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  1. Does anyone else ever feel guilty if they take a rest day from working out? We HAVE to take rest days to let our bodies and heal and rest, so we don't do damage. I work out 5 days per week and rest for 2. I rest on Thursday and Sunday. And I have to be honest, as soon as I wake up on rest day, I start feeling like I'm doing something wrong by not working out. As the day goes on, it just gets worse, and I have to literally FORCE myself to keep my rest day. I do keep to my rest days, but I really struggle with them. Anyone else, or am I just weird?
  2. Lilia_90


    I am 5.5 months out and at 3 weeks out I have been out to dinner at least once a week/twice sometimes. I traveled at 3 weeks out, 3 months out and at 7 months out (upcoming), and what I can tell you is this: - It never hindered my weight loss, on the contrary, I weigh in every Sunday and I see the weight melting off the morning after being out on date night and having yummy food. - It is truly enjoyable, I get to try a little bit of this and that and not stuff myself. A bite or two is enough. - I TAKE MY TIME. I have been a fast eater my entire life and since surgery I am forced to slow down and actually savor what I am eating. This has turned date night dinner from a 1.5 hour affair to at least 3 - 3.5 hours and I would have lengthy deep conversations with the hubby which also forces him to slow down (the connection and conversation part can apply to whoever your companion is). - SHARE - I order one salad/entree with the person I'm eating with and I portion out what I'm having. - I make good food choices, I scan the menu and choose the best option of protein & Veg. I always start with my protein, a salad/veggies, then if I can I'll have a bite of a fun thing, either a tiny bit of carb or a bite or two of dessert (not always, whenever I'm feeling like it). But generally meals out don't get in the way of how I eat and what I eat. I think it is important to train your body and mind to be okay with eating out without it being a hurdle or a trigger. Living after weight loss surgery should include experiences like travel and food because it's a lifestyle and not alienation from what life used to be. I knew early on that I would not stop myself from eating out (I love love love dining out and trying different cuisines and restaurants) and traveling, it's just how I would do it in a way that doesn't involve losing control and hindering my progress or causing a negative mind shift. Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a blast!
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling post-op

    I had so much pain after my sleeve. I was miserable for the first 2 weeks. I couldn't meet my fluid intake because I couldn't tolerate cold liquids at all. I was living on my pain meds and later tylenol. So I completely feel you on this. If your surgeon already knows how you're doing and says you're fine, then there's not a lot you can do. You can call them back and tell them the same stuff again (emphasize that it was initially managed but now it's not) but I'm guessing they'll tell you the same things they said last time. Sleeping propped up or in a recliner was my saving grace. I, too, am a side sleeper so finding a comfortable position the first 2 weeks was really tough. Also, I was falling asleep all the time in the beginning, so that made it worse. That's normal (sleeping a ton in the beginning) so don't worry about that. The only thing that's not negotiable (in my eyes) is the multivitamin. You absolutely HAVE to have it. If you can't tolerate the one you have, find a liquid one or chewable one in a flavor you might like better. While not preferred, maybe even gummies (they have yummy flavors, and that might help in the beginning). A capsule might also help since they have no flavor at all. Tablets can be rough in the beginning due to size and flavor. If the premade shakes are too much for you at times, try an unflavored protein shake powder. Add it to milk (I personally do almond milk) and then add a non sugar sweetener to taste (I use monk fruit sweetener because I hate Stevia). Protein and fluids are the absolute MOST important things right now (next to the multivitamin). It's ok to not hit the goals in the beginning, but you want to get as close as you can. Instead of regular broth, try different flavors of bone broth (richer taste and higher protein amounts). Try different shake flavors. Taste buds absolutely change after the surgery, so it's normal to not like the flavors you loved pre surgery (that's why you shouldn't stock up before the surgery). I also got a lot of the sugar free water flavoring powders in different flavors (you can get them at any grocery store) which gave me variety when getting in my fluids (I still use them now because I despise plain water).
  4. Arabesque

