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  1. My experience was that it eventually moved. I stalled for over a month at about three weeks after surgery. I stuck to exercising and eating as recommended. Eventually the weight started coming off - 12 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I feel better knowing I always stuck with my plan, and it finally paid off! Keep at it!
  2. Ellie_Grace

    100+ To Loose

    So why do you have to stop exercising? I also have 100 pounds to lose. Surgery was June 7 and the weight is coming off really slowly now. I lost 11 pounds the week before surgery and then about 20 pounds the next two weeks and in the past 3 almost 4 weeks I have lost only 10 pounds. That seems so slow at this point after the surgery. I was led to believe that you lose the most the first two to three months and then it really slows down. So to say the least I am getting worried. If I have already slowed down so drastically how will I ever meet my goal of 145 to 150. I was 261 a week before surgery and 250 on the day of surgery. Today I weigh 221. I keep gaining and a pound or two then stalling for a week and then losing 3 to 4 then gaining and the cycle keeps going. I exercise daily (30 min) and am working on eating 600 calories with the goal of 800. But it is almost impossible to get in the 600 as impossible for the 800. I know other people eat way less and exercise the same yet the pounds fall off, why is my body so stinking screwy? I know slow is better in some ways but mentally it is the hardest. Oh well thanks for letting me vent.
  3. Hey girl. I just had this problem. I was in a stall for about two months, gaining and losing the same two pounds.. so really maintaining my weight. I still had 10 pounds to my final personal goal and I really wanted to reach it by "our" surgiversary. (we are sleeve sisters I think). I went to my NUT and she put me on 20-30 carbs a day--- I was eating an average of 90-100--- last friday. I have lost 4 pounds and it hasnt even been a week yet! I still have almost three weeks til my surgiversary. I feel that i can do this. I am so close! I know I can maintain and live a happy healthy life without dieting once I am in maintenance. I can do this low carb thing for a few weeks to get to my goal of 135. I was 141.5 this morning. Sooooo...... try the 20-30 grams of carbs a day and you will lose the last 10 pounds fairly quickly! Its a little difficult if you have been eating a higher carb diet but its totally doable. She said dont worry about calories. Eat a high protein diet, even all the way up to 120-140 grams if you need to, but carbs must be kept under 30. My calories have been around 700-800 and my protein up in the 70's and 80's. Thats really good for me since I usually was only getting in 60. You can eat as much meat and cheese as you need to feel full so I am not hungry. I just like carby stuff but I can sacrifice that to make goal. I know I will be able to eat more of that as I move into maintenance. I know you can do it too! Come on girl, lets do this thing!
  4. I am in week three (and a stall) approaching my TOM and hormones are flooding my body. I got weepy at a cartoon this morning. I should avoid human contact so someone doesn't try to commit me!
  5. I have lost 91 pounds so far and I am 8 pounds from my goal of 135. I want to be there by my 1 year surgiversay so I am following my NUTs advice and keeping it very low carb for the next three weeks to try to make that goal. I also am in the Labor Day Challenge to try to lose it by then, if I dont sooner.. Hopefully sooner but you never know when a stall will rear its ugly head. I have been strength training and walking this past week and so I hope that pays off too. I am a solid size 6 now, some are a smidge tight but not uncomfortable enough not to wear. That was my Goal Size! I am thrilled to be there! Now on to 4's if that is possible! Woohooo! Come on August Allstars, check in!!!!
  6. Not loving the three week stall..., but I'm okay. Met with my dietician this week and she suggested that I put the scale away till Monday, then weigh once weekly. I can probably make it to Monday, but I don't know about the once a week. Maybe I can compromise w twice weekly? IDK.... I return to work next week and am waiting until then to try on my work clothes. Hoping I'll "feel" my weight loss. I figured feeling it will be better than just a number. Although I admit I do love seeing the numbers when it's descending!!!
  7. Escape_Pod

    Feelin So Hungry

    Oh, and three weeks post-op is a very common time to experience your first stall - your body is in full panic mode! Hang in there, the numbers on the scale will drop again soon!
  8. SouthernDonna45

    I Think I Am A Sleeve Failure!

