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Found 17,501 results

  1. I’m 3 weeks post op and everything as far as eating and drinking is going great. However, I still have significant pain around my left and right lower abdomen. Right around my 2 bigger incision sites. Like when I stand from sitting or when I bend over. It’s very painful & sleeping on my side is still a no go. Is this normal? I’m sure I’m still swollen in there but it almost seems just as bad as my first day. Just wondering if I should bring it up to my doctor or give it more time.
  2. I am 3 weeks post-op revision from sleeve to bypass. I have only lost 14 lbs in total since surgery. I have been following my plan and increasing my protein. I brought up my concerns at my follow up and the surgeon said I most likely will not lose anymore weight. I am extremely frustrated and discouraged. Only thing is my gerd is better but I am and was hoping for additional weight loss since I gained about 50 lbs since my original sleeve surgery 5 years ago.. due to pregnancy and gerd. Anyone else in this boat or experience this on their journey that can help me out!
  3. I got my gastric bypass on September 7th 2022, and I’m not really losing weight yet… Is this normal? You would think the weight would be coming off being that I’m only on a full liquid diet, and following it exactly how they advise. Also has anyone else had an issue with elevated pulse? I had tachycardia before my gastric bypass, but was still cleared for surgery, however at the office last week my pulse was 167 which is way higher than it typically is. Also on lovenox injections. Super dizzy whenever I get up to walk around, has anyone else had this issue? I do have an appointment with my cardiologist on the 26th.
  4. Hey everyone! So, I got sleeved on 09/13/2022! I usually bounce back quickly from anything, however I am so nervous something will go wrong or that I am doing something wrong! So, if anyone could help me with some of these questions it would help ease my mind some what… On the left side, where they pull the stomach through is it normal to feel a little hard, very very sore and a little bulge? If so, how long does this tend to last? I have had this since the day of surgery. Was anyone else sore just getting out of the bed? Did it feel like you would pull something doing so?! Did anyone else resume Vyvanse days after surgery? It seems to me that most people returned to normalcy immediately and that is not exactly happening to me. If you use shakes like Atkins, Ensure Max, Premier Protein can you mix them with a whey protein powder to get you closer to recommended amount of protein per day? Are sugar free popsicles the easiest way to stay hydrated? How many are ok in a day? Can I do low impact indoor cycling at a slow pace? Did you start walking for at least 30 mins immediately upon discharge home? And how long did you let your family stay after? While they are a HUGE help and I truly appreciate that I have each one of them…They are driving me literally nuts with what I shouldn’t do. (I shouldn’t do anything except stay in my bed and go to the bathroom.) (My mom thinks I shouldn’t even go outside to walk🤦🏾‍♀️) because I could get sick from being open and having a major surgery. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Not one of them have ever been overweight or had any bariatric surgery! They all smoke which is their choice I did too previously, but I don’t allow it my apartment, so they are in and out every 10-15 mins, especially on the nights they drink wine 😡… My sister is also here with her out of control, talking back to her seven year old😤. Any pointers or helpful thoughts are welcomed!!! SW219 CW206.7 GS09.13.22
  5. Rabiah’s sleeve journey

    3 weeks Post Gastric Sleeve

    I am 3 weeks post surgery today and officially on the pureed foods. I find moving onto pureed foods extremely difficult and eating this consistency makes me feel sick. I am also convincing myself that I can have solids and when I do I just throw up. I’m not sure what to do or eat and I just really needs some motivation😖
  6. I had sleeve to bypass revision on Aug 29. I have only lost 14 lbs. I had the revision due to severe reflux.. my dr told me he doubted I would lose anymore than I already have at my follow up Monday. It was really discouraging. I have about 80 lbs to lose and hearing I probably wouldn’t lose more with this surgery was a blow. I have been getting my fluids and proteins in with no issues. I don’t feel like I have restriction either. The scale hasn’t budged since I was 1 week post op. My concerns were shrugged off at my drs office and I didn’t know where else to turn. Can someone give me some insight or point me in another direction? I need this additional weight off too :( help.
  7. I am just two weeks post-op and have weighed the exact same for 4 days. I am following my program, and feel extremely discouraged at this point. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm feeling like it was all for nothing.
  8. Hey guys I'm 10 weeks post op gastric sleeve. I have times where i stand up and get really dizzy and last night was at a friends house and ended up getting really dizzy, then lost my eyesight and ended up fainting in his kitchen. and luckily he caught me before i hit my head. Im wondering if anybody else experienced this. Not gonna lie i kinda ate a little shitty for dinner and had some fries and cheese sauce from chick fil a. So im curious whether or not what I experienced was dumping syndrome. When i woke back up i was a little shaky in the legs for a half hour and just drank a lot of Water and ended up feeling fine within like 45 minutes. Was a scary experience honestly. Also i started out before surgery at 328 and im down 65 pounds already. Which seems like a lot of weight to lose in 10 weeks
  9. 2 weeks out from surgery and I'm starting my pre-op liquid diet today.  3-4 shakes per day, plus clear liquids.  Also allowed one cucumber or pickle per day if I need something to crunch.  Concerned, but hopeful...