    Struggling post-op

    Give your surgeon a call. You really shouldn’t be experiencing a lot or any pain (besides a little discomfort or lingering surgical gas pain) at this point especially after it was initially managed. Some people find sleeping in a recliner helpful or prop themselves up on extra pillows or a wedge. I presume you are still using your CPAP machine. It can be hard to meet those protein & fluid goals in the beginning. And yes you’ll have days when it is easier than others. As long as you are making an effort & can see an improvement over a couple of weeks you’ll be okay. Oh & yes those shakes can be hideous after surgery, The temporary change to your taste buds doesn’t help. I found them very grainy so texturally blah! I diluted them (added another 50% water) & fir ed myself to have one for breakfast. Tried the bone broths but they seemed so salty (glad you enjoy them). Thank gracious for cream soups & consommés. All the best.
  5. Arabesque

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to easily swallow tables about 4 or so days after surgery. The initial post surgery swelling made it painful the first three days but once the swelling went down it was okay. Spread taking them out. Like I had two multi to take so took one in the morning & one at night. Make sure you eat first before taking your vitamins because they a make you nauseous As you’re still on fluids, take your tablets (singularly) with the last sips of your shake. Remember too not to take your calcium, iron or PPI tablets together (wait an hour or so) between.
  6. Arabesque

    Feeling discouraged.

    First, during the surgery lots of nerves were cut so messages about feeling full, hungry, etc, either don’t get through or are distorted. It takes about 8 weeks to heal so most of days find we don’t start to feel our restriction until we’re into solid foods. Also, fluids & purées to a lesser extent go through your digestive system a lot more quickly so you don’t really fill up in rather same way. Tread carefully with the volume of food & liquids you can consume quickly for the same reason. Allow yourself to heal so you don’t strain or stress your digestive system which is being held together with sutures & staples. All because you can doesn’t mean you should in the first two months. We all can & should be able to eat & drink larger & larger portions as we progress until we get to a recommended & appropriate portion size. Try not to eat until you feel full. Try to identify when you’ve had enough. I still ask myself do I need this next bite or do I just want it. It takes at least 20 minutes for the signal that you’ve had enough to get through so by the time it does you’ve likely eaten more than you need. While some people do continue to feel hungry the majority lose their hunger for a number of months. Start by discerning if you are feeling real hunger or head hunger. Craving a specific food, texture or flavour is head hunger. Are you feeling tired, stressed, anxious, frustrated, angry, sad, etc.? Many of us ate to sooth or comfort ourselves when our emotions were in turmoil. This too is a head hunger. It takes a while for your digestive system to adjust so you keep producing the same amount of stomach acid as you did before surgery. Excess acid can make you think you’re hungry (are you on a PPI to reduce stomach acid?) Hunger pangs/pains or a rumbling tummy also in most cases don’t indicate real hunger but excess stomach acid & your digestive system working. Many of us discover new signals for being or almost full (sneezing, runny nose, hiccups, etc.). We often find that feeling hungry (real hunger) is different too. For me I get restless, like something is wrong, I don’t crave anything & there is a reason why I would be hungry (like missed a meal, or ate very little at a previous meal, etc.) As an example. Yesterday went to a family event at a restaurant. Ate very little (they cleared our plates way too quickly for how slowly I eat). Got home late afternoon. Gnawed a trimmed chicken leg for dinner which I bought up (darn foamies). Ate a protein bar & went to bed. Tossed & turned & while tired couldn’t sleep. Argued with myself about whether I was really hungry or not. Realised besides the small lunch, bringing up my dinner, I’d also mixed two snacks. Debated what I wanted to eat (nothing specific). Real hunger. Got up & finished my leftover rolled oats breakfast (usually an afternoon snack). Then happily went back to bed & slept. There is a lot you have to learn & work out about your body, how it works now & your thinking. It takes time but you’ll get there. PS Congrats on your surgery & weight loss so far.
  7. NickelChip

