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Found 2,865 results

  1. MarvelGirl25

    August 2019 Check In

    Hi August friends! I was sleeved 8/5 and have been doing so much better! Been getting down liquids with no problems and eating good too. As of today I've lost 45 lbs. The only thing is, I've hit an almost 3 week stall. I cant seem to lose weight no matter what I do. How many calories is everyone eating? I track all my meals and at first I was eating around 900 - 1000 calories a day with 80 -90 grams of protein but since i hit a stall I cut my intake to about 600 calories a day. I've been eating very clean, sticking to tuna, chicken breast, skim milk, and haven't cheated or had anything I'm not suppose to. Even with the decrease in calories I'm still not losing weight. I know this is part of the journey and my body is probably in shock mode because i lost so much weight so fast but its just frustrating. Lol anyways, I hope everyone is doing great, especially mentally. Its crazy how much this surgery changes things. I use to think about food all the time and feel hungry 24/7 and now it doesn't consume my life. Its just nutrition I need to live. My self care has definitely improved because of this!
  2. dukegal1213

    Need encouragement during stall

    Stalls are part of the process. The only reason you would want to consult your doctor is if you have one that lasts 4 weeks. 2 week-3 weeks stalls are not uncommon after gastric bypass. I have had 2 stalls: one lasted about 3 weeks. The other lasted for about 2 weeks. Follow the eating plan carefully, perhaps up your protein intake, drink more water if possible, exercise more if you can.
  3. I lost 15kg, 33lbs in 2 weeks!! Crazy I know & I kept asking the nurses if their scales were right but I was pretty unwell. 11lbs is fantastic, Could you have lost 11lbs before surgery so easily? My loss really was due to how unwell I was and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It was really awful and I would have rather lost 11lbs and not had the problems I had. BUT only 1kg (2.2lbs) down since lol so am having the 3-week stall too and it is SO frustrating being on so few calories and nothing is happening. It feels a bit like being on a diet pre-surgery and sticking to it yet not losing anything, so I am trying really hard to just try and trust that it will start going down again. As far as your 1 painful wound, it might just be that deeper down there is a bit of scar tissue pulling when you move a certain way, that will eventually stretch and soften up a bit and stop tugging and causing discomfort.
  4. sjemle

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Hey everyone, I posted recently, but am always keeping track of the conversation and topics. So I kinda hit a stall and was discouraged, and on top off that I found out I had gallstones. Didn't even make it the scheduled MD appointmentto discuss treatment. I ended up in ER this weekend and had to have gallbladder surgically removed. Has anyone else had the gallbladder removed, and if so how was it afterwards? Could that have caused my 3 week stall prior? I am still tracking food and exercise, and based on that I should be losing weight. I try not to focus on that to much, but it is hard. Well I did just have a NSV, I was able to wear XLG scrubs..[emoji4] Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Actually I have not taken my measurements. I have even read posts today where that is discussed and still no 'light bulb' went off..lol. I do remember 3 week stalls...and that is what I first chalked everything up to plus the 2 quick hospitalizations in week 2 and 3 for IV fluids but now I'm 5 weeks out. One of our other July siblings MeowAMR posted a reply that resonated with me...what I guess is at the heart of what is nattering away at me is that for 3 full weeks...I have not lost more than 1 lb. For OVER 3 full weeks. I'm so numbers driven that my head just keeps getting wrapped up in that at some point it is calories in vs. out. Well, I know the calories 'In' and have rough grasp on calories "out" and the math just does not work out. I'm not saying the net effect of the 2 is enough to signify that I should have lost another 10 lbs...but it is enough to have equaled at least a 4 to 5 lb lost. I've been thinking of replacing, outside of 2 protein shakes to get in my protein (320 calories together, 60 grams of protein) any other 'food' and go back to sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicles and bring my calories back to 400 or less. I will say when I was on 400 or less, when I went to do any activity, I felt woozy. Can we get used to it though? I haven't seen my dr since my post op visit and then him seeing me in hospital a few weeks ago. They are 2 hrs away with traffic so that is why I'm seeking a nutritionist and a therapist closer to home. My car is NOT reliable enough to drive that far and the last time I did, I ended up on the side of one of the busiest rush hour freeways for 3 hours in 105 degree heat and thought I'd pass out.
  6. Sandra Nuelken

