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Found 3,907 results

  1. magnificent2015

    6 month stall / plateau

    So I was sleeved on January 6th, I'm approaching my 6 month surgeriversary in three days. My starting weight the day of surgery was 303 pounds, so i've lost about 94 pounds. Since about 6/25 I've been stalled, fluctuating between 208 & 210. I've heard of a dreaded 6 month stall and I'm not quite sure what I can do to kick my weight loss back into high gear. On any given day I can eat between 500-1000 calories. It honestly depends on how much restriction I have on the particular day. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am also fairly active and workout for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours a few times per week if my schedule permits. I also stick to eating a keto-based diet and try tostay away from carbs as much as possible and I try to get at minimum 60grams of protein in per day.
  2. GmaPam

    May 19th Sleevers

    I am so discouraged! I had my gastric sleeve on May 20th and initially lost 34 pounds, now I have started gaining weight. I started eating solid food a week ago and this is the second week that I have gained. I drank two protein shakes a day the first three weeks but they make me really sick so I am trying to get my protein from food. I just realized there is something called a three week stall, apparently I have been on it for two weeks and going downhill. What can I do to reverse this set back? I really appreciate any help I can get.
  3. Inner Surfer Girl

    Three week stall - weight gain?

    Small daily weight fluctuations are common. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience slow downs and stalls. And, as you were expecting, most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. Getting a massage is a great idea. I love massages. Part of my lymphedema treatment includes twice daily compression treatments. I also schedule periodic full body massages. Just focus on following your program. Get in all of your fluids and Protein. Take your Vitamins and supplements. Exercise when cleared. And, Embrace the Stall! Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  4. Inner Surfer Girl

    Weight loss wall! Any advice?

    Stalls are a normal, necessary, and natural part of the process of weight loss. Most folks e peri emcee their first stall somewhere about three weeks after surgery. Just focus on getting in all your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed and exercise. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  5. Mrs_O

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was the 27th. Been on soft foods since Monday. Still having trouble with liquids and protien! It's a struggle to even eat during the days but I am currently loving scrambled eggs, low fat string cheese sticks and these nifty little pretzel packs with cheese dip. Mashed potatoes went down fine but didn't taste good for some reason. I'm in he dreaded three week stall I believe while my body is adjusting to foods again. Believe it or not I think I am not putting enough in!
  6. Inner Surfer Girl

    How did you lose weight?

    None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs. We all stall and most of us experience our first stall about three weeks post-op. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  7. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery (about 24 days). I'm in the three week stall and I am ok. Am I struggling with Water and Protein? Yes. Am I not getting enough sleep? Yes. Am I exhausted and not getting my daily exercise in? Yes. Am I depressed? No. Why? Because I adjust, I do better each day. Each day I push myself. If there is something that is outside the scope of what I should be eating I throw it out. I don't put it away for later, I just chuck it out. I added strength training (resistance) to my routine and I know I'm retaining water because of it. Instead of having a melt down I will continue with the light resistance training 3x a week. Why? Because it makes me feel better: stronger, healthier, like I'm advancing. When I weighed in this morning my weight was UP (and I wanted to freak out but I didn't). I know it is because of water retention (and lack of water). My rational brain is fighting to keep me calm. I couldn't sleep well last night but I woke up and came here to read and find solace in the community. And though sleepy I found reason to keep taking steps forward. Even though it nauseates me in the mornings I'm working on my water. I had a tsp of Peanut Butter and am working on a Protein shake right now. I am separated from my significant other and I slid on my water and protein focus because of that last week. Also, I have been stressed and so my body is holding on to everything; I can feel it (isn't that a funny thing?). But still, I nap when I find the relaxation and I wake up ready to keep going. Now, I have resistance bands at home and my treadmill arrives tomorrow. I watched weight of the nation last night and I didn't feel like such a failure. Just another warrior on this path with the rest of you. I forgot myself in the fog of my sadness: I forgot I am not alone, I forgot that this is not a journey of days but of months and years. And so, even though I am tired, hope wakes here. Thank you. Because of all of you and the strength you show; because of all of you and the weakness we share; because I took the leap off the cliff and it is time to trust my wings and fly. As I ponder the struggles of this journey I keep reminding myself: no matter if you trip or stumble, just get up, keep going, hope remains.
  8. tiffanykj

    wheres the loss

    Im 9 weeks in.... Since my surgery I have struggled with 3lbs. I will lose a lot and then stall an go up and down three pounds then I will lose. Then I will do it again... Up and down 3lbs. I asked a lady that had the surgery and she said to drink lots of water bc she does the same. I know you said you get sick, but I did what she said and it worked. I know everyone is different though. Just a tip for you. Good luck!
  9. syd5195


