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Found 3,907 results

  1. Toddy

    Eating Like A Bird

    My weight loss pretty much stalled in the first couple of weeks after surgery too. It seems to go in spurts. I'll lose three or four pounds and then the scale won't move for a week or so. I only lost two pounds last month because I really needed another fill. Got that fill a week and a half ago and I'm down four more pounds! I know what you mean about eating like a bird, seems the weight would go down faster. My husband tells me I eat like Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch that Stole Christmas!
  2. Gastricsleeve4me

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    May sleevers...curious howard calories you're eating and whether or not you're in a stall. I'm at nearly three weeks and getting in about 550. Anyone managing to get in more and, if so, how's the weight loss going?
  3. So aggravated... My weight went up two pounds and has stayed there for going on two weeks now! This is truly a stall because there has been no loss in three weeks. I have to get this scale moving again. Any suggestions?

  4. I would consider myself to be a "slow loser". I am 13.5 weeks out, and am down 51lbs. I had the typical three week stall, but have now been sitting, (actually bouncing between 252-256 - started at 304), for the last two weeks. I expected the stall with TOM, but hopped it would go away after, and it has yet to do so. While it is frustrating, I know it will break eventually. My body is still adjusting from this major surgery, and things will be whacky for a bit. I saw my surgeon and NUT a month ago, and they both say I'm doing great and already consider me a success story...that's nice to hear from a doctor! I to am of the belief that we didn't get this done to be on a diet forever. I had this done so that I could be a normal, healthy person. If I'm craving something, I'm going to have it. Obviously, with the restriction our lovely tool provides us, it's awfully hard to over-indulge, (at least, I find it to be so). I try to maintain a healthy balance. I don't restrict my carbs, or fat, etc. I make sure that I'm getting all of my Protein in each day, and once that's done, I'll allow myself a treat. I'm ok with my steady, slow loss.
  5. clk

    16 Mos Out...disappointed

    First off, you look really great. You've both done good work and you shouldn't fail to be proud of your accomplishments just because you aren't to goal yet. Secondly, the only surgery I'd consider revising to if I were you, would be DS. So yes, if you're considering it, I think that BPD is the way to go. That said, it's a HUGE change and a lifetime of supplements and blood panels to stay healthy, so you have to be sure it's necessary. Which leads to my third: I don't think you've got anything to be ashamed or worried about. I think you're right on track for a slower loser. I lost quite slowly, too. It seemed that no matter what I did to mix up my diet it didn't have a big impact. I know there is one more "heavyweight" here who got to goal very slowly. But she got there! Your sleeve isn't stretched. I know a lot of people feel like there's a honeymoon phase but that is simply not the case. You're more than a year out - your sleeve is about as big as it's getting so unless you constantly cheat it or try to stretch it, you're fine. Your tool is in fine working order. And I'm not here to judge your diet or intake but here's my two cents, anyway. You're eating too much for your body, or you'd be losing more. Some folks are lucky and can eat more without gaining. Some folks are athletes and need 1,500+ calories a day. Some of us have to be very strict all the time to lose and stay firmly on track in maintenance to avoid regains. It's just a sad fact of life. My opinion is that you need to cut those calories. Start by cutting 500 out a day until you're consistently 1,500 per day or lower. And then when you hit a stall (same weight longer than three weeks straight) drop them again by 10% - with this tactic you will lose again. If you're having a problem with hunger check if you need to be on a PPI again. Just in the last month I had to restart my PPI. I was feeling like I was starving all day long and at night I'd have an acid problem. It took me two weeks to put two and two together and get back on my PPI. Now I feel fine again and the hunger is gone. And be sure it's not head hunger. Have you worked on your food issues? We all have them or none of us would have a weight problem. Are you compensating, overeating, hiding? Evaluate this honestly so that you can get to where you want to be. Last but not least, stop comparing yourself to other people. Especially men, because they always lose faster! You can always revise to DS and should look into those options if you're certain the issue isn't something you can fix without it. But not everyone reaches goal quickly. Nobody wants to be "that girl" that loses slowly and we all walk into this surgery with some measure of unrealistic expectations, I think. If we didn't I'd never read a single post about someone freaking out over "only" losing 30 pounds the first month or "stalling" for two days! You know what to do, right? We all do! Dieting has been drilled into us countless times, especially when we spend years overweight. Try using 1,500 calories (go 40% Protein, 30% fat and 30% carbs if you want to feel satisfied) as your ceiling for a while. See how you feel. Get back on a shake a day. I'm two years out and I drink a shake most days. I consume between 1,200 and 1,400 calories most days. I like to hit 90+ on my protein and the shake gets me there. I still have very little room for food. Two scrambled eggs, max. So you do have restriction and you do have the tool to do this. I just think you've gotten complacent. I'm sorry to say it that way - it happened to me for a spell, too! But there's a difference between eating "normally" (which anyone who knows my posts knows I advocate) and eating "normally for an overweight person." You don't need 2,000 calories a day, especially not in the losing phase. I don't care what the doctors say or the nutritionists say, either. If they were right, and dieting was one size fits all, I would have gotten thin the first time I tried Weight Watchers at sixteen! Chin up. Be nice to yourself. Pat yourself on your back for how far you've come. And get your buns back on track. Because if you hang in there, you can live at goal. ~Cheri
  6. emily_0192010