    I have been "stalled" for over a week now and I'm only 5 weeks out! I have not only stalled but have actually gained three pounds! I have identified the problem as being too much sugar... I drink sweet tea, Apple juice and KoolAid a lot... I don't eat sweets, but I drink them! I just never thought that would make this much difference, but apparently it does! I only just started exercising yesterday so I have a lot of catching up to do! I have to use ice cream to make protein shakes or I can't get them down... calories calories.... I'm sure that's what's doing it, now that I've read all these posts... I feel so stupid... I thought once you're sleeved, no more worries! The weight would have no choice but to come off... how naive is that? I'm ashamed of myself for not thinking about any of this as I was doing it... Glad I am reazliing it now so I can change it...
  9. I had a nine week stall around that point, myself, and another sometime around one year out. There really are "happy weights" where our bodies just don't want to move past a certain point on the scale. It took me a really long time to get past my previous low adult weight. And once I bumped past it, it was a tiny struggle to stay below it, too! Once I was past the 160s it was like my body gave in and dropped a very surprising eight or nine pounds in just one month - something very rare for me. I flew through the 150s, though! I see nothing wrong with the occasional drink but I emphasize OCCASIONAL - especially while in the losing phase. This is not a diet. It really is not a diet. This is the rest of your life, and if you try to live it giving up everything that you enjoy, you're going to lose the weight and be miserable...and likely fall of the wagon and binge, anyway, when all is said and done. The goal here is to learn to eat normally and normal people do not freak out about a piece of bread or a cocktail once in a while. They make small adjustments so that the big pictures if one of 95% good choices to balance the splurges. There are so many things you could do, but the very first thing you need to stop doing is beating yourself up. My recommendation is to track your calories religiously for three days. Do not adjust your current eating habits at all. Just track every little bite you put in your mouth. If you eat three M&Ms, track those suckers! From there you will have a better picture. If you reduce your current caloric intake by 20% and try to eat in a ratio of 40% Protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat for your daily totals, I think that would jump start you again. Maybe you need go back to one Protein shake a day. I like to mix mine with coffee or tea and start my day that way. You definitely need to focus on getting in enough protein and enough carbs. Good luck, ~Cheri
  10. Three weeks or more at the same weight with no fluctuation. It's normal. For me, short stops and starts were the pattern my body made while losing. I lost on average just over 6 pounds a month, with two nine week stalls in there. In a typical month, I'd stay the same weight for a week, gain three pounds around my cycle, and have a sudden drop of several pounds within a four to six day period of time. Nothing I did to my diet made me lose any differently, so I used that time to work on my food issues and learn how to eat normally. Stalls happen. The important thing to remember is that we are all going to lose weight. To not lose the weight you want you would have to eat around your sleeve. That says nothing about how long it will take you, though! Some people lose very quickly and some lose very slowly. Most people are somewhere in the middle. But you will lose. Good luck, ~Cheri
  11. Ok... almost every post I've read someone says the scale stalls around week three. Guess what .... week four for me and the scale hasn't moved for three days! Still sticking to liquids. Any idea why this happens?
  12. I did have the traditional three week stall that many people on here talk about. I went a whole week without losing a pound, and then bam...it picked right back up! No worries carriecat, you will start up again!
  13. DLCoggin

