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Found 1,208 results

  1. So I'm 11 months post op and I cheat probably 2x a week I still work out and the rest of the week I'm steady with my diet but what I have noticed is that I will literally gain weight in those 2 days like 6lbs and then for the rest of my week I'm fighting to put those back down and then I do it again.....does anyone else gain weight that fast???? I always manage to put the weight back off some times it takes me to not cheat for 2 weeks to get it all down before I'm comfortable enough to indulge in something I'm not really suppose to have.....i have met my doc goal weight and my own personal goal.....im just trying to maintain but with that said I don't want to gain and would like to enjoy certain things every now and then without worrying about putting on a bunch of pounds in such a short period...... Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Hey everyone. I had my surgery on 04/18. So ten days have gone by. The first week I struggled getting 2oz of protein shake per day down. And would attempt to drink water. Now, I'm on soft foods. But I'm gaining weight. Is this normal. I was down 7 lbs since surgery and now I'm back up a pound and a half. What's really going on? Has anyone had similar issues?
  3. SlimStacey

    Weight Gain

    I'm so bummed! I worked harder than any other week this week and I gained a pound! How?
  4. Hi everyone! I was sleeved on 1/23/15 and reached my goal of 145 on 12/24/15. I never bounced more than 2-3 pounds over my goal weight for a long while, at least until I went on vacation in November 2016. I jumped up to 153, but was able to get down around 150, but no lower. I haven't been able to drop under 150 since (despite being incredibly strict) and after getting up to around 153, I enrolled in a personal training program at the hospital where I'd had my surgery (also endorsed by my surgeon). I started two weeks ago and have 45 minute sessions 2x per week, mixing up strength training with cardio. I'm also trying to tighten up my body prior to considering plastic surgery (especially the damn FUPA that is the bane of my existence). My protein intake has been within the range as stated by my surgeon (60-80g) and my caloric intake is generally between 600-1000 calories (tracked via My Fitness Pal). I'm sort of ballparking my own caloric range based on what's been posted here, as my nutritionist never actually gave me an idea as to what I should be sticking to. I know that I've had Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which starts 24 hours after a session, peaks at 48 hours, and is mostly gone by 72 hours. However, I'm noticing the the scale isn't dropping, but rather, it's substantially climbing. I was 152 when I started and am pushing over 156. I cannot get the scale to lower and it's getting to be very frustrating. Further, I've noticed that I've actually gone up an inch or two in measurements from where I was two weeks ago. Ugh ugh ugh. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm staying hydrated, but it's hard to keep wanting to knock back my liquids if this is retention at work. I have my belated two year post-op appointment (had to keep rescheduling due to weather) on May 5th and I'd hate to go there up 10 pounds or more when I'd had an otherwise successful year. I'm just frustrated beyond belief.
  5. I had RNY on 4/4/17. I lost 26.6 lbs in like 2 1/2 weeks. This week I started on soft foods and gained 5lbs. I am super nervous. I know I shouldn't pay attention to the scale so I weigh myself once a week. My question is, is this normal? I drink at least 1 premier a day, been doing at least 48 oz of water but more when I can fit it in. I eat yogurt for a morning snack and eat 1 meal. Am I doing something wrong? I guess I figured my weight would just instantly drop off weekly.
  6. I had a ugly run in with my depression a few weeks ago. I was 182 and by the time my staying in bed and not eating mood was over I was 179. Well I started eating again and well now I'm 185... what just happened?
  7. Anyone struggling with weight gain afterwards? I am a huge sugar addict and I worry about gaining back the weight. My bf does not like sweets so we don't need to have any in the house but my job always has some type of sweets lurking around.
  8. Revision from vsg to bypass due to Gerd.. and weight gain? Any one underwent this procedure yet?

    1. CurvyCakes


      I am scheduled to be revised from VSG to RNY on April 11th due to Severe GERD.

  9. Has anyone gained weight before starting their pre-op diet? Were you still approved?
  10. Hi, it's been 3 years since I had the sleeve. I lost 124 lbs. , started at 287 and got to (my goal weight) 165. But now here I am 3 years later at 181 lbs. and struggling to loss that 16 pounds and get back to my goal weight of 165... I'm snacking to much and find I'm eating a little more at meals than I used to. Is anyone else having this problem? Dori
  11. Posted 43 minutes ago · Report post I had surgery on 3/21 left hospital on 3/22; have been able to be up and around worked all the gas out have taken no pain medicine, tolerating my liquids cautiously, got on scales this afternoon and it shows I have actually gained 1.5 lbs; so BUMMED but my stomach is still pretty swollen..... Is this normal? Quote Edit
  12. tiffaneyhoover9110

    Weight gain

    I've had my VSG for about 3 years. In the past year I've put on 44 pounds. I just started an all liquid diet again will that help re shrink my sleeve. I'm a driver so I'm behind the wheel of a car all day. The hours I work leaves little time for exercise. Any help will be appreciated.
  13. Hi Everyone, i had my sleeve done approx 3 years ago. I lost soooo much weight very quickly & went from 94kg down to 59kg within about 5 months. My weight stabilised at 62kg & I lived quite happily for the next few years. The only issues I had were significant (I'd say 70%) hair loss which has still not returned and reflux/nausea. If I drink alcohol I get so sick. I start sweating and feel like I'm going to vomit. So I have had to give that up too but it's not a problem. Over the last 6 months I have gained about 12kg. I constantly feel like my stomach is in my throat & keep eating food to push the stomach back down. I even get up at night and eat. I get a bit of reprieve from the symptoms then it happens again so I eat more. I also feel like eating settles my stomach. Water is so hard for me to drink that on days when I force myself to drink nothing but water, I'll be lucky to get a 750ml bottle down. I find diluted juice is okay & for some reason I can drink more of this. I feel like such a failure. The weight gain has made me severely depressed. I don't want to leave the house because no clothes fit me and I feel like a massive failure. Even though I am still 20kglighter than when I had the sleeve, my body image is worse now than it was before. I feel like there is no hope & no use trying anything else. Has anyone experienced similar symptoms?
  14. I'm one week post op and I've actually gained two pounds. Been on jello and shakes for two weeks. [emoji20]
  15. mexicosleever88