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    @TwinkleToes87 you know yourself and your weaknesses best, but for most people, never having sugar again after surgery is probably taking it too far. I'll grant that there may be some triggering foods that some people would do best to avoid, just as a person in recovery who is addicted to alcohol will avoid drinking, not even a little bit. But giving up all sugar forever, foe most people, is the type of idea that sounds really great when you're planning how perfect you are going to be after this life changing surgery, and quickly becomes way harder and more punishing than you thought it would be when you are on the other side and realize the surgery was on your stomach but not on your brain/personality. I definitely have a sweet tooth, and unfortunately, gastric bypass did not make me hate sugar the way some people do. It still tastes good. But it also takes a lot less to satisfy me now. I can't physically eat two scoops of ice cream. I can eat about 5 bites. So instead of buying a big container of ice cream for home, which could quickly get me in trouble (because I can eat 5 bites at a time, but I could probably eat it 5 times a day, too), I save that treat for when I go out to my favorite farm stand with amazing homemade ice cream. And I split it with someone else so I'm not tempted to take it home for later. I don't buy a big bag of Hershey's Kisses for the house, but I will buy a single truffle from a chocolate shop and savor it. I won't buy packaged cookies, but I'll buy a single cookie from a good local bakery and eat it over two days. For me, the indulgence is now in the quality of what I am enjoying, not how much of it I can consume. It's not "no sugar ever" but "if I am eating sugar, it better be the best and only a little." And just so you know, the day before I had to start my 2-week liquid diet, I went to a restaurant and ordered a massive meal made up entirely of fried appetizers. I felt so sick and gross after, and it was that similar thinking of what if I never have this again. We all have those moments.
  8. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I was 236 lbs. 2 weeks ago. The last few days I've been bouncing around 225-227 lbs. I thought it was my scale not being very accurate. But, the scale at the gym (which is a better scale) was doing the same thing. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with a stall. I hope it breaks for you soon.
  9. I'm doing okay here. Eating the past few days has been blah. No matter what I eat, I'm uncomfortable afterward—nausea, heaviness, or pain. I know I need to slow down! Sometimes, I let myself get too hungry. Then I'm so looking forward to eating and it's not a pleasant experience. It's weird! Right now, I'm staring at the food left on my plate, and I want so badly to eat it, but my chest is heavy and sore, and it feels like food is backing up. I'm grateful that the scale has moved every week—sometimes not much, but it moves. I'm not looking forward to stalls, even though I expect them to happen. I'm almost under that 200 mark and hope to get there in the next week or two! We all need to hang in there!!!
  10. How is everyone? I'm still stalled .... It's been 19 days!
  11. Hi! New here! I had VSG previously and I'm going to have the Overstitch procedure this week. If you've had this done or are thinking about it, I'd love to hear from you! I have not met my surgeon in person (phone consult) and there is a long list of medications. I'm pretty nervous about this non-invasive procedure in a way that I never was about the VSG! It could be the extensive medication list- I didn't need any prescriptions after VSG. Prilosec and Miralax daily 7 days before surgery, Zofran, Emend, and Betyl for nausea and cramping, starting the morning of surgery, and ibuprofen rx for pain. I had VSG in 2017 with no complications. I lost 115 lbs. Fast forward to 2023, 1 years after hysterectomy, I experienced about 30 lbs regain. I was having trouble losing with increased workouts and diet modifications, so I tried Mounjaro. I lost 30 pounds. I felt nauseous and fatigued the entire time I was on that, I subsisted on gingerale (I did not drink any carbonated or sugary drink before this) and cereal or saltines. I went off because I wanted a break from the side effects. I rapidly regained all that I lost and 10 more. After attempts to moderate diet again failed, I went back to my doctor. I'd read about Overstitch, but the information out there is pretty vague. Basically, I know what it is and that it's available. I can't find any decent experience reviews. My doctor expects that I can easily lose between 20 and 40 lbs. Not the significant loss of VSG, but on my small frame, that's a large amount and it would bring me to a much healthier place.
  12. NickelChip

