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Found 17,501 results

  1. I have regained a ton of weight back after Covid. I would like to find a great doctor, Nutrionist to help me evaluate my diet and get back on track. It would be nice if they did hormone evaluation too, but not required. Any referrals in Dallas, Richardaon, Plano, Frisco, Allen, or DFW metroplex is appreciated!!!! I want an accountability physician or Nutrionist or dietician. I want to hear your stories. Thanks everyone! Melanie Kirk
  2. emilyemiliemilu

    Not losing weight

    I had VSG in February and haven't really lost that much weight. I started at 192 the day of surgery, and am at 172 today. I have been 172 for 3 weeks now and have not seen any change I wonder if I'm not getting enough calories. I only eat about 1000 calories a day. I struggle to get my fluids in as well.
  3. Hello i had my surgery 3/2/2022 i was wondering if anybody can help . I started at 381 and 2 weeks after my surgery i went to my follow up and weighed 356 , i bought a scale finally and i weighed myself and it’s weighing 354 so i haven’t really lost anything . I know stalls are common but for how long ? My follow up was the 3/14/2022 and it’s now 4/16/2022 and i weigh the same . Can somebody please help ?
  4. So I had a stall. An eight-week-long stall. And I'm pretty close to my goal weight, so I figured maybe this was it... they say N% of your excess body weight, and I'm way past that N%, so this must be it, right? I know it seems early (seven months out), but maybe my body's reached its new set point. Yay, no more meds, yay, normal sized clothing from the middle of the size range, not the top end and oh please God let it fit. So I bought a bunch of new clothes. I've been wearing hand-me-downs and Goodwill thrifting specials for months now, and I wanted some new clothes. I had some belts made, too. Finally I can start to look like an adult! Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. My body decided, over the last week and a half, to lose NINE POUNDS. The clothes I bought are too big. Fortunately some of them still have the tags so I can exchange them. But I guess I needed to do this in order to get things moving again. LOL.
  5. I am having a very slow weight loss. I had my first surgery 3/2000 and VBG revised in 2017. I gained 80 pounds and had a gastric bypass on 3/23/2022. Wondering if anyone else had these issues?
  6. Hey y'all, I'm 6 days post op for the gastric sleeve. Ever since I came home from the hospital I have weighed 4 or 5 more pounds than my starting surgery weight. I don't understand why I have gained and not lost weight. I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong. Although, I do struggle getting my water and protein in. Other than that I feel pretty good. What is everyone else's experience? Is this normal or not?
  7. I know weight loss varies with everyone but I was wondering what the average weight loss was by 6 months post op for a sleeve? Bypass can throw in their results too If you dont mind sharing what your results were at that milestone month.....thanks
  8. Does anybody know what the "expected weight loss percentage" is for immediately after surgery and how the weight loss curves. I guess I'm trying to set up my predictable timeline. For example, it's been 2 weeks since surgery. I lost 10.4 lbs. That is 5.36% My nutritionist said my expected weight loss is 50-60 lbs in 6 months based on my metabolic test and a 600 Kcal/day diet. My resting energy expenditure test reported that I am using 16556vKcal/day. I saw another physician video stating that the curve is greatest in the first 3 months. Then the next 9 months you would expect to lose the same amount as you lost in the first 3 months. Simply, I want to track my weight loss and measure against something scientifically predicted based on those who have had bariatric surgery. Do you guys know of any calculator/program like that?
  9. 1week post opp had surgery march 31 went to see my doc on April 7th lost 20 pds Sent from my SM-A326U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. So I’m in the part of the bariatric program where I have to lose a percentage of weight to qualify. Now that may not sound like very much but for someone who doesn’t lose weight easily at all it’s a little bit more harder for me. This is only 11 pounds, once I lose that I do a weight check in and then I get my surgery date. Once I get closer to that surgery date then I have the two week preop liquid diet. I need help and support as to how to start the weight loss going? Should I just go ahead and go into the liquid pre-op diet to lose the initial wait to get in and get my date?
  11. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has some insight into losing weight before surgery and your BMI being too low to qualify. My BMI is 39.9. The doctor would like me to lose 10-15 lbs. That would bring my BMI down to about 37. I don't have any other medical conditions (High blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea). It seems like 40 BMI or higher is required to be approved by most insurers. Has anyone else run into this situation? My BMI was 50 when I had WLS 20 years ago so losing the pre-surgery 15 wasn't an issue. Sent from my Pixel 4a using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Almost 8 yrs VSG and had severe GERD beforehand. It significantly decreased post op but I've remained on PPI medication the entire time. I was down to 1-2 total doses per week, however I had some regain over the last year and am up to THREE TIMES daily!! It's everything to do with how I carry my weight- all in my middle. While I was quite satisfied with the GERD being almost totally resolved initially, I'm fearful that even IF I lose the current regain it won't go away to the extend that it was in the past. I have been told by my bariatric team that a revision is likely the ONLY way to get the GERD to go away with 100% certainty. That sounds pretty good to me but I am quite fearful of surgery in general because I'm a nurse practitioner and we make terrible patients... I would love to know what the loss pattern was like for those who had the revision and can I plan to see awesome results? I mean, BESIDES the GERD clearing up? I am currently about 40 lbs about my ULTIMATE goal- I never reached that goal with my VSG, stopping about 12 lbs away from it...
  13. So I had the sleeve done 3/14 and so far I have no issues. My stomach tolerates everything I introduce. I can intake liquids with ease and i have restriction with food. The day I arrived my weight was 311. Day of surgery I asked to weigh again I was 306. After surgery I weighed myself (I know I wasn’t supposed to I was 295). Today I’m 299.8 and I’m scared to be back over 300 lbs but why am I gaining weight? I’m not even eating enough food to be gaining anything. Is this normal? I’m so afraid of messing this up or failing but seeing the scale go up is sending my anxiety through the roof.
  14. konicki321