    I had my surgery o the 18th of Sept and have lost 60 lbs. But, the last three weeks not an ounce. I had a three week stall. Has anyone had a four month stall!?
  10. Lander


    What is a stall? How long does it last and how do I break it? A stall is a point at which the scale stops moving for a period of time. The length of the stall varies from a few days to a few weeks and sometimes a few months. Non VSG’ers typically call it a plateau. Stalls are perfectly normal and to be expected. As we lose weight so dramatically, our bodies need time to catch up physically - this typically happens during a stall. While the scale may not be moving, you may notice an increase in compliments. This is because while the number on the scale isn’t getting any smaller, you are physically getting smaller. There are many tips and tricks for breaking a stall (increase your fluids and Protein, increase your activity, up your calories…) but the reality is it will break on its own. I am three and half weeks out and have had 2 stalls already. Rather than panicking, I tend to welcome them as I understand their purpose. I think of it this way: Only you can see the progress on the scale as the numbers drop. Others can see the progress of your body changing that comes from a stall. It has it's perks. Good luck.
  11. JamieLogical


    Welcome to the "Dreaded Week 3 Stall". I would estimate at least 95% of WLS patients experience a stall right around three weeks post op. If you do a search on these forums, you will see HUNDREDS of posts complaining about the same thing. You are not doing anything wrong. Get your Water in. Get your Protein in. Take your Vitamins. Walk several times a day. The weight will start coming off again when it's good and ready. In the mean time, your body is just adjusting and adapting to the major shock it's been through with the surgery, healing, and drastically reduced calorie intake.
  12. kyllfalcon

    Pre-Op And A Stall. What?

    Are you talking about Monday and Tuesday of THIS week? I wouldn't consider two or three days of no loss a stall at all. I'm sleeved, 8 weeks out. Some days I lose a few ounces, every now and then I lose a pound overnight but not often, and sometimes there is no loss for several days. I'll bet almost everyone experiences something similar. Seems to be just the way it works.
  13. Follow your surgical team's plan. Do a search in these forums for "three week stall" and realize that the first month is not about weight loss but about your body healing. If you look at two months out nobody is still stalled and everyone loses significant weight. This is not the time to start changing your diet. This is time to follow the instructions and stop weighing yourself more than once a week.
  14. I'm only two months out but I hit a three week stall after the 3rd week!! I call it my condensing stage! Haha I lost so much so fast my body needs to readjust itself! I wasn't losing pounds but I was shrinking!
  15. deecc26


    I was sleeved the same day and have not lost for about 10 days now. I think we are just stalled. I am trying not to get worked up about it. I try to only weigh myself once a week but it ends up about three times.
  16. Hi there! I'm approaching my third week and I haven't lost weight in three days. I have heard about a stall on the third week but I'm wondering what I can do about it. Does anyone have any advice? Did this happen to any of you? Please advise! Thank you! ????
  17. shellyd88


    Wow your only 6 days out and you want to eat those things? It's kind of surprising that u feel like you want that now I did feel some hunger but not for that kind of stuff it's so early yet your really swollen inside it's going to be a process to work up to regular foods again it took me a couple of months before I ate anything that I'd eaten before and then only a couple bites and I was full I'm almost 6 months out from sleeve surgery I can eat pretty much anything I want just a small amount however I'm realizing that when I eat things like bread I seem to not lose as much and I had a stall for the first time where I stayed the same for three weeks then the next week went up a 1lb I went to a BBQ one weekend and ate some things I don't usually have but I was pisssed!!!! (I almost took a sledge hammer to that scale) then then next week went down seven lbs u will get to eat normally again I promise I know this sucks right now but it will get better just remember this surgery is a tool not a miracle that allows you to eat whatever you want without consequences
  18. findingnish

    Weight loss and liquids

    As far as I am concerned, the numbers on the scale are pretty irrelevant until you can reliably get in your protein and fluids every day. Getting enough protein and fluids is critical for healing and for weight loss. That said, none of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls and slow downs and almost everyone has a stall about three weeks after surgery. Weight gain in the first week of surgery is usually because of the IV fluids and swelling (you did just have major surgery). Just follow your program. Focus on getting in at least 64 oz of Fluid and reaching your protein target. Take your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall My protein target is 60-70 grams of pro mod liquid Protein. Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App
  19. Hi friends, A bit upset and sad. I’m at day 20 since my VSG and have only lost two lbs since April 3rd. I’m eating the 800-1000 calories my doctor asked of me but I’m not losing any weight. I feel like I’m doing something wrong or made a mistake. I lost 20lbs in the first 9 days but now I’m at a standstill. I’ve heard of the 2nd or 3rd week stall but 10 days sounds a bit much. I’m starting to wonder if I made a mistake. It’s really getting to me. I hear of all these people getting full after three bites of food and I’m not one of them. I’m constantly hungry and snacking on the meals I’m allowed to have Please help I’m really going through it right now. Mark
  20. jess9395

