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Found 3,907 results

  1. Zane's Mom

    A great Start

    Great job on the weight loss. Yes it will slow. I did the same thing. I had 54 total to lose and lost 30 by week 7 and I'm at goal at month 9. The first loss was fast and after month three it was stalls and slow but steady. Maybe one pound or a little more a week. All my labs have been great. I keep up with Protein intake first and foremost and Vitamins. I make sure I'm hydrated and then enjoy the rest of my food selections for the day. I have worked out very little because of my migraines so I am going to start strength training to firm up and see where my body wants my weight to be. Even though you have more to lose, if you work your program, you could be at goal within year one and then some. It's all about you and what you do for yourself. You sound like you're doing it all right so far. Keep it up.
  2. I admire your enthusiasm and your fitness level -- tremendously! But you are putting yourself under some very familiar-sounding pressure. And setting a goal to lose 11 pounds in a week (or less) is ... uh ... unreal, at least it's unreal to me. Any day now, you're likely going to experience what most of us already experienced -- the dreaded three-week stall. The hard truth about your weight loss is this: YOU don't get to determine how much weight you lose in a week. But you DO get to determine how much weight you lose in a year. Your body will lose at the pace it wishes to lose. Re the Water -- yes, we are pretty much in a state of near-dehydration post-op, since we're not eating the kinds of foods (high-carb foods with high sodium content) that we ate pre-op that tend to help us retain water. So we constantly pee out what we are drinking. I will admit that earlier on I hesitated to drink much water during the night because I wanted to see a lower number the next morning on the scale. Thank goodness, I'm now getting more water in overnight and feeling better. All this stuff takes time to get used to. You are probably sick of hearing this, but the longer post-op I go the more I understand this advice: This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Pace yourself. Very best wishes to you.
  3. Threetimesacharm


    My first month was like that too. Gained 7 pounds during surgery, took a week to get it off. Stalled at three weeks then the weight started coming off really well. November I lost 16 pounds. It is frustrating but be patient it will happen.
  4. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-)
  5. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, I do actually have reminders set on my phone, but sometimes I'm busy when they go off - it's also hard to eat when you don't feel hungry, but I do it. I make sure I get all my protein though because when I do eat I'm managing protein rich foods and I bought special high protein puddings and milk to ensure this. Same for the liquids - I'm not having a problem with those, I just find things I like to drink and it's good.
  6. Im currently in my three week stall. Weight has stayed at 273 for the past week. Im just sticking to the plan and hoping it will start to shift again soon
  7. Thanks I'm so new to this so it helped to hear of a three week stall. It is a process. I laugh when I tell my family I need to learn when I'm full again. Yes,3 short days left!
  8. TexasFire

    What can I do if I am too tight?

    I've got the small AP band, and the owners manual gives general instructions on fills being every 4 to 6 weeks. I've followed that schedule and never had issues with fills until my fourth, which was the beginning of October. I have waited over four months to lose restriction and finally have, so will be making another appointment in the morning since my weight loss has significantly stalled. It took a lot of soul searching and paying attention to every bite I put in my mouth to decide to finally have another fill. So you see everyone is different, and even the same person can vary widely from fill to fill. All docs vary, but my doc gives instructions to be on liquids for two to three days following a fill to allow for any swelling to go down. I hope you got relief and didn't lose all restriction. The band is a phenomenal tool, but needs monitoring so we can use it to be the healthiest we can be.
  9. I never had a three week stall and now I am stalled at six weeks. I had my period last week and when I weighed I was 240 now I am 242. I am not sure what to eat but I want to make sure I stay on track and keep losing not gaining two pounds. Please help ... what are some good recipes for six weeks out?
  10. that's about what I lost the first couple of weeks - and then I hit the infamous "three week stall". How quickly you lose depends on so many factors - your age, gender, how much weight you have to lose, whether or not you lost weight pre-op (some people lose their "Water weight" *before* surgery), how muscular you are, etc. You can't really compare yourself to others, although I know it's hard not to. I wouldn't worry about it at all, though. I'd say 11 lbs for the first two weeks is definitely in the normal range.
  11. OK, this is weird. I'm on week 3... it's next Monday I can start purees. (And FWIW, I'm at the three-week stall, so I'm not weighing myself this week at all.) I am not craving food at all during my waking hours. I've been out for pizza with friends (I had milk), to coffeeshops (milk and herbal tea), watched my family eat Chinese... honestly, cream of chicken Soup tastes about my speed. I wasn't tempted by the pizza or the muffins or whatever. I wasn't hungry for them at all. But I'm dreaming about solid food! I keep dreaming that even though I'm in the liquid phase even in my dream, I eat something and then have to decide what to do about it. Did this happen to anyone else?
  12. You are in the dreaded three week stall that 99% of us went through. In my opinion, there isn't squat you can do about it but ride it out. Your body is in complete control right now, and will be for several months. Further out from surgery? That's when there are things you can do to help stalls along like increasing calories and lowering carbs. This is the time you concentrate on Protein and fluids and just healing up. Go with the flow for now and let it happen. Its not Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. It's major surgery along with a lifestyle change that takes time to ease into. The weight will come off at your body's own pace. Promise.
  13. No game