    Help, pre-op mistake :(

    I think you need to take a deep breath and try to calm down a little. You've lost 9 lbs in a week. Your liver will be okay. It's good to take the rules seriously, but it's also good to be realistic about how much damage can be done by any particular action and not overcompensate by doing things that seem healthy (water) but might not be (making yourself sick). Two scoops of ice cream is not the same thing as a gallon of ice cream The better question to be asking yourself right now might be why you decided to have the ice cream, and why two scoops instead of one. Understanding behaviors, especially self-sabotaging ones, will be important for long term success. It can also help you find good alternatives. If you absolutely love ice cream on a hot day, consider getting the Yasso frozen yogurt bars with 5g protein for a summer treat when you're able to have them again after surgery. Or if it was because you thought you'd never have ice cream again, I suggest evaluating the rules you plan to follow in the future and make sure they aren't unnecessarily restrictive, as that can cause failure. Or if you just wanted something cold and sweet, stock up on no-sugar added popsicles, which are great for getting in your liquid. Point being, make this a learning experience to do better next time, not a reason to punish yourself or get worked up before your big day.
  13. Brandi S.

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hello, I had my surgery on 5/15/24, I had a hiatal hernia repair with the Gastro bypass and some scar tissue removal. after surgery, I was a little low on iron but walked right away, which helped with the gas pains. I completed the fluid challenge and was released to go home. At the hospital, I brought my purple folder to read over my recovery expectations a book phone a long phone charger, light robe, my comfy pillow from home, blanket, slippers, and chapstick was the main items I use for my hospital stay. I was very thankful for the nausea medicine that helped me through the beginning stages of healing. The recommendation of sugar-free Popsicles were a delightful change. I am now getting stronger and in the third week of a full liquid diet with vitamins, getting ready to merge into my purée diet on June, 5. I noticed walking helps me a lot and then a rest after and drinking a lot of fluids helps me with bowel movements. I pray you all have successful journey in your new lives. God bless, Brandi
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Taking Tablets?

    I'm on HRT and I have the patch (Climera) and it's amazing. I was put on it because the patch gets in the blood stream but avoids the kidneys, liver, and GI system. As for the rest of your pills, I would say if you can cut them, do that. That's what I did after both my surgeries and it really helped. Crushing them is just nasty. I did it for a week and couldn't stand it and switched to cutting them into small pieces. I'll be super honest, I took my pills all together and never had an issue as long as they were small. There was just no way I was taking them 1 or 2 at a time. It would have taken me all day!!!
  15. catwoman7

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to swallow all tablets but two (because of their size) as soon as I got home from the hospital. After about three weeks, I could swallow all tablets.
  16. I know that for the first few weeks after surgery any medication that you take is in a liquid/dissolvable form but what happens after that? How do you take tablets if you can only sip water? 🤔
  17. FifiLux

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    If you have access to a pool and don't mind being seen in a swimming costume aqua aerobics is nice and easy to get the body moving and help joints. If you have a yard/garden even just walking around it would be good to help get you moving, or stairs if you are in an apartment complex. I am not the best when it comes to exercise but I can certainly feel an improvement in my interest and energy levels as the weight comes off. I start each day with good intentions but often procrastinate or find something else to do but I do go to aqua aerobics once a week since February and since last month I am doing pilates once a week. I believe in turning up if I have paid so signed up for a year of the aqua aerobics and doing the pilates in 10 block sessions. At home I do the One and Done program, seven minutes every two days or three days depending on how I am feeling. Again as I paid for it, think $30, I use it and I can feel the difference. I also have an stationary bike that I use once a week or so if I haven't done any other exercises. I just do about 5km at a time as I find it boring but I am sure any little helps. My main problem area is my legs (ankles to thighs) as I have bad lipedema and while they have gone down in size since my sleeve surgery they still do me no favours in the appearance department so I am just trying to target them as much as possible.
  18. Hi Folks, I am about 2 weeks pre-surgery and having the sleeve. I have read about potentially having mood swings after this procedure, and am worrying about this? Does anyone have any views/thoughts.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Like I said, 2 weeks is standard, but the door is open to longer if needed. Some people take longer if they personally feel they need it, but that's if the employer (and potential accumulated PTO time) allows. If you had any complications, you could have had longer from your surgeon. But since you had a fantastic recovery, there was no need for longer other than you wanted it. Which was then up to you to secure, which you did. That's typically how it goes.
  20. Lily2024