  10. Hey guys, I know a lot of people here went through the stall but I read many people said they at least lost inches during that time. I'm on my 10th day of stalling and both the scale or the measuring tape hasn't moved since then. Besides that I drink around 80oz of water a day but I pee super little and in the morning wake up very bloated. Is all of these things normal?
  11. Surgery at IUCPQ, Québec City. Pré -op pounds was 284 pounds. 28/02/2022 : I passe trough 2 weeks of liquid diet. Lost 12 pounds. 14/03/2022 Steeve gastrectomy by Dr. Laurent Berthiot: weight surgery Day : 272 pounds.one Day surgery. Good recuperation without complications. Today, i am feeling really great. A lot easier for every moove I make. I am founding the real me that i knew so many years ago. So i've started at 284 pounds and today i have lost 75 pounds, so proud of me! I am meeting the person I was 9 years ago, i am loving myself more every day! My objective premier is to throw out of me 100 pounds Who hurt me so much! Sent from my SM-G975W using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Tiffany.Stansberry@hotmail.com

    1 week

    From the album: 1 week

    © Na

  13. Tiffany.Stansberry@hotmail.com

    1 week

    1 week
  14. Hey loves :1007_hearts:


    I had my sleeve conversion to a bypass on August 29th and that week went by super fast! I was focusing on liquids as well as getting the house in order. We have my aunts wedding coming up so we've been busy planning that as well. 

    The day before my surgery we had a big sweet sixteen birthday for my cousin and the food that was served was a devil! I passed it like it was nothing. Big thanks to my fiance for sticking with me on the liquid diet.

    OK so day of surgery my check in time was 9:30 AM. I got called in to do all the pre-work and then wheeled to the OR at 11:30 AM. When I tell you Mayo is the best place for medical care, it is THE BEST! I was in surgery for 4 hours and stayed in the recovery room for 2 hours. I was soooo worried about my fiance but thanks to the tracking of each patient he was able to track me. It took forever for them to find me a room, which was around 7:00 PM. They actually put me on the respiratory floor. My pain was horrible!! My belly area hurt so bad! It took awhile for the nurses to  accommodate to what I needed because they weren't use to bariatric patients on their floor. The nurse I had was sooooo sweet. I will never forget her! She asked if I can stay another night LOL. My fiance actually couldn't stay the night with me....so he stayed with me for maybe an hour and half and drove off to care for our 3 dogs. I slept maybe until midnight and started to get uncomfortable. That is when I started to walk around the hall. I still had the catheter and the IV hooked up. Got maybe 3 heparin shots. My gas pains were horrible the whole night..I was scared to push anything out.  My fiance arrived around 8 AM and I had my first diluted juice. My surgeon came to visit and said everything was perfect and I was such a perfect candidate for my situation. He is very excited to see the future of my bypass LOL. 

    I was able to drink 1/2 a liter and was finally discharged around 2:30 PM. The drive home was long because we had to stop at the pharmacy for my pain meds. It was about an hour and 20 minute drive. 

    Here I am today 5 day post-op, was able to walk around the store but did get some belly pains. Had some miso soup which was delicious. 

