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Found 3,907 results

  1. Newfoundlove

    Having A Stall.....help

    I reiterate what Wheetsin says above. Very common at three weeks. Mine didn't come at three weeks, but came at 5 weeks, lasted for one week, then I lost three pounds the next week. I was in a stall last week too, no weight lost for one week, and then two pounds lost this morning. It's part of the process, our bodies are adjusting.
  2. Wheetsin

    Having A Stall.....help

    3 weeks post-op I started a stall that lasted... about 10 weeks. It sucked! It finally broke about a week ago. My best suggestion would be to do a search for "three week stall". It's something most people go through. Generally lasts 1 - 3 weeks, occasionally 4. Virtually everyone goes through it. So the best advice is to be patient and not freak out, don't try to change everything you're doing because you think it's your fault... don't let it get you down. Just remember it will pass.
  3. I went to the mall today to return an item, and while I was there I thought I would browse the ladies section and see if anything was on sale. I found a cute shirt, but it was an XL in the regular ladies section. I've been in the women's 16-28 section for quite a few years. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I tried it on and low and behold that sucker fit!! It wasn't until I was on my way home that I realized today is the 26th and I'm exactly three months out. So when I got home I decided to weigh myself to see where I am and I'm down exactly 40 lbs! My eyes nearly popped out of my head, because I am just getting out of a 6 week stall. For six weeks I bounced around the same darn pound. It was so very frustrating. My logical self knew it would eventually end, but when you are in the moment and that moment last 6 weeks all kinds of crazy thoughts run through your head. Just wanted to share, especially for those who are in the midst of a stall so you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
  4. I will be four months post op on Friday of this week. I was approved for diabetes. For the past five years it's been impossible to control. In addition all the insulin I had to take made it impossible to lose weight. Prior to surgery my AC1 was 12. I went to get blood work yesterday and my doctor called this morning to say it's 6.5. I am so excited. Because my diabetes was so resistant they thought it would take awhile to get off my meds. Also they really pushed for me to do the bypass because of it's success rate with diabetes. I am so happy for my sleeve and realize it only gets better from here!!! I've been stalled at 202 for three weeks now but honestly this is just another reminder that the scale really doesn't matter. The first picture shows the night before surgery, six weeks out, 3 months out and yesterday. Not a huge difference between the last two I've been stalled most of this month but I feel great and I can jog now lol.
  5. Downtown Pony

    Wow Feeling Create

    Well today when i woke up I went to take a shower and when I looked in the mirror I thought damn you need to weigh yourself. I had went to the doctor for my three week check up last Thursday, so i went to step on the scale and I had lost 8 pounds in the last three days. I am now 25 days out of surgery and have lost 53 pounds. i have been taking my protein and vitamins and eating everything on the post opp diet. I had told my self I wasn't going to weigh myself because i know the stalls can be a real b***h. It was only the third time I have weighed my self since surgery. I feel really good because my heaviest during the approval process was 370 and to step on the scale and be 303 really made my day. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week for the last 12 days and swimming laps on my off days from the gym. my body isn't perfect but I feel comfortable with my shirt off. I have always struggled with my weight but been really tall and a ex athlete. I think that this surgery has giving me my life back. I had 23 years of a pretty much useless existence, until I had kids I pretty much sucked. I am going to make sure that the next 40 years will be different. When I got married I was 450 pounds, I lost 130 thru exercise and eating right but then fluctuated from 325 to 380 for two years. Never again!!! My beautiful wife This is a pic of me 10 pound heavier then I am now
  6. Aimee480

    3 Week Stall

    I am one and a half week post-op, but completed two weeks of a two week pre-op clear liquid diet. During the pre-op diet and a week after surgery I lost 23 lbs!!! BUT...since last Thursday I have only lost 2 lbs. I was getting depressed thinking I am "eating" too much. But when I plugged in my food diary into My Fitness Pal, I was pretty much on target. After reading this post and the comments, I feel SO much better. Knowing there is a "three-week" stall for many makes me know I am not alone.
  7. mdb

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I had a small gain this week. I went from 266 to 266.7. I'm in the middle of week three so I think I've hit the stall everyone talks about. Now I know not to panic!
  8. cookies