    The dreaded Weight loss Stall

    I just went through the 3-week stall and wondered when the next one would happen. Gosh, mine only lasted about 4 days and drove me nuts now you're telling me a one or two week stall is coming up. I will have to stop getting on the scale daily. It just sits there each morning saying step on me. Thanks for the heads up, and I will try to be patient on the long journey ahead.
  7. Jazzy1125

    Third week out

    i am not sure how long the 3 week stall lasts.. just keep plugging along and you will see the change. Also do not weigh daily. You will drive yourself nuts... Stick to weighing once a week. A stall is a stall if it last more than 2 weeks.. you mentioned a few days.. you could still drop before the end of your week and it would not be a stall
  8. Cjdave


    I was sleeved July 23rd and down 17 since surgery but on day 20 the 3 week stall hit and I've been stuck for 4 days. Still on puree/soft...cant do eggs, salmon was so/so...still using shakes to meet goals...sometimes 1/4 cup food ok but others it's just doesn't seem worth it..definitely still learning and trying to figure this thing out. Still no energy..when did some of y'all start to get more energy? Getting about 70 g protein and <600 cal.
  9. FluffyChix

    Frustrating weight loss

    Search 3 week stall that can happen between weeks 2-6. It's a thing. You're doing great. Hang in there.
  10. mousecat88

    2 month stall

    I had an 8 week stall at 3 months out - I never had that 3-week stall everyone talks about in the beginning. But yeah, it was terrible for those 2 months. But then it picked up again. Now that I am closer to goal weight, it is dripping off much much slower. Just had another 2 week stall, actually. I definitely echo catwoman's comment.
  11. Hello all, This is, as my username states, a random rant. I had my surgery on 3/22. I have stuck to the plan thus far: around 90g of protein and 100 oz. of water per day, at least an hour of walking which is also supplemented with weigh training every other day. I only eat eggs, grilled chicken and fish. Nothing fried, no rice, no potatoes, no bread, no soda. I've been pretty proud of my diet. And yet I am stalled. I went through the dreaded 3 week stall in the beginning and thought it was over but now I am at 4 months and have been bouncing the same few pounds since June. I have tried everything to break it: increasing calories, lowering calories (I average around 600 or so per day), increasing exercise, decreasing exercise, changing the routine, and now I am on the third day of the protein shake diet and no results. I'm not really expecting any. I have lost around 40 pounds so far and I started at 212. I spoke with my surgeon who told me to "enjoy it while it lasts". Not really helpful. He also told me "when's the last time you lost 40 pounds?" to which I replied "when's the last time I had 85% of my stomach removed?" It just doesn't seem realistic that I should be so restricted and yet my body is already in maintenance mode. Yes, embrace the stall and all that but I'm losing hope. This is just a rant because I have to get this off my chest but any help given is greatly appreciated.
  12. FluffyChix

    Slow down with weight loss

    Totes norms. Search for "3 week stall" here and on Google.
  13. you're the billionth person to hit that early stall. almost all of us get that. It's called the 3 week stall, but it can happen anywhere within the first 4-6 weeks of surgery. Just stick to your plan and it'll eventually break
  14. gabybab

    Is this too much??

    I was over 50 BMI when I first had surgery. I lost 43 pounds the first month. 4.5 months later I'm at 66 pounds. My weight loss has slowed to a snail's pace. I think it eventually the weight slows down and I had a 3 week stall after the first month. Good luck!
  15. ErinshayWV

    slow loss?