    Stall? Only Two Weeks Out?

    Oh yes!! It is actually extremely normal... you hit the "three week stall". It sucks, but it happens. I believe it is just your body's way of dealing with the all the changes. You will break out of it! In the meantime, focus on your water, protein and vitamins and don't worry about the scale (well, try not to!)
  7. Lisa's Hope


    I wondering if that is happening to me. I'm almost three weeks out and have lost 28 pounds but haven't lost any in 3 days. I wonder why we have stalls so soon after surgery?
  8. 2BonederfulAgain, do not dispair! Many people experience a "stall" at week three and for some it's a bit earlier (week 2) or later (week 4-5). We're all different! You may have extra waste built up in your colon (when was the last time you had a decent poop?). It could be that your hormone levels are higher than normal at the moment (we have extra estrogen in our systems during rapid weight loss as it is released from our fat cells and floods our bodies), so you could be retaining Water as a result of that, which will up your weight. Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day, same clothing or lack of clothing (I weight myself naked, to reduce any variables!). I always weight myself first thing in the morning, right after I pee and before I eat or drink anything. The time of day is fairly consistent and all other variables are fairly consistent too. That way, I can't blame gains on "too much clothes, I just ate, I haven't pee'd , etc. The main culprit is a lack of a bowel movement and that's not as easily controlled! LOL If you're doing all those things and the weight is still the same, look to some other indicators that things are still progressing.....measurements can change, even when the scale doesn't. You might notice clothes are fitting more comfortably than before, or are getting too big (yeah!). Take a look at what you're eating. At 3 weeks out you're probably still in full liquids, possibly on mushies (each surgeon is different). So, are you getting enough Protein? Enough calories? Try to be as patient as possible (I know, I know.....that SUX). Our bodies have been throw a MAJOR curve ball. First we go on a pre-op diet (not every surgeon requires it, but most do and it varies from a few days to a few weeks!), then we have a major surgery, and then we suddenly STARVE ourselves (as our bodies see it). Your body's fighting back! It thinks your under life-threatening attack and trying to save your life! Give it time to figure out that "it's all good" and it will come 'round and get you back on the losing track. We're here if you have more questions, concerns, frustrations, anger....need to vent. That's what this place is for!
  9. I am wondering and I bet a few others might be too but.... I have seen it common for a rather large group of us to experience the "three week stall" (right after surgery) - but are there any other common stall times that commonly occur during the post sleeve journey?
  10. Newfoundlove

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    I'm a little bit of a slow loser I think (which is okay with me). I lost 17 pounds in the two-week pre-op low carb diet but only 15 since surgery on May 3 and I haven't had any food that are cheat foods. As long as I see the scale going down two or three pounds a week I am totally fine with that. I expect a stall at some point and I'll power through it. I haven't added much exercise yet but have an appt. tomorrow with my NUT and Fitness Consultant. I think when I add some exercise in and get my calories up a little, I might see a larger loss, but who knows what my body is going to decide to do. So far, a little peanut butter is the only thing I've tried that has not agreed with my sleeve. One of the things I have noticed is that I am much more 'in tune' to what my body is telling me. If I am a little bit down on my water, I get tired, so I up my H2O. I am pretty much able to gulp down water now too, so I can swig a glass before bed if I need to. I also had my best NSV ever and posted it in a different section. Put a pair of pants on and they promptly fell to the ground! My husband had to come in and see what I was laughing so hard at. I'm wearing clothes in my closet that I haven't worn for many years and other clothes that I wore that were tight now fit really well. It's such an incredible feeling and a great morale booster!
  11. Isabel'sGma