    Month One

    I can't believe it's already been a month since my surgery. I've had my ups and downs, but I'm trying to stay positive. My surgery itself was fantastic. It went so smoothly and I was so impressed with my surgeon, the nurses and the hospital. I was very fortunate to have no gas pain, and honestly I felt so much better than I expected to. My weight loss was fantastic in the beginning, but as soon as I hit week three, I hit the notorious week three stall. I have to say that despite having read about it, I wasn't expecting it. I weigh nearly 400 pounds, and I'm losing one pound a week eating 400 calories a day? SERIOUSLY???? Stupid body. lol. Week four I managed to lose two pounds, but still I'm finding it very disappointing, but I'm not exercising (blood clot), so that's part of it. I hit something unexpected and found out I had a blood clot when they went to remove my IVC filter. Crap. I'm self-pay so in addition to being worried about that, I also know this means I'm going to have an additional $20,000 or so of medical expenses. And then I had to call my boss and tell him that I'm going to be out of work for another two weeks. Stress city. I'm not happy. BUT...that's all there is. I can't do anything about things out of my control. I'm trying to stay positive and keep myself busy. In a month or so this will all be a memory and I'll be onto something else. Month One Stats: Surgery Weight: 416 One Month Later: 389 Pounds Lost: 27 NSVs: None yet
  9. bikerchick519

    Stall Buster

    I was stalled for about 5 weeks and started drinking this once a day (you could do it twice a day if you want). I've lost 1 1/2 pounds in three days. It's also great for helping with regularity, which we sometimes have an issue with. 2 scoops Herbalife wild berry protein beverage mix 1 serving Herbalife active fiber complex 1 serving Herbalife herbal aloe 8 oz. water The beverage mix only has 70 calories, 15 grams of protein, and 0 sugar. The active fiber has 5 grams of fiber. The beverage mix comes in wild berry or peach mango and the fiber comes in unflavored or apple. If you want to give it a try, you can order off my website. The shake mixes tastes great too.
  10. First let me say I feel fabulous! I've lost over 70 pounds in just over 5 months. I went from a 22 to a very comfy 12. The road has not been easy and for all you newbies...here is my list of amazing highs...and of not so sunshiny lows. Disclaimer: This is my experience...it may not be yours. It will be uncomfortable for a few days post op I was not hungry for weeks after surgery I was scared to eat or drink and I didn’t drink enough...thus constipation and weakness I didn't feel normal for about 6 weeks. I needed naps and I took them The weight literally falls off...seriously I was looking for pools of fat in bed when I woke up in the morning I hit the 4 week stall and it lasted two weeks. Expect it and don't stress On day three, I had a massive freak out…seriously threw a four year old fit…pissed off my stomach was gone. No one noticed for months and that irritated me. EVERYONE notices now and it's all they want to talk about. Don’t tell anyone you are going to Mexico to have your stomach cut off unless you trust them completely. I threw up alot...just slime mostly...while I was learning my new tummy. It will scare you and if you are like me…it will happen a lot when you transition to solid foods. food addiction does not magically go away...if you have a problem before..you will still have it. I think about food all the time, but I finally have a way to resist it. I am a sugar addict. I never crave carbs, but I crave sugar like a mad woman. Going out to dinner is awkward. I hate watching people eat Put the lotion on the skin! My skin got really dry. I’ve lost half my hair at 4.5 months post op. Mine came out in chunks. Freaked me out! Our Golden Retriever and I are in a competition for shedding. It will be ok. Take your Vitamins and buy Nioxin. It doesn’t help my hair loss, but I feel like I am at least doing something about it. Don’t take a powerful laxative when you are constipated…especially before your child’s school performance. It may say “See results in 2-4 hours” but it means 30 mins and then you’re stuck on a mini toilet with both legs numb, crying to everything holy to save you. Shopping is amazing! I still feel like people are looking at me like I don’t belong there…but that’s all in my head. My shoes no longer fit. they are too wide now! Your pre WLS Spanx will look huge in a couple months Trust me…put some Granola bars in your glove box and a few packs of mixed nuts. Sometimes your hungry and there is nothing that you can eat. Handy meals from the market or gas station when you didn’t plan ahead. Single string cheese, an apple, mixed nuts, readymade hard boiled eggs, The inside of California rolls- no rice, campbells Soup at hand or ready made soup in a coffee cup. Handy items at fast food places that sit ok on my tummy include: Taco Bells refried Beans or the inside of a chicken taco. Wendys chili, McDonalds oatmeal, McDonalds yogurt parfait I feel guilty in front of my heavier friends. I always try to wear a sweatshirt so I don’t rub the weight loss in their faces. You get drunk really fast...like a half glass of wine. Be careful...it sneaks up on you...and before you know it, you’re waiting for your hubby to pick you up...from less than a glass. Its crazy. I don't really even try anymore to drink. I crave raw fish, cooked fish, broiled fish, grilled fish...any fish really and it feels amazing on my tummy. I cant eat steak I love that I have collar bones I update my Facebook pictures and secretly love the compliments I own a woman's North Face now I can buy bras at Victoria's secret I pack all my food for work in snack bags and the little tupperware containers for salad dressing. I can still have M&M's...its just like 9...instead of the king size bags Take heartburn medicine everyday...don’t wait until you get heartburn. Buy stock in Maalox You can have a full meal at Costco- Samples + WLS = Cheap Date! Food Portion jokes get really old Fast food burgers makes me want to vomit. At 5 months...salad is wonderful. I can eat about a cup of greens...which takes me a while and I feel a tiny bit normal. Post-op, If you can swing it, buy a Vita-Mix blender and make your own soup. Canned soup was nasty right after surgery. Freeze them in 4oz canning jars. It will be two servings. Quit Smoking before surgery. I waited and it slowed my healing. It also gave me terrible heartburn. I am 5 weeks smoke free You don't have to "confess" you had WLS. It's ok to say thank you for the compliment and not feel guilty. I'm just now starting to accept that I had a little something to do with this insane loss. I tell people when they ask now how I lost the weight, that i exercise and use portion control. People will treat you different. Salesladies ask if I need assistance, men hold open doors and the skinny girls at work talk to me now. It's shallow and pisses me off, but it's nice to not be invisible anymore. WLS is very difficult. For me, it’s not physical, but the mental. Sometimes I just want a cheesecake like before. It goes away very quickly, but it still comes and goes. Sometimes I get angry at my sleeve because I can’t eat something I see others eating. Most of the time I have to hide my expression when I see people shovel food in the way I used to. It’s shocking to see when you’re on the other side of WLS. I used to inhale my food like a tiny food thief was going to come in and take it away from me. You will have to say no to your family when they all want to go to a Chinese buffet. I’m still not ready to walk in and be near a buffet. It feels awesome to give your clothes away, however, do not offer them to your heavier friends. It’s insensitive and they won’t return your calls for a week. Last one...I played laser tag this past weekend with a bunch of 9 year old boys. It was soooo Much fun!!! Please feel free to add any other thoughts or tips...
  11. Dooter