    Why Am I Not Losing?

    Do a search on "three week stall" You will be amazed....
  14. Shaunie

    Advice for stalls?

    Three months....I'm 4 weeks and I think I'm in a stall. I think I weigh myself to much which is one of my problems. Good luck!!! Sent from my SGH-T999L using the BariatricPal App
  15. jacileggs

    beyond frustrated

    I have found for myself that my weight "stalls" for two or three weeks then drops for several days in a row by several pounds. That's how my body rolls. You will figure out your body's way of dealing as well. It just takes times. Doesn't matter if you weigh every day or not. It just matters that you keep with it and it will come off in the end. It's the frustration that gets us at the inbetween phase.
  16. Welcome. You’re likely experiencing what we call the three week stall which can happen before or after the three week mark. It can last 1- 3 weeks where you have no or minimal weight loss. It’s very common. I like to explain it as just your body taking a breath to come to terms with all the changes - the surgery, chance of diet, decrease in caloric intake, etc. It will pass but you’ll likely experience stalls again while you’re losing. Some people suggest increasing or decreasing your food intake or activity level to try to break it. Some of us just stayed our course & it still broke. Whatever you choose to do you will start to lose again. It’s just part of this weight loss journey. Congrats on your surgery.
  17. I plateaued after week 1. I felt like it was because I was tolerating food so well and started each phase early. My NUT told me yesterday that an early stall is very common and nothing to worry about. He said just to make sure I am getting above 500 cals a day (I'm at 800-900 and he said that's a good number). I also felt like I could eat more than a lot of people here. The consistency of the food matters. When I was on soft and puree I felt like I could eat a lot. Now that I'm eating normal foods I get full extremely fast. I wouldn't worry yet if I were you - just move through the phases and give yourself a month to start losing as I've heard a lot of people stall early on for multiple weeks. It's been three weeks and counting for my stall.
  18. So, I seem to be on a mini stall right at my three month post op mark which seems to be a trend around these parts. I have been losing and gaining the same pound for the last ten days, and my loss for the last 30 days is "only" about 8 pounds. My clothes are getting a wee bit looser but nothing significant. This slow loss certainly isn't what I signed up for when I chose to have WLS because I just knew I was going to be one of those people who loses 20-30 pounds a month, blah blah blah. I've lost more than this on WWs the gazillion times I've done that program. GEEZ LOUISE!!! That said, I am having HUGE mental NSV each and every day!! I am still tracking my food every day even though my efforts aren't being rewarded on the scale. I am still finishing up my 10k steps every day. I am still excited to get on the scale every morning (yes, I am one of THOSE) and I love the number I see even when it goes up .2 or .4 from the day before. And best of all? I can't quit!!! I am no longer able to use my stall as an excuse to eat everything in the fridge. My day is no longer being planned around stopping at my favorite restaurant for those yummy onion rings or most excellent fajitas. I no longer feel the need to plan out each meal in excruciating detail only to blow it all with an unplanned stop for ice cream. (And y'all know THAT deal, once you've blown it for the day, you might as well "start over" tomorrow. Or Monday.) This restriction thing is the BOMB DIGGITY!! I know it won't last forever but I do know it's teaching me to eat the right food first and it's getting me out of the habit of living to eat. I love my sleeve. I know I am still a "honey-mooner" and I don't care!! I am not living for the future, I am living for the now, and I am going to enjoy every single minute of this journey because I want to. Another really cool revelation? (This was something my 15 year old pointed out to me yesterday. Love that girl!!!) We were at a consignment shop yesterday picking out some items to get me through the fall. I made a large stack of tops and with each selection, I would hold it up and ask my kids if I liked this one. (This one? This one?) Finally, my daughter looked at me, told me to PLEASE REALIZE that I am no longer severely limited in my choices because of my size and reminded me that I no longer had to settle on clothes just because they met two criteria - they fit and they weren't hideous. (And OH LORD, as I cleaned out my closet last week, I noted that I missed on that last bit of criteria many times.) The choices I have now are UH-MAY-ZING!!!! Not only can I shop at almost any store, but I actually have to look at the items and figure out what size I am. I might be an XL, I might be a large and kick me in the junk and call me a cheese doodle, but I bought two tops in MEDIUM yesterday. WHUCK!?!?! Granted they were cardigans, but who the funk cares, they were beautiful and they were MEDIUM!!! Oh my good gawd, ladies and gents. I am in heaven. I seriously am.
  19. katesuccess