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Well I have been off here for several weeks. My stress levels have been amped up 100%. I have been in a stall for about three weeks and for the last two weeks I have been dealing with a f/u mammogram with negative results, referral to surgeon, breast ultrasound, then finally last Thursday a breast biopsy under general anaesthesia. Now impatiently waiting for results on Wednesday. Fortunately for me it is the same surgeon. I told him that I had not intendd to get to know him quite this well, he laughed. My weight has not changed except to go up about 5 pounds - However, today I put on a size 22 pair of jeans and a size 22/24 shirt. The clothes I wore into the store were a size 26 jean and a 30/32 shirt. Not sure how it all works, but I am so thankful. For all the prayers out there, I would appreciate them for the next few days.
  12. MinaT

    The Last 25

    The reason that the last part is harder has to do with the amount of energy you expend with your current exercise or normal routines and your current weight vs. when you were 200 - 180. Someone that weights 250 uses up more calories per minute than someone that weights 150 doing the exact same thing. If every single day you do the same routine, walk a mile, 3, 5 or 10, it becomes the norm. Something usually has to change for the last push and of course you know that there's not just a "three week stall" there are continual stalls. How about switch up your exercise routine, if you usually walk or ride a bike, try step aerobics with weight training, get a tape like The Firm. Sometimes something as easy as switching your routine will help move it along. More muscle you have the more fat you burn. I haven't had surgery yet, but I've been through this myself. I used to run 10 miles a day, lift weights, do aerobics and kick box before I got sick and regained all my weight back. Good luck and hopefully the last 25 will melt off
  13. emily_0192010

    Vsg & Hiatal Hernia Repair

    Hello I'm glad to hear you are doing well!! I also had a hiatal hernia repaired during my operation and didn't find out until my follow-up visit! I'm not sure if it made my recovery harder or not. Apparently it is very, very common! I also agree that wearing something tight actually helps in some ways. Once my incisions weren't sore themselves (just general soreness) I wore a spanx-like thing all the time. I still wear it! Immediately after surgery I wore one that was technically a size or two too big, that way it held me in but didn't add pressure. Good luck on not stepping on the scale! It is very tempting at first! Also, be prepared just in case you hit the "three week stall". Totally normal, but it can still hurt to see it. If you do hit it, just remember "Water, Protein, vitamin" and try not to dwell on the number!
  14. alliegb3

    Not Losing Weight?

    There is a dreaded three week stall people talk about...
  15. findingmyself

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    4/24 sleever. I met with my doctor, therapist and trainer this week. Trainer today actually. Feels great to our weight lifting into my exercise regimen. I have been on a 3 1/2 week stall. All three had the same message for me. Increase my calories to 1200 (currently 800), eat protein first and get my water in. I exercise plenty just need to eat and drink. Funny. Seems to be the exact opposite than before. I used to eat plenty and skip exercising. The irony makes me chuckle. Best wishes to all the April sleevers! Keep on keeping on.
  16. Lissa


    Ayay, This is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle change. I don't know how far post-op you are, but I'm guessing you're in the 3-5 weeks category. If so, search here for the 3 week stall. Almost everyone goes through that stall and finds that the scale is standing still for a bit. Take your measurements now, so you have something to refer to later, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting as well. Are they looser? If you did take pre-op measurements, are you losing inches? I lost my first pants size during my 3 week stall. I put them on, zipped them up, and they fell to the ground! I'm not following any diet except: 70grams of Protein and 64 oz of Water per day. I don't track calories, carbs, or anything else. I have started adding in more "good" carbs because I've upped my exercise routine, but that's about the only time I worry about carbs. Stalls will happen, but they happen because your body needs the time to adjust to the changes. I shape-shifted in the last few months, losing a good bit of mass in my hips and thighs and developing muscle definition in my arms, tummy and thighs. In that same three months, I lost 10 pounds. Now my weight loss has started up again, but I imagine that I'll go through another shift in a month or so. The best advice I can offer you is this: Don't let the scale run your life. Weigh less often and concentrate on your protein and water goals. The weight will take care of itself. Add in some exercise, even if it's 5 minutes on the treadmill or exercise bike. Once it's part of your routine, you'll miss exercise when you don't do it. Good luck!
  17. ChrisECWest