    Cardio Vs Weight Training For Weight Loss, Wyo?

    All i have to offer is what i've experienced in the last four months. Which is this: I was doing cardio, then some pretty aggressive weight training. My weight stalled at the usual three weeks where most of us DO stall....well, it lasted for six weeks. I think what was happening, is that I was building muscle as I was losing fat, so it looked like I was stalled out. I'm all about the scale, so I could not have that. For a time, i have been doing cardio only and slowly increasing my time. I can do 45-60 minutes on the elliptical now. I just went in for my four month follow up and the PA told me to do some strength training twice a week with very light weights and very high reps (up to 60) so I will not be a frail thin person. This way of strengthening will not add bulky weight to my muscles, just make them strong and add some burn to the metabolism. So far so good.
  12. Roseib

    Last Hope

    Sorry I didn't see this. I had a five week stall my second month and into third month. Wow was that diacouraging. I lost 143 by end of year. But every month I stalled for two or three weeks and then lost several pounds quickly. Everyone loses differently. Some people apparently never stall - and then there are the rest of us. Hope you are doing well now. OA has a good saying: progress not perfection
  13. It's all new


    Does anyone know what taking BCP's does to weight loss? I started taking a continual double dose of my BCP'S so that I'm not constantly having my TOM, and have only lost two lbs in the three weeks since then. My weight loss stopped the day that I started the double dose. Coincidence?? It is totally possible that the stall is just a long third week stall, but I'm about six weeks past surgery and have basically been in a stall for three. And I'm eating my Protein, getting my Water, getting exercise, and having about 600-700 calories daily. Ideas anyone?
  14. There is a typical three week stall, you may just be starting early. However, make sure you're getting all of your Water in. Not drinking enough can cause your body to retain the water and translate it into a "gain" temporarily. Also, if you're close to TOM, most of us ladies experience a slight gain, followed by a big drop after it's done. You're doing fine. Don't get stressed out now.
  15. Pinky14

