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Found 1,239 results

  1. RobertaMSN

    Weight loss is going very slow.

    You and I have the same surgery date, 12/2! And I've lost about the same since surgery - it turns out there's a standard three-week stall. Check out the discussions under POST-operative weight loss surgery Q & A - they have been super helpful to me. I'm now stalled after three weeks having lost 12 lbs since surgery but only 2 lbs this past week, and 8 lbs two weeks prior. In a couple articles I read online it says the liver was shrunk for surgery but works to get back to a normal size afterward and it takes - yep - three weeks. Sometimes this stall can last several weeks but afterward there can be a sudden, large loss. Apparently there will be multiple stalls along the way. The articles also said not to go below 600 calories a day as that can backfire as the body tries to store what it can during what it perceives as starvation time. I know many don't believe in starvation mode and I'm not sure it isn't just a myth. But to stay healthy it makes sense that at least 600 good quality calories a day is a good idea no matter the reason. Also, the weight loss rate depends on several factors. Males lose faster, those who are much bigger initially lose faster, women after menopause slower (that's me), etc. I'm reminding myself that prior to surgery it took me six months to lose 11 lbs. on my own...and my pre-diabetes and non-alcoholic liver disease labs and my borderline high blood pressure had not improved at all, though my cholesterol levels did. Post-surgery all are now in the normal range! No diabetes looming for me (like my mother), thank goodness. Here's wishing us both good luck during the dreaded three-week stall. We'll get there! I'm greatly encouraged by some of the posts about the three-week stall under the Post-op Q & A where the stats show those posting lost all or most of there weight and reached their goals despite having stalls and slow weight loss overall.
  2. almost everyone has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's called the "three week stall", because it usually happens the third week, but not always But it's almost always within that 4-6 weeks post-op time period. Just stick to your program and will break. Mine lasted two weeks. Grrr. But then once my weight loss started up again, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  3. Serengirl

    Minimal Weight loss

    The three week stall is a real thing. Perhaps your holding onto water weight? have you not lost anything?
  4. catwoman7

    Minimal Weight loss

    none at all or just this week? If the latter, you're having the dreaded "three week stall" that most of us have...
  5. SorryNameTaken

    The dreaded month 3 stall

    Oh, gosh, I'm glad to know to prepare myself for a 3 month stall. I hit the dreaded three week stall and stalled just over two weeks and then dropped a few pounds and I'm stalled again! I just rode it out the first time and it worked. I may just do that again since I was always told that if I'm sticking to my rules and I'm not losing, to just keep doing what I know I'm supposed to and it'll work itself out. I just got cleared for moving more, so I may try to get some decent exercise in and see if that helps!
  6. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stall

    everybody. Do a search on the "three-week stall" (although it's not always the third week - sometimes it's the second - or fourth- or fifth - but at any rate, sometime within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery). You will find HUNDREDS of posts on this if you search it. P.S. Don't fast. You need the nutrition for healing. Just stick to your surgeon's program. The stall WILL break, I promise.
  7. @Rolltide87I think I was pretty lucky with the recovery. I was up and walking right away and didn’t have too many issues with gas. The only pain I still have is soreness from bending too much. I’ve been active since I’ve been home (spent two nights in the hospital). What I’m struggling with is the transition to purées. I had no problem with liquids but I think I’m eating too fast and thus have dumped the three days that I’ve had purées. Not fun. I’m also not really loosing any weight.... I’m only down six pounds since the surgery. I know it will come but I thought I would have seen a few more pounds initially. Makes me wonder if I’ve hit the ‘three week stall’ that I’ve read about a wee bit early.
  8. catwoman7