    PCOS seems to slow down the loss, unfortunately. I’m there. In a 3-week stall right now.
  16. mousecat88

    Your stall story

    I didn't have the "3 week stall" that people talk about. I stalled at the beginning of month 3 and it lasted for 8 weeks. Didn't lose a single pound. I honestly didn't do anything different to get it started again, it just started dropping again by itself. Very bizarre and frustrating. lol.
  17. I had a 3 week stall after initially losing 43 pounds after the first month. Even now I have only lost 66 pounds and am losing very slow. So, I think it is totally normal to stall and then lose slow. Good luck!
  18. Search 3 week stall, it’s pretty common among WLS patients. As for the English muffin, what’s done is done, but please-no more! You are still healing!
  19. MrsGamgee


    I'm on board too... June has been kind of hit and miss for me. The 3 week stall really got in my head and, combined with other unpleasant post op stuff, I sort of lost focus. I need to get myself recentered and up my activity level. I'm hopeful that the stall is maybe busted and that the scale will start moving again. And while I don't have the equipment to do all the exercises listed, my arms need a lot of work. Me in a nutshell: RnY mid-May 2019 Current weight: 215.8lb July Goals: Walk 5km (using nordic walking poles) five days a week Do arm workouts/photo challenge daily Participate in Camp NaNo (a creative writing challenge... 25000 words in 31 days) Look super-awesome at my hubs' high school reunion
  20. BlueAngelEyes

    Venting my depression

    Im so depressed right now and im the most negative person on the planet.. i cant seem to get out of my rut. Im only 3 weeks postop and regreting every day about getting the sleeve. Im sick of pureeds and not being able to drink water with my food. Life sucks right now and cant find anything positive to think about except looking up healthy snacks and meals on pinterest ill make in a year from now... ive hit i guess its called the 3 week stall and have been the same weight for 5 days now. My husband lost his job recently and have know idea whats going to happen now. Will we have to move in with one of our moms with 2 kids, 3 dogs, 3 cats and 2 turtles or sell and move to a different city after thinking this house was going to be our forever home. My husband has gone to interviews but nothings working out. Im assuming the worst like always and feel like i cant even be a good partner trying to hold him up with freaking out and dealing with my own negative funk. I dont want to go do anything. I feel like the tvs been my sidekick and cant break the habit. Im so sick of making my kids yummy meals and my husband doesnt seem to eat unless i make him food. I made him meatloaf and a cheessy baked potato with veggys and my mouth was watering and also had tears on my face. I just want to feel pretty and normal and dont know how. Sorry to vent it feels alittle better writing all that down for some reason.
  21. starladustangel

    Anyone else not losing?

    I'm not losing but I think it's because I hit the 3 week stall
  22. starladustangel

    regret not doing this sooner

    I totally understand wishing you'd had the surgery early. I've always been a painfully slow loser due to PCOS and it's so frustrating to see people losing 25+ pounds the first 2 weeks while I lost 15 and am hitting the 3 week stall early. If one more person says something about "well people with a higher starting weight lose more" to me I will scream. I was 282 on the day of surgery. That's a pretty damn high weight. I had someone tell me my weight loss on the pre op diet was "slower than keto" and I laughed because I've never had rapid weight loss on keto and my pre op weight loss was exactly the same to the amount I lost on keto in the same time. I wish I'd had surgery at a lower weight so my goal didn't seem so far away.
  23. Hello Everyone! Ok, so I'm 3 weeks post op (surgery was on May 27th) and seem to have hit the 3 week stall a bit earlier. The scale has barely moved during the last week, plus I got back to work last Monday and it's harder to tackle old habits and anxiety here. I've handled it quite well and stuck to my nutritionist's guidelines, though it's VERY hard to eat more than 30 grams of protein at lunch and dinner. She recommended 60 grams on those meals, but since I wasn't able to do it I should add an egg white during the afternoon to get a good protein intake. I'm also having a hard time understanding my body. One bite over capacity and I'll be rushing to the bathroom to vomit (or try to), and since that varies with the type and consistency of the food I still don't understand when I'm getting there. Trying to pace myself during meals to avoid that feeling. So, adding all these, I'm getting a bit frustrated. I know this will pass, but still, I need more coping mechanisms for my anxiety. I appreciate any tips or positive comments to remind me that this is definitely not the easy way out! Cheers!
  24. AngieBear

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Mine was the same. It will kick back in. Look up 3 week stall, it’s a thing.
  25. MrsGamgee

    May 2019 support group

    I honestly didn't even give a thought to the fact that my body would need a certain level of calories hor the healing process! Doh! I have no willpower when it comes to the scale. Every morning like clockwork, and I've been seeing some numbers that surprise me a bit. But I know my 3 week stall is looming, and I'm really hoping that awareness will help me deal. Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app

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