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    I'm pretty sure I was told 2 weeks also, though I don't work full time so I was able to go back part time, and I was tired. I can understand not feeling up to it, though standard is 2 weeks. I think the significant piece here is that you have a few issues that are also affecting your recovery time, and it's unfortunate that you weren't able to feel heard about your specific situation. How are you feeling now?
  21. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    FMLA is granted by your employer, but the doctor is the one who says when you can return to work and if they say two weeks, your employer only legally has to hold your job for two weeks. Like I said, I did a lot of research prior to taking leave and saw some went back as soon as 2 days after their surgery, others took the full 6 weeks, but the most common leave time was 2-6. Given that timeline and my previous experience w/ surgery, I expected 4 weeks would be the best situation for me. I am not sure there should be a "standard" for these surgeries. Most of us are very obese and have varying comorbid conditions. I'm not saying that some people cannot return at 2 weeks (or even sooner), but this should be a private conversation that takes place between a patient and their provider and should be customized to the specific patient and their needs. The door to conversation about this should not be slammed on the patient.
  22. catwoman7

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    I thought FMLA was up to the employer, not whomever did your surgery. Or did the surgeon's office have to sign off on something verifying that they expected it would take x-number of weeks to recover (??). It's been several years for me but I don't really remember - but it could be that my clinic had to state that I would require so many weeks to recover. My employer was the entity that granted the FMLA, though. But as far as the rest of your post, yes - I would think it might take more than two weeks to recover from the DS. The surgeon's office probably should have said that you might need up to (however many) weeks... although sleeve2bypass is correct - two weeks seems pretty standard. Although the vast majority of people have sleeve or bypass, which aren't as extensive.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Seems pretty standard. I had 2 weeks off when I had my sleeve and when I had to have the revision to bypass a year later, also had 2 weeks then. I think they tend to only give longer if you have complications. Otherwise I think 2 weeks is pretty typical. Some doctor's offices will give longer if you specifically ask for it (not mine) but I don't think that's typical.
  24. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    Hi, friends! I had the traditional duodenal switch on 04/24/2024 with Dr. Joshua Roller in Fayetteville, Arkansas. My surgery experience was fabulous and I have had zero complications following surgery. I haven't even so much as vomited since surgery. I am 5 weeks post-op and feel great! I wanted to let folks know, though, that it is their "company policy" to only provide FMLA/short term disability coverage for 2 weeks. I had done a lot of research on this surgery prior to having it and was expecting 4-6 weeks for recovery. I had previously (in 2019) had a surgery to remove my gallbladder and 2 weeks was so unbelievably inadequate for me to recover. No one asked me about my FMLA or disability paperwork until my group dietician appointment the day before my surgery (as I was an out of state patient from Ohio). The nurse said, "If anyone has FMLA paperwork, we will take it now. We provide 2 weeks off work. Any longer and we need documentation of complications to extend it." Since I was in a group setting, I felt uncomfortable contesting this. I spent a significant amount of time in distress over this, as I wouldn't even be home a full week or on solids for more than a day before they said I should return to work. They would not budge on this policy. Thankfully, my employer allowed me to take 2 extra weeks of leave, but that was a privilege extended to me and my job was not legally protected during those extra two weeks. Additionally, I was not paid at all for those extra 2 weeks because according to Dr. Roller, I only "needed" 2 weeks, not 4 weeks. I am struggling a lot financially post-op because of this, as my short term disability company has a waiting period and I only got paid for a few days of work while being out for 4 total weeks. Roller's office is phenomenal in every other way and like I said, my hospital stay and my surgery itself have been everything I hoped for and then some, BUT I think that this issue is a pretty big one for some folks. I was in no shape to return to work at 2 weeks post-op and genuinely feel that Dr. Roller's office needs get rid of this policy where they paint every patient with the same brush. I am chronically ill in other ways and I should not have needed to have complications from surgery to qualify for more than 2 weeks off from work. This disappointed me greatly.
  25. Saffy1

    Pre op diet

    From the usa 2 week liquid diet -very strict 1. 32 oz water/sugar free calorie free liquids 2. Clear broth 1x a day 3. 3 protein shakes 6 ounces total of 340 calories combined That's all I am allowed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