    3 weeks post op

    it's just the three-week stall. Do a search on it - you'll find HUNDREDS of posts on it. Almost all of us experience it. It may not be exactly the third week for you - sometimes it's the second and sometimes it's the fourth - but that early stall (within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery) happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your program and it will eventually break (mine lasted two weeks). Stay off the scale if you have to. But it WILL break. And stop cheating - STICK TO YOUR PLAN!
  9. Hi guys, I am going through a three-week stall. Kinda bummed. Have lost 0 lbs- maybe +/-1 over the three weeks. I did increase my calories during this time and feel my hunger is back- I obviously dont eat as much as I used to, but I do get hungry nowadays. I wonder if this is it. Maybe all my body wants to lose is 50 lbs. I was really hoping to reach 155 lbs. Well, hopefully this is just a stall and not end of the road. Hope all the others here are having better luck.
  10. P.S. just wanted to add that I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started off at way over 300 lbs. People lose at all different rates depending on a bunch of different factors. Your relatively low BMI (low compared to most bariatric patients) is one of those factors. and I stalled weeks 2 &3 - no loss at all. It was just the infamous "three-week stall". My weight loss started up again during week 4.
  11. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    I lost 16 lbs the first month - most of that the first two weeks. Then I had the infamous three-week stall - after that broke, I started losing again, but it was a lot slower than the first couple of weeks.
  12. blocke

    Sleeved over 65

    I had my sleeve on the 28 th of August and I turned 67 right before my surgery. I also had two heart stents put in November the year before. I had the six month insurance weigh ins and lost close to 72 pounds within that six month period. My sleeve surgery hit a snag when my surgeon had to go back in due to a leak. I spent five days in the hospital .He fixed that and I have done great since. I am currently at week 4 and on pureed food till next week. Hit the dreaded three week stall. Staying on course though. Sent from my Lenovo TAB 2 A8-50F using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    Currently experiencing a three week stall...but, I am staying on top of my fluid and protein. I am walking as much as I can. Hoping to see the scale move a little bit this week. I'm feeling more normal than I have in the past month. Today marks the 1 month mark since I started my preop diet. WOW how time flies! Definitely excited to go home and have my soft meal of some salmon and mashed sweet potato with carrots!
  14. if you're following your plan, then it's just "the three week stall". The vast majority of us have our first stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's so common we give it that name! (it usually happens during the third week...but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3)
  15. Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I googled "three week stall gastric sleeve" and was so reassured to see it is a very common issue to do with liver and glycogen stores. Have decided to not weight myself until my check up appointment in two weeks time. Thanks again everyone! Sent from my moto g(6) using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. do a search on this site for the "three week stall". I can pretty much guarantee you'll find hundreds of postings on it UPDATE: I just did the search for you. There are 17,500 posts on this topic, to be exact.
  17. do a search on this site for the "three week stall". I can pretty much guarantee you'll find hundreds of postings on it
  18. pretty much everyone stalls sometime during the first month after surgery. As the above poster said, do a search on the "three week stall". You'll find hundreds of posts on it (it's called the three week stall because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was week 2 and 3). also, PLEASE do not cheat this early out! Not only are you not setting yourself up for a successful journey, but you could severely hurt your new stomach! Those incisions still haven't fully healed! and also remember - people lose weight at vastly different rates for all kinds of reasons. Your level of commitment to your program will have a MUCH greater effect on your ultimate success than your rate of weight loss will. I was a slow loser from the get-go. I lost 16 lbs the first month. And I've lost all of my excess weight - over 200 lbs! JUST STICK TO THE PROGRAM! The weight WILL come off if you're diligent!
  19. catwoman7

    Stalled stalled stalled

    pretty much everybody has that. It happens within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. We call it the "three week stall" because it usually happens the third week, but not always. Mine was week 2 and 3. My weight loss started up again during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Do a search on this site for the three week stall - you'll find literally hundreds of posts on it.
  20. Well, long time no see. 

    It's been a rough couple of weeks. I should have been expecting the other shoe to drop after having it so easy for the first three weeks post op. I was getting my water and protein easily, had no pain, nausea, or vomiting.

    But as soon as the soft foods really started in earnest I started having problems. Pain, foamies, slimeys, vomiting galore. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Something that I ate easily yesterday causes pain and vomiting after the first bite today. Sometimes it's my pills, other times they go down easy. I just don't get it. 

    I'm trying to stay positive. I know this is a season in my life, and things will eventually even out. I'm just so tired of being afraid to eat, not knowing what kind of response my body will have. I'm mostly hitting my protein target, thanks in large part to protein shakes (which I hate, but look at as medicine). I missed my water targets by a lot over the weekend, due mostly to feeling awful, which I know is a terrible cycle... throw up, don't feel like drinking anything, get dehydrated, get constipated, feel like crap, repeat. 

