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  1. CDP1965


    I know what you mean I am 5 weeks post op and I have not lost any thing for two weeks now. I started to get down a little but then come here and read that it is pretty common so I am just doing what I am supposed to do and waiting to start losing again. I have lost 60 lbs in 6 weeks Three weeks before surgery and three weeks after so I am sure that is a big part of my stall. It's all good though I am sure we will start losing again soon
  2. 2BonederfulAgain, do not dispair! Many people experience a "stall" at week three and for some it's a bit earlier (week 2) or later (week 4-5). We're all different! You may have extra waste built up in your colon (when was the last time you had a decent poop?). It could be that your hormone levels are higher than normal at the moment (we have extra estrogen in our systems during rapid weight loss as it is released from our fat cells and floods our bodies), so you could be retaining Water as a result of that, which will up your weight. Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day, same clothing or lack of clothing (I weight myself naked, to reduce any variables!). I always weight myself first thing in the morning, right after I pee and before I eat or drink anything. The time of day is fairly consistent and all other variables are fairly consistent too. That way, I can't blame gains on "too much clothes, I just ate, I haven't pee'd , etc. The main culprit is a lack of a bowel movement and that's not as easily controlled! LOL If you're doing all those things and the weight is still the same, look to some other indicators that things are still progressing.....measurements can change, even when the scale doesn't. You might notice clothes are fitting more comfortably than before, or are getting too big (yeah!). Take a look at what you're eating. At 3 weeks out you're probably still in full liquids, possibly on mushies (each surgeon is different). So, are you getting enough Protein? Enough calories? Try to be as patient as possible (I know, I know.....that SUX). Our bodies have been throw a MAJOR curve ball. First we go on a pre-op diet (not every surgeon requires it, but most do and it varies from a few days to a few weeks!), then we have a major surgery, and then we suddenly STARVE ourselves (as our bodies see it). Your body's fighting back! It thinks your under life-threatening attack and trying to save your life! Give it time to figure out that "it's all good" and it will come 'round and get you back on the losing track. We're here if you have more questions, concerns, frustrations, anger....need to vent. That's what this place is for!
  3. So I know its common around week three to hit this stall but its just discouraging! I actually gained a lb since my weigh in last week any advice would be helpful! I'm getting in my protein around 50-60 g a day and 64+ oz of fluid! I eat three times a day so I'm thinkimg maybe 4 meals will help?
  4. My carbs hover around 50 a day and I haven't had any stalls longer than one week thus far. Nearing three months out. Some people have no issue keeping their carbs at 20 or below, but I'm not one of them either
  5. Hello everyone!! Today is my first day here. Sleeved on 12-28-15 aka my second "birthday" I have been at a stall again. I feel like the queen of 3 week stalls and by that I mean I stall every three weeks for three weeks at a time. So frustrating because I'm getting married in June and the only thing my fiancé is talking about is to have children after that. I'm not ready.... I want us to go do things and meet people and ride roller coasters and just normal skinny people things. Trying to just vent out my frustrations in a safe place. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I am starting to feel like this surgery is not working. I had my surgery on January 13th. I lose 12 lbs within the first week and the nothing! Three weeks into it I got sick over the weekend and did not eat a thing for 3 days and lost 6 more lbs but since then I have lost nothing again. I am doing everything I am supposed to, getting my Protein in, not overeating but I am not losing weight and I am going into my 7th week. I mean a stall is one thing but it seems like since week one I have been on a permanent stall...it is very discouraging and depressing to say the least
  7. justforme2014

    silly me

    For some reason I thought I was going to be "better" than everybody else and not go through a three week stall that thousands talk about. HA! I was delusional. Lost a whopping 0.4lbs this week Oh well, at least I know its normal and to keep on keeping on.
  8. At 4 weeks I hit a stall for about two weeks. I didn't really let it bother me because I wasn't doing exactly right - eating all the protein and taking vitamins and what not. Anyway, I put on a pair of preop pants and noticed that I suddenly had three or four inches of extra material on each thigh! Guess I was burning inches instead of pounds! I'll take it!!!!
  9. feedyoureye

    Slow weight loss - feeling very low

    Many of us have slow spots or stalls. The one at 2-3 weeks has a name! "the three week stall" look it up. You may have slow weeks or weeks where you lose nothing, and are doing everything right. I lost pretty slow... I didnt get to goal for 3 years! But the speed of loss is not the prize, the end results are. Just keep with it and try not to stress. You are only at the very beginning of the journey... it lasts a lifetime!
  10. Eureka-C

    wow am I stuck! help!!