    Protein/food/enough Calories

    28 pounds six weeks out is a great number - congratulations!! 700-800 calories a day may be a little low. RNY is all about lifestyle changes. And lifestyle changes have to be sustainable. Long term sustainable. That's the prime directive. The sustainable test has helped me enormously in making dietary and exercise decisions from the day I had my surgery right up to this minute. I've averaged about 1300 calories a day since October 20, 2011. Two weeks ago and 100+ pounds lighter, the surgeon told me she didn't want me to lose more than an additional ten pounds and to up my calorie intake to 1800. That sounded a little high to me so I'm shooting for 1500. Crazy as it sounds, there are more days than not where I'm finding it very difficult to hit the 1500 mark. I have (I think) a great appetite but I just can't hold that much and I'm truly not t h a t hungry. I am absolutely confident that I could maintain a 1300 calorie average (there are days when I hit 1700-1800) but we'll have to see what happens with the weight. So far it's holding around 170 for the last three weeks. So based on long term sustainability, you might consider upping your calories to say 1000 a day for a month or two and see what happens. Most doctors recommend a weight loss goal of two pounds a week. Gradual calorie increases until you reach that average will take you where you want to go and do it in a healthy manner. Stalls are all part of the process and nothing to worry about. I love your decision to stay away from the scales for a week. Two would be even better! Stalls often last a couple of weeks but sometimes more. Stay focused on following the protocol, stay active and stay away from the scales as much as you can! You're gonna love the new you and congratulations again on a great start!!
  14. The three week stall is normal and expected. Normal stalls are at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and so on. The thing to do to help break them is to UP your calories and exercise. When we eat so small a number of calories, our bodies go into starvation mode and slow our metabolism as much as possible. Exercise helps combat that. And you need to eat a little more (especially protein) when you are going to be exercising. Realize that you didn't gain this weight at a rate of 30 pounds a month, so it's not going to come off at that rate either. Also realize that the weight is coming off. And this time, it is gone forever! So even if it's not as fast as you like (believe me, I'm in the same boat), just sit back and enjoy the ride. This time next year you will be MUCH smaller!
  15. Hi cissie.... I will be 4 weeks post-op on Monday. I have been stalled for almost 2 weeks as well. I lost over 30 lbs the first 2 weeks post op now NOTHING. I read ALL about the week 2 and week 3 stalls post-op when I was getting ready for surgery - but there's still no way to prepare for this frustration! If you do a search in the forums here for "week three stall" - you will gets lots of results. It's very common at this point in our journey - but it sure doesn't make it any less stressful. I know better than to doubt my sleeve's ability because of this but I still do! I've only been eating 300-500 cals a day too. Protein first, getting all my fluids in, etc. I know I am doing everything right, now just have to allow my body the time it needs to adjust and try to keep my sanity!
  16. kiki19

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    I went on a tomato binge...I put tomatoes in everything. Rolled up turkey slices, a little lettuce with tomatoes sliced in my food processor (which makes them real thin), something about the tomatoes really fill you up. I have heard other people talk about watermelon, and I haven't tried that yet, but I bet it is the same effect as tomatoes. I have had a couple of grapes. Those weren't too bad. Don't really like bananas with my sleeve. I always hated water, now I love water...especially if it is soured with some lemon...I think I am right at 40 pounds lost, and my three month mark is next Tuesday. My 3-month dr visit is on the 16th. I wanted to be at 50 by then, but I am not so sure I am going to make that...but, I am not disappointed in what I have lost. And this two-week stall could throw off ten pounds by then. Who knows? I just wanted to congratulate you on your 89 pound loss...and say thanks for the encouraging words.
  17. HopeThruFaith

    Any Of You Girls...