    The three-week stall is also still here. I thought I had busted through it, but I've been bouncing between 216-219 for the last two and a half weeks, which is a contributing factor to my mood and frustration level. And add in wee-lings who are going crazy with end of the school year insanity, friends with busy schedules who I haven't been able to see in weeks, and I'm an unhappy girl. 

    Things will turn around. I know they will. Just not feeling it at this moment. 

    1. MrsGamgee


      Thanks @FluffyChix! I know the stall will break, it has to eventually given I'm only consuming 700ish calories a day and I am trying to be active every day. I confess it's hard to be motivated to go for a walk though when I feel like crap.

      Cold water seems to be better for me right now... icy anything makes my tummy happy. It's when my water gets to room temp that it is harder to get down. But I am committed to getting my water in. It's so funny, before surgery I never had a problem with water. Today I decided that I won't count my 'other fluids' as part of my water total... they have to be over and above my target.

      I'm looking forward to lowering my reliance on the shakes. I really don't like them. I got clearance with my RD to cut back on them, provided I can hit at least 80g of protein without them. But I haven't been able to manage that just yet. I'm hoping in the next few weeks, provided I can get real foods to go down and stay down.

      Thanks for the encouragement!

    2. FluffyChix


      80 grams without protein shakes at your stage feels very ambitious IMHO? Are you sure she didn't mean 80g including protein drinks and food sources?

      We all heal so uniquely! :( Don't rush advancing. I know it's hard not to, but your tum will heal easier if you just listen to it and what it will and won't allow for the day.

      Gosh I so get the motivation of the scale!!! ((hugs)) With one reading I can determine my mood for the day. LOL. Then I wait a bit and have a nice poop. ;) haha Mood restored. ;) I'm ever just one solid poop away from a good mood. hehe

    3. MrsGamgee


      She was pretty clear... I asked about cutting back on them last week and I'm guessing she wanted to encourage me to continue with the protein shakes without actually saying so. Making it my decision. I have 2 shakes a day, plus some protein powder in my breakfast, so I'm hoping to maybe drop one shake a day in a couple of weeks. I'm really not into the lack of satisfaction they provide for the calories they take up in my daily totals.

      I *know* that this is just a step on the road. I need to put on my big girl undies and deal with it. And I need to really learn to listen to my body and not push too far too fast.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  21. starladustangel

    June 2019 Surgery Siblings!

    I can barely eat but I've hit the three week stall and am not losing weight either. half a scrambled egg fills me up
  22. This is something with a two part answer. The first is that, on average, we will be slowing down continually as we lose, simply because it takes fewer calories to move ourselves around all day at 300 lb as it did at 400 lb, and even fewer at 200 lb, etc. We will likely see stair steps, and some weeks or months will be lower or higher than others, but the overall trend is declining. The second part is that we will usually experience a big drop the first couple of weeks or so (and then typically get the dreaded "three week stall") and the proceed lower at a somewhat reduced rate. This is because our initial loss it mostly water weight associated with burning off our short term energy reserves of glycogen (basically stored carbohydrate) which gives us the "easy ten" lb that we typically lose when we start seriously dieting. After the glycogen is used up, we start to draw from our fat reserves, though there is often a pause or stall as the body changes gears.
  23. Frustr8


    A quicky Poem from me, the Bariatric Poetess Laureate; The Three Week Stall --- Ooh I hate it All --- Please may my weight soon decrease!--- Until then, I will find and comprehend No Peace! The inches are leaving---- I want to keep believing--' The sizes are smaller too--' But Please. Mr. Stall, I do hope you are through!
  24. robinher1


    Three week stall
  25. catwoman7


    the slow down in weight loss is the infamous "three week stall" (it's not always during week 3, but rest assured that almost all of us experience our first stall sometime during the first month after surgery. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3. Once my weight loss started up again during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight....) the starving part is sometimes due to dehydration or stomach acid. Are you getting enough to drink? Do they have you on an antacid? Many of us are prescribed something like omeprazole for the first 3-6 months after surgery.

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