    I usually lose all my weight for the month the week after my TOM. I stall for two weeks and gain for about three days before. Everyone is different. Pay attention to your own body. Step back and look at the long term.
  11. I had RNY on 11/14/16. I hit a stall last week and didn't lose anything. I weighed today and I'm back to losing. I had my three week follow up Friday and everything is good. I got cleared to travel to NC to see my kids for Christmas! Starting weight was 341 on surgery day I am currently 318!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. grandmaofone

    Stinkin stall is pissing me off!

    Maybe mix up your exercise routine, I stalled and changed around everything and then lost 5 pounds after a three week stall. Sometimes no matter what you do it will just take sometime for your mind and body to register all the changes.
  13. DangerMouse007

    My first stall :-(

    Plenty of posts on this subject, but it looks like you and I had are surgeries on the same day. I lost 24 pounds in the first 3 weeks post-op, but I've been stuck here since then, even gaining back 6 pounds. I'm a little disappointed too, but I've lost and gained weight so many times (before surgery) that I'm used to these stalls. Even on my pre-op diet I lost 30 pounds in a couple of months and then stalled out for three more months before dropping another 20-25 pounds right before my surgery (some of that aided by the clear liquid diet). Hang in there! I know I am!
  14. I didn't really have the famous "3 week stall" but by three months out or so, I started getting my period again, and now I stall for 2-5 weeks every time I get my period. I just finally came out of a 5 week stall, thankfully. It's going to be frustrating every time it happens, but it IS going to happen a lot. Despite my huge stalls every month, sometimes for most of the month, I've still lost almost 120 since the day of surgery 6.5 months ago. It all evens out in the end. Hang in there!
  15. How is your process going I hit a stall after the first week. My tummy feel yucky after each meal. Do that mean I am eating the wrong things or am I eating to much or am I now a vegetarian? I have no idea. Can you help me out? I am three weeks out.
  16. Lissa

    I Just Want To Lose A Size!

    Be careful what you wish for, ladies. I started at 352 and I'm 5'8. It seemed to take forever for the first size in pants to come off. Then, I stalled and during that stall I walked right out of my work pants. I was "stuck" in that size for another 40 pounds, then I lost another size. But, in the last month, I've lost THREE pants sizes, despite the scale not moving. I have literally watched my body shape shift in the last month and now NOTHING fits right. Someone on here posted that it takes longer to lose sizes when we are plus size than it will once we are out of the plus sizes. I am truly thanking God for the box of size 18's I received yesterday because I know I'll be in them and then out of them in no time at all. Look for a post from me in a couple of weeks, offering to pass them on to someone else!
  17. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    Hello. I'm new. I think I'm failing...

    Hi there When you say the weightloss has stopped - for how long? 13kg in 6 or so weeks is AMAZING! But stalls happen. If you search you will find literally hundreds of threads about stalls - and a stall can go from three days to a month or so - but at that calorie level (and I agree, 80p or so is probably wise. Pick up your protein and the healthy calories will lift a bit) you will start losing again. And also - make sure you are measuring. I pretty much always find that it is in a stall that I suddenly lose inches - drop a pants size or shirt size! Be patient. It will resume...

    Screeeeeeching Halt

    It's OVER!!!!! My stall has left...I hope. I got on the scale this morning and I have starting losing again. Only 3lbs but we all need to lose one at a time, right? I am so happy three weeks with no lose was really tough, however I see that I have come out of it successfully and look forward to moving on down the scale! And will battle the next stall just as hard! Thanks again for all of your support!
  19. christieouchley

    protein and carbs after sleeve

    I was stuck and loosing slowly until I started eating every 3 hours. 6 weeks ago I really stalled out but it was because I was still only getting in 800-1000 calories a day but I was getting it all in by grazing all day. The weight started dropping off again when I started letting myself get hungry by only eating every 3-4 hours. Ill start the day with a protien shake (unjury), then 3 hours later Ill have 3 oz of chick breast with maybe a roasted red pepper or zucchini, then three hours later Ill have a protien shake, 3 hours later I had a 5 sauteed shrimp with 1 cup of watermelon, and the last thing I will have today is another shake. After my last shake tonight Ill have in 92g of protien 49 carbs and 930 calories. 47% of the day came from protien. When I got back to doing like this a few weeks ago, I started dropping 4 lb a week again. Dont get me wrong I'm not perfectly alligned every day, a few days ago I carbed all day and felt HORRIBLE, not guilty I just felt bad. Could not wait to get back to my new self the next day, and I felt so much better.
  20. Apple1

    2 weeks post op and stalled!