    African American Sleevers

    Mzpecanbrown congrats on ur loss. U post was hiliarious. I weigh daily also. I think may be in a stall right now. I keep going up or down by a pound. I am three weeks out. The scale really hasn't moved all week. It is a little frustrating but I am reading that it is normal at this point. Vsg chichi I guess that is up to you. You will have to take off all your clothes the day of surgery. During my surgery I was given a catheter. I don't remember it going in or them taking it out. ( Thank GOD)
  16. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Well, it finally happened. Three weeks later than I expected. Six weeks out and I hit a stall. Stuck at 215 for the last week. It's okay though since I added exercise to the schedule this week so my body is probably just trying to adjust. I did have a great NSV this week too. I cleaned out my closet and took two large trash bags of clothes that i will never wear again to a consignment store that sells only women's sizes 14 and over. I get 50% of the sales price. These are very nice clothes as I have to wear business dress for work. I can use the profits as credit in the store if I want. The store has really cute clothing and accessories so I think this is a good deal as I am dropping sizes and don't want to spend the money on new clothes. Great transitional clothing! I'm eating regular food now but still having a hard time getting the calories up to 800 per NUT's recommendation. Still around 600. Protein has been in the high 70's to low 80's, carbs in the 20's, and at least 64 ounces of water daily, sometimes more. Last night I had halibut cakes, rather cake (singular) since I could barely eat one. I'm not finding eating at restaurants challenging at all. There always seems to be healthy choices. I ate one or two bites of the outside of the cake which was very lightly coated with panko, and ate mostly the middle of the cake and two green beans. It was a delicious meal, although just the very small bites of the panko crust did send me to the bathroom an hour later. At least I thought that's what it was. Could also have been the rich filling in the halibut cake too. For Father's Day, I'm making Emily's Bites Lasagna Cpcakes since my husband wants lasagna. Can't wait to try them! I feel like I am in a really good rhythm now and it is great!
  17. I've reached the first dreaded stall at three weeks out...the scale hasnt moved at all!!! Im not by all means expecting to lose as much as i see others on here losing just kinda hoped that i could miss the stalls!![wishful thinking] Am i eating to much?? I am able to eat 4oz of chicken combined with veggies in about 20 mins is that to fast, to much food?? I see people posting saying that they are only able to eat a couple spoonfuls of their meal and i can eat the whole meal. *sighs* your help and advice is appreciated...thanks in advance [=
  18. I've reached the first dreaded stall at three weeks out...the scale hasnt moved at all!!! Im not by all means expecting to lose as much as i see others on here losing just kinda hoped that i could miss the stalls!![wishful thinking] Am i eating to much?? I am able to eat 4oz of chicken combined with veggies in about 20 mins is that to fast, to much food?? I see people posting saying that they are only able to eat a couple spoonfuls of their meal and i can eat the whole meal. *sighs* your help and advice is appreciated...thanks in advance [=
  19. Happy 6 month Surgiversary to me! I luv my sleeve and would do it all over again. I will be 62 next week and honestly can say I feel like I am in my 30's for the first time in years. It's hard to believe it has been 6 months ago today that I was so miserable, with only 60 pounds of weight to lose, but ALL in my abdomen and chest area heading for my heart! I could hardly breathe after I walked and was constantly out of breath. I have gone from a size 18 jeans to a size 6. My % of body fat had gone from 57% to 32% (at last month's f/u visit). I could not get any of my clothes on, and when i did always wore a spanx or a flexees and was still miserable. I refused to buy any plus sizes. In 1999 I had Nissen Fundiplication surgery for my severe reflux condition. 1/3 of my stomach had protruded up though my diaphragm and was lodged between my lungs headed for my heart. In 1999 the doctor had literally sutured the top of my stomach to my esophagus. My abdomen and chest area was like a rock. Thank God for my VSG surgeon in La Jolla, Dr. Bhoyrul, who i feel literally saved my life. Took him 2 hours just to fix the esophagus and get my stomach bacj through the diaprhagm before cutting off the 85%. He was awesome and will spend as much time with you answering questions that you need him to. Because of his extensive repair, I was on a TPN for 18 days to make sure I would not get a leak in my esophagus. I am so lucky I had a doctor who took that precaution, even though the TPN for 18 days was not fun. (TPN is an iv for nourishment and hydration because you can't swallow anything). So for 18 days I could not swallow anything. I had no food or Water, other than sipping water and swishing and spitting it out. I did not ever get a leak because of this precaution he took. This had nothing to do with the VSG surgery part, this was because of all the repair work he did from the previous surgery. I had so many stitches in my diaphragm where he had to attach it back to my esophagus that I coughed for about three weeks until the sutures dissolved. I never had any pain or nausea even after going through all this repair. Had my drain removed after one week and didn't even know he removed it until he showed it to me. I have never felt better. I am now only 7 lbs. away from his goal for me and 13 lbs. away from my own personal goal. It is harder to lose the closer you get to your goal, so I will continue to go upstairs and do the endurance interval workout he has suggested for me on the treadmill. I have before and after pics on my profile page. The after pic was May 10th so I was at almost 5 months out. Please remember, that your time will come where you can eat anything you want and feel great. Your stomach needs to have atleast 12 weeks to heal. Give it that chance. Don't push it or try to rush it and you will do fine. Of course, when you see a juicy burger on every TV commercial, you are envious! But you will be able to eat it one of these days. Just not as much! There is nothing I can't eat. My sleeve is very accomodating! Please DO NOT get discouraged when you are in a stall. You are not going to lose a pound or so everyday. If I was in a stall, I would have Protein only and no carbs. I drink almost a gallon of flavored water each day. (After sipping on plain water for 18 days and spitting it out, I don't like the taste plain water anymore). Before surgery I was a Diet Pepsi addict. Don't even want it now. Don't want or eat anything fried now. Instead of bags of potato chips, I now eat Lundberg Rice Chips. I used to eat overly buttered popcorn every night after dinner. Since I have only eaten about 1/2 a snack bag or Smart Pop when we went to the show because i thought I would crave it, but didn't eat anymore than that. You may need to decide what you can and want to do without to take advantage of thie new healthy lifestyle you are now experiencing. It is worth giving up some things. You will LUV shopping for new clothes. It is so comforting to me to go to my closet now and put on a pair of jeans (even after washed and dried) and being able to zip them up and button them and feeling comfy the entire day. Keep a positive attitude and praise God that you are fortunate enough to do this for yourself! Enjoy the moment and don't worry so much about where you will be weight wise in a few months or what you will be able to eat in a few months. You won't know until the time comes and you try it anyway, so why worry about it now!. There is no way you are not going to lose. You aren't eating hardly anything and your stomach has been decreased by 85%. You will lose! Don't worry! And please don't forget to take the time to ask questions of your doctor. LUV MY SLEEVE! Good luck to all of you who will have your surgery in the months to come. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Janet :) :) :) :)
  20. I'm three weeks out and gaind two lbs with week. This is my first stall. But over all its looking good,
  21. Everyone has the three week stall... or almost. It's normal for our body to say "Hey, wait a minute here!" and take a break from losing... and it doesn't only happen at 3 weeks. I've had a couple of stalls in 9 months, and one spot where my weight loss was incredibly slow. BUT, and it's a big But, during the stalls is when I've lost inches and sizes. I walked out of my pants during my first stall, and I've watched my body reshape itself literally during the last 3 months of super slow weight loss (compared to weight lost at the beginning). Just this morning I noticed that my tummy has changed shape completely in the last few weeks. Keep to your plan during the stalls. Eat your Protein and drink your Water. Change up your exercise and either add or remove something. I changed from the recumbent bike to the elliptical and I'm going to add in the arc (killer elliptical) in a few days, just for some variety. Most importantly, ditch that lying scale from your brain. Take your measurements and then re-take them when you feel like you're stalled. Watch the inches come off your body and enjoy living this new life and journey that we're all taking. Good luck! I know you're going to do fine!
  22. twistedkitten25