    1st week weight loss

    Everyone is different! Lots of things in play. Did you do a pre op diet? If you lost weight pre op your first week post op won't be a high because you already lost the big Water weight drop people often lose the first week of any diet. I lost an amazing amount my first week (17lbs) but I didn't have a pre op diet, even so my doc said at my one week follow up not to trust that loss and not to stress if it went up. It didn't, but I hit the "three week stall" right after at two weeks while my body caught up. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  21. Dooter

    What The?

    Oh yes. I stalled at three weeks and it lasted for SIX WEEKS! Yuck!! It was frustrating, but just keep doing all the right things and you will keep losing.
  22. I've been really lucky and only had a really hard emotional time for about two days about a week and a half post op. I believe I'm smack in the middle of the dreaded 3week stall. I'm so grateful that, although everyone gets sick of hearing about it, everyone still posts about it. I feel like it's just par for the course thanks to this app. I'm sure this has been posted before but can some of you share some stats? What I'd like to see is; how many calories consumed daily at about 3, 4, 6.. etc. weeks out... how many lbs lost per week at same intervals... how long did your three week stall last? ** also wondering ig October sleevers want to share MFP user names? Mine is Seela13. Thanks!
  23. Rev Me Up!

    My first plateau

    Hi All, I am 4 months out and have exactly 20 pounds to go before goal. I can say that, up until now, it has been pretty easy. I was eating as much as I could to get in the Protein and my restriction has kept me in check. Now I have hit my first stall and it isn't a secret as to why. Three things have happened in the last couple of weeks: 1) eating has gotten more comfortable. 2) boredom eating has returned. 3) I was prescribed one-time medication that kept me from going to the bathroom (you know what I mean) for 7 days. So let me address them one by one... 1) eating has gotten more comfortable. I knew it would happen sooner or later. What used to take 20 minutes of careful chewing now goes down in 5 minutes of fairly thorough chewing. Big difference. The discomfort really helped. I have found more foods that slide right through (shrimp chips are NOT ALLOWED in the house ever again!!). Now I have to re-focus my efforts on sticking with the stuff that is harder to eat and fills me up faster. I still love chicken, and that helps :-) 2) Boredom eating. I didn't realize it until yesterday, but I can eat every hour if I want to. When I am bored, that's what I do. My portions are small, but I can eat more often and I have a mental drive that pushes me to snack when I am bored. Bad. Really bad. I need to go back through what I am eating, pre-portion what I can have for the day, put it in a bag and have the determination to only eat what I have set aside for myself. its actually really easy when I am having a normal, somewhat stimulating day. But, lately, work has been unbelievably boring and I am straying off the path. The sleeve is still working for me because I don't really get hungry. It's my mind exploiting the fact that it is physically possible for me to eat!!!!! That's going to be tough... 3) The meds. Ugh! It was a one day thing (thankfully) but I still am feeling really bloated and haven't quite gotten back on schedule. I've been missing my daily oatmeal for various reasons and I am sure that's not helping. However this problem is a temporary one. I feel like I am going through a transition time with my sleeve. The eating comfort has changed and now I really have to dig deep to keep making healthy choices. Overall, it is not that hard. The sleeve is still doing what it has promised to do. It's the initial choice that I have to stay on top of. I need something else to do / think / say when I get bored so I don't immmediately go to the kitchen. Also, if I do go for a snack, if I grab some cold roasted chicken, I can really curb the rest of the craving. It's all about choices. What can I say... I am a work in progress.
  24. reree6898

    Week 2 and no weight loss

    Weight Loss is never consistent. I have never heard the pound a day for three months theory before. Today marks 8 weeks out for me and I've lost 40 lbs. there will be stalls and times of rapid loss. Just sick to what your dr and nut have directed you to do and you will do fine.
  25. cat17

    Stuck in a rut

    I am having the same problem. Surgery 11/7, SW 240 and I've been hovering at 215 for about two weeks. I think this is the "three week stall that has been written about a lot. There is even a sub-forum called "Don't sweat the stall stuff". Take a look at the threads there, it will help. Basically stick with your program--we're too early on to have had drinks, bread, or sugar. You're body will "adjust" to your very fast weight loss and begin losing again when it's ready.

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