    Almost everyone gets what is called the three week stall sometime during the first month or so. It is completely normal. I am very surprised at how many calories you are able to consume in a day. At two weeks I was right around 400, at4 weeks 600, and now at almost 8 weeks 875-900. You sound like me in that you have had an easy recovery. My stomach healed quickly and I think I. Could easily squeeze in more calories if I tried. I am working towards a gradual increase to 1000 at 3 moths and 1200 at 6 months.
  21. I had VSG and hiatal hernia repair at the same time. Not gallbladder removal. I am on Actigal as a preventative. But I didn't have gallbladder issues prior to surgery. My surgeon will not do VSG and gallbladder removal at the same time. He feels that a little bile is always released when you remove the gallbladder and that increases the risk of infection at the stomach stitches. I have a horse. My horse is currently boarded out but I have worked a horse farm in the past and kept a prior horse self care. My weight restrictions for the first 2 weeks was 7-10 pounds. I could groom. I could take off the blankets and put it on but was not comfortable bending under the belly to do up the belly straps. DH had to do that. I could not pick feet. Another boarder was kind enought to do that. My weight restrictions went to 25 pounds for weeks 3-4. I would say starting at week 4 I could have cleaned stalls, groomed, turn-out, pick feet. I would not have been able to pick up a full muck tub or a bag of feed. I was fine with moving a full Water bucket of water a short distance. Today is exactly week 5 for me. I have no restrictions as of today from the surgeon for weight. He said just whatever is comfortable. I would be fine picking up the 40/50 pounds of feed, small bales of hay, a muck tub, pushing a wheel barrow, full buckets of water etc.... I would not be trying to pick up 100 pound bags of feed or three string compressed bales for a few more weeks even if it feels fine. I want to make sure my stomach is well healed. I also only rarely move stuff is in excess of 50 pounds so it isn't like I am used to it. This past weekend I helped roll a 500 pound roundbale from the hay wagon to the truck. I just pushed sideways and used my hip so I wasn't using my core. Just used my weight to get it rolling. Hope that helps.
  22. sideeye

    One more Major 2019 Resolution!

    Sporadically using a wifi scale has done very good things for my sanity. Something about it being tracked in an app without any intervention from me makes it easier not to obsess over the numbers. Also the app puts it into a trend line, which is very grounding: I can see that I had an unusually sharp loss at the start of the month, so this "stall" is probably just catch-up. Or I can see that even though I feel like I'm not losing right now, the trend line is still steep. I get on the scale maybe three times a week. I'm vaguely interested in the number that shows but it doesn't stick in my brain, and I can just wait until I'm in a better/more motivated/interested headspace to actually open the app and check progress.
  23. NoDramaLlama

    The Stall

    Sleeved August 4. I hit a stall right after two weeks and it lasted just over three weeks. Very frustrating, but there's nothing to do but push through it. I wasn't doing anything wrong, and I knew others were experiencing a stall at about the same point. One advantage is that it allowed my body to adjust to the fast loss I had during pre-op liquid and the first two weeks post-op. I actually want the loss to be slow and steady so that my sagging skin issues may not be as severe.
  24. kj44

    Talk me down

    I'm having trouble with my stinking thinking it's hard when others in the house r constantly eating Carbs and sugar. Or always want jack in the box( which I do not eat). But I find myself munching on a few crackers here. A bite of garlic bread there or a small piece if cobbler or cake. I'm trying to get back off the carbs. Not going so well do far. I don't eat many but right now it seems like if I have any at all I keep wanting them. Also have been stalled got over three weeks again.
  25. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight, Protein & Exercise Goals

    Why only eat 2 meals a day? To me, that is a sure way to wreck your metabolism. My protein target is 100 grams a day. So, I have to eat frequent small meals and Snacks. 60 grams of protein is on the low side. Protein is critical for healing and weight loss. It also keeps our metabolism stoked. I highly recommend you do everything you can to get your fluids up. You definitely don't want to wind up in the ER due to dehydration. 48 oz is low, especially if you are exercising. I also recommend that instead of focusing on a number on the scale, you focus on getting in all of your fluids and protein. In my opinion, not getting enough Fluid and not eating more often is going to negatively impact your weight loss. Staying off the scale can be a good strategy if you let the numbers on the scale influence your emotions. Also, please keep in mind that none of us lose at a constant or steady rate. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Everyone stalls, and just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks post-op. I don't know when you had surgery. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall

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