    1. SHORTY_



    2. CDMC1972



  15. Hello new to the program! It’s so wonderful to read about the different stories while in work op looking to have a surgery date set in October little nervous about all this talk about the liquid diet 😬
  16. yonaleska

    Puree week

    Does anyone have issues with pureed foods? I literally only eating beans, protein shakes, different allowed cheeses and yogurt. I am two weeks since surgery and seen no weight loss in a whole week. Anyone having a hard time going to the bathroom too? Sent from my SM-A326U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Hello everybody, Just about 3 weeks ago I had a vsg in Turkey (originally from the UK) everything went well for the first couple of weeks, I had a visit to the doctor when I got back and it seemed to be getting all on track. Then, a few days ago, I am burning with a fever. Naturally, I panic and assume the worst sort of diagnosis, but in actual fact, it turned out to be COVID. Which isn't great, tbh, but I suppose it was better than a leak or some such. Anyways, yesterday, I am starting to feel better from the covid, when my stomach starts to hurt, particularly at night, stopping me sleeping. The pain is intense and the stomach area feels warm but my temperature is fine. It feels like wind, and I do pass some gas, but the feeling and pain is still there after goodness knows how many peppermint teas and Rennie deflatines (simeticone for you medical types). I just can't seem to clear this gas at all, is this something I should be concerned about? I really don't have many medical professionals to consult, due to COVID making me isolate, so I was kinda hoping somebody here might have had a similar experience after the initial gas has left post of and some idea of how to deal with it! Cheers for reading
  18. Jackiehappiness

    4 weeks post op

    From the album: Jackie

    Loving the results

    © My self

  19. Sunnyer

    Stalls and weight gain

    Today I gained weight for the second time since I had the gastric sleeve surgery three weeks ago. I was 700 grams heavier today than I was yesterday, or 1,5 pounds. Last time this happened was a week after the procedure, when I gained 400 grams one day (a little under a pound) and then the day after I weighed the same as I did two days before. I weigh myself every day, and have done for a long time. I realise that weight fluctuations can happen, but I'm still a little shaken that they can happen when I'm only eating a few hundred calories per day. Yesterday, I ate around 800 calories, which is about the highest I've gone. Usually, I'm around 4-500 and not really hitting my protein target. I am hitting my water targets, so I'm not dehydrated. According to the UCLA Center for human nutrition, most people need at least 1200 calories per day just to survive, and eating less than 1000 is essentially starvation. So how can I gain weight on what is essentially a starvation diet? I'm not working out a lot, but I walk to and from work every day..
  20. Hi All, I had surgery 10 months ago and hit my 18 month goal at 6 months. However, since then I fluctuate 2+/- lbs for the last 4 months. I have lost 2 pants sizes, about 6 inches from my waist, and gained about 3 inches on my hips. I can’t get past 140/142 lbs on the scale. I have increased my protein, watched my carb intake, increased my exercise and still haven’t dropped past 140 lbs. has any had this happen? My dietician still hasn’t responded after multiple attempts of outreach.
  21. I just had an episode that I initially thought was morning sickness but now I’m wondering if it was actually more like dumping. We stopped for ice cream and I ate a little bit - really not much, then 30 minutes later started sweating, became extremely nauseous and eventually threw up in the toilet. It wasn’t until my tummy started also rumbling that I considered it may be dumping. I’m getting my morning sickness at night - around this time so it could be both but I just thought that was interesting that they both converged as a possibility at the same time. Who knows.
  22. I had a sleeve revision to bypass in mid April. Weight was coming off and I could feel restriction although very different from sleeve. Fast forward to now (4 mos) and I’ve been stalled for a month & restriction seems nonexistent. I am aware restriction goes away after a period of time but did not expect this fast. Anyone gone through the same & can offer tips? Thanks
  23. Someone just told me about this group and hopefully it helps. I have a few questions , is it normal to want actual real food not the liquid stuff I got to eat. Is it normal or common to actually be hungry like my stomach be growling. Another question has anybody advanced their diet to soft food before they were suppose to. ? Last question does the patches like the vitamin patches and iron patches and stuff does that actually work ?
  24. I’m two weeks out, and I have a couple of questions. 1. When will I start feeling full? I don’t feel full when I eat (granted I’m only on purees). 2. I have sharp pain if I have to bend over or when I sit down. It’s always in the same spot. I didn’t have this pain during the first week. Is this normal?
  25. 3 days POST-OP

    Still have a lot of belly pain and pain from the incisions, but went on my first outdoor walk today. I was able to do 10 minutes this morning at a leisurely pace.

    1. AliceFD


      I went outside for a walk today, too, 4 days post-op. Doing pretty well, some diarrhea today but that's all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