    9months and weight stall

    Congrats on your success - I was sleeved a month or so later. I also had a terrible and long stall at about 6 months. Of course it makes us frustrated and so i was less vigilant about getting enough water and staying away from chocolate once that stall hit three weeks! Then back on track and started losing again, though more slowly now too. As for water and food - STOP! If you can anyway. It makes a huge difference for many of us. Be sure not to have a glass at your place, or if in a restaurant have the waiter take it away. I know it's more pleasant, but try try to shift away. I find drinking a big glass before my mean (and waiting 5 minutes or so) helps me be less desperately thirsty during the meal too. Good luck - and i hope those last pounds come off soon!
  20. Welcome to the club. My week three stall lasted over two weeks. Just two days ago I started losing again. The odd thing is that I went to a family reunion over the weekend, and for the first time in a month and a half I ate some things I shouldn't have (ice cream, and then some more ice cream...). What's odd about it is that this weekend was the first time in the last two weeks that I have lost weight (four pounds over two days). How the heck does that happen?!!??!!!
  21. Sleeveless in seattle

    Feeling bummed...3 weeks stall...LOST!

    34 lbs in 3 weeks?!?! Of course your body is going to stall. That is a crazy amount to lose even with the surgery! Your body is probably in shock. Don't worry, stick with the plan and it will start coming off again in no time. Just to compare...I started surgery day at 313 (lost 34 lbs before that) and in my first three weeks I lost 9 lbs. I never did have a stall maybe because I lose slower. I'm almost 13 wks out and have lost 43 since surgery.
  22. I have had at least three stalls. I am almost 3 1/2 months out. My last stall was 12 days and it ended today with a 1 pound loss. Stalls happen to almost all of us. My first was at 3 weeks - similar to yours. Even with all the stalls, I have lost 56 pounds and am now in Onederland at 197! Hang in there! Just keep working your surgeon's plan.
  23. TexasMommy80

    April 16th sleeve

    I had VSG on the 16th too! I am down 16 pounds since surgery day, 28 total from the start of the process. I hit the “three week stall” this week, but that is ok. I am supposed to start puréed on Monday but I am traveling for work. I will be living out of a hotel Monday through Thursday for the next two weeks, so I am going to experiment with tiny amounts of puréed foods this weekend. I am so excited to be off of full liquids. I don’t think I will be able to have soup again for months, lol. 🤮🤮🤮 Age: 37 Height: 5’6 Starting BMI: 37 VSG: 4/16/18 Starting Weight: 231 Surgery Weight: 229 Current Weight: 213 (17 days post op) GW: 160 MFP: Fit4LifeAR
  24. Another slow loser here. I am now just under four months post sleeve. The funny thing is though, when I look at the whole big picture of my weight loss I am AMAZED!!!! I started at 203lbs and am down to 162lbs. I recently had a three week stall but things got moving again scale wise a week ago. However, during the stall, my body obviously had a good old sort out and my shape changed and unneeded inches left various parts of my anatomy. I didn't have a say in any of the design ideas at all and just kept walking the dogs and getting my exercise. I'm back wearing jeans again and I threw out all my tracksuit pants the other day. I'm loving this journey and accept that as the weight crept on then it's OK if it creeps off. Keep reading the posts on this site and you won't go far wrong. We're all on the same journey.
  25. CDP1965


    I know what you mean I am 5 weeks post op and I have not lost any thing for two weeks now. I started to get down a little but then come here and read that it is pretty common so I am just doing what I am supposed to do and waiting to start losing again. I have lost 60 lbs in 6 weeks Three weeks before surgery and three weeks after so I am sure that is a big part of my stall. It's all good though I am sure we will start losing again soon

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