    Hey Guys

    @SimplyQuel, I was told that some stalls are to be expected. I was so busy this week I was only able to use my stationary bike for three days this week and I walked yesterday. I took my usual route to walk and beat the time by 5 minutes so that tells me I need to walk a little further and hopefully I can get a little faster. My only problem is I have asthma and sometimes too much can aggravate it and there I am on the nebulizer again. I must admit though since the surgery I have been okay and with the weight I have lost I haven't had many issues with my asthma. I haven't weighed in a week so I am going to get a scale and see where I am now. Isn't funny when you know you are heavy you refuse to buy a scale but when you are losing you are gung ho to get one?
  18. I'm three weeks out and my NUT told me not to be surprised if I hit a stall about this time. Therefore, I'm not getting on the scale until next Friday. Do a search on this forum for Three Week Stall and you'll see other posts about this. They can last a week or two apparently.
  19. I'm a band to sleeve revision 9 weeks out. I think I eat WAY too much. I just got a smart phone so I could download My Fitness Pal. For the last three days, I have finally been keeping track of my calories. I'm eating around 1500 calories a day, which just seems outrageous. Also, I feel like I have just plain poor eating habits. Like my old habits are not going to die. Sugary things are really hard for me to get away from, and I crave carbs. I have been hitting my 60 g Protein requirement pretty early, so that's not too big of a deal. I do good on Water, too. I don't do pop or alcohol, and I don't crave those things at all. Also, I have come across nothing, literally nothing, that has given me trouble. Bread, rice, Pasta, everything goes down just fine. I've been stalled for a while around this 172 mark, so maybe that means I'm done. I'm a little disappointed about it, as I'd like to get down at least to my low with the band - 155 lbs. I guess what has me worried is that if I'm doing poorly right now, how the heck am I going to make this work in a year? In 5 or 10 years? I just don't know how to put my old eating habits to rest. Especially because I thought I had rid myself of my old eating habits with the band. I got to the point where I ate what I felt like, but it just wasn't much, and when I was done, I was done, and didn't think about it any more. Now I'm back to the old habits...obsessing about food and what I didn't finish, thinking about when I can have the rest of that sandwich, etc. I don't know, anyone have any thoughts? I'm just really nervous about this long term.
  20. 139 lbs, 5'7 (slouching) is the current number. 188 was at surgery. Barely qualified. Ate like a pig the last few weeks to make sure I made weight. I have not worked out yet. Just yard work and walking. First three months after surgery I over ate all the time. It was hard to break that habit. Was punished a lot by sleeve. It is just now that I am use to eating just a little, and don't try to stuff more in. Weight is really falling off the last few weeks because of this. Have had two big stalls, about two weeks each time, but did not sweat them, knew they would break. I occasionally have a glass or two of wine, and I drink two shots of espresso with steamed whole milk froth everyday. Water---no sodas-ever, and unsweet tea most of the time. Chicken sits like a rock, actually hurts my stomach. I had filet today from Ruth Chris, and it was fine. In general I don't like meat. I am so thankful that I got surgery early. I think it has been easier because of it. I know I would not have lost the weight on my own. I am much healthier now and feel very good about myself. I still snore, but I think apnea is better. My only concern is that I start leveling off in the 120's. I have been in the 110's and I look super skinny at that weight, so I don't want to go there. If you are a light weight, low bmi and wonder if surgery is for you, I hope my story and journey helps. I has been easy and soooo worth it.
  21. Oh, Neva, Everyone hits that three week stall. Yours may have come early since you have a lower BMI than a lot of us. Just keep looking for those NSVs and the SVs will follow right along! You're doing great!!!
  22. They pumped 10-12 pounds of IV fluid in me while I was in the hospital. It took me more than a week to just get back to the weight that I was when I went in. I also had the three week stall and IVs 6 more times, so my early weight loss was a constant roller coaster ride! You'll be fine, don't stress it. Don't want to lose those fluids too fast or you'll end up like me; with a needle in your arm every other day
  23. My pounds loss isn't great either i was sleeved on 2-29-12 but i have lost a ton of inches. My doc says because i don't have as much weight to lose I'm not going to lose as fast. My NUT has me eating 1/4 cup of food 5 times per day. My protein should be at 80 but I haven't mastered that yet. I'm also required to do 60 minutes of exercise 6 days per week. I started off walking but have since joined the YMCA. Now I have much better variety and love water exercises. My doc says if I'm not drenched in sweat at the end of a workout i didn't work hard enough. So maybe, you just need to change some things. Good luck just got off a three week stall so i understand. i also love to compare pictures don't let the scale discourage you
  24. Dooter


    At three weeks, I stalled out for six.....long.....excruciating.....frustrating...nauseating weeks. I raised my calories and lowered my calories, I lifted weights harder every time, I did almost everything. Then I stripped out my carbs and quit lifting weight and just did cardio. BING!!! That totally kick started my loss. Now it's fairly steady. I'll lose 3-5 pounds then stop for a week or so then lose more. As long as I lose eventually, I'm happy! Maybe you will find the magic button to start it up again. Just keep shaking things up and it'll happen.
  25. Dooter

    What The?

    Oh yes. I stalled at three weeks and it lasted for SIX WEEKS! Yuck!! It was frustrating, but just keep doing all the right things and you will keep losing.

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