    Weight Gain

    I gained 1.5 lbs today. I know I'm not supposed to weigh every day, I waited a few days and weighed today. I'm 3 weeks post op. Anyone else in this boat?
  16. Hello! I have recently gained weight and I'm only 3 weeks out of surgery, I have been at the gym for the past week and I've been eating all the correct foods so I'm confused as to what is going on and getting quite worried. Any help would be amazing Thanks Xx
  17. I won't be having a baby in the next two years but it is a fear in the back of my mind. I would like to know how much those of you who had a baby after the surgery gained and wether it was too difficult to watch out for your cravings during pregnancy. How much did you gain?? At this point, I will starve myself to prevent myself from getting to the point where I was before. I know that is not the wisest thing to say but I will not let it happen again. My fear is that during pregnancy, preventing myself from keeping a healthy diet in fear of gaining massively, might hurt my baby. Which clearly no body wants... I am ranting..[emoji20]
  18. So I'm on 3rd week off liquids started pureed like calif lower squash tuna ect nothing high fat ir calories but never mind a stall, why did I go up 3 lbs!! Has this happended to anyone else 1 month post op I'm eating g what's on diet jot cheating
  19. Hi All, I am petrified. I was sleeved 4/13. I went from 244lbs to my lowest 139lbs. I must say it was the best thing I've ever done. However, I am almost four years post surgery & I have gained 15lbs. I'm freaking out. I was in a car accident in Nov 2016 & it has slowed me down, I picked back up some bad habits, junk food, fries foods & I'm not working out due to herniated, bulging disc in my neck & back. I've been reading about the pouch reset & was thinking of doing that. Today, I started drinking Slim Fast shakes for Breakfast. I made a cabbage Soup, by the way which is very good. I'm ready to do everything to get 10-15lbs off. Please if you've been through this, share! Give me some advice. Thanks in advance! Chay Weight B4 Sleeve 4/2013: 244lbs Weight 10/2013: 145-150lbs Current Weight: 153lbs Sent from my iPhone using BariatricPal
  20. My surgery is scheduled for February 8th. When I started this last year my weight was 262. By the time I was done with classes I was down to 252. I have quit smoking since September and now back up to 258. Has anybody had some weight gain but still not over your top weight and still had surgery? I'm scared the surgeon is going to cancel. Yes I am still working at losing.
  21. I am pre op and trying to get my arms around hearing about gaining weight after surgery. I have heard and read about people getting back up to their starting weight. I am so confused on how this happens- other than people pushing their food limits wayyy beyond what they should be. If you eat "incorrectly" on Occasion or eat normal foods, just in smaller portion will this weight gain occur? What have people time after surgery and weight gains looked like? Also what do you attribute it to? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. I was banded April 2016, lost 30lbs quite quickly. Had a hysterectomy April 2016 and have gained back 14lbs since then...........HELP! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  23. I'm a little over 2 weeks post op, and I've been sticking to the foods In my diet plan. I've dropped a total of 19 lbs but today I weighed myself again and I've gained back 3 lbs.. could this be because I'm about to get my period in 3 days? Please tell me it's just hormones and I'm not messing this up somehow Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. I'm so nervous. My first appointment with the surgeon is this Wednesday and my period is about to start! I blow up like a balloon! I'm afraid I'll be above my starting weight. Do you think the doctor and insurance company take that into consideration?? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Hi, everyone. I haven't posted for a while, but I'm just coming up on my two year anniversary of being sleeved. I've generally maintained really well at around my goal weight of 145. I really loved that number. Around October, I started noticing that the scale kept creeping up to 148 and it was getting difficult to take it back down. I will admit to snacking/grazing here and there, but nothing more than I'd done in the year before that. We went on vacation on a cruise in November and I came back at 152, but was able to get it back down in about 10 days by just eating right and normal, since my habits were so vastly different on the ship. In the last month, I've seen my weight bounce between 148-9. It's been a struggle and I can't get it down. So I decided to really commit right in time for the new year (not because of it). Things I will admit I'm also not great about, unlike when I started: taking my Vitamins, making sure I hit my liquids. In fact, when I have tried to recommit to increasing my liquid intake, I gain like CRAZY. On Monday of this week, I started C25k after a long absence from the gym since September. I was around 148.5. I am now at 152.6 and having a meltdown. I know my liquids increased due to the workouts (yay?) and I have been trying to intermittent fast (and on non-fast days, doing 16:8 for the first time). I've been keeping a food diary the past two days of every bite. (I also started TOM this month -- sorry guys -- but I have NEVER put on this much weight and it usually comes off after day 1 hits) So why am I suddenly gaining? To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. I don't know what to do. I could deal with bouncing around 2-3 pounds. But SEVEN from my goal weight that I maintained for 9 months is killing me to the point where I just want to sit down and cry. I'm recommitting to my fitness. I will be better about my vitamins and liquids. but it feels like it's all for naught. Maybe I should go back to strength training, which did seem to help me burn? I don't know, but I am at the absolute end of my rope.

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