the liquid and smoothie it up with a good liquid blender. Plateau Buster #4 Chewing slowly…Too simple you say – well, not so fast. I myself have really had to work on this one. We live in such a fast-paced world that when you sit down to eat, you can easily and unconsciously rush through your meal as well. You may have practiced chewing slowly right after your surgery, due to those first fears of eating something wrong or sensing that first immediate full feeling. However, as stated before, old habits die hard. You can easily start eating fast again and forget that chewing slowly and enjoying our food does matter. You not only cut down on consumption (less calories), you will learn to enjoy your meals again. When eating out, take time while you chew to look up and observe those around you. It will allow you the time to chew slowly and you’ll have fun people watching as well. Sometimes my wife and I pick out a couple or group and try to sum ’em up: “Why they look like they are celebrating,” “Must be a father/son talk going on over there,” “Boy, she looks mad! Wonder what he did?” Anyway, you get the idea. We actually had the pleasure of watching a young fellow propose to his gal one night! He was so nervous, he had forgotten his camera, so we took a picture and emailed it to them the next day. Plateau Buster #5 Stop drinking calories…“But, Doc, I’m working out at the gym three times a week, just like you said.” Great job! But, when you work up a good thirst from that workout, what are you drinking to quench it? Easy to grab those gym “healthy smoothies” isn’t it? Do you know if they are sugar-free? I’ve seen smoothies with as many as 800 calories per serving! What about those Vitamin waters or juice drinks they have readily available in the gym vending machines or at your workplace? Remember your pre-surgery instructions on reading labels, especially drink labels. Don’t be fooled by “gotcha!” labels that say natural or healthy. They still can be loaded with calories. To be on the safe side, take your own water to the gym or the office. If you must have flavor in your water, try adding a squirt of lemon or lime juice or sugar-free crystals. Hitting a plateau is not uncommon, so first of all, don’t beat yourself up over it. If it has only been a week or so of no weight loss, give yourself a little more time, you may begin losing again on your own. During that initial plateau period, try to determine what might be the culprit and make a correction. If you continue to stay in the plateau phase after a couple of weeks, try the plateau busters discussed in this article. Remember, follow-up care is essential in successful weight loss from surgery. Don’t think your surgeon will be disappointed that you’ve stopped losing weight! We’re not going to be, we’re going to be happy that you let us know things have gone off track so we can help get them back on track. Good luck busting those plateaus! Peter L. Henderson, MD, FACS, ASMBS is a surgeon in private practice with Raleigh Center for Weight Loss Surgery in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has had the pleasure of performing weight loss surgery for over ten years, and thoroughly enjoys following along his patients’ paths to a healthier life. For more information visit: www.alasurgery.com Peter L. Henderson, MD, FACS, ASMBSRaleigh Center for Weight Loss Surgery2801 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.781.0815Toll-free: 1.888.640.THIN
  11. Shae


    I think that is AWESOME! I am only in week 4 and have had a few NSV's. I am in the "Week Three Stall" right now but that's ok. I am still learning. I can't wait to get where you are!! Congratulations on the victory over the turnstile!! Shae
  12. Hi Sleevers, Depression, I am 9 months post op and I have hit at major stall. I have lost 127 pounds. I am so worried is this it? I have alot to go. I started at 356 pounds and I down to 238 pounds but I have not gone anywhere in 3 three weeks. I am starting to get some serious panic attacks, where the walls are closing in. I am so terrifed the weight is going to come back. I am excercising and I was obessed I strained by stomach muscles excercsing and my dr has me relaxing. Any suggestions would be appreciated. My next surgeon appt is in 2 weeks. I am thinking about going to my primary doctor to help get through this panic attacks. Please help in Florida.... Connie
  13. I'm three weeks out and my NUT told me not to be surprised if I hit a stall about this time. Therefore, I'm not getting on the scale until next Friday. Do a search on this forum for Three Week Stall and you'll see other posts about this. They can last a week or two apparently.
  14. hellonurse

    Finally Made It To Onderland!