    Weight loss

    I am 2 weeks post op. I lost 12 lbs the first week and only 1 pound the second week. Is this normal? Should I be losing more weight? I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. I am currently just over a year out from sleeve surgery. My goal was 160 but the lowest I got was 169. I was beginning to accept that weight but now it has been creeping up ever since and this morning I was 179. I have still been eating good, but more. Around 1200-1400 calories a day. I thought that would be okay… that would at least maintain the 169 but I’m starting to realize that I need to keep the calories even lower. Probably because I am not very active. Idk what I am looking for in terms of a response. I think I am just putting this out there to hold myself accountable. I hadn’t even updated my profile to reflect the gain because I am so ashamed. I have got to stop snacking between meals I know it but it’s so hard with the hunger back. Did anyone else start gaining back this early out. Could it be because I was lower BMI to start and 169 really was my set point and this is the 10 pound bounce back? I guess I could be happy at this weight, but not any heavier, i am just really hoping that I don’t gain anymore.
  16. Hello fellow DSers I have recently gained a few lbs and I’m freaking out. About 10 since fall with about 5-6 in the past 2 weeks (due to a bed rest situation/no exercise situation from a non related medical procedure I think). I am normally very active. I also do intermittent fasting. I work out about 2 hours a day 7 days a week with few exceptions. But to be honest I’m a terrible eater. I’m a sugar and carb addict and live my life a slave to my upset stomach (ds related) Again to be honest that has worked for me 2 years out I’ve lost 100% of my excess weight but it’s not working anymore. I went from 283 to 138 and am now about 148. How have you all handled these weight gains if you have had them? I’m afraid of the slippery slope. Should I go back to basics? Proteins and veggies? This is such a weird statement but I feel like the sugar is what has helped me get here bc I don’t keep the calories in (ya know) and I’m afraid to give it up. Any advise appreciated. TIA
  17. HW - 237 LW - 137 (this was also my goal weight) CW - 155 I hit my goal weight 8 months after surgery (November 2019) but, by about 13 months out I was up to 150 pounds, and have been maintaining my weight in the 150’s ever since. I have maintained my weight here for two years and am comfortable, but still long to lose the 20 pounds I regained, and STILL fear gaining back all of the weight.
  18. Hi everyone, I'm 7 months out of RNY (Aug 23, 2021) and my weight loss has been great (down 82lbs). I have been struggling my entire life with anxiety and as I get healthier I have been more motivated to deal with my mental health issues as well. I had a conversation with my primary care dr. this morning and she is prescribing 25mg of Zoloft and talk therapy. My question is - have you been on or started Zoloft after RNY? My main concern is weight gain. I am soooo nervous about taking this medication and losing the results I have worked so hard for the last year. I'm also concerned about it slowing my weight loss. I am 100% going forward with the talk therapy and honestly feel I could use the help of a medication, but am so nervous about trying it and then gaining. Thanks all!
  19. Question, has anyone not lost any weight for their monthly check in? I haven’t and I’m stressed as I see them later tomorrow.
  20. Hello this is my first post. I wanted to try to get a better understanding as to what is possibly going on. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on the 24th Jan of this year the first 5 weeks i lost a lot of weight fast, 20kg. Now i'm at a stand still the past 2 weeks i'm bobbing up and down 1/2 kg. i'm now down to 146 kg. I have no access to a dietitian until 16th May so i can't ask whats going on. I was at my local GP on Friday to get a blood test ordered as i have anemia on and off since surgery i felt like rubbish no energy, tired all the time and it's an effort to get out the front door. I'm suppose to be making all these fantastic changes exercising and honestly i just don't have the energy for it i do try to get out every day for a walk thats a force. I'd apprechiate any insight, thoughts or ideas all are welcome.
  21. Hello everyone. I am wondering, on average, when weight loss stopped after gastric sleeve surgery? Thank you.
  22. fourmonthspreop

    Weight loss stall

    Hey! I'm about one month post op (gastric bypass feb 14). I've only lost about 23 lbs post op. I was at 309 when I went in for surgery. I think my weight was like 314 right after surgery because of all the fluids though. Anyway I'm getting annoyed because I've been in between 287 and 286 for the last 2 weeks. I am eating more calories now but not nearly enough to gain or even stall. I have about 700-800 calories a day right now. Is this normal to stall out so early? I try incorporating exercise in my daily routine but I'm still dealing with a lot of fatigue and lightheadedness from anemia so I feel terrible whenever I really exert myself. Any advice or tips? Thanks! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Hi all, my wife had a weightloss surgery at december 1st 2021, she was 308 lbs, now she has already hit 209 lbs, im scared shes gona lose too much weight. what can we further expect? how much will she lose?
  24. Ugh. Today marks two weeks since my RNY. First week I lost 10 lbs. This past week I lost 1.5 lbs. I don’t understand how this is even mathematically possible when I’m eating no more than 600 cal/day on average (no issues getting fluids in, no constipation, eating mushy foods now and getting most of my protein in). The logical side of my brain knows this is a process, but the emotional part that misses McDonald’s fries is feeling like this tastes a lot like Weight Watchers 🙄
  25. I had my surgery 12/20/20. I was doing well until I had a near fatal car accident on 8/9/21. I had a head injury and am still in a wheelchair. I regained all the weight I lost. I really need support. How can I get back on track. My surgeon does not have a support group. I am getting occupational therapy, physical Therapy and speech therapy. But since I cannot walk without support and I still cannot drive. I will begin therapy with a psychologist hopefully she can help me with depression and possibly my eating disorder. What do you recommend I do? Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app

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