    Let Me Get This Straight...

    What's the three week stall? Im 3 weeks.
  23. I am lost at how my new body works. I have lost 53 pounds in 5 weeks, but I stall for three days and then lose two pounds in a day. I am eating 800 calories some days and 1,200 other days. Usually, I am burning 1,000 calories through exercise. I think I throw my body into starvation mode when I eat less than 900 calories and don't eat all day. I am 5 weeks post op, so I am doing good, but I guess I am expecting to lose 1 to 2 pounds a day, like I did pre-op and the first two weeks.
  24. Since surgery Dec. 27, it seems like my face has been broken out and no matter what I do, it just keeps getting worse. I turn 59 in a couple of weeks and it's worse than it was when I was 16 -- mostly in my chin and lower cheek area, even on my nose. About a dozen zits at a time. I'm been washing my face more, trying different products but don't want to use anything that will dry my already mostly dry complexion out. I'm figuring that either my hormones have changed since surgery or I'm allergic to something or my body is reacting differently to something. I've also been in a terrible stall for about a month and a half -- going back and forth with about two or three pounds -- but I figure that will get better soon. My hair loss that started at about four months out is finally getting better at five-and-a-half months or so and I'm hoping that my body has adjusted to its weight loss and it will start back up again. Anybody else having this problem with breakouts and how have you dealt with it? Does this get better? All suggestions welcome!! Thanks, Carol
  25. I started at 240-ish, wanted to be 140-ish. I had surgery in Feb 2011 and was down 90 pounds by Jan 2012. I am not too fussed about the last 10, but hopefully those come off over time. I had a slow loss overall and a lot of stalls, including the current one -- but I'm also not bothered about those very much. For personal reasons, I didn't do any exercise apart from walking till 9 months post-op, and since November I go to the gym three times a week in addition to the walking. Good luck!

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