    Thank you so much I was sleeved on April 24,2012 Before pre op diet I was 232. After pre op diet 221 Today is my three week sleeve day anniversary! I hit that stall earlier than the third week, for me it was the second week stall, BUT.... I dropped insane amounts of inches, I went from a size 16 to a size 12. Today was my first day back at work, and everyone was so shocked I think what helped me over my stall was picking up my Protein intake and my Water intake. I struggle with the protein intake. I try to keep it at 60grams. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  15. Since surgery Dec. 27, it seems like my face has been broken out and no matter what I do, it just keeps getting worse. I turn 59 in a couple of weeks and it's worse than it was when I was 16 -- mostly in my chin and lower cheek area, even on my nose. About a dozen zits at a time. I'm been washing my face more, trying different products but don't want to use anything that will dry my already mostly dry complexion out. I'm figuring that either my hormones have changed since surgery or I'm allergic to something or my body is reacting differently to something. I've also been in a terrible stall for about a month and a half -- going back and forth with about two or three pounds -- but I figure that will get better soon. My hair loss that started at about four months out is finally getting better at five-and-a-half months or so and I'm hoping that my body has adjusted to its weight loss and it will start back up again. Anybody else having this problem with breakouts and how have you dealt with it? Does this get better? All suggestions welcome!! Thanks, Carol
  16. Toddy

    Eating Like A Bird

    My weight loss pretty much stalled in the first couple of weeks after surgery too. It seems to go in spurts. I'll lose three or four pounds and then the scale won't move for a week or so. I only lost two pounds last month because I really needed another fill. Got that fill a week and a half ago and I'm down four more pounds! I know what you mean about eating like a bird, seems the weight would go down faster. My husband tells me I eat like Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch that Stole Christmas!
  17. Chicago1962

    Stall For 2 Weeks

    Kathy - I really appreciate your encouragement. Prissy - I have had a stall for a little over three weeks so I am totally with you. I think I just broke through mine yestersay (finally) but it was hard mentally not to see the numbers go down. Just do what you need to and continue to be mindful of every drink and bite. We are learning all new things about eating and caring for ourselves. One of the things we are learning is patience... and endurance... I'm here if you need encouragement. Stay the course! Your body is adjusting! You can do it!!!!
  18. To you seasoned sleevers....how long do the stall's last?? and do they happen frequently? Is this something I can learn to expect??
  19. Like Lissa, I'm further out on my Dec. 27 sleeve. But I've lost weight in fits and starts. I'll stall for two or three weeks, then bang I'm down two or three or five pounds. But it's been slow ever since about the four week mark. I'll confess I'm in another big time stall and I'm guessing that's just the way it goes. You can't keep eating these few calories and not lose weight. That said, your body couldn't keep up the pace of weight loss it had in the first month. And who would want to? Hope that helps ... Onward, Carol
  20. ThinnerTiff


    I didn't gain anything when I was in the hospital.I had a three night stay too,I mean I only lost 3 lbs when I was there so 1lb a day. But everyone is different and you will also have stalls but don't be discouraged it happens to every one. I started at 300lb and dos I was 267(10/9/12) and my weight fell off steady an I just hit my stall in he middle of December I was stuck at 228 for 3 weeks. I just had my gallbladder surgery jan 10, and in 4 days I lost 10lbs just like that! I don't expect that all the time but I just fallow the flow of what my body is doing. But 5 lbs in a week is great! That's almost a lb a day! Keep up the great work!!!
  21. I'm still pre-op so have no first hand knowledge, but I have read tons of posts from sleevers who talk about a week three stall. The advice I keep seeing is stick to your plan. Sounds solid to me. Good luck!
  22. Your stall lasting for 2-3 weeks or even more is perfectly normal. I just possibly have started to get over my first stall, which lasted almost three weeks. We will see tomorrow when I get on the scale. Hang in there - our bodies are just adjusting. I was getting pretty ticked about it once it started to get over two weeks and found that just venting on my blog or going out and getting a bit of exercise helped me get it off my mind. It's hard not to be stressed about it, but stress just raises your cortisol level, which causes weight retention. The scale will start to move again, don't worry!
  23. gingerRN

    Stall! Yuck

    I have been at a stall since Christmas. Lost 20 lbs then week three total brick wall. Worst part is I'm hanging right around 200- 204. I want to be in the 100's sooo bad!!!
  24. I'm 4 weeks, 2 days out and down 31. I did have a stall in week three but also had my period that week, so who knows?
  25. Ok... almost every post I've read someone says the scale stalls around week three. Guess what .... week four for me and the scale hasn't moved for three days! Still sticking to liquids. Any idea why this happens?

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