    I ONLY lose after it goes away. That means I have a three week stall EVERY month and then lose 10-15 lbs that last week of the month. It's weird but my nutritionist said it wasnt uncommon.
  18. How in the hell do you gain three pounds overnight? I had a two week stall and finally droped four pounds when I weighed on Tuesday morning (yes I got on the scales twice to make sure I read it right), so this morning I thought maybe check this one more time since the last two weeks were horrible with no loss at all. Yesterday I had a protein shake, 1/2 of a pork chop maybe a quarter cup, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and Mousaka for dinner, maybe 8 oz and yest it was to much had the worst pain I have ever felt in my life andmy GERD kicked in real good, but I hadn't had it in forever and I love eggplant. I had three sugar free ice pops throughout the day as well. I did not get in all my water though because of the pain asscoiated with dinner. I have been fanatical about what I have been eating and I walk almost every single day no matter what, last night was not my usual walk but up and down the street on the local main st of town. Its about a quarter mile from one end to the other and I made sure to get as many trips up and down the road as possible before the rains came. Its bad enough to be losing so slow but now it seems that I am doing something wrong or I am just doomed to be a fat cow forever at this point. Anyone else ever have this happen?
  19. A weight loss plateau or stall is a temporary cessation of weight loss that can happen at any point in your weight loss surgery journey and can last days, weeks, or months. Plateaus happen to almost everybody sooner or later (no matter what means they're using to lose weight), no matter how hard they work at weight loss. Why do plateaus happen even when we’re doing all the right things? The human body wants to preserve itself. It fights weight loss by adapting the metabolism to accommodate decreased calorie intake and/or increased calorie output. The body's new plan of attack is multi-pronged: increase calorie intake by making you hungrier (so you eat more), use less energy to accomplish physical activity (so you burn fewer calories) and hold on to stored fat (so it can use it for energy). I think plateaus often happen because we're in a rut. So even if you believe you're doing all the right things in terms of diet, exercise, and mental or emotional effort - try changing them. If nothing else, it will prevent boredom and help you feel that you're taking positive action instead of being a victim of fate. Here are some things you can try to shake up your routine. Change the intensity, duration, frequency and type of exercise you're doing, so your body doesn't become too efficient at burning calories when you work out. Don't neglect strength training - muscle burns far more calories than fat does. Don't over-train - take one day off exercise a week. Plan all your meals (the "how much" as well as the "what"). Weigh and measure your food before you put it on your plate. Log your food intake - you might be surprised to see what and how much you're really eating. Try calorie shifting: vary your calories - eat 1200 one day, 900 the next, and so on, to keep your body guessing. Eat 3 small meals and 3 healthy snacks a day instead of 3 meals a day. Increase your water intake. Decrease your sodium intake. Don't weigh yourself every day - switch to once a week. Don't skip breakfast. By the way, if you weigh yourself every day and think that no weight loss for three days running is a plateau, you're going to have a long journey ahead of you. Get off that scale, now! I have one more suggestion that you probably won't want to hear: CULTIVATE PATIENCE. No, it's not one of my virtues, either. Give it a try anyway.
  20. You have just shocked the poo out of your system. Give your body time to figure things out and readjust and find a new "normal." I lost ZERO the first week after surgery, then very little the second. At three weeks I hit a SIX week stall. Then I started blasting right on through all of it. Everyone IS different, so do not compare your progress so much with others. If you are following your guidelines, it WILL work. It will happen. Don't freak out on us! Drink, drink, drink. It's hot out there!
  21. RickM


    Yep, it's the dreaded three week stall, which commonly occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of most any serious weight loss effort. This article http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html provides a great explanation of what's happening and why. You will also probably notice that after you break this initial stall, that your weight loss will be somewhat slower as well - and this really is good news. The initial weight loss comes from your quick access energy reserves of glycogen (basically carbs,) which burn at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound, while your longer term energy reserves of fat that you will be drawing from after the glycogen stores are depleted, burn at a slower rate of around 3500 calories per pound - but it's the fat that we're trying to get rid of so that slowdown means that we're really doing what we are here to do! I never really stalled at this point, or any other for that matter, possibly because I never went seriously low carb on my diet as many do, so I never went as seriously into the glycogen deprevation mode as some (tho that is somewhat speculative,) but my loss certainly slowed down at that three week mark. Good luck and happy losing!
  22. Aimee480


    I had the sleeve on June 14th and have also his a stall. I went in for my two week post op appoitment and was told that this is normal. I also attend a support group for WLS patients and everybody said they his a three week stall. Some folks said it lasts a short time and for others it was a couple of weeks. Everyone gave the same advice, take your measurements. My thought on all of this is that I am 26 lbs down and happy. I never want to go back. Good luck, you'll get through this.
  23. Newfoundlove

    How Do You Define A Stall?

    Yes, that's how my NUT defines it. I don't see it as harsh personally, and I honestly don't have an issue with a stall either. But, I might feel differently if I had a stall for three weeks. I am no longer weighing daily because I did have days where I went up a pound or two (discovered that sodium in beef jerkey really makes me retain water). No I weigh every Wednesday, so I had two weeks with not a pound loss but didn't sweat it. Measurements did change those two weeks and I'm doing everything correctly so I know I'll lose what I need to eventually. I'm also over 50 years of age, so I expect the weight to come off a little slower and I'm okay with that too.
  24. Newfoundlove

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    Generally for the first two or three weeks you are going to be swollen and retain fluids some so you may not see huge amounts of weight come off. I actually gained almost 15 pounds in surgery but it was gone a week later along with a few pounds. I'm eight weeks out and have lost 26 pounds since surgery (the rest of my weightloss so far was pre-surgery diet) so I'm losing 2-3 pounds a week and have had a couple of one-week stalls.
  25. txchickinla

    Having A Stall.....help

    My stall was at week three for 3 weeks! Most people have one early on.

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